Life 1984

Chapter 357 Beautiful memories in the soft sleeper

Chapter 357 Good memories in the soft sleeper
Li Yunhai was shaken to the point of falling apart by Chen Hong, and said: "Don't be like this, you are still young, and you have plenty of opportunities. For this commercial, I hired foreigners to shoot it and it will be broadcast abroad. I will hire you next time I have a chance. .”

Chen Hong knew how significant it was to work with Michael on a commercial, and the opportunity was only once and would never come again in the future.

A commercial film worth 800 million US dollars still needs to hire Michael. Apart from Li Yunhai, there is probably no other person in the country who has such courage and ability.

Chen Hong took Li Yunhai's hand and squeezed his body, just like a daughter acting coquettishly on her father.

Li Yunhai said in a deep voice: "Chen Hong, it really won't work this time."

Chen Hong stepped back and asked for the next best thing, "Mr. Li, what's the creative idea of ​​this advertisement? Are there any extras? I can also act as an extra."

Li Yunhai said: "It's not yet certain whether we can invite Michael! How about advertising creativity? Well, let's see if we can invite Michael first, okay? If there is a chance, I will take care of you. If I really can’t let you participate in the show this time. I’ll invite you next time I shoot a commercial.”

Chen Hong nodded excitedly, suddenly rushed over, hung Li Yunhai's neck, kissed him on the face, and said: "Mr. Li, you are so handsome! I love you!"

Li Yunhai wiped his face in astonishment and said, "Isn't your love too casual? Besides, you may not have a chance!"

Chen Hong smiled shyly: "This is my first kiss! Why are you so casual?"

Li Yunhai pointed to his mouth and said: "A kiss here is called a first kiss! Kissing on the face doesn't count! You little brat!"

Chen Hong bit her sexy lips. Her lips were red and full, tempting and sinful.

She wanted to kiss her, but Li Yunhai held her forehead.

Li Yunhai patted her pretty little face and said, "Okay, I'm just kidding. It's getting late, you go over and rest!"

Chen Hong pouted, stood up and left.

Li Yunhai came to find Shen Xiulan and found that she was still working.

"Is it over?" Li Yunhai asked.

Shen Xiulan said without raising her head: "Not yet! Yunhai, the deposit we received is more than 200 million yuan! Fortunately, the US dollar has a currency of one hundred yuan, otherwise such a large amount of money would be like a small mountain."

Li Yunhai has a bank account in the United States. In order to trade stocks here last time, he opened an account at the New York Branch of Bank of China.

This time he wanted to ask Michael to shoot an advertisement, and the deposit came in handy.

Li Yunhai watched Shen Xiulan counting the cash, then took a look at the transaction records and said, "We will stay in the United States for a few more days, and I will show you around. Take a look at the colorful world of the United States."

Shen Xiulan pursed her lips and smiled: "You and I? How do you explain to Lin Zhi? When he asks, what do you say?"

Li Yunhai frowned and said: "You have to mention her, right? If we do something between us, I don't have to report to her. I just said I'll be busy with the work here."

Seeing that he was angry, Shen Xiulan softened her tone and said softly: "Others have become suspicious, but you still don't know how to avoid suspicion. You don't even think about it. If Lin Zhi really finds out, can we still be together?"

Li Yunhai said: "I'll go see them. Come to my room after you finish the work."

Shen Xiulan said nothing.

Li Yunhai chatted with Lin Xiaofeng, Professor Ni, Gong Jie and others before returning to his room.

Until twelve o'clock in the evening, Shen Xiulan did not come.

Li Yunhai thought she wouldn't come, and was getting ready to go to bed when he heard a gentle knock on the door.

He opened the door and saw Shen Xiulan outside.

"The money has been counted, shall I leave it with you?" Shen Xiulan whispered, "Let's go and pick it up together."

Li Yunhai nodded, and together with her, he brought several money bags over and stuffed them in the corner of the bed.

Shen Xiulan was about to leave, but was pulled back by Li Yunhai.

"Are you here again?" Shen Xiulan lightly slapped the back of his hand, "Why don't you ask for enough?"

Li Yunhai said: "How can such a thing be possible? Unless you hang me on the wall."

Shen Xiulan said: "Hey, if we are really together and you don't resign and go to sea, one of us is in Xizhou and the other is in Meishan. Do you think we can still be like this? You think about this every day. I’m not with you, so what will you do?”

Li Yunhai thought of his past life. Wasn't this the situation he and Shen Xiulan were in?

"What else can we do? Just bear with it! Now that we are together, we should cherish the good times every night, don't you think?"

Shen Xiulan turned around, threw herself into his arms, and said, "Okay! Anyway, we only have these few days abroad, so we will let you have as much fun as you like. Let me explain first, if someone really wants to find out, you and Lin Zhi Don't blame me for breaking up. The worst I can do is resign and go to the coast to work, but you have no place to run!"

Li Yunhai hugged her waist, and the two of them rolled on the bed.

The next morning, when Li Yunhai opened his eyes, he found that Shen Xiulan had left.

Everyone went downstairs to have breakfast together, and Li Yunhai took out the money and gave everyone ten thousand dollars.

"This money is a bonus for you. Everyone has a share. We have gained a lot from this trip to CES. Thank you everyone for your sincere cooperation! I know that many people come to the United States for the first time. I think You can travel, but you must pay attention to safety, and it is best to travel together. Remember, if you encounter anything, escape from danger as soon as possible, and then seek help from the local police and the Chinese consulate. The embassy's Be sure to remember your phone number."

After Li Yunhai finished speaking, he said to Professor Ni: "When you go to Berkeley to discuss cooperation, do you need to bring someone with you?"

Lin Xiaofeng said: "David and I will go with Professor Ni! We just want to go to Berkeley to have some fun."

Li Yunhai said: "That's even better! Mr. Shen and I will stay here for two more days, waiting for a reply from Michael. Sister Gong, what about you? Are you going somewhere to have fun?"

Gong Jie said: "I have some friends in the United States. I'm going to meet them. Mr. Li, when will you return to China? Can we arrange a place to meet?"

Li Yunhai thought for a while and said: "We will return to China in about five days. Let's meet at the New York Plaza Hotel! Then I will leave a message to the front desk. If you come, you can come to us. Professor Ni, Auntie, the same is true for us .”

Others also had travel itineraries, so they separated.

Chen Hong and the other three wanted to visit Hollywood.

Li Yunhai told them to pay attention to safety.

Chen Hong said: "Mr. Li, in five days, we will also come to the New York Plaza Hotel to find you and return to China together."

Li Yunhai said yes.

This morning, Li Yunhai, Shen Xiulan, Zhuang Yong and others didn't go anywhere, just in the room.

They were waiting for Mike and James to come over.

At ten o'clock in the morning, these two people came as promised.

"Hello, Mr. Li!" Mike said with a smile, "I wonder how many computers you have sold in total?"

Li Yunhai laughed and said: "More than 2 units. You lost at least 5 US dollars in hamburger money to me!"

Mike said with a look of helplessness and bitterness: "It's scary! It's your first time to participate in the exhibition, and it's a Chinese company, and you actually sold so many computers. When we participated in the CES exhibition for the first time, we didn't place a single order! That’s why I dare to make this bet with you! I’m willing to admit defeat and I’ll give you $5.”

James lost $[-] to Li Yunhai.

Li Yunhai made a bet with someone and won US$15!
Mike and Li Yunhai talked about cooperation.

Li Yunhai said: "How much capital do you have? How big a business do you want to do?"

Mike said: "We raised $2000 million in funding."

Li Yunhai said: "That is enough to be our distributor. Do you want to sell all our products? Or only PCs?"

Mike said: "We want to be a full-line agent! How about giving us a few hundred units of each product first and us getting $1500 million in goods first?"

Li Yunhai said: "Okay."

Both parties discuss the details of the cooperation and then sign.

At noon, Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan treated Mike and the others to a meal together.

After the meal, Shen Xiulan said to Li Yunhai: "This Mike is a bit arrogant and likes to brag. Can they really do a good job in distributing our products?"

Li Yunhai said: "It's hard to say. Business people who are too rigid and honest will not make money. Those who are naughty, misbehaving, courageous, and talkative are often more likely to succeed. Because Business is not an arithmetic, it is not dead.”

Shen Xiulan smiled and said: "No matter what, they took so much of our goods anyway! These 1500 million US dollars can be regarded as our gains at CES, reaching a total of 2.55 million US dollars!"

Li Yunhai said: "Shall we go to the surrounding attractions in the afternoon?"

"What's there to see? Didn't you say that this place was originally a desert?"

"Well, there are several scenic spots around that are worth seeing. Red Rock Canyon and Valley of Fire State Park, let's go there and take some photos?"

"Is it fun?"

"I haven't been there either."

The two found a local travel agency and headed to the Valley of Fire.

This is Nevada's oldest national park, established in 1935.The red sandstone from the Mesozoic Era reflects a fiery red color under the sun, making it look like a burning valley from a distance.

Li Yunhai also came to check in because he often saw this scenery in Hollywood blockbusters.

The scene was far less beautiful than in the movie, and even seemed boring.They came to the Red Rock Canyon again, where there were undulating mountains and strange peaks, forming a unique and wonderful scene.You can also see various desert animals and plants in the canyon, such as wild donkeys and wild bighorn sheep.

With no one else around, Shen Xiulan completely relaxed and let Li Yunhai hold her hand and hug her. Even if he kissed her in the wild, she would just smile sweetly.

Returning to the city in the evening, the two of them saw a Chinese restaurant on the street. They were as friendly as meeting relatives and walked in.

As expected, the boss is from China, a Hokkien man, and very talkative.

Li Yunhai chatted with him. The boss said that he had been abroad for more than ten years. When he first came out, he helped wash dishes. After saving some savings, he opened a small restaurant here.

When asked how his business was, he said he could earn one hundred thousand dollars a year. He then asked Li Yunhai what they were doing here.
Li Yunhai smiled and said, "I'm here for a trip."

The boss said, "You must be here for your honeymoon! You two look like a couple."

Li Yunhai laughed loudly and said, "Yes! We are here for our honeymoon."

Shen Xiulan smiled shyly.

After dinner, Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan came to the street and walked slowly to the hotel.

When I arrived at the door of the hotel, I saw an ambulance approaching and a police car. After asking around, I found out that a life was accidentally lost in tonight's boxing match. A black boxer was beaten to death on the spot.

Li Yunhai and the others stood outside the door, waiting for the crowd of spectators to disperse.

A black woman, crying and shouting, attacked the white boxer who killed her husband.

The local police tried to stop him, but they couldn't stop him.

The black woman was so excited that she suddenly reached out to grab the policeman's gun, wanting to avenge her husband.

The moment she grabbed the gun, another police officer had already aimed at her and ordered her to put down the weapon and squat down with her head in her hands.

How can a black woman listen to the police when she is angry?She raised her gun and pointed it at the white boxer.

Unfortunately, the gun in her hand did not have the safety on.

Just as she raised her gun, a gunshot rang out!

The other officer fired without hesitation.

"Bah ah!"

The police kept firing until they emptied the magazine, then quickly replaced the magazine.

When he saw the black woman on the ground motionless, he cautiously walked over and kicked the gun away from the woman. Another policeman stepped forward and picked up the gun.

This scene happened so fast that Li Yunhai and others who were watching did not react at all and saw the black woman falling to the ground.

Shen Xiulan was so frightened that she crawled into Li Yunhai's arms.

Li Yunhai hugged her tightly and felt her whole body trembling, so he said, "It's okay!"

Shen Xiulan said with trembling teeth: "Why do you want to beat her to death?"

Li Yunhai said: "This is like this in the United States. This situation is very common. So when we are in the United States, if we encounter police interrogation, we must do what they say."

Shen Xiulan said: "It's too scary! It's too scary! I still like China!"

A black boy broke down and cried loudly, but was restrained by the police.

The scene was in chaos.

Li Yunhai protected Shen Xiulan back to the room.

The scene just now dealt a severe blow to Shen Xiulan. When she slept in Li Yunhai's arms at night, she would have nightmares from time to time and would be awakened.

The next day, Li Yunhai received a call from Xiao Si, saying that Michael agreed to shoot the commercial.

Li Yunhai asked how much the salary was?

Xiaosi said $800 million.

This price was similar to what Li Yunhai had thought before, so he agreed.

To create an extraordinary advertisement, Li Yunhai had to pay more than this.

He also needs to hire an advertising photography team and pay the extras.

Li Yunhai asked Xiaosi for help and contacted an American advertising company.

Someone from the advertising company called Li Yunhai and asked him what he thought about this advertisement.
Li Yunhai asked them if they had any good ideas?
The advertising agency said that one night, Michael was dancing on the street. While dancing, he picked up a trash can and smashed it into a shop on the street, smashing the glass doors and windows.

Li Yunhai was stunned when he heard this.

The other party added that after Michael smashed the glass doors and windows of the store, he rushed in and grabbed a computer. That computer was your company's Alien PC.

I have to say, this idea is great.

Such an advertisement would definitely pass the review in the United States.

But Li Yunhai always felt that this advertisement was a bit too much.

Are there any incentives to encourage zero-dollar purchases?

Although it is said that this is just an advertisement, which is equivalent to filming a film and television drama, but maybe it will have a negative impact?That would be counterproductive!
Li Yunhai thought for a while and asked if he could change the method?There was a fire in the store, and Michael rushed in and rescued an alien computer. Then the computer could still be turned on, and Michael danced with the keyboard?

The advertising company said that this would not be attractive, so why don't we stop thinking about individual creative ideas?
Li Yunhai talked about the idea he came up with and said that I was in Las Vegas and it was very special to see the Valley of Fire here. Can I shoot an advertisement here?
His vision was to have Michael dancing on top of the Valley of Fire as an alien computer fell from the sky and landed in front of him.

Li Yunhai is now the financial backer, so of course the advertising company listens to him.

So the creative idea for the ad was decided.

Shields will appear in the commercial as a supporting character, dancing with Michael.

This commercial was not difficult to shoot and was planned to be shot in three days.

After Li Yunhai reached an agreement with Michael and the advertising company, he allowed them to shoot.

He took Shen Xiulan around to play.

Three days later, the filming was completed and preliminary editing was carried out.

Li Yunhai returned to the casino, saw the advertisement, and thought it was pretty good, so he said this is it, you guys go into post-production!
People from the advertising agency said that the best idea was the shop-breaking advertisement they came up with, but unfortunately Li Yunhai did not adopt it.

Shen Xiulan said that the thoughts of these Americans are really terrifying. Even when filming an advertisement, they would think of robbery.

Li Yunhai said that they stole this land from the indigenous people. What's so surprising about this?

After the two completed their work, they set off for New York.

At this time, the five-day agreed period also arrived.

Professor Ni and others arrived at the Plaza Hotel in New York.

Li Yunhai met everyone and stayed in New York that night.

In the evening, Li Yunhai, Lin Xiaofeng and others discussed setting up a branch in New York. Lin Xiaofeng and David were responsible for this matter. The manpower needed for the branch would be recruited locally in New York.

Lin Xiaofeng asked Li Yunhai, then we still have to stay in New York for a while?
Li Yunhai said thank you for your hard work, aunt. Can you wait here until the branch is established before returning to China?In addition, our advertisement has entered post-production, please follow up.

Lin Xiaofeng said there was no problem.

Li Yunhai gave them a fund.

Professor Ni's trip to Berkeley went very smoothly, and he and Professor Dave have reached a cooperation agreement. The other party's entire team will continue to develop the RISC architecture.

The others followed Li Yunhai back to China the next day.

Chen Hong and others spent all the money they earned in the United States.

After the flight arrived in Shanghai, Gong Jie invited Li Yunhai and the others to spend two days in Shanghai.

Li Yunhai said that we have been out for so long, so we should come again next time we have a chance!
Gong Jie said that Shanghai is much more developed than Xizhou. Should the company consider moving its headquarters to Shanghai?
Li Yunhai said that he has not considered it for the time being. The whole country is a chess game and the global game is a chess game. No matter where the headquarters is located, it will not affect the company's development.You see, there are so many large companies in the United States, but their headquarters are not located in New York.

Gong Jie sent them on the train back to Xizhou.

Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan bought soft sleepers and lived together.

After getting in the car, Li Yunhai smiled and said: "Xiulan, do you still remember the wonderful memories that happened in the soft sleeper last time? Let's experience it again tonight."

Shen Xiulan rolled her eyes at him, her pretty eyes full of spring.

(End of this chapter)

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