Mystical Recovery of Consciousness Infinity

Chapter 168 Entering the Ghost Post Office

Chapter 168 Entering the Ghost Post Office
Liu Rui chuckled twice.
Yangliu, you want to kill me. The red letter is almost certain to kill me now. Since it is so easy to die, you still gave me such a career. You are really a vicious person.
If I don’t know about the ghost post office, I don’t know the courier, I can’t find the letter, and the first time I happen to encounter a red letter, wouldn’t it be a complete failure?
Sure enough, this woman has brains, but she doesn't have the right features.
Blind for nothing!
The person on the phone was stunned for a few minutes and continued: "There is one more thing I want to remind you. You are not allowed to go to the fifth floor. This is an agreement between me and a being above. Unless you are strong enough to overthrow the entire ghost post office, as long as you If you climb to the fifth floor, you will be chased by countless ghost masters. If that is the case, I can't help you."
Liu Rui's mind was quick and he quickly thought of countless ghost masters and who that existence was.
Those ghost controllers are nothing more than people in oil paintings, such as Yang Jian's father.
As for that being, Liu Rui didn't know who it was, but it was probably a powerful ghost controller. In fact, he was more inclined to believe that this being was Yang Shou himself, because he was really special.
Of course, it is not ruled out that the fifth floor of the Ghost Post Office is now controlled by other people.
These were just guesses. Liu Rui didn't say anything out loud and continued to listen to the other person.
"I know you may want to ask why I did this. This matter is actually for myself."
"I want to live and want you to go to Xiaoling City once, but you are too weak. I can only use these to make you stronger quickly. When you become the postman, you can't stop."
"Now you have two choices. One is to listen to me and work hard to survive, so that you will gain the ability to overturn everything on the chessboard. The other is to not believe what I say, so you will die quickly."
Liu Rui chuckled: "You mean, if I disobey you will die, but if I obey you will live."
"You are very good at calculating."
There was a weird grin in Liu Rui's words, but her expression remained unchanged.
After all, what Yang Liu arranged for him was the same as what he wanted to do.
But, we can't just accept it.
Yang Liu on the other side of the phone was also a good person, and Liu Rui's thoughts came out directly: "What do you want?"
"I just like being around smart people."
He spoke to the phone, and his sinister voice reached Yang Liu's ears.
"I want a supernatural weapon."
This is what he has always wanted and what he lacks most now.
Although the characteristics of the twin guns are powerful, they can no longer keep up with what I am now.
Moreover, the construction method is too rough, and the coordination between various abilities is a bit imperfect.
As for why Yang Liu was not asked to help find the ghost fragments, it was because it was not necessary.
You can only know what fragments you need after you remove them. The ghost blood incident was just an accident. Yang Liu could not know that those fragments were his.
"The ghost blood is used to suppress the ghost pencil. It is not a fragment specifically found for me. Moreover, Yangliu doesn't know the fragment I want. I still have to find the fragment myself."
To sum up, it is still more comfortable to have a handy supernatural weapon.
Yang Liu was silent for a moment and said helplessly: "I have supernatural weapons, but you may not like them. I know a place where supernatural weapons can be made, but I don't know whether that person is dead or not. You can try to see ."
Yang Liu said an address and stopped talking, and Liu Rui also hung up the phone.
At this time, the black letter in his hand had disappeared.
However, some things have not disappeared.
In a room not far away, this place was directly opposite Liu Rui. With a telescope, it was enough to see clearly what was happening in the room.
It's a very good surveillance view.
At this time, there are two people in this room.
There was a man and a woman. There was a black letter on the table, and there were some strange yellow papers next to it.
Come to think of it, these two people are the messengers.
After receiving the strange letter, Liu Rui opened his consciousness and searched around.
At that time, the two people hadn't gone too far, and there were no strange fluctuations on their bodies, so they didn't pay attention.
However, when the two began to monitor Liu Rui, he knew that they were here to find him.
Moreover, it seems that he is sending a letter to himself.
"The previous letter may have appeared suddenly and the ghost post office took action, but what is it going to do this time?"
"What is the ghost post office doing?"
He didn't waste any time and directly used the ghost realm to appear in their room.
The strange figure gradually emerged. The two of them were shocked and wanted to shout, but were suppressed by Liu Rui. They couldn't even breathe, let alone scream.
"Don't panic. You two should be the new messengers. You are here to deliver a message to me, right?"
The two looked at Liu Rui in shock.
"I really guessed right."
He relaxed his hold on the two people and wanted to know something from each other.
"Tell me, what's going on?"
The two looked at each other, and the man said: "We received a piece of mail three days ago, and then we went to a strange post office as if we had encountered a ghost. A person in the post office told us that we needed to deliver the letter. It had been delivered. Believe that we will have time to rest.”
"After that, the two of us got a letter. According to the instructions in the letter, we appeared at this place and found you. You are the target of our letter."
Liu Rui's eyes narrowed, and something strange happened: "You said, you came to deliver a letter to me, and you can still see the information in the letter?"
"That's right." The man was stunned for a moment, then saw Liu Rui's expression and continued: "It was our first time, and we didn't know what was going on, so we just wanted to leave quickly and picked up the letter directly, but we didn't Thinking that the letter was not sealed and the letter fell out directly from the inside, we came here according to the location of the information above."
"Strange to say, after we saw it, this was the place we walked out of."
"We can't open the things after the letter, so I thought I'd take a look first. I just found you and wanted to send it to you."
Liu Rui took the letter and murmured in his heart.
"Is this the ghost post office causing trouble or is the being on the fifth floor causing trouble?"
Liu Rui didn't know this, but he had no choice now.
He took the letter, and the next moment, a dim passage appeared in front of the three people.
At the end of the passage is the ghost post office.
Liu Rui narrowed his eyes and walked over directly.
He wanted to go in and see what was in the ghost post office.
"I would like to know what you can do to me."
Liu Rui was heartbroken and went in directly.
And the moment he entered
(End of this chapter)

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