Mystical Recovery of Consciousness Infinity

Chapter 169 Controlling the 1st Floor

Chapter 169 Controlling the First Floor
The moment Liu Rui entered the ghost post office, the lobby on the first floor instantly darkened.
The entire ghost post office fell into darkness, and the people who just entered didn't know what was going on, so they shouted loudly.
And some old people were half-hearted.
There are ghosts in the ghost post office in the dark.
Everyone thinks differently, but they have the same mood, that is fear!
Darkness falls and fear sweeps through.
The first floor fell into a deathly silence.
The sound of Liu Rui's walking reached other people's ears, just like a sign before a vicious ghost seeks his life, making people panic.
"It's interesting. I'll be blackmailed when I come."
Generally speaking, the ghost post office will not be darkened directly because of someone. After all, there are lights inside.
However, it turned dark the moment Liu Rui came in. What does this mean?
Liu Rui, so special.
As the only postman in the entire post office, his existence must be extremely special. The tasks he performs and the mail he delivers are also extremely strange.
Just like now.
When Liu Rui reached the stairs, a letter appeared on the table in the distance.
That was a black mail. Liu Rui knew that this should be what he wanted to send for the first time.
"Luckily, it's not red."
When the mail appeared, the surrounding lights also became colder, as if the lights were turned off just for this mail, and to prevent Liu Rui from knowing how the mail appeared.
"Interesting, interesting."
Just as Liu Rui was about to go up and get it, the room in the distance opened and a man came out and stood behind him and shouted.
"Newcomer, stop."
Liu Rui was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the person who spoke.
A gloomy young man with long dirty hair, wearing black spectacle frames and panda eyes, seemed to be weak. Standing in front of people, he looked like a thin bamboo pole that would fall over when the wind blew.
He was playing with a small knife in his hand, as if to relieve the tension at this moment.
Liu Rui looked at him with a smile.
"Are you talking to me again?"
The voice was neither humble nor arrogant, but it seemed like someone had caused a big disaster.
Because at this time, several more doors were opened, and men and women appeared inside, talking noisily.
"This newcomer is really miserable. He will probably be tortured to death by Xiao Dao, a murderer. After all, appearing here means that he is about to die."
said a woman.
Immediately afterwards, the strong man behind her also spoke: "Stop talking, Xiao Dao is a lunatic and a pervert. It's better not to have anything to do with him, trouble."
"Tsk tsk tsk."
The two of them were talking here, but they still looked at them, as if they were watching a drama.
Liu Rui had sharp ears, so he naturally heard this.
He looked at the knife in front of him and said, "They say you are a pervert and a murderer. Why don't you kill them?"
The moment he said these words, the eyes of several people in the distance changed when they looked at him.
What started as pity and sympathy has turned into anger and hatred now.
Liu Rui clicked his tongue: "Look, these people follow the crowd. As long as someone talks about them, they will be murderous. If you don't kill them, you will attack me. Why?"
Xiaodao looked at him pitifully: "I've fallen in love with you."
"I just want to kill you!"
The knife moved and he slowly walked towards Liu Rui, but the latter didn't care about him at all and kept talking to himself.
"Isn't it because you are afraid? Because there are so many of them, and you are afraid, you dare not go up and kill them. Am I right?"
Xiaodao's face turned darker and darker, and he ran straight up, rushed in front of him, and slapped him.
"I asked you to speak!"
Typical of bullying and fearing the strong, Liu Rui shook his head.
The palm of his hand was chopped vertically, and the whole person's head was split with the knife.
Killing such a person is like trampling an ant to death, insignificant.
"Everyone, is this scene good to watch?"
Everyone was frightened as they watched him kill Xiao Dao, and some people who knew about it saw it and were ready to flee.
"Are you a ghost master?"
The big man from before stood up and said to Liu Rui: "Then you are qualified to join our team."
The big man had a very high attitude, and from the first moment he said, "You are qualified to do whatever you want."
Liu Rui didn't even want to show off and slap him in the face.
However, the IQs of these children are too low.
With a glare, a terrifying bloody world descended, swallowing up all that person's memories in an instant, and modifying the other person's memories.
This man is a ghost master, and behind him there is an organization that calls itself the Messenger Team. They are all ghost masters and help each other.
However, the strength is too weak, and the strongest has only reached the third level. Organizations like this probably won't survive until Yang Jian comes here.
It's just too weak.
But it's different now.
Liu Rui changed his memory, and will also change other people's memories in the future.
He wants to make this place his own stronghold.
There will be only two people left here in the future.
One is Liu Rui, and the other is the person whose memory was changed by him.
Now, let's start with this first layer.
Liu Rui's ghost realm crushed the entire first floor.
In an instant, everyone was pulled into a strange space.
Someone recognized where this place was, but it was too late.
Liu Rui's consciousness was like an invisible sword, piercing through everyone here, tearing apart their memories, and forcefully changing them.
In just one minute, everyone who was not in the room became Liu Rui's subordinates.
Obey Liu Rui's orders unconditionally.
Some people may say, why do you do this? It is too cruel.
But the weird world is like this. Even if these people deliver letters, few of them can survive. He has changed the memories of these people and is helping them from a different perspective.
Because, with his aura, some evil spirits might not come close.
This is because his strength is powerful enough to scare other ghosts.
This is the consciousness ghost Liu Rui!
After changing his memory, Liu Rui did not hesitate and asked them to hand over the letter in his hand to him.
The moment this new world came into contact with Liu Rui, all the addresses on it appeared, but disappeared in an instant, leaving only the letter on the table with the address.
"Do you mean you want me to send them there one by one?"
"What a competent boss."
Liu Rui sighed and picked up the letter above.
Including the ones in my hand, there are four letters in total at this time.
The address on the first letter turned out to be a place he had never been to.
"Mangshan City, Welfare Institute, Room 101."
Fun, fun!
Liu Rui decided to go take a look, maybe he could get something?
However, before he left, he left something behind in this place.
Xiao Min is a messenger and has delivered letters twice, but she saw a strange scene on the third time.
In the lobby on the first floor of the Ghost Post Office, a terrifying ghost controller unexpectedly appeared.
That person's name is Liu Rui, and he is the person they are looking for!
(End of this chapter)

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