Huo Qingzhi was the one who pulled her out of the abyss.

She will regard Huo Qingzhi as a god for the rest of her life.

But she was already dirty, down to her bones. She was suppressed by so many men and couldn't move at all. She would pollute the god in her heart.

After all, she was young. Li Anna looked straight at Huo Qingzhi and burst into tears. The cry was deafening and hysterical. She, who was already in a state of embarrassment, looked even more pitiable at this moment.

"Mr. Huo, I'm sorry, I failed to live up to your expectations." Li Anna cried bitterly.

She was determined to be like Huo Qingzhi, but in the end, she ended up like this.

Huo Qingzhi didn't mean to blame him, she just smiled at her, with hope in her eyes, reached out and touched her bruised hand, and said: "It's okay, you have done a good job, tell me, Who hurt you?"

Her voice was cold and gentle, which made her indulge in it, and her tears fell faster.

"Mr. Huo, I don't know who it is, I really don't know who it is. Li Anna shook her head, she can't say it, and she can't tell it."

She knew how difficult it was for Huo Qingzhi and Zhao Moli to achieve their current status in international makeup. It didn't matter to her. What did one person's disgust have to do with it.

Huo Qingzhi looked at her, knowing that she had not told the truth, but she was not angry at all. She just calmly picked up a glass of water on the table and drank it slowly.

Leaning on the sofa, she crossed her legs. It was completely dark outside the window, but the city was still brightly lit, day and night.

Huo Qingzhi suddenly stood up, walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window, and pointed to the brightest light sign, which said "Shengshi Club". She called the frightened Li Anna, pointed there and said: "Have you been there? ?”

She looked in the direction pointed by Huo Qingzhi's finger. Suddenly, the blood all over her body solidified in an instant, and her body could not help but tremble. She was afraid, terrified.

Huo Qingzhi could tell something was wrong with her at a glance, but he didn't expose her and just kept talking to himself.

"That Shengshi Club has a very good environment and very high security. Many people go there to play, so the chance of anything happening is usually very small. Otherwise, I will pay for people from the company to go there and relax tomorrow."

Hearing this, Li Anna was very resistant, and her whole body could not stop trembling.

"What? You don't like it?" Huo Qingzhi looked up at her.

Looking into Huo Qingzhi's gentle eyes, Li Anna couldn't hold it in any longer. She told everything about what happened to her in the Shengshi Club. She didn't want anyone to get hurt anymore, and she didn't want Huo Qingzhi to ruin the group. over there.

"No, I don't like that place. We can book somewhere else, or go out to eat."

Huo Qingzhi deliberately thought for a few seconds and said, "But everyone is tired from working every day and needs to relax. You can go to a restaurant or eat anywhere. Your body is the most important thing, what do you think?"

Li Anna knew that she could not persuade Huo Qingzhi, and she also knew that Huo Qingzhi would not give in if she did not speak out.

But opening the scar like this made her speechless.

"Zhang Sui, go downstairs and wait for me first, and we'll go back together later." Huo Qingzhi knew that Li Anna wanted to say something, but because Zhang Sui was there, she was embarrassed to speak. "Okay, I'll wait for you downstairs."

Zhang Sui walked out, and Huo Qingzhi was waiting for her to say it herself, which would be much less harmful than telling Li Anna directly.

"Mr. Huo, I was raped." As soon as she said the words, Li Anna burst into tears. She was painfully unwilling to respond to the matter, but the matter was deeply imprinted in her mind, making every nerve in her. Trembling: "It's Qin Lei, he is from the Qin family."

"That day, I attended a friend's birthday party. When I came back, I had an accident when I went to the toilet. Qin Lei said he had been paying attention to me for a long time, so he took me to the hotel in a daze. He was alone at first, but then I fell into a daze. When I woke up and saw several men lying on top of me, I was really frightened."

"Qin Lei was taking pictures of me with a camera. I was like a tool for them to vent their sexual desires. Finally, they all left. It was the hotel cleaning staff who saw me lying on the bed and wanted to call the police, but Qin Lei led someone to beat him. After being beaten for a while, I was taken away and left in the alley, but my whole body hurt, every inch of my skin hurt, and it hurt deep into my bones.”

Therefore, you really cannot enter the Shengshi Club.

"Mr. Huo, every girl you save is the one who wears international makeup. Youngster, they should have their own dazzling lives, and they must not step into that devil's place."

Huo Qingzhi's face was extremely gloomy, and there was a chill all over her body. She stared at the tall building with the four characters "Shengshi Club" written in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"I understand. I will send someone to take you to the hospital to check your health first. Don't worry. Since I saved you back then, I will protect you now."

There is no extra expression on her face, but there is a hint of tenderness when she looks at Li Anna.

This trip to the Qin family is a must.

"You should have a good rest these days. Don't worry about work. I will let others share your work and come back to work after you recover. There is 10 yuan in this card. There is no password. I want to eat it." Buy it yourself, and I will arrange for a nanny to take care of your food and daily life." Huo Qingzhi put the bank card in her hand, patted her head gently, and continued: "Don't worry, I won't let the bad guys get away with it. .”

Li Anna wanted to say something more, but when she thought that she couldn't do anything, she swallowed it back.

The person who Huo Qingzhi arranged to take her to the hospital was also waiting downstairs. After Huo Qingzhi said goodbye to her, the tenderness on her face immediately disappeared.

"We have to go to the Shengshi Club." Huo Qingzhi said.

"Okay, it's been a long time since I dealt with these bastards."

The two of them drove straight to the door of the club, approaching fiercely. The bodyguards at the door looked at each other. These days, there are still people who dare to come to the Shengshi Club to cause trouble. They are so unafraid of death!

"Go away!" Huo Qingzhi raised her foot and kicked a bodyguard away, and said angrily: "Tell the person in charge to get out and see me."

Neither of them knew what was going on, but they both understood that this was a tough situation.

Soon, the person in charge hurried out with a cigarette butt in his hand. When he saw Huo Qingzhi, all color suddenly disappeared from his face, followed by fear.

"Sister Huo, why are you here?" The person in charge couldn't help but kicked the bodyguard aside and angrily shouted: "Ignorant thing, can you stop this one? Get out of here!"

Realizing that he still had a cigarette butt in his hand, he immediately stubbed it out and threw it aside. How dare he smoke in front of Huo Qingzhi. (End of chapter)

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