Chapter 215 The Saurons

After discussion, Yongzheng finally decided to dispatch 3 frontier troops from the northwest frontier to return reinforcements.

Among them, there are 12000 Eight Banners soldiers and 18000 chariot battalions.

In addition, an additional 8800 Sauron troops were dispatched from Shengjing.

Sauron soldiers, the ace troops of the Qing Dynasty.

It does not generally refer to a certain ethnic group, but includes the three ethnic tribes of Oroqen, Ewenki and Daur.

Like the Green Camp, it almost undertook most of the Qing Dynasty's military wars.

The Sauron people first came into contact with the Manchu Qing Dynasty during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, when Nurhachi had just established Houjin.

At the same time, the Sauron tribe also produced a powerful figure named Bomu Bogor.Because the Heilongjiang River Basin is rich in water and grass resources and dense forests, he led his people to develop here.

While hunting, they farmed and herded, and gradually developed into a large and powerful tribe among the tribes in Heilongjiang. Yakesa, Asajin, Ulusu, etc. were all their cities.

Then, Nurhachi died, Huang Taiji established the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and various tribes in Heilongjiang came to pay tribute in fear of Huang Taiji's majesty. At that time, Bomu Boguoer also went, but he was not respectful.

This made Huang Taiji very dissatisfied, and a conflict broke out between the two sides.The two sides fought for half a year, and Bomubogor relied on the city of Yaksa to defend, but was eventually defeated by the Qing soldiers due to being outnumbered. At this point, the Sauron tribe was conquered by Huang Taiji and incorporated into the Eight Banners.

Huang Taiji knew very well that his victory was all due to the strength of numbers and the lack of unity among the Sauron people. He even said: "The soldiers of Shengjing are not as good as the soldiers of Sauron and Dahu (Or)."

Starting from Huang Taiji, in order to maintain the wildness and combat effectiveness of the Sauron people, the Manchu Qing Dynasty not only did not allow Sauron soldiers to live together with other soldiers to avoid being contaminated with "lazy bad habits".

Agricultural production is not allowed to get involved. There is a clear record in "Qing Shi Lu": "The Sauron people cannot be allowed to specialize in farming, for fear that they will forget their own business over time, which will be of no benefit to the frontier."

During the Qing Dynasty, the Sauron people had always been treated as tribute minks and soldiers as hunters.

The Manchu and Qing royal families even required that Sauron people must start practicing riding and shooting at the age of seven or eight, and start hunting martens for the Manchu and Qing court at the age of 15, and even go hunting across the Waixing'an Mountains.

Speaking of which, something interesting happened here. The Saurons were just a pure cold weapon tribe at the beginning.In the Yongzheng Dynasty, in order to deal with foreign enemies, Yongzheng began to spend money to equip the Sauron people with fire guns and teach them how to play.

As a result, after Qianlong ascended the throne, Mulan hunted, and the Sauron people carried the fire blunderbuss issued by his father Yongzheng to participate.

Qianlong was furious when he saw it.

"Records of Emperor Gaozong Chun of the Qing Dynasty" records: "The use of bows and arrows for hunting is an old rule in the past, and it should be practiced diligently. Kuang Suolun and others are all beast hunters, so they should be good at bows and arrows. Therefore, they have always been among the elite soldiers, especially among the elite soldiers. Be quick with your hands. If you want to catch an animal easily, your old habit of bowing and arrowing will become useless."

Afterwards, Qianlong gave each gun one tael of silver and took it back. After taking it back, it was strictly forbidden to buy it and make it himself. If found, he would be punished immediately.

However, although the Sauron soldiers were famous in the history of the Qing Dynasty, they were still in the 61st year of Kangxi.

During the Kangxi Dynasty, the Qing court treated the Sauron people like that.It's not that the Sauron people are not strong in combat effectiveness, but that the 24 Eight Banners and Green Camp troops in the Shaanxi-Gansu battlefield are too strong.

At this time, the Shaanxi-Gansu battlefield faced long-term military pressure from the Junggar Khanate, and even had to fight deep into Xinjiang, Qinghai, Tibet and other places from time to time.

The Eight Banners and Green Camp, which have been in the northwest for many years, are very powerful. In contrast, the Sauron people are indeed more brave, but after all, their number is too small, so they did not attract much attention from Kangxi.

It was Yongzheng who really valued the Sauron people, maybe to seize power from Nian Gengyao?
It was not until the Qianlong Dynasty that the Junggars were completely annihilated, and the Northwest Eight Banners and the Green Camp, which were the last to have combat effectiveness, quickly deteriorated, and the Sauron people became the lifeblood of the Qing Dynasty.

But now, Zhu Yijiong seems to be able to see this legendary and famous ace force of the Qing Dynasty many years in advance.

Of course, a real collision with Zhu Yijiong's Ming Dynasty may not be possible this year.

Although Yongzheng decided to mobilize troops from the northwest, he also wanted to mobilize brave Sauron troops from his hometown in Shengjing to enter the pass.But so many troops were mobilized, the necessary food and fodder were raised, and the army's itinerary was still there.

It's not a matter of one or two days.

And even if it did come, Yongzheng would have to put down the rebellion first and eliminate the Bagua Sect and various rebels who were causing trouble everywhere.

Without worries, we can go south with peace of mind.



Time always flies very fast when there is no war.

In the blink of an eye, two months passed.

Drug addicts detained in various prison cells in Nanjing have successfully detoxified one after another.

Inevitably, some people died.After all, it is compulsory dry abstinence, and there are always some people who are weak.

Fortunately, the total number of casualties was less than 20, which was nothing compared to the thousands of addicts. They could also be used to write articles for the Propaganda Department.

With the success of the anti-drug campaign in Nanjing, further anti-drug operations have also expanded to the entire Jiangnan area.

In all the state capitals occupied by the Ming Dynasty, all officials were dispatched to search from house to house.Even the feudal officials were not immune, and even the two governors Wu Sidao and Wang Yuan were investigated.

But they didn't smoke it, and serious officials didn't have time to smoke that stuff.

The entire Jiangnan officialdom was shaken by this anti-drug operation, and countless officials were dismissed from office and forced to detoxify.

Emperor Zhu naturally did not miss this rare opportunity and promoted a large number of young officials who had been deployed long ago to take over these vacancies.

In this way, most of the officialdom was replaced by fresh blood in an instant.

What about those officials who are undergoing forced drug rehabilitation?
Zhu Yijiong only said that they could continue to serve as officials after successfully recovering from drug addiction, but he did not say that the officials would be reinstated!
The so-called desire to impose crimes is not to mention that these people have already made mistakes.

Emperor Zhu has done a good job of letting things go.

While Jiangnan was completely banning drugs, Ming Dynasty's Huaiyang defense line was also completely consolidated.

The Seventh Army completely recovered all cities, counties and towns south of the Huaihe River, including Huai'an Prefecture.

The First Army also captured all the land south of the Huaihe River.And successfully joined forces with Huaiyang's Seventh Army to build a Jianghuai defense line around the Huai River.

At this point, only Yingzhou (most part), Fengyang (north), Sizhou (north), Xuzhou, Haizhou, and Huai'an (north) of the entire Jianghuai River were still in the hands of the Qing army.

Now, even if Yongzheng immediately mobilizes the Sauron troops to go south, relying on this Jianghuai defense line, Zhu Yijiong will have the confidence to have a good showdown with the Sauron people who are rumored to be brave and good at fighting.

Even if they really can't defeat them, the Huaiyang Prefecture in the middle only needs to resist steadily, which is enough to exhaust the Qing army's vigor.

This is the essence of guarding the river and guarding the Huaihe River. The buffer zone of the Huaihe River is used to weaken the enemy's energy.

When his energy is exhausted, he crosses the river to attack him again.


Unlike the Jianghuai defense line in the north, the battle in the southern Gansu mountainous area cannot be said to be unsmooth, but it is very troublesome.

Whether it was the Fifth Army that was transferred to support or Huang Dian's Fourth Army, the fight in southern Jiangxi was very difficult.

No, it’s not so much difficult as it is hopeless.

When the Ming army entered southern Jiangxi, it almost effortlessly won the surrender of all the puppet Qing officials in southern Jiangxi.After that, it was time to find a way to clean up the mess in Nangan.

The pseudo-Qing government in Southern Gansu is just an introduction. These Hakka mountain people in the southern Gansu mountainous area already hate the court and the government, regardless of whether the court is called the Qing Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty.

For these Hakka mountain people, Zhu Yijiong's existence itself is the greatest exploitation for them.

The Ming army had no choice but to persuade them to surrender, so they had no choice but to fight.

The key is that these people don't hold back. When the Ming army is dispatched, they retreat. If they can't defeat them, they retreat into the mountains.

As a result, the Ming army could only chew through it inch by inch, and the progress of capturing southern Gansu was very strange.

On the one hand, the Ming army controlled almost all the prefectures and counties in southern Jiangxi, but on the other hand, they were unable to fully control the mountainous areas between the prefectures and counties.

Huang Dian even went to Nanjing to ask how to solve the problem.

In this regard, the emperor Zhu Yijiong had no good solution.The situation in Southern Jiangxi is complicated, with high mountains and ridges everywhere, and we can only rely on the Fourth Army and the Seventh Army to gnaw through it inch by inch.

The Secretary Pavilion gave suggestions as usual: "You can bribe some local people's guides to go everywhere to publicize the power of the Ming army. Then persuade them to surrender, and continue to preach the Ming's policy towards the mountain people. Even if it fails in the end, it will be the same as before, an inch Just chew on an inch."

Sure enough, the key is still the same, it is more practical to use both suppression and appeasement.

Zhu Yijiong thought carefully for a moment, then wrote and wrote: "Yes."

After waiting for approval of the military report from Southern Gansu, Zhu Yijiong picked up another one, but it was from the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Rites.

"I respectfully request you to compile the History of the Qing Dynasty."

(End of this chapter)

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