The post-00 principal took over, and students all over the network went crazy

Chapter 112 Chapter 112: I can’t bear to see the school being dirty

Chapter 112 Chapter 112: I can’t bear to see the school being dirty

[Isn’t it?Is the relationship director the final boss?The principal and the others didn't say anything, but the director still wanted to scold them? 】

[No. [-] Middle School is not a duplicitous school.Please comment rationally, but don't be as impulsive as the deputy director. 】

The students were still a little confused by the director's accusation. They didn't know what kind of trouble he meant by "getting into trouble."

But since the director said he got into trouble, he must have gotten into trouble.

When they did something wrong, they lowered their heads and waited to be lectured.

The director looked at them with aggrieved expressions, and actually couldn't bear to talk to them.

Students are just eager to learn. How could they know the serious consequences of using student labor in schools?

And after the students’ explanations, the expressions of several inspectors clearly didn’t take it seriously.

Don't let this little thing chill the students' hearts.

So, the director said to them: "Forget it, it's a good thing that you love to study."

"It can be considered as making up for it."

"Okay, it's not a big problem. I'll go back on time for physical education class."

[This seems to be the dean!This is the first time I have seen such a gentle dean, unlike the tigress in our school! 】

[The Mediterranean director of our school is even more vicious!I envy the amiable director of No. [-] Middle School! 】

Several students were still in a state of confusion. They looked at the director's leaving figure and nodded: "Oh!"

When the director followed the team, they had already entered the teaching building and were ready to check the health conditions inside the teaching building.

Director Peng glanced at the record sheet in the female inspector's hand and found that there was nothing wrong with it.

He said: "No problems were found outdoors, and there are even two places that are worthy of learning by other schools."

Su Jing: "Director Peng thanks you for the award."

Qi Tianzhong also looked at the record sheet: "I didn't expect to do better than last semester."

“I feel like there will be more surprises next time I come back.”

The two directors kept praising him, and Wang Jun had to feel proud again: "No matter where you are. This is all the credit of our students."

"Students in our school prefer cleanliness and don't like the school being dirty."

"Even if there is garbage, they don't need us to tell them and they will take care of it themselves."

The male inspection was somewhat surprising at the students' awareness.

But I still couldn't help but ask: "The health inspection was notified to all schools last Friday. Most schools have arranged general cleaning in advance. Has No. [-] Middle School been cleaned?"

Wang Jun replied: "I had thought about it that way."

"But after looking at it, I feel that there is no need to waste everyone's study time on cleaning."

Feeling that his answer might cause prosecutors to misunderstand that China does not pay attention to hygiene, he explained: "Of course, it does not mean that hygiene is not taken seriously."

"It's quite clean, and cleaning is unnecessary."

Today's health inspection made Wang Jun very proud.

Let everyone truly feel what is meant by 'the school is my home, and the environment depends on everyone'.

He said it in front of people in the live broadcast room, and the audience testified that Yizhong was not exaggerating at all.

The two directors were a little surprised that the outdoor hygiene could be kept so clean without any special cleaning.

As soon as other schools received the notice of inspection, they had already called on all teachers and students in the school to clean up.

Even though No. [-] Middle School knew it was going to be inspected, it acted as normal.

They had no doubt about what Wang Jun said.

Su Jing felt that Wang Jun was suddenly on the road today.

If Su Jing said these things himself, he would be embarrassed.It's fine now. While Wang Jun was proud of himself, he also praised his decision-making.

The more Su Jing thought about it, the more pleased he became. He smiled and led them to continue checking the hygiene of the teaching building.

Sichuan Province is located in the south, and the design of the teaching building is a combination of Chinese culture and modern aesthetics.

Most of the school's teaching buildings have open-air corridors and many open corridors, which make them more beautiful in appearance.

At the same time, it can better meet the needs of the humid and hot climate in the south.

The small trees, grass and other green plants in the corridor also make the school's teaching building more vital and create a more beautiful educational environment.

In addition, the 1.5-meter-high footings are built with ceramic tiles.

The ceramic tiles are still white, which is the least stain-resistant color.

Even so, there are no stains on the tiles and they are spotless.

There are classified trash cans at both ends of the corridor on each floor.

There is much more garbage inside than outside, but there is still no smell.

Even the classrooms that I passed by were bright and bright inside.

In addition, there is a pot of green plants placed opposite the door of each class, which looks very beautiful.

Under the sunshine in the afternoon, the students listened attentively to the teachers' impassioned lectures, which seemed particularly warm.

Even Lei Ying, who had always had a problem with Su Jing, couldn't help but praise: "I don't know why, but the campus atmosphere of No. [-] Middle School seems to be more pleasing to the eye."

Qi Tianzhong smiled and said: "You are convinced before even checking the canteen?"

Lei Ying was speechless.

If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!

Not surprisingly, walking down the fifth floor of the teaching building, it can only be described as perfect.

The female inspector looked at the advantages written down on the record sheet and nodded repeatedly: "After seeing so many schools, I feel that the environment in No. [-] Middle School is much fresher."

[As a northerner, I have seen the open-air balconies of No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] Middle School, but No. [-] Middle School is still better.It gave me a feeling of being in a dreamland. 】

[I heard something, I saw a comment before: The teaching buildings in the south are suitable for secret love, while the teaching buildings in the north are suitable for assassinations! 】

[Thanks to No. [-] Middle School for allowing me to witness the campus idol drama with my own eyes. 】

Everyone took the elevator from the fifth floor to the first floor. Several male compatriots wore sun hats, and several female compatriots held umbrellas and walked towards the cafeteria.

The last stop today is canteen hygiene.

When I arrived at the cafeteria, I pushed open the door and felt a blast of cool breeze.

The group of people suddenly felt physically and mentally relaxed.

Yang Chaoyue, who had been following the photoshoot, couldn't help but sigh: "It's cool!"

She was already familiar with the layout of the cafeteria, but she still felt that the first impression it gave people was that it was luxurious.

The people who inspected the team had naturally seen the canteen on the live broadcast, but it was very different from what it looked like to the naked eye.

The live broadcast lens can only capture a corner of the picture at a time, and even if it takes a panoramic view, it cannot reflect all of it.

But now, when people stand at the door and look in, it is clean and bright, giving people a high-end and classy feeling.

The right color combination not only fits the image of the school, but also makes people feel comfortable.

The space layout is reasonable, and different dining areas are designed according to different dining groups.

Make the canteen more user-friendly.

Some decorations that are consistent with the school's image were also added appropriately, which played a finishing touch.

Make the canteen more lively and interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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