Dressed as a farmer's little cook, don't panic if she has a refrigerator

Chapter 453: Sprinkle something on the edge of the Gu family’s field

Chapter 453: Sprinkle something on the edge of the Gu family’s field

Shen Xiaoyu walked to the foot of the mountain, found a deserted place, bought two chickens from the mall, and bought some firewood.

But I couldn't go home so soon, so I planned to go to the fields to have a look. I still had a small piece of land that I kept for myself, and I also planted some vegetables in the winter, but I don't know if my sisters have taken care of it during this time.

By the way, let’s take a look at how the medicinal materials grown in Gu Beihe are doing.

She is also considered a small shareholder, inspecting and inspecting.

Before she reached their field, she saw several people wandering in the field from some distance away.

Shen Xiaoyu hid behind a tree and recognized one of the people as Gu Erqiang. She did not recognize the other two.

A few people were spreading something on the edge of the Gu family's field.

Shen Xiaoyu walked over as if nothing had happened, wanting to see more clearly.

When Gu Erqiang saw someone coming, he quickly hid what he was holding in his trouser pocket.

"Aren't you that one from the Shen family? Why are you staring at me?"

"Brother Erqiang, could it be that she is attracted to you and wants to be intimate with you?"

The three of them looked at Shen Xiaoyu and laughed.

Shen Xiaoyu frowned, these boys have so much in their heads at such a young age.

"Haven't you heard? Uncle Zhongliang likes to walk around in his own land. Although he has gone, the first seven days have not passed yet, and he has been here these days! Whatever you do in his land, don't avoid it. ." Shen Xiaoyu brought out some mysterious things to scare them.

Her tone of voice was pretending to be mysterious, and she looked around as if there was really something dirty around her.

"What are you talking about? There are no ghosts in this world! Stop scaring people!" Gu Erqiang waved his hand and spoke loudly, but he was not afraid at all.

"Shhhh! I advise you to keep your voice down! You are not afraid of me, I am! I have seen it before! I heard that after a person dies, he will find the people he knew in life one by one and meet them. If the relationship is good, it's okay. , if you have accumulated resentment during your lifetime, you will be out of luck! If you don’t believe it, just go to the gambling house and verify it!" Shen Xiaoyu heard that Gu Erqiang likes to gamble and loses nine times out of ten, so she talked nonsense, maybe You can also scare him.

"I'm just kindly reminding you that people really died after all! If you can't do it, I can't do anything!" Shen Xiaoyu shrugged and walked to his small piece of land and pretended to pull weeds, while quietly paying attention to their movements.

Several people looked at each other, half-believing, and then left after standing for a while.

Shen Xiaoyu then went to check the Gu family's field. She found a small paper bag on the edge of the field with some powder inside.

Shen Xiaoyu carefully picked it up and wrapped it in his handkerchief, put it in the unplugged refrigerator, and then went home immediately.

Shen Xiaoyu went to Gu's house and handed the package to Gu Beihe.

"I'm not sure if this thing is harmful to the medicinal materials you grow, but those guys like Gu Erqiang feel uneasy and kind-hearted. It's up to you to decide."

Gu Beihe nodded, as if he had thought of something, and said, "Xiao Li came over just now to borrow a straw rope and said that your chickens were attacked and killed by something. I'll go down and have a look."

Shen Xiaoyu looked at his attire wearing Xiao and said, "You should deal with your affairs first. It doesn't matter what happens to my family. I can take care of it myself."

After Shen Xiaoyu finished speaking, she went home to cook. She prepared the meal at home and then the Gu family's table. Today there were more people making coffins and building tombs. They were all men and had big appetites. She prepared the ingredients. After that, let Shen Xiaotao help with simple tasks such as cutting vegetables and watching the fire.

After a table of rice was prepared, she asked Shen Youfu to help take it to the Gu family.

Shen Youfu knew that there was roast chicken to eat, so he was happy to work.

(End of this chapter)

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