Huo Qingzhi stood at the door. She noticed that several places in the clubhouse were blind spots for surveillance. Some people took advantage of such loopholes to achieve their goals.

Among these blind spots, one is the place to change clothes, the other is the toilet, and the private room for VIPs. These three places are indeed not suitable for surveillance, but when Qin Lei took Li Anna away, he walked out of the door of the club. Yes, no one stopped me.

Are these people working for a living?
"Find out the surveillance video from [-] to [-] pm three days ago and give it to me." Huo Qingzhi said coldly, walked to the sofa and sat down.

If this group of people really takes advantage of others, she wouldn't mind changing the club's blood.

The person in charge didn't know what Huo Qingzhi meant, so he could only approach her and smile apologetically: "Sister Huo, what's wrong with you? Why are you so angry?"

He asked tentatively, but Huo Qingzhi didn't listen to him at all. He raised his eyes coldly and stared at him, snorting: "Find the surveillance camera for me."

"Yes." The person in charge lowered his head and answered repeatedly, and immediately asked someone to copy the monitoring.

He didn't know what happened in the past few days to make Huo Qingzhi so angry. Could it be that someone provoked Sister Huo that day?
The person in charge did not dare to take the responsibility. He could only stand aside and wait for Huo Qingzhi to finish watching the surveillance video.

Half an hour later, Huo Qingzhi pointed to a blurry section on the surveillance video and said, "Where is the surveillance during this time period?"

Calculating the time, this time period happened to be the time when Qin Lei left with Li Anna, but the monitoring during this time period was like a snowflake, and then returned to normal. This was obviously someone who had tampered with it.

Facing Huo Qingzhi's questioning, the person in charge was covered in sweat and his whole body was shaking.

The club has always been peaceful, how could something like this suddenly happen?

Everyone looked very ugly, and the person in charge almost knelt on the ground to apologize to Huo Qingzhi.

"Sister Huo, I don't know about this either. I'm going to check it out now. I'll investigate it right away and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Huo Qingzhi didn't have much time to wait for him, so she said coldly: "Call all the people who worked that day over here."

Huo Qingzhi went directly to a high-end VIP private room, which was spacious enough to accommodate so many people.

After a while, the person in charge called over all the people on duty that day, both men and women, standing in a row neatly. When they saw Huo Qingzhi, their faces were more or less filled with excitement. I was a little surprised. On the one hand, I was surprised that the person in charge of the Shengshi Club nodded and bowed to Huo Qingzhi. On the other hand, I didn't expect that Huo Qingzhi had so many identities.

"Everyone is here?" Huo Qingzhi was sitting in the private room. Everyone looked over. She always had a good memory. She pointed at a man in the surveillance video and said, "Who is this person?"

The person in charge stepped forward and looked down. He searched twice in the crowd but couldn't find it, so he shouted: "Zhang Ming, come out."

"Zhang Ming has a day off today and doesn't seem to be here." A girl said softly.

No matter how stupid the person in charge is, he still knows what's going on.

"Who is Zhang Ming's team leader? Go and bring Zhang Ming to me now."

Huo Qingzhi was not in a hurry, and simply crossed her legs and waited to send the person over. Although she could not be 100% sure, there was a high probability that Zhang Ming was responsible.

"Steward, what's wrong with Zhang Ming?" The employees were not sure, so they all looked at the person in charge curiously.

"Don't ask any more questions about things that are not your business."

Usually he can talk easily, but now that Huo Qingzhi is here and the boss behind the scenes, how dare he be so arrogant.

A group of people were standing in the private room, and they did not dare to scatter.

"Manager, the customers outside are making a fuss, saying that no one is working in our club today." "Go ahead, we will be closed today, and all customers who have come here will receive a [-]% discount."

"However, there is one customer who refuses to accept the offer and insists on refunding the card no matter what."

Before the steward could say anything, Huo Qingzhi looked up at the waiter at the door and said, "Who is it? Which family's young master is this?"

"This is Qin Lei, the young master of the Qin family."

Huo Qingzhi became interested and smiled. Before she could go to trouble Qin Lei, Qin Lei came to her door.

"How much money did he save in Shengshi Club?"

The waiter looked down at his phone and said, "He has recharged a total of 3 yuan, and there is still a balance of [-] yuan in the card."

Huo Qingzhi playfully picked up the manual on the sofa and flipped through it. When she heard this number, there was a bit of ridicule in her eyes, and she coldly threw the manual on the coffee table.

"Go tell him, if you don't have money, don't play in the Shengshi Club. He will lose the face of a wealthy young master. Rich young masters all start with a million dollars. For 3 yuan, let alone let us sisters from the Shengshi Club drink with them." Don't even think about touching a toe, otherwise, the club across the street is cheaper, so let him go to the other side."

This was probably the first time the waiter had seen such an arrogant person as Huo Qingzhi. He refused to do business. Wasn't this because he had a mental problem?

But now that they are in charge of everything and listen to the woman in front of them, what can they say.

So, after a short period of 5 minutes, Huo Qingzhi saw the 500 million payment information on her mobile phone and curled her lips. This Qin Lei really couldn't stand it. He just said a few words and said everything he said.

At this stage of the Qin family, Qin Lei spends money so lavishly, and now this 500 million can be said to be the Qin family's few cash flows.

If the Qin family knew about it, they would definitely kill Qin Lei.

A shameful illegitimate son, the Qin family's most important thing is blood, Qin Lei is destined to be abandoned.

"You go and let Qin Lei choose someone. As long as it's not too much, you can say anything."

The waiter left immediately, and Zhang Ming was brought over by his team leader.

As soon as Zhang Ming came over, the steward kicked him in the abdomen and rolled him to the ground.

"Tell me, why is there a section missing from the surveillance video? What the hell did you do?"

Normally, Huo Qingzhi would not be seen once in a thousand or eight hundred years. Today, he suddenly came over and called his name to see the surveillance camera. Something big must have happened, otherwise, there is absolutely no chance that the giant Buddha will come here.

Zhang Ming was kicked for a long time before he got up. His heart skipped a beat when he heard about the surveillance. Usually he didn't pay attention to the surveillance at all. Why did he suddenly ask this question today?

"Manager, what do you mean? You suspect that I have used surveillance."

"Otherwise, everyone else had witnesses that day, but you didn't have witnesses, so why are you so stubborn?"

Zhang Ming gritted his teeth and refused to admit what happened that day. As long as he refused to admit it, no one could do anything to him.

He was used to being a scoundrel anyway.

"Since you don't want to say it, then kick it out. Originally, I wanted to take this opportunity to reward you. Since some people don't want the 10 yuan, let's forget it." Huo Qingzhi put her legs up and said The deputy stood up and looked like he was leaving. (End of chapter)

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