Chapter 917 Goodbye
Yan Sanhe was actually strangled to death by Zhao?

Fuck you, motherfucker.

Li Buyan shed tears and couldn't help but yelled: "Yan Sanhe, Mrs. Zhao is not your mother, your biological mother is Shen Duruo, your aunt is the Crown Princess Liang, Mrs. Zhao is nothing!"

Little Mr. Pei got up and rushed over, wanting to stick his head into the coffin.

"Yan Sanhe, these two are doing it for you. It's really nothing to say. I can't wait to make them my mother!"

Li Buyan rudely pushed Xie Zhifei aside.

"Damn it, wake up now. Don't let me beat you just because you are a young lady or a princess!"


Pei Xiao: "Xie Fifty has gray hair, Yan Sanhe, I call you ancestor, wake up quickly and feel sorry for him for me."

Li Buyan said: "From now on, you will follow my sister. I will take you to eat delicious food, drink spicy food, and whatever inner demons you have, go away."

Pei smiled: "From now on, you will be the one I protect, little Master Pei. Little Master Pei has no other abilities. Let's walk sideways in the monk's temple and the nunnery!"

On the side, the old monk opened his eyelids and glanced at the two people.

People are working hard to solve their inner demons, and they are not here to cause trouble. The world is declining, and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be.'s strange that I, the old monk, was moved.

At this time, Xie Zhifei walked to the coffin with the big box in his arms.

Li Buyan glanced at Mr. Pei.

Little Mr. Pei suddenly smiled: "Xie Fifty, what's in this box?"

Xie Zhifei's eyes were red: "It's the birthday gift I buy for her every year."

Li Buyan raised his eyebrows: "Hey, Third Master is interested."

Little Master Pei: "Let's take a look. What's there?"

Li Buyan glared at him: "It's enough to take a look. Behind every gift there must be a touching story."

Little Master Pei: "Hey, Master, I love listening to stories the most."

Li Buyan: "Yan Sanhe, you know that from the first time we met Mr. San, I didn't pay much attention to him. He even nicknamed me "Shit Stirrer", but now... …”

"Say now, talk about later."

Little Mr. Pei glared back at her, "From now on, this person will work as a horse for you, Yan Sanhe."

Li Buyan curled his lips: "Little Master Pei, please give me some time before you become a cow or a horse."

"For a lifetime!"

Little Mr. Pei rubbed Xie Zhifei's arm, tears rolling in his eyes, "Right, thank you fifty?"



Huaiyou, you have to believe that God allowed me to live as Mr. Xie just to be a cow and a horse for you and to atone for my mother's sins.

This is also cause and effect.

This is cause and effect.

Xie Zhifei laughed with tears in his eyes. He took out the first gift from the box.
"When you were four years old, you told me that you really wanted to..."


"I want a flute."

The girl looked at the swing frame in the yard and murmured to herself: "I was sitting on it and told you this. I also said that I would learn how to play it and play it to you later."

She was four years and nine months old when she saw this instrument in a book. She liked it very much and didn't dare to ask her father for it, so she could only tell him secretly.

It turns out that I am not her biological child.

No wonder, she wants to kill me.

In fact, I would have died a long time ago.

The girl looked at Zhao's wing, the confusion in her eyes fading away little by little.

In the past few days, she had been trapped in this house, repeating the twelve hours of the last day before her death, from the moment she opened her eyes in the morning to when Zhao's hands strangled her neck.

This is the inner demon of eight-year-old Huaiyou.

But now I am Yan Sanhe, me.

The girl's figure suddenly grew up, and the Haitang Courtyard in front of her became blurred, slowly disappearing from Yan Sanhe's eyes.

It was dark all around.

Yan Sanhe subconsciously wanted to move forward, but everything was dark. Where was she going?
A cold wind blew over and she felt cold.

It had been a long time since she had felt cold. It was a chilling feeling that pierced her heart.

At this time, a bright light appeared at the end of his sight.

Yan Sanhe decided to walk towards the bright light without hesitation!

She believed that there must be someone waiting for her at the end of the light.

Wait for her to come home. …

She walked very fast, almost running.

But as she ran, the light suddenly extended towards her and turned into a long bridge.

Legend has it that after death, people first go to the Gate of Hell, and after passing the Gate of Hell, they walk on the Road to the Underworld, and after passing the Road to the Underworld, they reach the Wangchuan River.

There is a bridge on the river called Naihe Bridge.

On the Naihe Bridge, I take one last look at your love and hatred, your lingering dreams, the person you love most in this life, and the person you still want to wait for in the next life.

Then drink a bowl of Meng Po soup, and you will be reborn and reborn as a human being.

There were people on the bridge, bustling and bustling, all coming towards Yan Sanhe.

She was stunned for a moment, stretched out her legs, and walked carefully to the bridge.

"Yan girl!"

Yan Sanhe went out looking for fame and was shocked.

Why is she here?

Sister Zhen sat on the bamboo chair, stuffed a soybean into her mouth, and chewed it loudly, "Bring me a message to Brother Xie."

Yan Sanhe frowned: "What are you talking about?"

Sister Zhen flicked her stubbornness on the back of her head and said, "Thank him for me!"

Yan Sanhe was amused by her actions, "Why are you thanking him?"

"Then how can I tell you? This is a secret between the two of us."

Sister Zhen stood up from the bamboo chair and walked to Yan Sanhe, with an expression of disgust on her face.

"You're not as handsome as I was when I was young. Brother Xie has bad eyesight, not good at all."


You are the most handsome in heaven and on earth!
Sister Zhen took a few steps forward, turned her head, and smiled at Yan Sanhe, revealing her two yellow front teeth.

"Girl Yan, goodbye!"

Yan Sanhe nodded and continued walking to the bridge.

As she walked, she suddenly felt something pouring into her body, and her body seemed to become fuller.

At this time, she heard a deep voice shouting to her: "Miss Yan, stay."

It's Zhou Ye.

Zhou Ye was dressed in green clothes and stood with his hands behind his back, his expression very calm.

Next to him stood the tall and thin Wu Shunian.

There was a smile on Wu Shunian's lips and eyes.

Yan Sanhe discovered that this man looked really prettier than the Third Master when he smiled.

Wu Shunian bent down and bowed to Yan Sanhe, "Miss Yan, I thank you on behalf of my father."

Yan Sanhe shook his head slightly and said no, "How is your health?"

Wu Shunian looked at the person beside him, with a touch of tenderness in his eyes: "He takes good care of me."

"If you were more obedient, I could take better care of you!"

Zhou Ye pursed his thin lips into a thin line and clasped his fists at Yan Sanheyi, "Miss Yan, we will meet again in the mountains and rivers. We have no hope for the future. Farewell!"

This guy also used this sentence to say goodbye to her last time, which was not creative at all.


The two of them crossed paths with Yan Sanhe.

The moment they rubbed shoulders, Wu Shunian leaned into Yan Sanhe's ear and whispered: "Sanhe, goodbye."

See you.

Yan Sanhe smiled and shed tears.

Her body filled up a little more.

In front is a piece of kapok.

At the end of the kapok, stood a handsome young man.

The boy held a girl's hand. The girl had dark skin, thick and long braids, and a pair of bright black eyes.

Beside the two of them, a black dog lay lazily.

Wherever I am not sad, I can see the autumn moon off the mountain.

Yan Sanhe smiled with tears in his eyes: "So you looked like this when you were young, Wu Guanyue!"

(End of this chapter)

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