late night song

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

This heavy rain has been falling for more than half a month. Along the Ling River, the land in Hehe is the lowest. Many villages have been flooded, hundreds of people have been displaced, and even the canal has broken embankments.

He and the imperial court have allocated food and sent troops to rescue, and at the same time recruited nearby medical doctors to go to the disaster area to provide support.

Xiao Ling packed up a supply of emergency medicine and headed to a neighboring county a few days ago. Gu Yuchu also heard that Lejia Pengkang and Princess Eleven went to inspect the dam in person. After the victims thanked the emperor for his magnanimous kindness and shed tears of gratitude, he also decided to go together. disaster area.

The rain was so heavy that it hurt like being cut by a knife. As far as the eye could see, there were rolling floods wrapped in yellow mud, flowing ruthlessly through the land that gave birth to life.

The turbulent waves passed by. Although it was daytime, the sky was gray, like muddy land, and the sky and the earth seemed to be intertwined.

Gu Yuchu stood not far away and looked from a distance. There were more than a hundred tents set up on both sides of the embankment, which were barely able to hold up the wind and rain.

Doctors were busy treating injured victims and officers and soldiers, and people were constantly being rescued from the floods by officers and soldiers.

However, there are still many victims whose treatment failed, and their bodies were temporarily buried on the spot to prevent the outbreak of infectious diseases.

Gu Yuchu originally wore a coir raincoat, but she had to take it off in order to save people. Together with the officers and soldiers, she kept carrying sandbags and stacking them together to strengthen the embankment.

The heavy rain was still falling, and there was driftwood flowing along the downstream tributary, and it got stuck on the half-uprooted old tree trunk on the shore. There was a child in blue clothes on it, crying constantly.

Because we are in a large inlet that enters the main trunk of the Ling River, the flood is particularly turbulent. However, after the rapid river water flows in, it is easy to form an undercurrent whirlpool. The rescue is very difficult, and the rescuers may not succeed even if they are injured.

Lanye saw the child from a distance and rushed to the camp commanded by General Zuo to ask the king to mobilize troops for rescue.Lejia Pengkang immediately ordered people to try to rescue him, but after discussing for a long time, the plan could not be decided. The rainstorm became heavier and heavier, the sky became darker and darker, and the child's life was in danger.

The doctor was kind-hearted, and Lanye was so anxious that he ran to the downstream shore regardless of the danger.

Lejiapeng Kangben wanted to join her, but was stopped by General Zuo. Not long after, several guards around him ran out of the tent.

On their way there, Gu Yuchu had already arrived at the shore and carefully observed the surrounding situation. The current was so fast that even if she brought the long rope prepared in advance, she had no chance of winning.

Lan Ye saw someone from a distance and staggered over. The muddy ground was too slippery and she fell hard. Gu Yuchu quickly moved over and helped her get up.

"Xiao Chu." Lan Ye was about to cry.

"Don't cry, it's important to save people." Gu Yuchu wiped her muddy face.

At this time, there was a sound of breaking driftwood, and the child's crying became louder.

Lan Ye rushed down regardless, but was stopped by Gu Yuchu.

"Don't make trouble, I'll go."

"No, it's too dangerous. I'm with you."

"If you don't want me to die, just listen to me!" Gu Yuchu yelled angrily. After saying that, she first tied a loose buckle that could control the tightness, then tied the rope with the loose buckle around her waist, and the other end of the rope was tight. Tied to the big tree on the shore, she told Lanye to keep the tight knot, and then walked down into the rushing flood.

She slowly crawled towards the child along the branches on the bank. They broke several times and Gu Yuchu was almost washed away. Fortunately, she had enough arm strength to hook onto the main branch. Lanye shed tears of fright and squatted down. On the ground, I pulled tightly on the rope that had become a knot, still worried that it was not strong enough.

After Gu Yuchu reached the child, he immediately put the rope around her body.

Strangely enough, the child was very obedient, or as if he saw hope, he stopped crying and just snuggled quietly under Gu Yuchu's armpit.

Gu Yuchu, who was in the water, struggled to return the way he came. However, the flood upstream was fierce. Under the constant impact, the old trees that were half in the water had been uprooted. They were washed far away and without support, Gu Yuchu and his children choked a lot in the water. The force of the flood was so great that they couldn't use the rope to get back to the shore.

Lanye cried loudly and tried all his strength to pull the rope back, but to no avail.

At this moment, Xiao Ling arrived, along with several of Lejia Pengkang's guards.

The guards helped Lan Ye pull the rope together, but the power of the whirlpool was huge, and even the six of them couldn't pull Gu Yuchu and the child out at all.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Ling fixed the rope brought by the guards to the big tree in the same way as Gu Yuchu's. Then he broke off a long and strong tree pole and tied it to the extra rope around his waist.

He warned everyone on the shore to tighten the rope when he approached the whirlpool.

Lan Ye was in a state of panic, but seeing this strange man dragging a branch into the water without hesitation, he felt inexplicably uncertain about the chance of victory.

Xiao Ling was outside the whirlpool and handed the tree trunk to Gu Yuchu, but the water flow was so fast that they tried several times but still couldn't catch it.Gu Yuchu lowered her head and said to the child who was clinging to her armpit: "Don't be afraid, be brave, we will all survive."

The child nodded in understanding, and she used all her strength to lift the child out. Finally, the child's short, wrinkled hands reached the tree trunk, which was full of life. Gu Yu was relieved for the first time.Then, she grabbed the tree trunk tightly with the rope connecting her waist to the child.

Xiao Ling used all his strength and the tacit cooperation of the people on the shore to finally drag the two of them out of the whirlpool.

But even so, it took a lot of effort to drag the three of them ashore, and the five people on the shore were unable to do anything.

Xiao Ling slowly pulled the branch closer to him bit by bit until he held Gu Yuchu and the child firmly in his arms.

Fortunately, Lejia Pengkang arrived in time with a group of guards, and more than a dozen people worked together to drag them out of the water.

What a danger, just a little bit away from Gu Yuchu's rope being broken.

The child was dying, and Lan Ye rushed forward anxiously, holding the child handed over by Xiao Ling, and pressing her lower abdomen with all his strength. Only after the child vomited out the water in her belly did he let out a big sigh of relief.

Then, she suddenly realized that there were others nearby, turned around and fell on Gu Yuchu, almost plunging into the rolling flood again.

She asked with red eyes and concern: "Xiaochu, how are you?"

Gu Yuchu obviously hadn't recovered yet, his mind was filled with the turbulent and indecisive flood, and he was in a daze.

"It's okay, I'm here." Xiao Ling hugged her and comforted her.

"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. It's better to go to the dike first." Lejia Pengkang ordered calmly.

So, everyone immediately helped each other and left.

"Can you leave?" Xiao Ling gently supported Gu Yuchu.

"Yes." The woman in his arms responded softly. Her thin and wet look was really heartbreaking.

Xiao Ling then lifted her up, put his arm around her waist, and staggered back to the dike camp.

The rainstorm was raging, and the conditions of the tents on the embankment were too simple. There was no time to boil hot water to get rid of the coldness on the body, so they had to find some clean clothes and change into them.

These were clean clothes, but they had not been exposed to sunlight for many days and were mostly dried in the shade in a tent. They were damp and smelled of mud and rain.

Gu Yuchu was very exhausted, so he put on clean clothes and wrapped himself around the quilt, but he couldn't stop shivering.

Xiao Ling found a rare clean cotton cloth and kept wiping her hair, fearing that the cold air would invade her body.Gu Yuchu didn't shy away. She curled up and was very obedient.

After a while, she subconsciously asked, "Is that child okay?"

"It's nothing serious, I'm just scared." Xiao Ling replied, his hands still gently and neatly wiping her long hair, as if he was wiping a precious treasure.

"Thank you, I owe you a lot." Gu Yuchu opened the corners of his lips forcefully and smiled.

"Don't worry, you don't have to pay it back." Xiao Ling stopped, looked at her in such embarrassment quietly, raised his hand to touch her cheek, and said seriously.

"I just thought I wouldn't survive."

Gu Yuchu stared blankly ahead, his eyes empty. This kind of despair is not like the fleeting trance under the sword. It slowly strangles your neck like silk and doesn't stop until you suffocate.

This kind of helplessness under destiny stretches every second of despair to the extreme, forcing you to clearly watch your body being torn into pieces until it disappears into ashes.

"I'm here. Don't be afraid." Xiao Ling hugged her gently.

Somehow, Gu Yuchu could not control himself and gently snuggled up to this man's side, suddenly feeling extremely peaceful in his heart.

At this moment, she finally made a decision about herself. From now on, whether it is Yuchi or Lejia, she no longer has to worry about the confusion and twists and turns of the road. As for how to go in the future, she just asks herself if she is willing to go. Whether you want to be happy or not, live a good life for yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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