Life 1984

Chapter 595 Arrest

Guo Wanhua said that after Guan Lizhong's car accident, the local police conducted an investigation, but the vehicle involved had escaped and it could only be classified as a traffic accident for the time being.

The original restructuring process of Lingnan Instrument Factory was handed over to Guan Lizhong, and now the deputy director Tao Rongwei is in charge of the work.

A simple corporate share reform case caused so many turmoils!
Li Yunhai was surprised and said seriously: "No matter who is in charge of the restructuring work, we will not interfere. If Lingnan Instrument Factory has shares of Jinhai Group, we will not cooperate with them. I always feel that Jinhai Group is not reliable , we try not to get involved in any relationship with such an enterprise.”

Guo Wanhua suggested that we simply abandon Lingnan Instrument Factory? Most of them are OEMs, so why bother fighting with them?

Li Yunhai has nothing to do with the instrument factory, but a leader said hello to him and wanted him to revitalize the factory.

The Sihai Group happened to want to become a factory, and also wanted to deploy foundries along the coast. Li Yunhai readily agreed. How could he have imagined that there would be so many troubles?
After ending the call, Li Yunhai felt a hint of danger in his heart.

After the Sihai Group became bigger and stronger, he had already thought of someone wanting to take advantage of him and pick peaches, but this was actually his first time encountering it.

Without evidence, he could only assume that Jinhai Group was his imaginary enemy.

Zhao Jinghai appears to be harmonious on the surface, but after being repeatedly rejected and provoked by Li Yunhai, he will definitely make new arrangements secretly.

Of course Li Yunhai will not sit still and wait for death.

Zhu Lin and the others heard that something big had happened, so they stopped playing mahjong and sat over and asked Li Yunhai what happened.
Li Yunhai looked at several women and decided to tell them the truth. After all, any woman around him might become a target of enemy attacks.

Those people were used to eating bloody steamed buns. If they could kill Guan Lizhong today, they would dare to attack the people around Li Yunhai tomorrow.

Li Yunhai said solemnly: "This matter is very serious. I think you need to know. The director of the Lingnan Instrument Factory that we are about to cooperate with, Guan Lizhong, died. He was hit by a car."

Zhu Lin keenly sensed something was wrong and asked, "Yunhai, do you suspect that this car accident is unusual?"

Li Yunhai said: "With the opening of Sihai Plaza, the reputation of Sihai Group has reached its peak moment, unmatched in the country. There is an old saying that goes well, the moon gains and loses, and the water overflows. The company does It’s not easy to be so big, but in the eyes of outsiders, we make money very easily, so there will always be people who are jealous and want to suck blood from our company.”

Gong Jie said: "That's for sure, I've experienced it before. There were constant struggles, and I almost became a victim of their struggle."

Zhu Lin said worriedly: "Yunhai, you have to be very careful. They are just plotting against the company, but if they plot against your personal safety, it will be difficult."

Li Yunhai said: "I'm fine. The most important thing is your personal safety. You must protect yourselves. I won't keep you here tonight. I will contact you again after this matter is resolved. You can I can go to work normally and my daily life will not be affected.”

Zhu Lin and Gong Jie both had children and knew the serious nature of the matter. In order to protect the safety of their children, they followed Li Yunhai's arrangement and immediately left the apartment and went to live in the courtyard.

With three women together, Li Yunhai couldn't be affectionate with them. If he took care of this, he would annoy the other two, so he might as well let them all go back.

After Su Hong sent them downstairs, she returned to the living room and saw Li Yunhai talking on the phone with Lin Zhi.

What Li Yunhai wants to ensure most is the safety of his family.

The women he has outside are very secretive, and they usually don't meet in a high-profile manner.

Over the years, Li Yunhai has never had any scandals with anyone.

The woman that the outside world can definitely find out is Lin Zhi, his real wife.

Lin Zhi said she was fine and didn't feel anyone was following her, so she asked her husband to rest assured.

Li Yunhai discussed with his wife and asked Chen Jing to stay at home for a while to protect her and the children.

Lin Zhi felt that Li Yunhai was making a fuss. Xizhou had always been sunny and sunny, and there had never been any kidnappings.

Li Yunhai said that it is always better to be cautious in sailing the ship of ten thousand years. It is always better to be careful in everything.

Lin Zhi had no choice but to agree.

Li Yunhai contacted Chen Jing.

Chen Jing is a very powerful police officer and is responsible for criminal investigation. After listening to Li Yunhai's words, she analyzed the recent events.

She thought that the current suspicion that Zhao Jinghai murdered Guan Lizhong was a bit arbitrary. After all, there was no evidence to support it.

But she also reminded Li Yunhai that if the hotel murder case was established and someone was indeed instigating it, then the Zhao family would be in great danger. However, it cannot be ruled out that there is another hidden secret in the cases of Tang Kun and Kong Qingping.

Li Yunhai said that I will handle the matter here. Now I just want to invite you to my home to help me protect my family.

Chen Jing chuckled and said: "How many women do you need me to protect? When you look for women in the future, you might as well find someone like us. Not only can they protect themselves, but they can also protect you!"

Li Yunhai smiled helplessly.

Of course, Chen Jing agreed to Li Yunhai's request and said that she would stay at your house after get off work.

A rich man like Li Yunhai pays millions of yuan in taxes to the province every year!

His personal life was indeed threatened, and his family was likely to be harmed. In this case, it was necessary for the local police to provide protection.

Chen Jing reported to the bureau, and the leader gave instructions and assigned Chen Jing a special task, that is, she did not have to come to the bureau to clock in and protect the safety of Li's family 24 hours a day.

Li Yunhai felt relieved now that his family's safety was resolved.

The next day, Li Yunhai came to the office of Sihai Plaza.

When he travels now, he will be surrounded by several bodyguards.

Zhuang Yong and Ding Qiang are his most trusted bodyguards, and they are inseparable.

Sometimes he does not want to show off, but must take into account his own personal safety.

But in the eyes of others, they only think that Boss Li is very powerful and domineering. No matter where he goes, he always has bodyguards around him.

In the office, Li Yunhai received a call from Jiang Zhijun at the Xizhou headquarters.

Jiang Zhijun reported on the company's production affairs.

We received so many orders at the last Canton Fair that we needed to make proper arrangements.

"Mr. Li, domestic orders have increased recently and our production capacity is in a hurry." Jiang Zhijun said, "We must hurry up when it comes to finding OEMs."

After 1992, the pace of reform in our country accelerated a lot.

This year, a particularly large number of people went overseas to do business and start companies. Compared with 1984, the scale was several times greater.

For people with lofty ideals, apart from being comfortable, positions within the system cannot bring them much financial income, nor can they realize their dreams.

So many people began to jump out of their comfort zones and started a big wave of going into the sea.

Shops and small and micro businesses have sprung up across the country like mushrooms after a rain.

Domestic demand for office equipment has naturally increased a lot.

Taking personal computers as an example, annual sales increased from tens of thousands of units in the 80s to nearly 90 million units by the end of the s!

This is a qualitative leap!
In addition, the 90s was a glorious era for the popularity of personal computers.

This is not only true in our country, but also in every country around the world.

With the advent of the Internet and the promotion of paperless office, personal computers have ushered in a period of hot sales.

In the 90s when PCs became popular, Dell Computers always maintained a high growth rate of more than 30%, defeating competitors such as IBM and becoming the global computer sales champion.

In 1992, Dell Computer entered the Fortune 500 for the first time, and Dell himself became the youngest Fortune CEO in the world, setting a new historical record.

Li Yunhai, who rose to prominence in the same year as Dell, is also taking firm steps towards becoming a Fortune 500 company.

Li Yunhai made a statistics and found that Sihai Computer and Dell Computer have almost the same market share outside their home country.

If you count it carefully, the sales volume of Sihai Computer in other countries is higher than that of Dell Computer.

In terms of local operations, Sihai Computer's share is also very high, but it has to be admitted that my country's overall computer market is far less than that of the United States!

This situation was not changed until the 90s.

The brand effect of Sihai Computer has been developed. In the minds of Chinese people, Sihai Group is synonymous with high-end and quality. Almost everyone has heard of advertisements for Sihai products. Many children even grew up watching Sihai Group's advertisements.

The success of the brand strategy made Li Yunhai sure to win when the computer wave came in the 90s, and he could win!

Finding foundries is also a strategy formulated by Li Yunhai.

Therefore, Sihai Park will not expand again this year.

Li Yunhai discussed with Jiang Zhijun to find suitable foundries in Huacheng and Pengcheng.

Lingnan Instrument Factory can become one of the foundries.

In addition, we need to find two or three foundries.

Jiang Zhijun has to take care of the production at the headquarters and cannot get away for the time being.

Li Yunhai planned to leave it to Guo Wanhua to find a foundry.

After ending the call with Jiang Zhijun, Li Yunhai contacted Guo Wanhua.

He asked Guo Wanhua to do three things. The first is to finalize the cooperation with Lingnan Instrument Factory as soon as possible. If the other party's shareholding reform is delayed, the company will have no choice but to abandon the factory and find another partner.

The second is to find two or three more foundries in Huacheng and Pengcheng. We must find strong factories with a foundation in the electronics industry to cooperate.

The third is to coordinate shipments from the headquarters to ensure that orders from all over the world are delivered as scheduled.

Guo Wanhua agreed one by one.

The unexpected death of Guan Lizhong of Lingnan Instrument Factory did not change the development and direction of the situation.

The newly appointed factory director is named Xu Shisong. This person has always been vigorous and resolute in his work. On the day he took office as the factory director, he implemented the employee shareholding reform plan with an iron fist.

In order to achieve the purpose of cooperating with Sihai Group, the instrument factory did not accept the Jinhai Component Factory's request for a shareholding.

Xu Shisong called Guo Wanhua and said that the instrument factory could carry out shareholding reform while doing OEM work for Sihai Group.

Guo Wanhua did not dare to make the decision and asked Li Yunhai for instructions.

Li Yunhai accepted this suggestion and asked Guo Wanhua to contact Xu Shisong to arrange the first batch of production as soon as possible.

As long as the Lingnan Instrument Factory starts production, it can alleviate the production pressure in the second half of the year.

In order to improve the cooperation between foundries, it is necessary to do a good job in business distribution.

Which factories do what, which parts are produced, and where final assembly takes place all require careful planning.

Li Yunhai temporarily lived in Beijin and handled all aspects of affairs.

He mainly wanted to sit in Sihai Square and prevent anyone from causing trouble.

In the two days after Guan Lizhong's death, everything was calm.

Jinhai Components Factory contacted Xu Shisong twice, but was clearly rejected both times, and then they stopped pestering him.

Zhao Jinghai and others did not come to negotiate with Li Yunhai again.

However, Li Yunhai was secretly conducting an important investigation and providing evidence.

He cannot sit at home and wait for others to plot against him.

You know that someone is setting you up, but you still can't fight back?

Li Yunhai grasped the core points of dealing with Zhao Jinghai.

That is the Tang Kun case!

Tang Kun conspired to kill Kong Qingping. This incident was revealed by the victim Kong Qingping herself.

Although there was no other evidence and the victim himself was not harmed, Li Yunhai believed that the incident was true and there was no need for Kong Qingping to lie.

If this case can be confirmed to be true, then there must be something wrong with Tang Kun. Zhao Jinghai, who was behind Tang Kun, could not escape his guilt!
Tang Kun is the key clue to the entire case.

After Li Yunhai met Lin Zhenbang, the latter found acquaintances in the local police and asked them to continue investigating Tang Kun secretly.

However, after the attempted murder in the hotel, Tang Kun did not return to work at the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall. Instead, he hid in an alley and lived in seclusion. He had nothing to do every day and no one he interacted with.

On this day, maybe Tang Kun felt that the news had passed, or maybe he was bored after living here for too long, so he finally left the alley and found a mistress.

Tang Kun stayed at his mistress's house for a long time and then left.

The people who followed Tang Kun immediately rushed into the concubine's home, took control of her, and launched a surprise interrogation of her.

The mistress was afraid of going to jail and confessed everything she knew about Tang Kun.

Tang Kun was indeed helping Zhao Jinghai, and it was not just as simple as watching the scene or acting as a security guard.

When Zhao Jinghai had some shady matters to deal with, he would arrange for Tang Kun to help with them.

Tang Kun is the person who does the dirty work for Zhao Jinghai.

Just like Lao Mo in the later movie "Hurry Up", he also specialized in doing the dirty work for the Gao family.

According to the concubine's confession, she already knew that Tang Kun was responsible for at least three lives!

This gave the police a breakthrough in investigating the case.

The mistress told her about the murder case she had heard about.

When the police heard, it was three missing persons cases in recent years.

With the clues provided by the mistress, the police reorganized their search for evidence of the three murder cases and decided to arrest Tang Kun!

Tang Kun has been under police surveillance, and this day he was caught by the police in bed.

When he was arrested, Tang Kun was still struggling and kept shouting that he was a good person and a law-abiding citizen. Why did you arrest me? You must have arrested the wrong person!

The criminal policeman couldn't help but push him to the ground, cut off his hands behind his back, handcuff him, and take him back to the station for interrogation.

In the face of powerful human and physical evidence, Tang Kun finally admitted the fact that he had killed many people.

The police summoned Kong Qingping again to review the murder case at Beijin Sihai Tianhua Hotel.

Kong Qingping once again said what she heard, and every word matched the confession that day.

Tang Kun had already admitted that he had killed someone, so he didn't care about the additional charge. He boldly admitted what happened that day.

The police interrogated him: "Tang Kun, who was the person who called you that day? Who were you helping to kill someone? Why did you kill someone at the Sihai Tianhua Hotel?"

Tang Kun suddenly let out a weird laugh, and said with a ferocious face: "I committed all the crimes myself! I wanted to kill them! Because they all deserve to die! You don't need to ask any more questions! Just kill them if you want. kill!"

Of course, the police would not give in easily and continued to interrogate him 24 hours a day.

Under extreme exhaustion, Tang Kun's willpower finally collapsed.

Such people may not really be afraid of death, but they are afraid that life would be worse than death.

As the saying goes, it is easy to die generously, but difficult to die calmly.

Tang Kun could not withstand the interrogation and confessed the person behind the scenes.

However, the person Tang Kun confessed was not Zhao Jinghai, but a woman named Wei Jie.

The police soon learned that Wei Jie was Zhao Jinghai’s mistress! This woman is only 28 years old and holds an important position in Jinghai Group. She is usually in contact with Tang Kun.

The people Tang Kun killed were all ordered by Wei Jie.

For every person he killed, Wei Jie would give Tang Kun 50,000 yuan in hard work fees.

With Tang Kun's confession, the police immediately arrested Wei Jie.

Unfortunately, the police had already alerted Tang Kun when they arrested him, and Wei Jie ran away without knowing where he ended up.

The police summoned Zhao Jinghai in accordance with the law and asked about Wei Jie's whereabouts.

Zhao Jinghai looked as calm as a pig and didn't know anything about it. No matter what the police asked, he said he didn't know anything.

Before the time to detain Zhao Jinghai expired, the police failed to catch Wei Jie and found no more evidence, so they had no choice but to let him go.

Li Yunhai learned about the progress of the case through an acquaintance, and couldn't help but feel itchy with hatred!

Based on the current development of the case, it is not difficult to guess that Zhao Jinghai is the person behind the scenes.

But Zhao Jinghai is a cunning old fox and protects himself very closely.

The most critical middleman Wei Jie is on the run, and the clues to the entire case have been disconnected.

What if Wei Jie didn't abscond in fear of crime, but was killed and silenced?
Then all her secrets will be taken underground.

The police issued an arrest warrant for Wei Jie and froze Wei Jie's entry and exit qualifications.

Li Yunhai hopes that the police can find Wei Jie as soon as possible and eliminate the danger hanging over his head.

Now it is no longer a matter of cooperation with Jinhai Group, but of uprooting this cancer!

While the police were investigating the case, Li Yunhai decided to launch a commercial attack on Jinhai Group.

Li Yunhai first wants to destroy the foundation of the Jinhai Group, which is the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall.

Last time, Li Yunhai and the others went to the Jinghai Song and Dance Hall and caused a scene. The Jinghai Song and Dance Hall was forced to close for renovations and has not yet opened for business.

Li Yunhai must find a way to prevent this dance hall from ever opening!
Anyone who dares to offend the Sihai Group will be punished no matter how far away! (End of chapter)

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