The tsundere senior is cute and soft, we are in love

Chapter 363 It was as if he was really waiting for her to finish school.

Chapter 363 It was as if he was really waiting for her to get out of school.

In fact, after many things were said, it was not as difficult as imagined.

Xie Xiao couldn't explain what he felt in his heart, but all the choices at this time were in Luo Yanran's hands.

She can declare Xie Xiao's everything at any time.

But she didn't.

She felt sorry for Xie Xiao from the beginning, and then said, "If it were me, I would just want to apologize to you."

Sorry for missing the appointment.

I feel sorry for that young man who was full of expectations but in the end everything came to nothing.

Xie Xiao did nothing wrong in this matter.

There's nothing wrong with not liking her, there's nothing wrong with not being able to face life after the accident.

There is nothing wrong with slowly falling in love with her and just wanting to give a formal confession to the girl you like.

Luo Yanran kissed his eyelashes gently and whispered, "You have done nothing wrong from the beginning to the end, so don't apologize or say you are sorry. I just feel bad. If only I had met you earlier."

If only I could go back, then I could look for you with my memory, and I wouldn't let you fall in love with the wrong person, or let you go through all this.

I want to change your memory, I want to change that painful past.

I want my lover to have a smooth life.
Luo Yanran felt that people would have some extravagant hopes.

In the past, she actually didn't feel deeply about these things.

She didn't want anything in particular.

Because now she has everything she wants, parents, lover and friends.

Her life was very complete, so complete that she felt that all she needed to do was have another child with Xie Xiao, and everything would be perfect.

But after listening to what Xie Xiao said, those painful memories belonged to Xie Xiao.

Luo Yanran wanted to change, she had never felt this way before.

I hope to change someone's life and reverse some facts.

She wanted to turn Xie Xiao's nightmare into a sweet dream.

She couldn't bear it.

After all, Xie Xiao had not slept well for several days and cried again.

With Luo Yanran's soft comfort, she slowly fell asleep holding her in her arms.

There was suppressed distress in Luo Yanran's eyes. She really couldn't let go. She felt sorry for the person in her arms.

He looked desperate, troubled by nightmares.

If only everything could change.
Luo Yanran rarely suffered from insomnia, but she still couldn't sleep that night.

Xie Xiao felt distressed when he woke up the next day, "Is it because of me?"

After he finished speaking, he had a good night's sleep, but Luo Yanran clearly didn't sleep well.

Xie Xiao regretted it a little.

Luo Yanran shouldn't be responsible for these memories in the first place.

Are you being selfish after all?
Luo Yanran just smiled at him and said, "It's okay."

When the two of them went out to eat together, Xie Qingxiao was stunned for a moment. In the end, he pulled Xie Xiao and told him not to be too ridiculous. It was probably a misunderstanding.

But Xie Xiao didn't explain, just smiled and said he understood.

It's the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, and Xie Qingxiao and Yang Lan will start visiting friends when they have time.

Xie Xiao and Luo Yanran don't need to follow.

So both of them were very free.

They wanted to see grandma.

But Liu Ou and grandma flew directly to find Lin Yu.

Went there on New Year's Eve.

In fact, the Spring Festival seems to be nothing in foreign countries.

The two of them went secretly.

Xie Xiao didn't agree with this at first and was worried about grandma.

But grandma waved her hand, "It's just a few days, nothing to worry about. I just can't adapt to the life outside, otherwise I would just go to study with you."

The old lady smiled brightly, and Liu Ou's eyes were helpless.

It was the old lady's idea to go abroad to spend the New Year with Lin Yu.

Liu Ou had also advised her before because she was worried about the elderly person's health.But the old lady insisted, and finally the two set off.

Fortunately, we arrived safely.

Had a good time.

Lin Yu has sent photos and videos, and the three people in the video are smiling brightly.

Lin Yu has become more and more mature, and it seems that the traces of the noisy boy before can no longer be found on him.

Xie Xiao always felt that they were running hard on a new road, and it couldn't be said that they had completely forgotten their original appearance.

But it cannot be denied that they are gradually becoming "adults".

In fact, this is not a bad thing, "adults" can do more.

The least he can do is protect his family.

Both Xie Xiao and Lin Yu enjoy growing up.

Many times Lin Yu would call Xie Xiao in the afternoon, but of course it was night for him.

He said that he missed home, but he couldn't tell his grandma or Liu Ou.

I was afraid that they would feel distressed after hearing this, and then fly over without hesitation.

In fact, if they still maintain their youthful feelings toward anyone, it's probably the brother and best friend they consider deep in their hearts.

No matter how old they are, they can always complain and lament how tiring it is to grow up.

Xie Xiao always accepted it, and then childishly complained about life and growth with him.

As soon as the phone was hung up, they were mature adults again, shining in their respective fields.

Xie Xiao and Luo Yanran stayed at home all morning.

After lunch, Luo Yanran suddenly said, "Would you like to go somewhere with me?"

Xie Xiao looked down at her and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Okay, where do you want to go?"

Looking at the shadows under her eyes, Xie Xiao couldn't help but feel distressed. He stretched out his hand and touched it gently, "I should have known better."

Luo Yanran smiled at him and stood up, "Wait for me to change clothes."

In fact, she not only changed her clothes, but also put on makeup. She was very beautiful.

Xie Xiao looked at the bright smile on her face and took him out.

But she refused to tell him where to go. She just called a car and waited for the car to arrive and took him on board.

After getting in the car, Xie Xiao was still a little helpless, "Where are we going? I'm really curious."

Luo Yanran shushed him, "It's a little secret~"

When the car stopped at the entrance of a familiar university, Xie Xiao's whole body stiffened.

This is the university Luo Yanran attended in her previous life.

Xie Xiao never came over on his own initiative.

But in the dream, he came thousands of times and stayed with her.

Year after year passed.At that time, she was studying business administration, which was not an outstanding major in this school.

She doesn't like it either, but she studies very seriously and gets good grades.
Even to the point of receiving a national scholarship.

Xie Xiao's hands were shaking a little and he looked at Luo Yanran aside.

She gently let go of Xie Xiao's hand, "Can you wait for me here? Pick me up from school?"

With a relaxed smile on her face, she looked at Xie Xiao with light in her eyes, "I want to give you a better memory, just wait for me."

She let go of Xie Xiao's hand, turned around and ran over.

Xie Xiao stretched out his hand to catch her, but she walked too fast.

Xie Xiao watched what she said to the security guard at the school gate, and then went in.

Xie Xiao stood there, dream and reality overlapping.

His vision was a little blurry.

Until the phone vibrated and pulled him back.

He took out his cell phone with trembling hands, and there was a message from her on it.

【Wait for me for 5 minutes!I'm quick! 】

It was as if he was really waiting for her to get out of school.

(End of this chapter)

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