Life 1984

Chapter 449 Break the record

After Li Yunhai arranged for Chen Hong to enter the bedroom, he stood at the door and watched the foreigners fighting with Zhuang Yong and others.

Zhuang Yong's speed, strength, resistance to blows, and beating techniques are all superior to others. After all, they used to be underground black boxers. To put it bluntly, what they are best at is how to knock down their opponents, or even kill them. .

Those casino thugs were obviously not professional thugs, they were probably at the level of gangsters on the streets of casinos.

After several rounds, the thugs were beaten to pieces again.

Professor Ni, Shen Xiulan and others were all alarmed. They opened the door and took a look before closing it again.

Seeing that they could not get any benefits, the thugs turned around and ran away.

Li Yunhai shouted to Zhuang Yong and the others that there was no need to pursue them.

The thugs rolled and crawled into the elevator room and pressed the elevator button several times. Seeing that it would take a long time for the elevator to arrive, they couldn't wait any longer and ran down the stairs.

Li Yunhai told everyone to be careful.

Because Chen Meilin didn't tell everyone about her winnings in the casino, everyone didn't know what was going on. They thought the United States was such a mess, and they were all frightened.

Lin Xiaofeng came to Li Yunhai and asked if he wanted to stay in a hotel.

Li Yunhai thought to himself, we still have to stay in the casino for so many days and attend the CES show. The casino is run by locals. If they deliberately seek trouble, they will find it no matter which hotel they choose to stay in.

Therefore, Li Yunhai felt that there was no need to change hotels, he just needed to pay more attention.

Professor Ni asked whether the hotel should be notified? Let them step up patrols and prevent suspicious people from coming in.

Li Yunhai felt that this was unnecessary. The thugs dressed as tourists wanted to enter the hotel. Who could stop them?

How many security guards are there in the hotel? How can we prevent this?

He asked everyone to lock the door, and told Zhuang Yong and the others to be careful when sleeping at night.

Everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

Li Yunhai returned to the bedroom and saw Chen Hong already lying on the bed.

He suddenly didn't have any thoughts in that regard, so he told Chen Hong that it was too late today, so let's go on a date tomorrow!

Chen Hong refused and said that I would sleep on your bed.

Li Yunhai had no choice but to let her sleep.

It was a peaceful night.

The next morning, Li Yunhai woke up and found Chen Hong missing.

Chen Hong was also very sensible and left early and went back to his room.

Li Yunhai gathered everyone together, counted the number of people, there were many, and then went downstairs to have breakfast.

Although today is a day off, everyone is already familiar with the casino and has visited it several times, so they don’t really want to go shopping.

Chen Meilin won money last night and knew that people in the casino were looking for her, so she would not talk about going out to play today.

Everyone rested in the hotel for the day.

The casino is holding an important exhibition like CES, and the security measures on the streets are in place. Police can be seen everywhere. In addition, there are media reporters everywhere, so the security level has naturally been raised several levels.

Shen Xiulan came to chat with Li Yunhai and asked what was going on with those thugs?

Li Yunhai trusted her and told Chen Meilin about winning money in the casino.

Shen Xiulan covered her mouth and whispered: "Meilin won a million dollars? She is so amazing!"

Li Yunhai smiled bitterly and said: "How awesome is this? After winning so much money, others will not let her go easily."

Shen Xiulan said that there was a problem with the casino.

The two talked about tomorrow's CES show, and Shen Xiulan said that we will definitely achieve the US$3 million goal you set.

Li Yunhai said that if you didn't come last year, we wouldn't have achieved our goal. This year, we will have to ask more of you.

Shen Xiulan smiled sweetly.

Time passes very quickly on rest days. At the end of the day, I did nothing but watched TV and chatted, and it got dark in the blink of an eye.

Zhuang Yong was afraid that the thugs would come again tonight, so he stepped up his defenses.

Those people may have retreated in the face of difficulties, or they may have been deterred by the strict guards on the streets and did not come to cause trouble.

On the first day of CES, Li Yunhai and others went to the exhibition hall together.

Security is tight near the exhibition hall.

Because the United States does not ban guns, in order to ensure the normal conduct of this kind of exhibition, the casino has arranged a large number of police officers on duty.

Li Yunhai and the others came to their booth, preparing to welcome the arrival of foreign businessmen.

The only mainland companies participating in the CES show are Sihai and Lianxiang.

What Lian wants to sell is a computer and a self-developed motherboard.

Products with a bit of technical content like Hanka are not easy to sell at CES. Because Hanka translates English into Chinese, foreigners do not need it.

On the other hand, Sihai Group has an extremely rich product line.

As soon as the exhibition began, visitors to the booth entered Sihai Group's booth in an endless stream.

MJ's advertising costs are indeed very expensive, but they are expensive for a reason.

Many MJ fans came in because of his advertisements.

In the eyes of consumers, a product that can be advertised by MJ for two or three consecutive years must be good and trustworthy.

When a product first comes out, no one often cares about it. Over time, the quality is slowly discovered and recognized.

Sihai Group has been exploring overseas markets for more than two consecutive years. Coupled with the charm of MJ advertising, the Sihai brand has finally gained some popularity overseas.

As soon as it started, Li Yunhai and the others received a large number of customers, and everyone went to market together.

Jack, the manager of the American branch, and the branch executives were all there.

Sihai Group's booth is carefully designed, and the booth design is different every year.

This year’s design theme is the future, and the design incorporates elements from many science fiction films, which is very eye-catching.

Shen Xiulan's sales ability is indeed very strong. She won the first order, with a turnover of 3000 million US dollars!

A customer named Marshall ordered Alienware computers, Dragon PCs, and a large number of ink tank printers.

Mr. Marshall said that he has long been paying attention to Alienware computers. He came in to take a look at the CES exhibition several times before, but he has never placed an order.

He said that Sihai Group insists on participating in the exhibition, and does better and better every year, and the layout of the booth becomes more and more luxurious. Especially since we can come up with a new generation of products every year! So he believes that this company is indeed very good, at least it shows that it is very powerful.

Li Yunhai thought to himself that in the previous sessions, he didn't know who entertained Marshall, but he didn't get this person's order. This year, Shen Xiulan ended the conversation, which shows how powerful Shen Xiulan is.

After signing the contract, Marshall put down the deposit and left.

Everyone gave Shen Xiulan thumbs up to congratulate her on her victory.

Shen Xiulan did not get carried away, smiled modestly, and continued to work hard to receive the next group of foreign businessmen.

Li Yunhai and two foreign businessmen worked hard for a long time. The two people listened carefully and seemed to want to place an order.

However, when Li Yunhai entered the substantial stage of soliciting business, the other party turned around and left.

Li Yunhai looked at the time and saw that they had actually been talking for more than an hour.

The other party gave him the feeling that he was very interested and could make a deal at any time.

But at the critical moment, the other party hesitated and said he would think about it again.

Li Yunhai's mouth felt dry as he talked, so he sat down and drank half a bottle of water before he felt relieved.

He handed over the stall to his subordinates and simply went to visit other booths with Professor Ni.

When passing by an office equipment booth, Li Yunhai saw the two foreigners he had received before, listening to the salesman's introduction.

Professor Ni smiled and said: "It seems that they were the ones you received just now?"

Li Yunhai smiled helplessly: "Yes. It seems that they are still hesitating."

Professor Ni said: "With the development of office products today, there is nothing particularly outstanding in terms of technological innovation. Unless we can make better products that people will like at a glance!"

Li Yunhai pondered: "How can there be such a product? If we can think of it, others can also think of it. Hey, Professor Ni, do you think we have a future in making laptops now?"

Professor Ni said: "Are you talking about a foldable computer?"

There were already many brands of notebook computers in 1990.

But these computers without exception have two common problems, that is, they are heavy and expensive!

Whether it is an IBM or Compaq laptop, it is 3 times more expensive, 5 times heavier, and 30 times slower than later generations of laptops!

Just a floppy drive can make a laptop thicker than a brick.

So people in this era only talk about foldable computers, because such a heavy thing cannot be equated with a notebook.

This is why Steve Jobs was so surprised when he took out an Apple AIR notebook from a document bag! And that was more than ten years later!

In 1990, a 386 folding computer cost more than $6000.

You know, the mainstream computers this year have long been dominated by 486 chips. Sihai Group has always only made desktop computers and has not yet made laptops.

Professor Ni is a scientific researcher. He will seriously consider the feasibility of every idea mentioned by his boss instead of just laughing it off.

"Mr. Li, it is not difficult for us to develop a folding computer. However, this kind of computer does not sell well. IBM's folding computer sales are not high."

"Professor Ni, can we develop a thinner and lighter laptop?"

"Thin and light? How to do this? All the computer parts have to be stuffed in!"

"Can most of the parts be integrated into the motherboard? And then make the motherboard as light and thin as possible? The total weight should be controlled within 2.5 kilograms."

"Integration is of course possible. But isn't 2.5 kilograms a bit exaggerated? The lightest foldable computer now is more than 5 kilograms. If we can make it less than 5 kilograms, it will be considered exaggeratedly thin and light."

"No, we must control the weight within 2.5 kilograms. I think there must be a way."

"We need to test this."

"Then as soon as possible! I demand to see the finished product within this year!"

"Okay, we'll try our best."

"Professor Ni, I have another idea. Can I develop a touch-screen tablet computer?"

"Touch screen? Tablet computer?" Professor Ni was shocked by Li Yunhai's crazy ideas one after another, and couldn't help but ask, "Does this kind of computer have any meaning?"

"I think we can try it," Li Yunhai said. "Our typewriters use touch screens, and our company has a touch screen production factory. We can try this product."

"Does Mr. Li think there will be a market for this product?"

"I can't say yet, but we must diversify our development. Technology is innovation!"

Professor Ni feels that Li Yunhai's thinking is too whimsical, but such an idea is not impossible to realize. He is engaged in scientific research, and he just wants to turn the ideas proposed by his boss into reality.

As for whether it can be sold and how many units it can sell, that is a matter for other departments of the company.

Professor Ni smiled and said: "It is not difficult to manufacture, but the system interface is not friendly to touch screens."

"Then develop our own system! A new system that can adapt to touch screens."

"Huh? That's difficult!"

"I believe you can do it!"

"Mr. Li, our scientific research institute is currently working on many projects! I'm afraid we may not have enough manpower again."

"Then recruit people! Aren't there a lot of computer professionals in Qingbei? I heard that they all like to go to the Silicon Valley of the United States to work. It's better to recruit them to work in our company! At a price that Americans can afford, we I can afford it.”

According to statistics from later generations, more than one million senior intellectuals in my country are engaged in the IT industry in the United States and have made outstanding contributions to the high-tech development of the United States.

If Sihai Group can retain some of its powerful people, it will definitely be able to achieve extraordinary achievements.

Li Yunhai has always believed that the probability of a genius among the billions of Chinese people is far greater than that of Europeans and Americans. It’s just that these talents lack a generous and free research environment.

If Sihai Group can keep them, Li Yunhai will do whatever it takes.

In the final analysis, everything Li Yunhai wants to do cannot do without high-level talents.

Without talent, his ideas can only be imagined.

No matter how much money he makes now, someone will choke him and take it all back in the future.

Li Yunhai can only discuss these ideas with Professor Ni. Talking about them with others is tantamount to playing the piano to others.

The two of them visited the booths of other peers and looked at other people's new products and technologies.

Learning and studying your opponents is the motivation and source of your own success.

At noon, they bought fast food, returned to their booth, and ate with everyone.

To Li Yunhai's surprise, Shen Xiulan and others received several more orders, totaling more than 2000 million.

In one morning, Sihai Group won an order worth 50 to 60 million US dollars.

Everyone's morale was greatly boosted. After the meal, everyone was selling hard as if they had been pumped.

However, Li Yunhai and Professor Ni discussed the research and development ideas for laptops and touch-screen tablets.

Professor Ni believes that it is very easy to replace the computer screen with a touch screen, but to make a tablet-type computer, the difficulty will be greatly increased, because there is no similar type of computer on the market yet. .

They just walked around and didn't see any similar tablet computers.

Professor Ni can't even imagine how to do this kind of computer? What does it look like?

Li Yunhai took out a pen and paper and drew what a tablet computer looked like on the spot.

Professor Ni touched his chin and looked at the model drawn by his boss in a daze.

Li Yunhai's idea subverted Professor Ni's understanding of traditional PCs.

Limited by the technology at the time, it was not difficult to realize a tablet computer, but it was difficult to achieve a thin and light one.

But Li Yunhai knew that tablet computers would definitely come out, and the first tablet computer was not from Apple.

Many of Apple's products are actually just picking up people's wisdom and then carrying it forward.

In this case, why shouldn't Sihai Group be the one who eats crabs?

Even if the first generation product is destined to fail, it can still be recorded in the annals of PC history!

When future generations mention the first tablet computer, they will always remember it with great emphasis: the world's first touch screen tablet computer was invented by Sihai Group.

A technology company that constantly creates firsts can become the object of everyone's attention and learning.

Li Yunhai's decision was supported by Professor Ni.

Professor Ni is thinking about how to turn the computer in this drawing into reality.

Business continued to be booming in the afternoon.

Everyone has their own strengths. Shen Xiulan's ability to communicate with foreign businessmen and issue orders is beyond the reach of others.

She got two more orders!

Lin Xiaofeng, Jack and others also placed orders one after another.

At the end of the first day, Sihai Group had a turnover of almost US$100 million!

This amount has set a new record for Sihai Group’s single-day billing at various exhibitions!

Several of the big orders were placed by Shen Xiulan.

Lin Xiaofeng and others said that Mr. Shen was too powerful. Mr. Shen should not be in charge of finance, but should be in charge of sales.

He does not mean that.

After Zhao Jinping heard this, he smiled, but he felt completely unhappy in his heart.

The problem is that Mr. Shen is not only great at billing, but he is also good at managing finances!

After hearing this, Shen Xiulan felt that there was something in Lin Xiaofeng's words, as if she was grieving over the loss of financial power.

After dinner in the evening, Li Yunhai and others returned to the hotel to rest.

This day we were almost all standing and everyone was very tired.

Zhao Jinping and Shen Xiulan came to talk to Li Yunhai one after another.

Only then did Li Yunhai realize that there were so many twists and turns in their hearts.

He told Zhao Jinping that it is not just the person who takes a lot of orders who can manage the sales business well. Mr. Shen is indeed very good at sales, but the most suitable position for her is definitely financial work. Just keep your mind on it and do your sales work well.

Li Yunhai then told Shen Xiulan that the financial work of the company belongs to you and no one can take it away.

Shen Xiulan smiled and said that she didn't know why she received orders so easily. Maybe it was because she was a woman, so she had a natural affinity, right?

Li Yunhai knew that was not the case.

Why can’t other women get so many orders?

In the past, when Linzhi participated in the exhibition, it could not receive orders.

As for why Shen Xiulan received the order? This is as much a mystery as whether Chen Meilin can win when gambling.

Li Yunhai held Shen Xiulan's hand and said, "Stay with me tonight."

Shen Xiulan blushed and said, "Meilin is sleeping with me! If I don't go back at night, she will have some ideas."

Li Yunhai took her into his arms and said, "Then take a nap first and then go there."

Shen Xiulan whispered: "You can't live without women?"

Li Yunhai smiled awkwardly and said: "It's not that I can't live without women, I just miss you."

Then there was a knock on the door.

Shen Xiulan stood up as if she had been pricked by a bee and straightened her clothes.

Li Yunhai asked: "Who is it?"

Chen Hong's deep voice came from outside: "Mr. Li, it's me!" (End of Chapter)

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