Chapter 454 Setting up a stall in the village

After finishing his busy lunch, Shen Xiaoyu ate and started preparing food for the stall.

It would be too troublesome to buy soups, water, and other things that need to be filled in the village. In addition to making vegetable buns, she also bought some dry steamed siomai at the mall, then baked some cranberry biscuits, finger biscuits, and made some nougat. Sugar, these can be stored and are convenient for children to eat.

She likes baking. She feels that every time she kneads flour, a happy smell spreads on the tip of her nose when she bakes something, which makes her feel very relieved.

Shen Xiaotao and Shen Xiaoli took Shen Youfu to surround the chicken shed and duck shed, and then buried the two chickens in the courtyard. They also made a small wooden sign and placed two small flowers, which was full of ceremony.

Shen Xiaoyu baked the biscuits and when they came out of the oven, he opened the kitchen door and the sweet smell wafted out. His parents were immediately attracted.

"Second sister, it smells so good! Can we try it?" Shen Xiaoli swallowed.

"Of course, you can go to the big banyan tree to set up a stall together later. Xiaotao, write a menu!" Shen Xiaoyu said while Shen Xiaotao dipped ink and wrote on the wood chips.

"Finger biscuits, two for a penny each, cranberry biscuits for a penny each! Large vegetable buns for two cents each, and nougat for a penny each."

"Second sister, is it so cheap?" Shen Xiaoli said while eating a piece of cranberry biscuit.

"In the village, if it's too expensive, I'm afraid I won't be able to sell it. If it's in Huali County, it won't be at this price."

"Xiao Tao, take these to Xiyue and the others." Shen Xiaoyu wrapped up some of them and handed them to her.

"Second sister! I'll go!" When Shen Xiaoli heard that she was going to Gu's house, she raised her hand actively.

"You have more important things!" Shen Xiaoyu touched her head, "We are going to set up a stall. Dad, come too, little sister, follow Xiaotao."

After assigning tasks, everyone went out.

The weather is getting cold, and there are no adults enjoying the shade under the big banyan tree, but there are still children playing.

Shen Xiaoyu set up two benches, put the baskets on top and set up a template, and the still very simple stall opened.

"Is there ice powder?" "Ice powder is too cold!"

"But I haven't eaten it!"

"It smells so good. It's not ice powder. What is it?"

The children gathered around chattering.

"Take a piece each and try it. If it tastes good, come and buy it!" Shen Xiaoyu put the scraps in a box and distributed them for free first to give them a taste.

The box was empty in no time. Some children didn't get any and watched helplessly.

"It's delicious. I want another one!" Someone took the lead in buying it, and others followed and spent money one after another.

The stall was open at the beginning of the year and all the biscuits were sold out, but there were still a lot of steamed buns and siomai left.

Shen Xiaoyu left the stall to her sisters. She took Shen Xiaoxiao home, stuffed a bun into her hand, and asked her to sit on the bench. She had to cook for the Gu family.

Gu Xiyue came over with a basket of vegetables picked fresh from the ground.

"Sister Xiaoyu, there are two tables tonight, a total of 18 people. The eldest brother said these vegetables can be cooked. If they are not enough, I will pick them again."

"Okay, put it on the floor!" Shen Xiaoyu brought a vegetable bag to her, "Why are there so many people tonight?"

"Thank you!" Gu Xiyue put down the basket, wiped her hands on her clothes, took the bun and took a big bite. The delicious taste made her mood brighten. She chewed the bun and said, "Some Relatives from other villages come to attend the funeral, many of whom I have never met! There are also relatives from my mother’s side.”

"Is your grandma feeling better?" When Shen Xiaoyu brought the vegetables over at noon, Aunt Li cried so hard that she fainted again.

(End of this chapter)

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