Life 1984

Chapter 596: Destroy him!

Li Yunhai wanted to bring down the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall, and the breakthrough point was Tang Kun.

Tang Kun had already confessed to the crime he should have confessed to. This man was already on the verge of death and had no way out.

The ant was still alive, but at the moment of death, Tang Kun's psychological defense had long since collapsed. He knew everything the police asked him.

Tang Kun once worked in Jinghai Song and Dance Hall, so he must know the tricks of this store.

As long as Tang Kun's confession is obtained, we can conduct a thorough investigation of the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall and kill him!

The police's previous investigations and interrogations had always focused on the murder case, but they had neglected the line of Jinghai Song and Dance Hall.

Li Yunhai told the police that the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall was the best clue to find Wei Jie and the real culprit behind it.

The police interrogated Tang Kun again.

This time, the content of their interrogation was mainly focused on the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall.

Tang Kun collapsed a long time ago and said everything he knew.

According to his explanation, Wei Jie was promoted from the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall. She was just a dancer before, but was later appreciated and favored by Zhao Jinghai, who promoted her to become the foreman, then the manager, and later became Zhao Jinghai's mistress.

The reason why Jinghai Song and Dance Hall is what it is today is because of Wei Jie's management.

Wei Jie had been a dancing girl and knew how to please a man and make him obedient and hand over the money in his pocket. She personally trained a group of young and beautiful dancers, and in just a few years, she made Jinghai Song and Dance Hall the number one in the industry.

Before the rise of these clubs in heaven and earth, the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall was a gold-selling cave for men.

The interrogating police officer asked: "Is there any illegal transaction of paid escorts in the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall?"

Tang Kun sneered disapprovingly: "Of course there is! But it's very hidden! If you don't do this business, how will you make money?"

The police asked: "Does Zhao Jinghai know this?"

Tang Kun hesitated for a moment: "You must know it, right? Wei Jie is his mistress, isn't she helping him make money?"

The police asked: "In addition to paid escorts, what other illegal activities are there at Jinghai Song and Dance Hall? Is the wine they sell fake?"

Tang Kun said: "I don't know if it's fake wine. Anyway, we are consuming inside and don't drink the wine at the counter. There are also special wines."

After this interrogation, the problems existing in the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall have been basically determined.

The police raided the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall at lightning speed.

The ballroom is still being renovated, but the drinks inside have not been touched and are all stored in the warehouse.

Those dancers didn't go to work and stayed in the dormitory.

The police sealed off the warehouse and dormitory, took away the alcohol for inspection, and brought the dancers back to the bureau for review.

The dancers were the easiest to pry open. Under the slogan of leniency for those who confessed and those who resisted, when the police interrogated them for a while, they poured beans out of bamboo tubes and confessed everything they had done.

The punishment they received was not serious. They were detained for a few days and then released.

What the police want to destroy is the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall, a criminal den where women are allowed to conduct illegal transactions, and what they want to crack down on is the evil forces behind it.

In addition to the dancers, the staff of the dance hall also turned into tainted witnesses and gave confessions about everything they saw and came into contact with inside.

The test results of the wine also came out, and it was indeed that they were all fake wine.

The police closed down the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall in accordance with the law.

Zhao Jinghai was summoned to the police station again.

However, this kid Zhao Jinghai picked himself clean again.

He said to the police: "Comrade, you have arrested the wrong person. Jinghai Song and Dance Hall is not my property. I have no idea what this store does or what it sells, and I am not responsible for it."

The police shouted and asked: "Zhao Jinghai, please take the initiative to cooperate with our work! Who doesn't know that you are the owner of this store?"

Zhao Jinghai said: "Joke! My name is Zhao Jinghai, and the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall is my store? I admit that this store was indeed mine before, but then I transferred it. If you don't believe me, go check the registrant of this store. Who is it? It’s definitely not me, Zhao Jinghai. Comrade, this store has long been owned by Wei Jie! If you find her, you can understand everything."

After checking, the police confirmed that the current registrant of Jinghai Song and Dance Hall is indeed Wei Jie, not Zhao Jinghai!

As early as two years ago, the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall was transferred to Wei Jie!

Zhao Jinghai said with an aggressive look: "Comrade, I asked you, can you verify it first before summoning me? Although I am just a good citizen, cooperating with your work, and coming to make a record, but outsiders know about it and accuse me. Maybe it’s a rumor! I’m a businessman and I don’t like these things. Really!”

The policeman sneered: "Zhao Jinghai, don't be proud! Don't you have any shares in Jinghai Song and Dance Hall? In the past two years, you haven't received any dividends from it? We will find out after checking your bank account! I advise You’d better do it honestly!”

Zhao Jinghai shrugged his shoulders: "It doesn't matter, you can check it if you want. I'm not afraid of things I haven't done at all. Our Jinhai Group has many ways to make money, so why should I do such illegal activities? You ask Is it over? Can I go? My wife and son are still at home waiting for me to come home for dinner!"

There is a time limit for summoning and detaining suspects. People like Zhao Jinghai come in countless times a year and have long regarded this place as familiar and casual as their own home.

I'm afraid this kind of scum understands culture and the law!
The police cannot detain him without reason and let him go.

Zhao Jinghai walked out of the police station door and sneered: "If you want to arrest me, there is no way! I have gone in and out of this police station door countless times! How many times did I really stay behind?"

His men greeted him outside, asked him to get in the car, and drove away.

Li Yunhai couldn't help but frowned when he heard about the progress of the case.

This time he still failed to defeat Zhao Jinghai!

However, the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall was finally closed down, which cut off Zhao Jinghai's foundation for making a fortune and also cut off his most profitable avenue.

It's just that Zhao Jinghai is still there, and he also has money. At the worst, he can change his location, open another store, recruit more troops, and start over again!

Therefore, if Li Yunhai wants to defeat Zhao Jinghai, he still has to work hard.

Li Yunhai did these things all the time hidden behind his back. He only contacted informants through phone calls.

Therefore, Zhao Jinghai did not expect that it was Li Yunhai who was plotting against him.

Seizing the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall is just the first step in Li Yunhai's revenge.

He will also attack other industries under the name of Jinhai Group.

Li Yunhai set his sights on Jinhai Components Factory.

This factory is also the home base where Zhao Jinghai accumulated original capital.

Normally, a factory would not do anything illegal.

At most, it is a tax evasion.

There is no point in checking their factories.

Li Yunhai wants to defeat Jinhai Components Factory, and he must start from commercial struggle.

He first asked someone to investigate Jinhai Components Factory to understand the factory's business context, purchase, sales channels, partners, etc. What are they?
It is not difficult to find out these information.

All it takes is one or two key people in the factory.

Jinhai Components Factory is in decline, and the employees are worried that there is no way to make a fortune! Some people spend money to buy some irrelevant information, why not?
Li Yunhai randomly sent someone and spent a little money to get the information he wanted.

Do not check, I don’t know, I’m scared.

Li Yunhai discovered that Jinhai Components Factory had actually cooperated with Shi Company.

Before Shi's company made a fortune following Li Yunhai, it was engaged in the business of various second-hand electrical appliances, but it has stopped doing so in recent years.

Now, Shi Wenyin has opened a factory in Xizhou.

Shi Wentao became an agent in Taiwan.

The brothers and sisters relied on the big tree of Sihai Group to make a lot of money, and no longer had to do that kind of small business.

Li Yunhai called Shi Wenyin.

"Sister Shi, let me ask you something. Have you done business with a Jinhai component factory in Beijin before?"

"Jinhai Components Factory? Beijin's? It produces TVs, right? We have cooperated before, but that was all in the past. We haven't done second-hand electrical appliances for several years."

"Okay, Sister Shi, let me ask you again, do you know a company called Taiyuan Technology?"

"Taiyuan Technology? I know, it's run by Hu Jianren."

"Are they doing the same business as you did before?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Jinhai Component Factory is now cooperating with Taiyuan Technology Company."

"Oh, that's right."

"Sister Shi, let me ask you another question. Please believe me and tell me the truth."

"Yunhai, what do you mean? Of course I believe you!"

"Is Taiyuan Technology Company engaged in smuggling?"


"Really?" "Huh? What should I say about this question? To say that there is no smuggling, that's not necessarily true! People who are in this business will have some smuggled goods, otherwise they will not make any money."

"I understand."

"Yunhai, what are you going to do?"

"I want to bring down Jinhai Components Factory!"

"Oh my God! You don't want to report them for smuggling, do you? It's Taiyuan Technology Company that will be harmed! Maybe a lot of people will be implicated."

Li Yunhai said: "Sister Shi, please don't worry. I'm not that stupid, and I'm not that righteous. In this era, the development is barbaric. Whoever has the ability can make money, no matter whether the claws stretched out are black or black. white."

Shi Wenyin let out a long breath: "Then what are you going to do?"

Li Yunhai said: "I want to use this as a threat to prevent Taiyuan Technology from supplying goods to Jinhai Component Factory."

Shi Wenyin said: "You can indeed achieve your goal, but can't Jinhai Factory find another partner? Just like we didn't do it, they found Taiyuan Technology Company to cooperate."

Li Yunhai said: "It takes time to change suppliers. I only need a period of time difference, which is enough to defeat Jinhai Component Factory."

Shi Wenyin said: "Yunhai, what do you want to do?"

Li Yunhai said: "The mountain man has his own clever plan. Okay, Sister Shi, I have something to do here. Goodbye."

Shi Wenyin smiled and said, "When will you be back? I went to your house yesterday to play, but why did I still see a policewoman at your house?"

Li Yunhai said: "Are you talking about Sister Chen? It's a long story. I've encountered a lot of trouble recently and I'm trying to solve it, so I need someone to protect my family."

Shi Wenyin groaned: "Yunhai, do you need our help? Just say that we can't help you much, but we can still help you with a small help."

Li Yunhai said: "It's not necessary for the time being. Thank you, Sister Shi. I will go home after finishing the things here and treat you to dinner then."

After hanging up the phone, Li Yunhai pondered for a moment, raised the corners of his mouth, and showed a cat-catching-mouse smile.

If Li Yunhai wants to bring down a factory, he has plenty of means.

He first found a few entrepreneurs with whom he had regular contacts in the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and asked them to do him a favor and order a batch of color TVs from Jinhai Components Factory.

Those entrepreneurs usually wanted to curry favor with Li Yunhai so that they could gain access to him, so they naturally listened to him.

They asked Li Yunhai why he should purchase color TVs through them? He also said that the Jinhai brand color TV was not that good and it was better to buy a Changhong color TV.

Li Yunhai said that you just go and place the order, and I will help you make a small fortune. After you place the order, remember to sign the contract, especially specify the liquidated damages. We will need these color TV sets within half a month.

When the entrepreneurs heard that they were getting rich, they were all happy. Following Li Yunhai's instructions, they went to Jinhai Components Factory to inspect, and then placed several orders, all for the most advanced 21-inch large color TVs at the time.

Jinhai Components Factory happily entertained these customers, patted its chest, and guaranteed the goods, saying that there would be no problems and the goods would be delivered on time.

After receiving the deposit, Jinhai Factory contacted the upstream supplier Taiyuan Technology Company and asked them to deliver the goods.

As a result, Taiyuan Technology Company responded that it would have to wait a month before the goods would be available.

This made the management staff of Jinhai Factory anxious, and they quickly contacted Zhao Hongtao.

Zhao Hongtao is also one of the Three Tigers of the Zhao family. He is responsible for managing the Jinhai Components Factory.

After hearing the news, Zhao Hongtao quickly contacted other suppliers.

To his disappointment, several suppliers said they didn't have the goods.

Zhao Hongtao was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

my country introduced the first color TV production line in 1978.

But at that time, our country faced a problem, which was that core components such as picture tubes in televisions relied on imports. In order to take the technology into its own hands, the country established the Xianyang Rainbow Picture Tube Factory, which was also my country's first color picture tube production plant.

In this vigorous production of color TVs, several well-known brands that we are familiar with today were born, such as Changhong, TCL, Konka, Hisense, Furi, etc.

There were not many manufacturers that could produce 21-inch flat right-angled color tubes at that time, and they were all supplied to major manufacturers such as Changhong.

Changhong is engaged in a TV price war and has prepared a large amount of goods.

This also makes it difficult for small factories like Jinhai Component Factory to get 21-inch color tubes unless they reserve in advance.

Jinhai Factory used to cooperate with businessmen from Lingnan and use imported color tubes and other components.

Most of these imported goods are smuggled over, and the prices are very cheap. They are also competitive when placed alongside domestic products.

Now the construction period is tight. Hu Jianren in Lingnan cannot deliver the goods, and we have to order domestically. It will take at least a month before the goods are available.

No matter what, the Jinhae factory cannot deliver the order on time.

Zhao Hongtao calculated an account and said that if he could not deliver on time, he would have to pay 60 yuan in breach of contract losses!

This is no small sum of money!

Jinhai Factory has been having a hard time recently, and if it loses such a large amount of liquidated damages, wouldn't it make things worse?

At this moment, someone came to sell original color TV components.

Zhao Hongtao was overjoyed and chatted with the salesperson.

The salesman claimed to be Hu Jianren, who was engaged in imported electronic components business along the coast, and happened to have a batch of TV color tubes that he was eager to sell.

When Zhao Hongtao heard this, he knew that the other party was in the smuggling business.

Over the years, everyone who has been in the business of smuggling TV sets and accessories has made a fortune, which has attracted more people to take risks.

In a later movie, "A Big Tree Catches the Wind", Ye Jihuan, one of the three thieves in Hong Kong, went to the mainland to smuggle TV sets and sell them.

This shows how huge the profits are. Even the king of thieves gave up and started smuggling TV sets.

Zhao Hongtao doesn't care where this batch of goods comes from, as long as it can solve an urgent need.

The salesman brought a cart full of samples.

Zhao Hongtao called technicians from the factory to test the samples and found that the goods were good, so he decided to purchase them.

The salesman said that the goods can be shipped tomorrow, but you have to pay a deposit of 10 yuan first. I will leave the sample car I brought to you for your first use.

Zhao Hongtao still had some concerns, but he heard from the salesman that he would make a phone call and ask them to deliver the goods. The salesmen would live in the Jinhai factory and wait for the goods to arrive before leaving.

This is a proper hostage!
There are three people and a car here. Are you worried that they can escape?
Zhao Hongtao was eager to purchase, so he agreed to pay 10 yuan to the designated account.

The next morning, Zhao Hongtao was woken up from his mistress's belly.

He thought the purchased color tubes had arrived, but his subordinates reported: "Mr. Zhao, those people were missing yesterday!"

"Gone? Where's the car?"

"The people and the car are missing."

"How come there are so many people and a car missing?"

"According to the security guard, at 3:30 in the morning, those people drove out and never came back."

"What the hell! What do you do for food? Why do you let them go?"

"Mr. Zhao, you didn't tell me not to let them out!"

"Look for me quickly! Can you contact me?"

"could not be reached."

"Didn't they make a phone call yesterday? Go to the long-distance telecommunications office to check! Find the call record and go find it!"

"Okay, Mr. Zhao."

After a lot of work, the person sent me the phone number.

Zhao Hongtao called over anxiously.

The call went through, but no one answered.

Zhao Hongtao was unwilling to give in and beat him hard!

As long as I can get through, I don’t believe no one will answer!
Huang Tian deserves a caring person.

The call was finally answered!
"Hey, where are you?" Zhao Hongtao asked.

"This is a public phone on the street!" the person over there replied.

Zhao Hongtao felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave instantly!
He has been plotting against people all day long, but today he capsized in the gutter and was plotted against!
One hundred thousand dollars!
He was deceived like that!

Zhao Hongtao was so angry that he cursed at his mother, stamped his feet in anxiety, and asked someone to check the account for the remittance.

It turned out that the account was opened by a person from Huacheng, and that person was an old farmer in the countryside. The farthest place he had been to in his life was their county seat, and his ID card was lost a year ago.

Zhao Hongtao put down the inquiry phone and shouted: "Asshole! Who is harming me!" (End of Chapter)

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