Life 1984

Chapter 367

Chapter 367
As soon as the Spring Festival is over, it’s March.

Flowers are in full bloom in Xizhou Martyrs Park, which is as brilliant as the scenery.

Li Yunhai accompanied Lin Zhi for a walk in the park, and had a half-day of leisure.

After being hit by Intel, Sihai Group shrank its computer production capacity and mainly produced 286 low-end computers.

Li Yunhai obtained a five-year license for the 286 chip, and since he could produce memory and motherboards, he shifted his research and development direction to software.

Through optimized system software, the computer has become easier to use, simplifying the startup process, so that every member of the family can use the computer for typing and entertainment, even if they do not know computer technology.

This computer was named by Li Yunhai: "Blue Ocean Home Computer!"

Although the configuration is a bit lower, the price is also low, and it can also meet family needs in the next few years.

The overall price of computers in the late 80s was very high. Computers costing tens of thousands of yuan were simply unaffordable to ordinary people.

IBM's so-called personal PC simply cannot be bought by everyone.

Li Yunhai complied with the public sentiment and launched a low-priced home computer worth [-] yuan.

The price of Blue Ocean Computer is only 9999 yuan!
This is a true [-]-yuan computer.

Except for the slightly inferior chip, the performance of the entire machine is not low.

The 286 computer and the 386 computer coexisted until the launch of the Pentium computer in the 90s.

Li Yunhai couldn't take the high-end route, so he took the low-end route.

When Sihai Group was suppressed by Intel, other domestic manufacturers gloated over the misfortune and thought that Sihai Group was finished and would never be able to turn around again.

But Li Yunhai quickly made adjustments and conquered the world with small profits.

For each computer, the manufacturer only earns 1000 yuan, which is an extremely low profit.

After the launch of Blue Ocean Computer, it has been loved by domestic home users.

But [-] yuan is still too expensive, and not many families can afford a computer.

This is really not Li Yunhai's fault. He has already compressed costs and profits. If profits are further reduced, he will not even be able to earn back Intel's annual licensing fee of 1500 million.

In addition, Sihai Group's scientific research institute has not given up on chip research.

At Li Yunhai's suggestion, Professor Ni led the team to shift the research direction to the research of X64 architecture.

X86 and RISC are both architectures of CPU design. X86 uses a complex instruction set. RISC uses a reduced instruction set.The instruction set is actually machine code. The machine code is assembly, and the assembly is programming language, such as java, c, c#.The complex instruction set is designed with many instructions at the hardware level, so programming will be simpler.The reduced instruction set is designed with fewer instructions at the hardware level, so programming will be more complicated.

Additionally, the X86 architecture is the most widely used instruction set architecture ISA created by Intel. The ISA specifies the behavior of machine code and defines how software controls the CPU. ISA is the hardware and software interface that defines what the CPU can do and how to do it.

The same is true for the X64 architecture.

Li Yunhai could not bypass the X86 instruction set and had to find another way.

He knows that the future trend, in addition to X86, is X64, and the X64 architecture is more advanced and is also the future development trend.

Intel is also working with HP on X64 research, but unfortunately it has not been successful.

The X64 architecture was later successfully developed by AMD and became AMD's largest patent.

Li Yunhai decided to shift his research direction directly to X64 research.

Even if it takes a little more time, even if it invests more money, it must be developed.

There are many knowledgeable people around the world who have been working hard to develop another architecture and want to develop another brand-new chip.

Our country's research in this area has never stopped, so later there were many domestic chips.

It's just that researching it is one thing, but whether it can occupy the market is another.

Intel and Microsoft are tied together. One of them makes chips and the other makes software. They occupy the vast majority of the global PC market.

Other manufacturers must be compatible with the products of these two companies, otherwise it will be difficult to become bigger and stronger.

There are exceptions to everything, like Apple.

As long as you are powerful enough, you can customize the rules. Although you cannot replace Intel and Microsoft, you can at least become a company standing side by side with them!

Li Yunhai never thought about being independent. His request for Professor Ni was to be compatible with Intel, Microsoft, and IBM!

He deeply understands the truth that only those who are open and compatible are the best in the world.

Although Professor Ni is powerful, he still cannot see the future trend.

And Li Yunhai gave him a guiding light.

Professor Ni’s research and development ideas suddenly became enlightened!
I know the direction, I know the way to go, and I can perfectly avoid Intel’s X86 instruction set technical barriers!
It’s better to draw on a blank piece of paper!

Professor Ni led his team into an intense stage of research and development and key research.

In order to produce results as soon as possible, Li Yunhai did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to find talents from major scientific research institutes.

Our country has a population of more than one billion, accounting for one-fifth of the world!

There are many geniuses in China, and there are also many computer talents.

Li Yunhai believes that as long as he can provide enough funds and gather so many talents, he can definitely develop new products.

Therefore, he gathered domestic talents and devoted all his efforts to make breakthroughs from another aspect and research his own new products. No matter whether it could succeed in the future or how long it would take to succeed, Li Yunhai would go to the end.

Whether it is bright in the east or bright in the west, there is always an area where you can make money.

Sihai Group has temporarily failed in the computer field.

But their company's other products have independent intellectual property rights, and Li Yunhai can make money relying on these products.

Then, he invested the money he earned in the field of computer research.

Even if in the next few years, he spends every penny he earns and doesn't save a penny, he will still stick to the field of computers.

After Li Yunhai arranged everything, he felt completely calm and relaxed.

For him, if he just wants to make money, there are plenty of opportunities.

Don’t worry about the temporary loss.

During this time, he can focus on his life.

Lin Zhi is pregnant, which is a top priority for him.

Therefore, in this spring season, he had time to accompany Lin Zhi to the park for an outing.

The two of them were tired from walking and found a bench to sit down.

Li Yunhai leaned down and lay on Lin Zhi's belly. He listened carefully for a while and said with a smile: "The baby is moving! The one who is punching and kicking is not a boy, is he?"

"Then do you prefer a boy or a girl?"

"It's all good! They're all our babies! How many more can we have?"

"Okay, listen to me!"

"Think about it, if Wu Dalang's parents didn't have a second child, after he was killed by Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian, how would any of his brothers help him avenge him?"

"Ah? Your thinking is really special! Hee!"

"So, it's better to have more children. Generally speaking, in a family, the third child is the most promising."

"Look at your third child. Is he promising?"

"So we can't generalize, but generally speaking. Many powerful people in history were the third eldest child in their families."

"Who is there? Tell us?"

"Liu Bang, Liu Xiu, Li Longji, Zhu Wen, and Kangxi. They are all the third oldest people in the family."

"You want me to have three children?"

"Let's have three! It's the best!"

"Oh, I feel so tired even after giving birth! You are not pregnant, so you don't know how hard it is for women."

"It's only a few years, thank you for your hard work."

"Let's talk about it! The eldest brother hasn't been born yet, and you're already thinking about the third child!"


Li Yunhai supported Lin Zhi and walked towards Yingfeng Bridge. They stood on the bridge and looked at the lake and mountains.

The two of them wandered around until the red sun set in the west before returning home.

Lin Xiaofeng and David have returned from the United States.

The US branch was formally established and now mainly sells the company's copiers, printers and other products.

After the ink tank printer came out, it won unanimous praise from consumers and also stole the show in the American market.

The ex-factory price of this printer is US$500, but it sells for US$750 in the United States, making a huge profit.

Mr. Hebrew deeply regretted that he could not sell Alien computers, but he did not ask Li Yunhai for compensation. He just returned the computer order and said that he would cooperate again if there was an opportunity in the future. At the same time, he increased the purchase of ink tank printers. .

They sell a lot of printers, but unfortunately the profit is not high. Sihai Group only earns US$200 for every one shipped out of the factory, and US$200 million for selling [-] units.

Through the promotion of Hebrew and other foreign companies, coupled with advertising, Sihai Group's ink tank printers became popular on the market.Good things stand the test of time.More and more companies realize that this printer is very good and saves consumables compared to other printers, so they are switching to the micropiezoelectric camp.

Although the profit of the printer is not high, the sales revenue of subsequent consumables is huge.

Shi Wenyin came to Xizhou later in the year, brought PCB board technology and talents from Taiwan, and invested in building a factory in Sihai Industrial Park.

It will be several months before the factory starts production.

After the construction was completed, Sihai Group also obtained the 386 chip from Intel and could produce 386 computers again.

As for the stock price of Sihai Company in Xiangjiang, it fell directly from 70 yuan per share to 35 yuan per share, and its market value was cut in half!
Li Yunhai maintains a normal attitude towards this.

That night, Li Yunhai invited Lin Xiaofeng, Shi Wenyin, Shen Xiulan and others to his home for dinner.

During the dinner, everyone talked about this setback with emotion.

Sihai Group is only one step away from success!
If the suppression by Intel had not happened, Alienware computers would have been a hit!
Li Yunhai's wealth will definitely increase significantly, and it is possible for him to become one of the top ten richest Chinese people.

Now his wealth has shrunk significantly. Let alone the top ten richest people, the company can't even get [-] million out of its books.

Because there are no computers to sell, the company's domestic revenue has also plummeted.

In the first quarter of 1988, the total revenue was only about 2 million, while the month before it was almost [-] million.

Li Yunhai picked up the cup and said with a smile: "Setbacks are a good thing. I believe that Sihai Group will definitely succeed in the future, but it is just a few years late. Come, let's have a drink!"

Shen Xiulan looked at Li Yunhai silently, full of infinite love and distress.

Li Yunhai is pretending to be happy!

The company suffered such huge losses, but he could still laugh, just to comfort the people around him.

After dinner, everyone sat together and chatted.

Li Yunhai asked Shi Wenyin: "Sister Shi, are there any difficulties in the construction of your factory? If you have any, just tell me and I will help you solve it."

Shi Wenyin smiled and said: "There is no difficulty. If I encounter any difficulty, I will definitely come to you. I will not treat you as an outsider."

Lin Xiaofeng said: "Yunhai, we are now focusing on copiers and typewriters. These two products are very profitable."

Li Yunhai said: "The problem is that it is difficult for these two products to open up foreign markets. The competition for copiers is too fierce! We don't have special unique technology. As for typewriters, we can make a fuss."

Lin Xiaofeng said: "That's right! Yunhai, do you think we can combine the functions of a typewriter and a computer and make the screen bigger?"

Li Yunhai said: "No, typewriters have the role of typewriters and cannot replace computers. We can't make them look different. That would be bad."

A few people chatted and couldn't think of an opportunity to make big money for the time being. They didn't leave until ten o'clock in the evening.

Shen Xiulan had a lot to say to Li Yunhai, but she couldn't find a chance to be alone together, so she had to leave unhappy.

The next day, Li Yunhai came to the factory to inspect the work, and also visited Shi Wenyin's PCB board factory.

Shi Wenyin took him to visit the factory under construction.

"How are substrates produced?" Li Yunhai asked.

“The most important thing in the production process is glue.”


"Yes, look, the separate factory building here is our glue workshop. Then there is the glue workshop and the hot pressing workshop."

"Is the craftsmanship here complicated?"

"It's not complicated once you know it!"

"Haha, that makes sense! Sister Shi, you are such a powerful woman. You can open such a big factory by yourself."

"When it comes to being awesome, President Lin Xiaofeng is really awesome!"

"That is."

After Li Yunhai inspected the factory area, he came to the scientific research institute.

The scientific research institute now has a team of more than 300 people and is conducting research and development on more than a dozen scientific research projects at the same time.

Li Yunhai was willing to spend money in order to obtain more patent rights.

The treatment and salary of Sihai scientific researchers are the highest in China, and are not inferior to those in Western countries.

Therefore, Sihai Research Institute has attracted a large number of scientific researchers.

Li Yunhai came to the chip research team and interviewed Professor Ni and others.

Professor Ni said: "The Berkeley team has developed the RISC architecture to the fourth generation, and we are now conducting research on the fifth generation."

Li Yunhai said: "Professor Ni, our research cannot just catch up with Intel's 386 chip. When we develop it, maybe their 486 chip will be released."

Professor Ni said: "We are studying the X64 architecture, which is a completely different architecture from Intel's X86. Our starting point is much higher than theirs."

Li Yunhai said: "X64 is faster and has higher performance. It can allocate more RAM memory and has parallel processing capabilities through a 64-bit data bus. It is more suitable for game computers and servers! I hope we can research it as soon as possible!"

Professor Ni said: "Mr. Li, give us some time, we will definitely succeed!"

Li Yunhai said: "Whatever you need, just report it to me. No matter how expensive the instrument is, I will buy it for you!"

Professor Ni said: "Lianxiang Company in the north has begun to follow the industrial development path of trade, industry and technology! Our failure has made them dare not mention the word R&D lightly."

Li Yunhai said: "What they want to make is quick money. They purchase parts from abroad, build a factory themselves, assemble them and sell them to make money!"

Professor Ni said: "Yes! You can make money quickly this way, and you don't have to worry about things!"

Li Yunhai said: "We are taking a completely different road, more tortuous and difficult, but once we succeed, we will reap more fruits!"

Professor Ni said: "That's why I follow you!"

Li Yunhai stayed at the Research Institute until the evening. He had dinner with Professor Ni Ke, Ji Wenshu and others before returning.

When passing by the front door of Tianhua Building dormitory, Li Yunhai saw Shen Xiulan chatting with a man.

He quickly recognized that the man was Liu Heping.

Li Yunhai did not ask Zhuang Yong to stop the car and returned home directly.

Lin Zhi knew that he had eaten outside, so she asked Ding Miao to bring some fruits for him to eat.

At this time, the doorbell rang outside.

Ding Miao went over and opened the courtyard door.

The people who came were Shen Xiulan and Liu Heping.

Lin Zhi smiled and said, "Xiulan, is this your boyfriend?"

Shen Xiulan quickly denied it and said, "He is my junior high school classmate Liu Heping."

Liu Heping stepped forward, shook hands with Li Yunhai, and said cautiously: "Mr. Li, I'm back in Xizhou. I came to visit you, but I don't know where your home is, so I asked Shen Xiulan to lead the way."

Li Yunhai asked him to sit down and asked: "How are you now? Where can you make a fortune?"

Liu Heping said: "I've lost too much in Xiangjiang and I haven't found anything suitable to do. It's hard to recover my losses! I came to Mr. Li this time just to ask if there is anything good he can recommend to me. Do?"

Li Yunhai pondered for a moment and said, "Why don't you open a printing shop? This industry is very good. Although you can't make a big fortune or become a billionaire, if you want to make money to support your family, it's very safe!"

Liu Heping said: "How can I dare to dream of being a billionaire now? I don't dare to think about it! Mr. Li, what is the printing shop you mentioned? Can you tell me in detail?"

Li Yunhai told him the opening model of the printing shop.

When Liu Heping heard this, he became interested: "This is great! I am worried that I have no capital now. I can rent equipment from Sihai Group. This is a good business!"

Li Yunhai said: "Those who work in this industry now are all from Meishan. We generally don't accept outsiders to join, but if you want to join the industry, there will definitely be no problem. All you need is the start-up capital to open a store, expensive office equipment , you can come to our company to rent.”

Liu Heping said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Li, I will do this!"

Li Yunhai said: "Okay, just come to the company tomorrow and go through the formalities."

Liu Heping didn't wait long and stood up to leave.

Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan sent him out.

Liu Heping repeatedly said please stay, and then left on his bicycle.

Shen Xiulan whispered: "Yunhai, are you okay?"

Li Yunhai said: "As you can see, I am very well!"

Shen Xiulan said: "Hey, come over to my place. I'll see you if I have something to do."

Li Yunhai touched his chin and asked with a smile: "Is the TV broken again?"

Shen Xiulan blushed and said, "No! Are you going?"

Li Yunhai said: "If you call me, of course I will go. Even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, I will not miss it!"

Shen Xiulan rolled her eyes at him: "You're not serious!"

Li Yunhai smiled evilly and said: "I know, it is definitely not a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, but there is a rouge formation waiting for me to break through!"

Shen Xiulan said: "You! Can you speak more seriously? Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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