China Entertainment’s rescue plan is hard to come by

Chapter 116 "Soldier" Ratings [2-in-1]

Chapter 116 "Soldier" Ratings [[-]-in-[-]]

Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV's variety show was broadcast five days before "Soldier Assault" was officially launched. Although it was not comparable to popular variety shows such as "Kuaiben", it still attracted some attention due to the huge audience base of this satellite TV station.

Among them, the one who surprised the young audience the most was Sun Yi. There was no way, he was too low-key. This was his first time on the show.

When the host introduced Sun Yi, he directly revealed his identity as a rookie singer. Originally, many viewers did not care about this. These days, any cat or dog can call himself a singer after singing one or two songs.

But when the host introduced several representative songs from Sun Yi's first album, the audience suddenly understood.

It turns out that this song was sung by him!
Not to mention the audience, when the host learned Sun Yi's identity during the rehearsal, they were all surprised. They also joked that Sun Yi was not dedicated at all and never appeared on the show to promote it. He was too mysterious.

Music like "Why Not", "Sparrow", "Prodigal Gossip", "My Sky", and "Flowers Along the Road" were all the rage in the first half of the year and can be recalled by the audience immediately.

In the show, Sun Yi was very modest. He said that his main job is an actor, and he may also be a director in the future. Singing is just one of his hobbies. Actors should not appear on the show too frequently and must maintain a certain sense of mystery.

In fact, whether it is between actors and audiences, or between daily friends, mystery is crucial.This sense of mystery is a kind of buffer and blank space between the actors and the audience.With a buffer, you can move forward and retreat freely.Only with blank space can there be room for imagination and freshness.

Sun Yi's reasons were very good, and the host did not delve into this topic further.

This means that Sun Yi is reborn. If other actors had played with mystery so willfully in their debut stage, they might have been completely disappointed.

After the program was aired, it did cause a wave of small-scale topics on the Internet, mainly in Tieba. Don’t underestimate the Internet masters of this era. Although Sun Yi is low-key enough, some of his experiences and information are already posted on Tieba. Everything was summed up for him.

Whether it's songs or movies, he now has a small number of loyal fans.

The day before "Soldier Assault" was broadcast, that is, August 8, the fairy sister Liu Yifei's first album of the same name "Liu Yifei" was officially released.

The sales are extremely hot. Many fans of Sister Shenxian are not fans at all and rarely listen to songs, but as long as it is released by Liu Yifei, they will "buy, buy, buy."

How popular Liu Yifei is now, let’s not talk about other things, but just one statistic: "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has been played 45 times on major TV stations this year, excluding local stations, ranking first among all film and television dramas this year, and it has been unbeatable all the way. dust.

This is just one of her dramas this year, not counting "Dragon" and "Legend of Sword and Fairy", which have already accumulated a lot of popularity.

In 06, the mainland entertainment industry was basically dominated by well-known Hong Kong and Taiwan actors and a group of super girls. Mainland actors were basically not popular.

In such a big environment in the Mainland entertainment industry, apart from Zhao Yanzi who became popular in the early years with "Returning the Pearl", it is the fairy sister Liu Yifei who has made a breakthrough.

Even though the movies she starred in in later generations were all flopped, she is still one of the top stars because of the popularity and popularity she has accumulated in the past few years.Without him, blood is thick!

The few chart-topping songs released in advance of the album are actually of average quality. Although Liu Yifei worked hard, they were mediocre among fans, and the criticism far outweighed the praise.

However, with the large-scale release of Liu Yifei's album, "Song of No Makeup", which was originally not favored by Sony Music, suddenly became popular.

The criticism on the Internet quickly changed direction, driving the reputation of the entire album to skyrocket, and many fans left messages online.

"I was so sweet by the fairy sister." ""Without Makeup" is so nice." "So cute, Liu Yifei is invincible without makeup."

The unexpected popularity of "No Makeup" gave Liu Yifei's somewhat stagnant album sales curve a boost, and her sales hit a new high.

In just a few days, this song began to spread throughout the streets and alleys. Gradually, some people became interested in the male vocalist in it. After reading it carefully, they discovered that the original lyrics and music were written by a man named "Sun Yi". When I checked online, I felt like I had discovered a new world.

"Here I go, it turns out he sang those songs."

Inexplicably, it made Sun Yi angry.

At a promotional event for Liu Yifei, a fan asked who Sun Yi was. She replied that he was an alumnus and a good friend.

Several reporters from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Taiwan specifically asked if it was Sun Yi from "Soldier Assault".

This question stunned Sister Shenxian. She rarely paid attention to TV dramas, and Sun Yi had never mentioned this matter in front of her.

After the event, I went home and checked it out. It turned out that there really was this TV series. It had been aired for a few days. Sun Yi was one of the leading actors. Liu Yifei wanted to call Sun Yi to ask about it, but suddenly her eyes rolled. Then he smiled proudly and put down his phone.

It seems that there is something on his mind.

A few days later, at a promotional event, the host asked Liu Yifei what she likes to do at home when she is not working.
Liu Yifei happily replied: "Read a book, watch a TV show or something like that."

Sure enough, this answer made the host interested, and he immediately asked: "Yifei, what dramas do you usually watch?"

"I recently watched a movie called "Soldier Assault" and I was very moved. I promoted it vigorously."

The fairy sister's words during the interview made the ratings of "Soldier Assault" increase by 0.5 percentage points that day, which shows how popular Liu Yifei is at the moment.

"Soldier Assault" will be broadcast on the Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV Life Channel at 9pm prime time on September 1st, with two episodes per day and a rebroadcast in the afternoon of the next day.

The first two episodes on the first day were about squad leader Shi Jin going to recruit soldiers. He came to Xiarongshu Village. There were only two places and he needed to visit from house to house. Xu Sanduo’s father was sure that his son would be a soldier. His two sons , they were all kicked down one by one, and when it came to Xu Sanduo, they wanted him to become a soldier no matter what!

The first day revolved around how Xu Sanduo walked into the military camp.

The next night, Yang Fan called Sun Yi to report the first day's ratings.
Yang Fan had already gone to station at the Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations in advance. After all, Sun Yi was busy and had to go to school, so he couldn't leave. It was also the TV station that Yang Fan contacted, so he had to do this job.

The overall ratings of "Soldier Assault" on the first day were 0.9%, which did not exceed 1%. Moreover, the gap in ratings between the first episode and the second episode was a bit large. In other words, many viewers watched the first episode. Later, the channel was changed, but the audience was not retained.

Although it was expected, Sun Yi was inevitably a little disappointed.

However, he knew in his heart that the early pace of this drama was, in one word, slow. The entire plot was slowly foreshadowing. Xu Sanduo's original family, father-son relationship, and the character of monitor Shi Jin all needed to be explained slowly. of.

The rhythm of the whole drama is the same as Xu Sanduo's growth history. Although it is slow, it keeps accumulating strength until one day it explodes.

Sun Yi deliberately checked Tieba online. He didn't expect that someone had actually created it, but there were not many posts, only a few dozen.

Reviews are mixed.

The moderator was very optimistic and directly opened a prediction post, predicting that "Soldier Assault" would be a hit this year.

There are also many people down there who hold objections. They don't like the protagonist Xu Sanduo.

There is a huge gap between Xu Sanduo and the image of the protagonist in their impressions.

Some even said that he simply insulted the image of soldiers.

Those who have had military experience retorted that there are indeed many such soldiers in the military camp, and the filming of this movie is very realistic.

Others also expressed their opinions. Generally speaking, there are still more people who have expectations for this drama.

Sun Yi also noticed that the post with the most likes on Tieba was actually about the village chief, that sentence.

"If you cry, you will go to jail, ah~"

Sun Yi burst into laughter after reading this.

It seems that netizens of all ages like to do neat things.

Overall, the reputation on this first day was pretty good.

He was thinking very openly, but at this time, Yang Fan was a little confused.

Although Yang Fan usually seems to have a big heart, but if you get to know him more, you will find that he is actually a very meticulous person. This investment in "Soldier Assault" can be regarded as his first personal business. After leaving Zhang Jizhong's team must want to make some achievements.And he didn't want Sun Yi to know about the future situation of this drama. Yang Fanchun relied on his analysis of many years of experience in the industry and his optimism for Sun Yi to bravely take this step. It can be said that the boat was burned.

On the phone, Sun Yi felt Yang Fan's emotions and was worried about gains and losses. He in turn comforted Yang Fan.

From the plot, from the rhythm, from the quality, it's all aspects, all kinds of facts are presented to Yang Fan and make sense.

The last one Yang Fan said was so annoying that he would never starve to death just by complaining about Sun Yi.

In fact, as Sun Yi analyzed, as the broadcast progressed, the ratings of "Soldier Assault" exceeded 1% the next day. This can actually be regarded as the contribution of Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations. After all, there are such big What about the basic audience base?

In the next few days, the ratings began to rise steadily, 1.1%, 1.3%, 1.6%, and 1.7%.

However, it has yet to break through 2%.

On the 7th day of the broadcast, the plot that was foreshadowed in the early stage has ended. Xu Sanduo was rewarded for "doing meaningful things" and paving the way in Class [-] of the Grassland. He was transferred to the [-]th Steel Company and met the squad leader Shi Jin again. From here on, the entire The climax of the Seventh Company of Steel began to hit the audience one after another.

The brave and skilled Lian Shi, the solemn ceremony of joining the company, the iron-blooded Lien Ge, and the phrase "Don't abandon, don't give up" that runs through the entire film and penetrates into the bone marrow.

They all describe the bravery and heroic demeanor of contemporary republican soldiers and their supreme pursuit of honor.

The ratings that day directly broke 2%, reaching 2.2%.

Sun Yi was certainly happy when his grades came up, but he was also a little confused.

Even if the climax of the plot breaks out, it shouldn't be such a sudden improvement. Sun Yi was puzzled. It wasn't until he went online to look at Tieba later that he found out the reasons.

It is now 06, there are no things like Weibo and Douban, and entertainment is relatively scarce. Tieba is the largest platform for netizens to discuss. In just a few days, the number of posts on the entire "Soldier Assault" Tieba has exceeded 1000. Everyone discussed the various characters in the play enthusiastically.

Xu Sanduo was so honest and stupid that he was not popular anywhere, but he was stupidly simple and persistent, and he persevered in grabbing every "life-saving straw" until he hugged the "towering tree" in his arms.

Because of the words "Bring your son out and become an upright soldier." Such a soldier's promise, and squad leader Shi Jin who taught Xu Sanduo diligently and never gave up, reminded countless viewers who had served in the army of their old squad leader.

The company commander Gao Cheng, who is stern and even a little cold, values ​​the honor of soldiers above all else, but underneath his cold appearance, he has a delicate heart and loves his soldiers like his own children.

Wu Liuyi is proud, never bows his head, and always wants to be "top-notch".

Of course, there are also negative aspects, such as the Chengcai played by Sun Yi, who is "smart", "sophisticated", "self-righteous", "disgusting", etc. There are basically no good things to say.

Sun Yi didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

I am happy to see the comments from netizens, which shows that the role I played was very successful and left a deep impression on everyone. Many people commented, "I have people like this around me. They have small thoughts in everything they do. They are very annoying."

Sadly, so many netizens are scolding him.

Finally, he saw a post about the post that Liu Yifei, the immortal sister, came to see. Unexpectedly, he was fascinated by it.

There was a long paragraph of drama reviews behind it, but he didn't read it anymore. Only then did he realize that Liu Yifei was partly responsible for today's sudden surge in ratings.

Just call and say thank you.

After a while, the phone was connected and Liu Yifei's sweet voice came.

"Sun Yi, why did you remember to call me?"

"Don't say you don't know. I'm here to thank you. Thank you for your publicity."

Hearing Sun Yi's thanks, Liu Yifei on the phone felt as sweet as honey.

"Hehe, it's okay, it didn't help much."

"It's not big yet, but your fairy sister's words are more effective than anything else. The ratings directly increased by 0.5 percentage points."

"Hehe~ That's as exaggerated as you said."

Hearing Liu Yifei's silly giggle on the phone, Sun Yi couldn't help but laugh:
"I watched your interview. Have you really watched this show?"

Hearing Sun Yi question herself, Liu Yifei immediately became anxious.

"Of course, I will follow it whenever I have time to rest."

"Oh, is that right? This purely male drama with a military theme is also your cup of tea?"

"Dish, what kind of dish?" Liu Yifei didn't understand.

Sun Yi didn't pay attention for a moment and said the Internet slang of later generations.

"It just suits your taste."

After hearing this, Liu Yifei thought for a while.

Not to mention the food and taste, it’s quite appropriate.

"Yeah, I like Xu Sanduo very much. He knows the direction and works tirelessly. I want to be such a person too."

The fairy sister set a flag for herself.

Then he said with disgust:

"You're such a talented person, so annoying."

After hearing this, Sun Yi felt a black line on his forehead.

"No, you are an actor. How could you say such a thing? Shouldn't you say that my performance was perfect?"

"I'm an actor, but I'm also an audience member when I watch a show. If I hate it, I just hate it."

Sun Yi was completely defeated, gave in, chatted with Liu Yifei about her album, and hung up the phone.

From that day on, the drama "Soldier Assault" began to show its aggressiveness and exploded completely. The upward curve of the ratings directly began to take off 3%, 3.9%, 5.2%, and 6.5%. It was out of control. The rebroadcast ratings of Jiangsu and Zhejiang stations on the second day reached more than 5%.

And not only the ratings have increased, but the reputation of the entire drama has also increased.

In just one week, with both ratings and word-of-mouth hits, "Soldier Assault" has become a hot topic on the Internet and in the media, starting a national discussion about all kinds of content, from characters to plot, from front to backstage. Keep digging.

The line "Don't abandon, don't give up" left a deep impression on all viewers and has become another generation of Internet hot words.

Everyone agreed that a drama comparable to "Bright Sword" is about to be born.

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(End of this chapter)

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