The post-00 principal took over, and students all over the network went crazy

Chapter 161 Chapter 161: Highly educated, able to endure hardships

Chapter 161 Chapter 161: Highly educated, able to endure hardships
The sixth applicant is a young and beautiful girl.

She looks tall, but her words are a bit restrained: "Hello principal, hello leaders."

"I am someone from Building No. 25, from Chang City, Northern Province. I am [-] years old."

"Master's degree graduate from Beijing Normal University."

"I want to apply for an English teacher job."

As she spoke, she presented the relevant certificates she had prepared in advance: "This is my CET-[-] certificate and some honorary certificates I earned during school."

The sixth applicant is a fresh graduate from a remote rural area in Sichuan Province.

I just graduated this year and walked out of campus, so I can clearly see the youthfulness of college students and the restraint that many rural children have.

Although she has a very good-looking face, she gives people a pleasing feeling.

But it was clear from his behavior that she wasn't very confident.

Therefore, her clothes are relatively simple and her appearance is relatively well-behaved.

He is completely different from the confident and fashionable English teachers you see in school.

After Zhang Yun listened to the self-introduction of the sixth applicant, he nodded with satisfaction.

Faced with this kind of applicant who came from the countryside, had a perverse appearance, and wore simple clothes, for some reason, he had a natural liking for him.

It seems that the older generation of educators prefer this type.

It gives people the feeling of being honest, honest, down-to-earth and reliable.

Zhang Yun looked at the resume and various certificates in his hand, with a satisfied smile on his face.

He asked: "You studied at Beijing Normal University."

"There is a lot of pressure in your hometown to get into higher education. So what score did you get in the college entrance examination?"

The sixth applicant did not expect that Zhang Yunhui would ask about his scores in the college entrance examination.

As we all know, Beijing Normal University is a key university directly under the Ministry of Education, with the teaching profession being the most prominent.

In the past five years, the minimum score for admission to the teaching profession has never been lower than 580.

The most difficult one was the year she was in.

The sixth applicant could not remember the specific score, and he did not expect that the school would ask about the score of the college entrance examination that year.

She thought about it carefully and could only answer honestly and worriedly: "More than 630 points..."

"I don't quite remember the exact number of points."

[I have already graduated from Beijing Normal University with a master's degree. Why do you still ask me about my college entrance examination scores? 】

[Wow, with a score of over 600, you are a real academic master. No wonder you can get a master's degree. 】

[Fair complexion, good looks, high education, standard for English teachers.It's just that this beauty is not very confident, and her clothes are a bit ordinary, which ruins her skin and good figure. 】

[It’s a bit inappropriate to dress up so exaggeratedly when applying. Maybe after being admitted, you will become the fashionable English teacher we often see. 】

[I think so. People who can buy houses in Sichuan Province have rich families. 】

More than 630 points, this score is already very outstanding.

Zhang Yun nodded approvingly and did not argue with her about her mistake.

Zhang Yun also knew something about the teaching profession at Beijing Normal University.

To be able to score such a high score seems to be someone who can endure hardships.

After all, their school has extended the class time, and people who can't endure hardship may not be able to adapt.

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Yuncai continued the interview.

He began to ask about the family situation of the sixth applicant: "You are from Northern Province, which is quite far away from Sichuan Province."

"Are you planning to live here permanently? Where is your family?"

The sixth applicant replied: "My parents have bought a house in Sichuan Province and will settle in Sichuan Province in the future." "Yes!" Zhang Yun continued with satisfaction: "Since you have chosen to apply for our school, I believe you will apply in advance I’ve definitely done my homework and have a more or less understanding of what kind of school we are.”

"Let's just say it."

"Working here can be very hard, are you okay with that?"

With almost no pause for thought, the sixth applicant immediately replied: "I can endure hardship!"

Before I was admitted to college, my family's conditions were not good. I lived in a rural area and had to ride a bicycle for half an hour to get to school every time.

After entering college, her parents' business improved a little, but she still lived frugally and maintained her love of learning. She was the hardest working person in the dormitory.

Although she can't compare with people who are very hard-working, she feels that she can endure hardship.

Hearing this answer, Zhang Yun was quite satisfied. He tilted his head to indicate to HR that he could continue with the interview.

After receiving the signal, the personnel department began formal interviews with teachers.

"Next, we're going to ask you three questions," he said.

"You don't have to answer uniformly like in an exam. We just ask one question and you answer one."

The sixth applicant nodded: "Okay."

The question was asked by a female teacher: "First, the first question."

“Why do students prefer subjects?”

After hearing the question clearly, the sixth applicant thought for a moment and then began to answer: "There are many factors for students to choose subjects, but interest and attitude are the most important..."

After more than a minute of narration, several people nodded with satisfaction.

The female teacher continued to ask the next two questions, and the sixth applicant's answer was also recognized by several interviewers.

After the basic Q&A session ended, the personnel continued: "Next is the simulation lecture."

"Since your major is English, please feel free to tell a paragraph."

The person pointed at a stack of books on the table and said, "There are English books for various grades on the table here. You can just pick a passage and speak."

"If you have prepared courseware, you can use the computer on the podium."

Teacher interviews and simulated lectures are essential.

The simulated classroom is mainly used to roughly assess whether the candidates have the basic qualities and skills required for the teaching position, and plays a preliminary screening role.

Usually a complete lesson is not taught, usually ten to 15 minutes is enough.

Sixth applicant: "Okay."

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Generally speaking, there are two situations when schools set topics for simulated classes.

One is a proposition-based trial lecture of designated courses and designated chapters.

The other is a free-style trial lecture that specifies courses but does not specify chapters.

Relatively speaking, applicants naturally prefer the second option.

Not only can you prepare in advance, but you can also prepare clips that you are good at.

The sixth applicant is thankful that he is relatively lucky.

She reorganized her thoughts and went to the table to find the books she had used to prepare lessons.

Returned to the podium again and started his own trial lecture.

The sixth candidate got into the mood quickly, and the 10 minutes of the trial lecture passed quickly.

Her "performance" in the simulated classroom is very real, and she has clear and novel teaching ideas.

(End of this chapter)

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