late night song

Chapter 140 Flood Tianen

Chapter 140 Flood Tianen
The heavy rain continued overnight, the breach in the dam continued to grow, and the floods rose sharply. If it could not be blocked in time, all eighteen counties and counties along the Lingshui River would be engulfed by floods.

It was already evening, and the continuous waters were surging and brewing, as if they were going to swallow everything here under the darkness.

Life and death in this night.

The garrison leaders at the scene, close ministers, and Lanye all tried hard to persuade Lejia Pengkang to evacuate quickly, and even threatened him with his life. However, he refused to say anything, and even angrily denounced the ministers, "If there is no country, how can you be a king?" !
It was precisely because of his persistence that all the defenders and the people present were ignited with hope for life and a watchful eye for home.

They were united and united, lined up in a long line, and worked tirelessly to deliver sandbags to the embankment. Even Lejia Pengkang did not care about the royal dignity and went down to the dam to take command personally, carrying the sandbags together with the supervisor who was waiting closely beside him. .

Gu Yuchu woke up to the loud slogans. She opened the tent and saw the scene on the embankment, so she rushed out without hesitation.

"What are you doing here? Go back and lie down!" Xiao Ling scolded her when he saw that she was soaked again.

"What time has it been? Let's die together." Gu Yuchu answered firmly.

Xiao Ling was stunned for a while, then smiled, and then they silently joined the competition with destiny.

I was busy until almost dawn, and the breached dike was finally blocked!
Everyone collapsed on the spot, panting regardless of the mud and wetness beneath their feet.

Such a scene is unique. During a natural disaster, the emperor and the common people join hands and fight for life and death together.

Even God was moved. The downpour suddenly turned into a drizzle, and then stopped when the sky was getting light and the sun was dawning.

Lejia Pengkang knelt down on the spot and bowed to the rising sun: "Kowtow to thank God for blessing me with peace and harmony!"

The officials and people present also arrived, and they all kowtowed to the east with great piety.

Then, Lejia Pengkang stood up and looked down at the people at his feet. He was so majestic. His expression was so resolute that he could not tell that he was a teenager.

"Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in Hehe, there have been many natural and man-made disasters, but every time they have been turned into disasters, it is not only the blessing of heaven." Lejia Pengkang paused, and pointed to the officers and soldiers who had been stationed for rescue for several days. He confirmed loudly: "What's more important is that you are here! Warriors who swear allegiance to their country."

The officers and soldiers were full of blood and shouted: "Be loyal to the country, even if you die!"

"And you." Lejia Pengkang continued after the shouts died down, "the people who have silently cultivated this fertile land for hundreds of years. Without you, who would the soldiers fight for? Who will defend the country? Today, I am happy Jia Pengkang has started to fight against the soul of Linghe, and he will definitely revive the prestige of Hehe in his lifetime, and give you a light year of peace and joy!"

The people, officers and soldiers of Koufu gathered tightly around the young emperor, who was not afraid of life and death, and sincerely bowed their heads.

"The king of the country will live for ten thousand years, and Hehe will live for ten thousand years!"

This natural disaster destroyed five counties along the Hehe Lingshui River, but fortunately it washed away the doubts of the people of Hehe about the young master and the worries about the future of the country.

Lejia Pengkang seemed to turn into a wisp of heavenly fire, igniting the chaotic world from the east, lighting up the boundless darkness in the hearts of the people of Hehe, and making them more convinced that this young king was the host chosen by the gods to save them from water and fire.

Lan Ye couldn't stop crying with excitement and tightly grabbed Gu Yuchu's arm.

At this moment, Gu Yuchu's doubts about Lejia Pengkang have completely dissipated. The choice between life and death is too difficult, let alone a child who has not yet been crowned. She only hopes that he will always remember the heart of a king and treat his people sincerely. Protect the country.

But when she pulled her thoughts away and looked back for Xiao Ling, he was not among the crowd.

After everyone was busy cleaning up the mess after the disaster, Gu Yuchu found him in the tent.

"Where did you just run?" Gu Yuchu asked.

"Where else can we go? This child is crying. I will guard her." Xiao Ling touched the sleeping child and replied without raising his head.

"You are so tender and chivalrous." Gu Yuchu forgot his inner embarrassment and started teasing. Then he sneezed hard unconsciously, and his nose almost flowed out.

"Mind your own business."

Xiao Ling handed over a handkerchief, and Gu Yuchu took it awkwardly and wiped her nose, while he raised his hand to rub her half-dried cuffs.

"Hurry up and change into clean clothes. You are sick. Can you let me carry you back?"

"Xiao Ling..." Gu Yuchu felt grateful and was about to say something.

"You're welcome. I'm here." At this time, Lan Ye suddenly appeared and protected the woman.

Xiao Ling glanced at her and said nothing. "These are my clothes, Xiaochu, please put them on quickly." Lan Ye knocked Xiao Ling away from Gu Yuchu and gave her the pink dress in his hand.

"She can't wear this color." Xiao Ling glanced at the dress, which was not very practical at the moment, and spoke again. Although he was telling the truth, it made Gu Yuchu roll his eyes.

"Why are you still here? You want to watch a woman change her clothes? You're a scumbag!" Lan Ye didn't have a good impression of Xiao Ling, even though he saved his best friend.

Xiao Ling glanced sideways at the two women and walked out the door expressionlessly.

Afterwards, Lan Ye pulled Gu Yuchu to change into clothes.However, after getting on it, she realized that, as Xiao Ling said, the color really didn't suit her, and she couldn't help but cough a few times in embarrassment.

"Are you freezing?" Lan Ye was a little anxious. He took her hand and checked her pulse and said, "In another hour, we will set off back. Xiaochu, you'd better come back to the palace with me to recuperate for a while."

"Why is my martial arts body so weak? Don't worry blindly." Gu Yuchu refused.

"The water is so cold, how can it be okay?!" Lanye pulled her arm and took her pulse again, "No, the pulse is unstable and the cold is invading my body. You have to follow me."

"You have a floating pulse on your right side, Xiaochu, you should be obedient." Xiao Ling seemed to have calculated the time and entered the tent without anyone's invitation.

"Why are you everywhere?! Who are you?" Seeing this man being so reckless, Lanye was even more unhappy, and felt a little unconvinced when he inserted his waist.

"Are you the stupid, greedy and forgetful female doctor that Miss Yu Chu always mentioned?" Xiao Ling replied rudely.

Lan Ye stared at Gu Yuchu, as if he wanted to eat her, while Gu Yuchu glared at the man who had killed a thousand swords, and then looked away with a smile.

"Are you looking for death? Believe it or not, I asked Xiaochu to kill you?!" The carefree Lan Ye relied on Gu Yuchu's presence to protect her, and ignored her and cursed directly.

"Did you learn this gangster spirit from her?" Xiao Ling sighed quietly.

"Be careful what you say!" Gu Yuchu was not happy to hear him making fun of himself.

But before she could say the next sentence, Lanye had already sprinkled some powder on Xiao Ling with a handkerchief.But after a while, Xiao Ling still stood there firmly.

"Are you okay?" Lan Ye looked at him in surprise.

"Tea powder is colorless, odorless and non-toxic, but it can make people extremely itchy, like hundreds of insects pecking at the heart." Xiao Ling calmly revealed her background.

"How do you know? This is my and my master's exclusive secret recipe." Lan Ye's eyes widened, very unconvinced.

"Exclusive secret recipe? Xuan Lai also got the recipe from me." Xiao Ling smiled proudly and raised his head unconsciously.

"You're talking nonsense. This was obviously taught to me by my master!" Lan Ye blew his beard and glared angrily, and quickly asked, "Who are you? How do you know my master?"

"Xuan Lai is the second disciple of Master Yao Lingzi of Duimen of Sanxing Academy. Unfortunately, I am the master's close disciple. According to etiquette, you should call me uncle."

"Master retired from the world 20 years ago. Why are you such a liar?" Although Lan Ye refused to believe it, his eyes were much softer.

"Come here." Xiao Ling waved to her patiently.

Lanye instinctively hid behind Gu Yuchu, not daring to step forward.

"I'm here, don't be afraid." Gu Yuchu knew Xiao Ling wouldn't do anything to her, so he comforted her and pushed her forward.

Lan Ye slowly moved in front of him, and saw Xiao Ling whispering something in her ear, and then Lan Ye suddenly burst into laughter, and excitedly called his uncle a very affectionate name.

"What's going on?" Now it was Gu Yuchuqian's turn to stare with disbelief.

"I won't tell you." Lan Ye blinked his eyes in a mysterious manner, and then went out happily, not forgetting to say, "I will go and tell Kangkang to free up an extra carriage to take my uncle and you with me. Let’s go back to the palace together!”

Seeing Lan Ye jumping out of the tent happily, Gu Yuchu became even more suspicious and asked Xiao Ling: "What on earth did you say to her?"

"Want to know? Just think about it."

Xiao Ling was even more mysterious. No matter how Gu Yuchu asked, he avoided answering.

(End of this chapter)

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