Chapter 350 This bitter melon is so cute

The white rice was simmering, and Shen Xiaoyu continued cooking.

Pick up the cauliflower and put it aside for eating tomorrow. The basket will be empty and will be returned to Aunt Li later. Then she will put a few bowls of bean curd and potato puree in it.

She has been selling bean curd and taro paste for several days, and all of it was sold out in the first few days. However, the popularity has subsided in the past few days, and there are still some leftovers today, so she just sent some to Gu Beihe and the others to try.

As for meat dishes, she still makes braised fish.

The fish was bought from the market and was alive and kicking.

Although she didn't particularly love fish, she found that her parents loved the fish she cooked.

She usually cooks four or five dishes for each meal, including soup.

Start with what you want to eat. Generally, whatever she likes to eat and thinks is delicious, her parents will basically like it.

But there was an exception today. Shen Xiaotao and Shen Xiaoli wrinkled up when they saw the bitter melon.

"What's wrong? Don't you all want to eat bitter melon?" Shen Xiaoyu asked softly while serving them wolfberry leaf minced meat soup.

The twins even nodded at the same frequency.

Shen Xiaoyu asked Shen Youfu: "Dad, what about you? Are you afraid of bitter melon?"

Shen Youfu blinked his eyes, waved his chopsticks, and said, "Don't be afraid! Bitter melon is delicious! Blessed are you not afraid of bitter melon!"

"Look, dad is not afraid of bitter melon, how can you two be afraid of bitter melon? Bitter melon is so delicious! It's so good for your health!" Shen Xiaoyu pointed at Shen Xiaotao's lips, "If you eat bitter melon, you will get those little bubbles on your lips." Just soak it and it’ll be ready!”

Shen Xiaotao touched the small bubble on her lips. She had been angry these days and had a small bubble. It always hurt.

"I don't have Little Bubbles, can I not eat them?" Shen Xiaoli raised her hand.

Shen Xiaotao looked at her with a hint of envy.

"You want to eat too. Have you forgotten how many days it has been since you pooped?" When I came back from Huali County tonight, I saw a dog pooping on the roadside. Shen Xiaoli told her that she hadn't pooped in several days. Pulled.

Shen Xiaoli grinned awkwardly.

Shen Xiaotao looked at her and smiled this time, ha, someone was eating with her.The twins must advance and retreat together!
"Don't be afraid, this bitter melon is delicious! It's different from the fried bitter melon you used to eat." Shen Xiaoyu searched the original owner's memory for the memory that the twins didn't like to eat bitter melon.

The bitter melon they had eaten before was dry-fried, without adding salt, sugar, or even soy sauce. It was just dry and bitter, which was too unpalatable for children. It was a nightmare for the tongue.

"This bitter melon is so cute. It has meat inside." Shen Xiaotao went over to take a look. It was a dish she had never seen before.

Shen Xiaoli leaned her head over to take a look. The aroma of the slightly burnt stuffed bitter melon entered her nostrils.

Shen Xiaoli hesitated and picked one up to try.

Shen Xiaotao didn't move, watching her eat first.

"Eat it with confidence, it will definitely be delicious." Shen Xiaoyu also picked up a piece and ate it with big mouthfuls.

"Is it bitter?" Shen Xiaotao asked Shen Xiaoli.

"A little bit, but delicious! The meat is salty!" After finishing one piece, Shen Xiaoli took a mouthful of white rice. The aroma of rice and meat, coupled with the fragrance of bitter melon, created a collision of various flavors.

To put it simply, it is a perfect meal.

Seeing that she was eating so deliciously, Shen Xiaotao finally moved her chopsticks.

And Shen Xiaofu had already finished a whole bowl of rice with stuffed bitter melon, and ran to get a second bowl.

"You guys should also eat the bitter melon and scrambled eggs. It's delicious too." Shen Xiaoyu couldn't help but remind him as he saw that the stuffed bitter melon was all gone in no time, and there was still a lot left for the other three dishes.

"Second sister's braised fish is a bit salty." Shen Xiaoli reflected the problem directly.

Shen Xiaoyu took a big bite and found that it was indeed a bit salty.

"I will put less salt next time, and eat it with more rice this time."

There was enough white rice, and everyone had a round belly after eating it.

(End of this chapter)

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