Life 1984

Chapter 553 The strongest on the surface!

Chapter 553 The strongest on the surface!

Li Yunhai had been exhausted both mentally and physically these past few days and fell asleep.

Su Hong originally thought that she would have to take care of him hard all night, or that something charming would happen between the two of them.

What was counterproductive was that after she helped Li Yunhai fall asleep, she lay next to him to take a rest, and ended up falling asleep just like that.

When Li Yunhai woke up, he stretched and saw a graceful and exquisite woman lying next to him.

I saw her curled up on her side, as quiet and warm as a kitten, with one arm bent under her head, and the other hand gently resting on her abdomen. Her chest rose and fell slightly, her eyes were lightly closed, and her long eyelashes were green and green.

This sleeping position conveys a feeling of loneliness and helplessness, making people want to care for her.

Su Hong also woke up, raised her head and stood up, her black hair brushing across Li Yunhai's face.

"Mr. Li, I, I fell asleep on your bed!" Su Hong's cheeks were dizzy and she held her face in embarrassment.

"It's okay." Li Yunhai smiled warmly, "I drank too much again, thank you for taking care of me."

Su Hong secretly blamed herself for being useless. What a great opportunity, she just missed it!

It was a rare night in a year for her to be alone with Li Yunhai, but it was a pity that she wasted it like this.

After the launch, foreign businessmen passing by Sihai Group's booth would turn in and take a look.

Professor Ni said: "Mr. Li, your mentality is always positive, positive and sunny. Even if others scold you, you will always think of the good side."

The weather has been nice these days, and people are coming and going on the streets.

"Did Secretary Su take good care of you last night?" Shen Xiulan asked with a smile.

The CES exhibition only lasts for four days, so you can’t waste every day, otherwise you will be sorry for the expensive exhibition fee.

Li Yunhai and others came to their booths and prepared to start work.

Every January, Las Vegas is a bustling place with 1 tourists coming from all over the world. CES, the world's largest and most influential consumer electronics feast, is in full swing, bringing a gluttonous feast to electronics enthusiasts.

When they see that Sihai Group actually has X64 chips and lithography machines, everyone will be curious to come in and take a look.

Shen Xiulan, Lin Xiaofeng and others came over.

Aibt pointed to the newspaper in his hand and said: "Look at today's news! There are many reports about our company."

Shen Xiulan and others gathered around to take a look.

After lunch, while there were few people in the booth, Li Yunhai and Professor Ni walked out of the booth and visited other booths to see what new and unique products would be launched this year.

Li Yunhai saw the headline on a newspaper: "Chinese technological transcendence or crazy lie?"

Shen Xiulan took off her down jacket and wore a slim-fitting women's shirt underneath, which wrapped her slim and convex figure plumply.

"Who wrote this? Is it sensationalizing? Why use such a title?" Professor Ni pushed up his glasses and said in a deep voice, "You can tell from this title that they want to slander us! Our lithography machines and chips are both on sale Now, they still call us lies?”

"What's wrong?" Li Yunhai turned around and asked.

Shen Xiulan said resentfully: "I told you not to drink so much, but you drank! You deserve it!"

Several local newspapers in Las Vegas have reported on the CES show. Among them, the articles related to Sihai Group are the most numerous and can be found in every newspaper.

Li Yunhai shook his head and said, "It's not necessary. If you don't get weird, you will lose yourself."

Li Yunhai said: "It's true. If you are not jealous of others, you are mediocre. People are like this, and enterprises are like this. If you don't believe it, look at the top-ranked large companies in the world. Which one is not criticized by others? The more people criticize it, the more people will criticize it. The stronger a company becomes. For an unknown small business that doesn’t even have a few customers, who would go to great lengths to publish an article in a newspaper to criticize people?”

The meaning of this sentence, even if it is said in English, is enough for Abbot to study for a long time.

"I slept like a pig, I don't know what happened." Li Yunhai smiled slightly, "It was dawn when I woke up. It's another night without you to accompany me to sleep! It's very boring!"

The air conditioning was on in the venue, and some people were wearing down jackets and some were wearing short-sleeved skirts.

While the two were chatting, Abot came over with two newspapers, waved his arms and shouted: "Mr. Li! Mr. Li!"

Li Yunhai took the newspaper and read it.

As they passed the Apple booth, they saw people from Apple using slides to demonstrate their new products.

Li Yunhai and others couldn't tell whether the other party was a buyer, so everyone who entered the store must be treated well.

However, even if she was given another night, she would not dare to do anything extraordinary.

Not long after he joined Sihai Group, he already regarded the company as "our company".

Most people who can come to the electronics show have a certain understanding of lithography machines and chips.

Everyone went downstairs to have breakfast and then headed to the exhibition hall.

Su Hong came to the bathroom, squeezed out the toothpaste for Li Yunhai, and twisted the towel with hot water.

Abbot couldn't understand this theory and asked: "Mr. Li, don't we sue this newspaper? They are attacking our product, and we can sue them."

After Li Yunhai finished washing, he heard a knock on the door.

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. Some people doubt it, some people believe it, some people support it, and some people throw it away. As long as there is a topic, it can attract enough attention. What we lack now is attention. As for the truth, it will always be revealed to the world. one day."

Whether you are a real buyer or an electronics fan, after seeing these things, you can't help but take a closer look, and then you won't be able to get out.

After a busy morning, I got 1.5 million orders, half of which were chips.

Professor Ni smiled and said: "It makes sense."

This is a tablet handheld computer named: "Newton Computer."

A trip to Las Vegas to participate in an exhibition, combined with all the expenses, is worth a year's profit of a small and micro enterprise.

A Chinese company actually developed its own photolithography machine and a new-architecture chip, and everyone was amazed.

Professor Ni took a look at the product and said with a smile: "Except for being smaller, this thing is nothing compared to our tablet. Since our tablet was released, sales have not been good. This product from Apple is probably not as good." I’m going to attack the street!”

Li Yunhai groaned.

He is someone who has been there and knows that Apple's launch at CES was indeed a failure and that their new products were indeed a hit.

Professor Ni's conclusion was derived from analysis, which is commendable.

Li Yunhai smiled and said, "Professor Ni, it's a good thing they don't understand Chinese. Otherwise, they would definitely rush out and beat you."

Professor Ni said: "Even if they understand, I still say this. Although the truth is ugly, it is true."

Li Yunhai smiled slightly.

In recent years, Apple has indeed had little innovation and no good products.

It is precisely because of this failure that Apple has since blacklisted CES and will no longer participate.

Li Yunhai strolled into Apple's booth and watched their projector explanation.

A black male salesman came up to greet him: "Hello, how can I help you?"

Li Yunhai took out his business card and handed it over with both hands: "Is your boss here? I am the chairman of Sihai Group Company and I want to meet him. I have a big deal to discuss with him."

"Oh!" The black man took the business card, pointed to the white man who just explained the slides, and said, "He is our boss. She has the final say here."

Li Yunhai nodded slightly, walked up to the white man, and said, "Hello, I'm Li Yunhai from Sihai Group. Can I spare a few minutes of your time so we can talk together?"

The white man wore a very smart professional suit, had a short haircut, and looked very energetic.

"Li Yunhai? Sihai Group?" The white man thought for a while and said, "I know you. What do you want from me?"

Li Yunhai handed over his business card and said: "Our company has launched a new X64 architecture chip, which is more powerful than similar products on the market, has outstanding performance, lower energy consumption, and higher cost performance. It is very suitable for your Apple computers." The white man frowned and shook his head: "Sorry, we don't need your chips. We don't accept any form of sales, please leave."

Li Yunhai prepared a lot of excuses, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was ordered to be kicked out.

"Sir, I have a certain understanding of your Apple computers. You pursue high performance and low energy consumption, and our chips just meet your requirements. You can try using our chips to ensure that the performance of your computer will be even higher." Li Yunhai was unwilling to give up and continued to persuade the other party.

"Please leave." The white man waved his hand impatiently, "We have not released new computers this year, and we have no plans to release new computers. So we do not need your chips. We are here to sell products and do not accept them. Someone else’s sales pitch.”

The other party waved his hand and kept driving away Li Yunhai and Professor Ni. The finger almost hit Li Yunhai's face.

Li Yunhai had no choice but to withdraw with Professor Ni.

Professor Ni took a few steps back and bumped into a table.

An Apple PowerBook 100 laptop is placed on this table.

Throughout the 90s, Apple lacked innovation, its products had lost their soul, and sales were stagnant.

In fact, the new products they released have opportunities to get Apple out of trouble and help Apple survive a series of crises. However, due to internal management chaos and constraints among senior executives, most of these opportunities have turned into a failure. burden.

Among them, the PowerBook100 series and the System 7 it carries are among the few products that have made Apple renaissance.

This was Apple's true first laptop, with a 10-inch color display and a trackball placed in the center of the palm rest. In the first year of its launch, it helped Apple earn $10 billion!

The new generation of thin and light notebooks launched by Sihai Group is about the same size as Apple's notebook, but uses different chips and systems.

After Professor Ni hit the table, there was a clang and the laptop on the shelf was knocked over.

Li Yunhai had quick eyes and quick hands, and wanted to reach out his hand to hold the computer.

Unfortunately, he was still half a beat too late.

The laptop crashed and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Professor Ni exclaimed: "What a great computer, it would be a pity if it fell!"

He bent down and picked up the computer to see if it was broken.

An Apple employee next to him quickly came over, grabbed the computer from Professor Ni's hand, and said repeatedly: "You broke our exhibit! You have to pay for it! You can't leave, you must pay for it! Otherwise we will Call the police."

Professor Ni said: "I think this computer is not broken, right?"

"It won't turn on. Do you think it's broken?" the Apple employee yelled. "Do you think the computer isn't broken if the exterior isn't damaged? This is a very sophisticated laptop! It's the top computer in the world! There are a lot of things inside. The most advanced parts in the world!”

Professor Ni said: "I know that your computer weighs 5.2 pounds, which is 4.7 pounds. It is more than a pound heavier than our Sihai notebook! It is equipped with a Motorola 68000 microprocessor, and its performance is similar to that of a Macintosh portable. It can run at a speed of 16 MHz. Its performance is only equivalent to Intel's 286 chip. Such a product is bulky and low-powered. To us, it is complete garbage."

"Garbage?" The Apple employee seemed to be greatly insulted and spat, "This is our company's best product. How dare you say it is garbage? Do you know what a computer is?"

Li Yunhai said proudly from the side: "Sir, I can responsibly tell you that he is one of the most computer-savvy people on the planet! Even your company's former CEO Steve Jobs can't compare to him!"

The Apple employee was shocked and then sneered: "He? Can he be compared with our great former CEO Steve Jobs?"

The white man who just drove away Li Yunhai came over and asked sullenly: "I don't care who you are, you damaged our products, you must make compensation!"

Li Yunhai glanced at them and said calmly: "Then do a test to find out where this computer was broken? We will compensate you for the broken part!"

His proposal was quite novel.

Logically speaking, if Professor Ni broke the computer, he should pay for the entire computer.

But Li Yunhai only asked for compensation for the damaged parts.

It seems reasonable for him to say so.

A computer is made up of many parts. Even if it is dropped, only one or two parts will be damaged, not all of them.

The white man said loudly: "No, you must compensate for the entire computer! Our computers are a whole, not sold in pieces!"

Li Yunhai laughed and said: "You Americans are really weird. If your car has an accident, will the entire car be scrapped directly? Or will all the parts be replaced? Instead of replacing the damaged parts?"

"This?" The white man couldn't help but be confused.

Li Yunhai said: "It only takes a minute to open the back cover of the computer to determine where the problem is! If it is indeed the part we broke just now, then we will definitely compensate the part."

Professor Ni took a look at the price of this computer: the lowest configuration is US$2500, and the highest configuration is US$5500.

The performance of this notebook is very poor. It uses a chip that is equivalent to the 286 chip that Intel has eliminated, but the price is as high as more than 2500 US dollars.

Li Yunhai said in a deep voice: "If you are unwilling to dismantle the machine for testing, then please forgive me that I cannot compensate you for the whole machine! Then call the police! Call 911 and come here to seek justice! Even if I hit a car, I can't Compensation for the entire car can only be made for the damaged parts, right?”

The white man waved his hand and motioned for his men to turn on the computer for testing.

The results came out very quickly.

It's a chip problem.

Li Yunhai whispered to Professor Ni: "Professor Ni, you stay here, I will go back to the booth and be back soon."

Professor Ni thought he was going back to get the money and said: "Mr. Li, I broke this and I'm here to pay for it. This chip doesn't cost much, at most a few hundred dollars!"

Li Yunhai patted him on the shoulder, turned and left.

The white people were afraid that Professor Ni would also run away, so they called people to block the door to prevent Professor Ni from escaping.

Professor Ni sneered and said: "Don't worry! How much is a low-end chip worth? We can afford it! Just wait, my colleague went back to get the money. Let me tell you, your products are really good. Oops! This table is so short. If the computer is dropped casually, it will be broken? If it was our computer that fell, there would definitely be nothing wrong!"

The white man said: "What kind of computer do you make?"

Professor Ni said: "Didn't we introduce it to you just now? We are from Sihai Group. We produce Longteng computers and Alien computers, which are the computers that MJ advertised for us."

"Longteng Computer? I've never used it." The white man said, "Our Apple Computer is the best computer in the world!"

Professor Ni said: "Then, what is the market share of your Apple computers?"

The white man's expression froze.

In the late 80s, Apple computers once occupied 20% of the market share. However, after the 90s, this share dropped rapidly to only about 7%.

Except for some die-hard fans, few people buy Apple computers anymore.

Lack of innovation, no bright spots, and extremely low cost performance have become synonymous with Apple computers.

This is also an important reason why Apple failed at CES.

Among a large number of similar products, Apple's products have no advantages at all.

The white man couldn't argue with Professor Ni, so he pointed at the damaged computer and said, "You'd better pay compensation immediately, otherwise, you won't be able to leave!"

Professor Ni patted his pocket: "I don't have any money with me! It's too unsafe on the casino street. I don't dare to go out with too much cash. Wait for my colleague to come over!"

After a while, Li Yunhai came over.

Following him were Su Hong and Abt.

Su Hong was carrying an Alienware laptop, and Abte was carrying a Dragon laptop.

Li Yunhai also held a Dragon Chip in his hand.

Professor Ni was overjoyed and said with a smile: "You are here! These foreigners are afraid that we cannot afford to pay for these hundreds of dollars of chips! Mr. Li, what are you bringing so many machines for?"

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "Professor Ni, I want these frogs in the well to see the powerful performance of the most powerful chip on the surface! I want to open their eyes!"

(End of this chapter)

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