Life 1984

Chapter 266 Invest 28 million!

Chapter 266 Invest 28 million!
Li Yunhai moved the cabinet and opened the basement door. Several people took shovels and knives to defend themselves.

Zhuang Yong was also present, and he took the lead in going down to the basement.

Li Yunhai then came down and looked around with a flashlight. He also opened the bottom tunnel to check.No human figure was found, but traces of being turned over were seen.

It seemed that the thief had entered the tunnel. Maybe Gong Jie and the others came back in time, and the thief escaped before he could return the cabinet to its place.

Li Yunhai was full of doubts. Who knew this tunnel?

All the gold he found was transported back to Xizhou and stored in it. Only he and Lin Zhi knew about this basement before.

Lin Zhi and Li Yunhai discussed that the house was on the side of the road and would be easily noticed by thieves, so security had to be strengthened.

Li Yunhai responded and said that all the doors and windows would be replaced with anti-theft ones tomorrow.

This villa is old, and the doors and windows are all made of wood. Only the courtyard door is made of iron, but the walls are not high enough to guard against gentlemen but not villains.

Li Yunhai decided to replace all the villas with anti-theft doors and windows and raise the walls.

The next day, Li Yunhai did not go to the Canton Fair, but hired workers to renovate the villa.

In addition to reinforcing the walls and replacing doors and windows, Li Yunhai also installed a protective door on the second and third floors. At the same time, he asked people to clear the basement, installed wires and lights, and locked the door into the basement.

During his break, he called back to Xizhou to inquire about the company's situation.

Su Hong answered the phone and told Li Yunhai: "Mr. Li, I was thinking of calling you in the evening. Professor Ni called back today and said he had something important to discuss with you. He left a phone number. Please Be sure to contact him when you have time.”

Li Yunhai wrote down Professor Ni's phone number and said hello.

After talking to Su Hong on the phone, Li Yun called the number left by Professor Ni.

After he dialed the call, he suddenly thought that Professor Ni was in the United States. There was a time difference between the two countries. It was eleven o'clock in the evening over there. Professor Ni was probably resting, right?

Li Yunhai was about to hang up the phone, but someone had already answered the call.

Professor Ni's hearty laughter came: "Mr. Li, right?"

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "It's me, Professor Ni, am I disturbing you late at night?"

"I haven't slept yet!" Professor Ni said calmly, "There is something I have to report to you. I contacted the GCA company in the United States. They are willing to sell us the latest lithography machines, chip production lines, and memory production lines. But the investment is very large! It costs US$2 million to build a memory production line, and US$8 million to buy a complete set of equipment!”

Li Yunhai listened and didn't speak for a long time.

At the end of the 80s, the total fixed asset investment in the national integrated circuit industry was only 15 billion yuan.

A complete set of photolithography machines, chips, and memory production lines costs 8 million U.S. dollars. According to the official exchange rate, it also costs 28 billion yuan!

What many people don’t know is that from the late 20s to the early 70s, my country’s chip technology was only six years behind the United States, but far ahead of South Korea and other regions.

In the early 70s, my country's chip research and development progress was still among the best in the world.At that time, our country introduced a lot of chip-related technologies and equipment.Under the background of understanding that integrated circuits are highly profitable, more than 40 integrated circuit factories have been built and put into production in my country.

But these machines were already outdated by the mid-80s.

Lithography machines, chips, memories, these products are updated too fast.

Even if our country is interested in developing the chip industry, it cannot afford to invest.

Looking at the development history of the world's chip industry, those who dominate this field, without exception, need to invest hundreds of billions of funds.

This is true for Japan and the United States, and it is also true for South Korea, which came from behind.

In 1984, Nikon and GCA each accounted for 30% of the global lithography market.This year, Ah Shi Mai Company was just established.

Most of our country's components are assembled abroad and then sold to our country.

This stagnation lasted for 20 years. After that, we again paid attention to chip research, but we were already far behind.Domestic chips have always lagged behind foreign countries by about two to five generations.

Li Yunhai wants to become bigger and stronger in the field of office equipment, which cannot be separated from chips and memories.

That's why he sent Professor Ni to study abroad, firstly to purchase the latest production lines, and secondly to find high-end talents.

Li Yunhai had long been mentally prepared, knowing that these high-end production lines would definitely not be cheap.

I just didn’t expect that the price is ridiculously expensive!

Several production lines cost 28 billion yuan!

No wonder domestic factories felt that the investment was too large and not cost-effective, so they gave up their plans to upgrade existing production lines and imported chips instead.

Can Li Yunhai buy so many production lines on his own?
28 billion yuan!

Not buying?

These three words, like Tang Monk's curse, kept rolling in Li Yunhai's mind.

Professor Ni also seemed to know Li Yunhai's difficulties, and let out a long sigh and said: "Mr. Li, you and I both know the importance of this industry. When I gave up everything in the scientific research institute and came to Xizhou to follow you, that is Because we have similar interests and common ideals. I do want to devote the rest of my life to my ideals, but this investment is too big. I know you can’t invest such a large sum of money. I-"

As he spoke, he suddenly fell silent.

Needless to say he knew how it would end.

How could Li Yunhai be able to carry on an industry that even the country had given up on?

If it were 2.8 million, Professor Ni would cry and beg Li Yunhai to agree.

But this is 28 billion!
With this kind of money, what else would anyone need to invest?

If you just keep these 28 billion, you will be prosperous and wealthy for generations to come.

When Professor Ni was working at Beijin, he had made numerous suggestions that the microcomputer chip industry must catch up and not fall behind.

However, domestic factories cannot afford billions to upgrade.

Professor Ni's suggestion fell into disrepair.

He then met Li Yunhai, and the two hit it off immediately.

Li Yunhai has the same idea as Professor Ni, and they both want to develop the microcomputer chip industry.

Our country's microcomputer chip technology began to be discontinued in this year.

And Li Yunhai happened to be reborn at this point!
It was as if there were a pair of big hands arranging and controlling Li Yunhai's destiny, and pointing out another bright road for the development of microcomputer chips.

If Li Yunhai could single-handedly contribute his own efforts to domestically produced microcomputer chips in 1986, then our country's chip industry might no longer lag behind, and would always keep pace with the development of international technology!
But the 28 billion investment put Li Yunhai in a difficult position.

28 billion, it’s not like he doesn’t have it.

He just happens to have so much money!
Is this really destiny?
In the past two years, he has been very prosperous in the field of office equipment. In less than two years, he made money that was difficult to achieve in his previous life!

Now, should he invest all this money in the field of microcomputer chips?

Li Yunhai thought even more profoundly.

That is, the chip and memory production lines need to be updated.

In up to five years, if he cannot develop a new production line on his own, he will have to purchase it from abroad.

Even if he can still buy these equipment from abroad by then, he will still have to spend another 28 billion to purchase it!

Maybe in 5 years, the price of the machine will double again?
What if it rises to 56 billion?
Where did he get the money from?
By then, although this production line cannot be said to be equivalent to scrap metal, it will not be able to reproduce the most advanced chips and memories.Just like those production lines bought more than ten years ago, they are of little use now because they are several generations behind!

Then the 28 billion yuan he invested was wasted?

In addition to upgrading the machine, there is another more important thing for him to consider.

It is easy to purchase machines, and as long as raw materials are available, it is also easy to produce products such as memories.

But the most important thing is sales, to whom?
In 1985, my country's first distributed projection chip machine was successfully developed.At this time, the gap between it and the international level is only 7 years.

It is a pity that domestically produced products have no market abroad because they are 7 years behind. Most domestic companies also purchase from abroad.After all, many high-tech products can only maintain their advantages by using new generation products, otherwise they cannot be sold.

If no one uses the products you produce, it won't be long before you end up miserable.

Li Yunhai really hesitated!

Li Yunhai, who dared to turn the world upside down, really couldn't do it this time!

He did not reply to Professor Ni, but hung up the phone.

Professor Ni listened to the busy tone on the phone and let out a long silent sigh.

He knew that the ideal in his heart would be difficult to realize.

But he didn't blame Li Yunhai.

Professor Ni didn't know how much money Li Yunhai had, maybe several hundred million?
But it is definitely still far from 28 billion yuan.

So he thought that when Li Yunhai heard that he needed to invest 28 billion, he had no choice but to hang up the phone.

Li Yunhai took out his cigarettes and smoked them one after another.

The master worker has already measured the dimensions of the doors and windows and left.

Li Yunhai was the only one left in such a large villa.

He sat lonely in the empty living room, with only long shadows accompanying him. "Hai Yun?" A soft call came.

But Li Yunhai didn't respond.

Lin Zhi walked in and was shocked when she saw the cigarette butts on the ground.

The last time she saw Li Yunhai smoking like this was the year before last, when she first met Li Yunhai.

At that time, Li Yunhai was still renting a small house in Jiuru Lane. He encountered something disturbing that day, so he sat on the threshold alone and smoked a lot.

But today he smoked even more than that day!
Lin Zhi had a premonition that something big was going to happen. She gently shook Li Yunhai and shouted, "Yunhai! What's wrong with you?"

Li Yunhai slowly raised his head and looked at her: "Ling Zhi, why are you back?"

Lin Zhi touched his forehead and said with concern: "We have lunch break. They are all eating. I will come back to see you. Have you eaten?"

Li Yunhai shook his head and said: "Not yet."

Lin Zhi knelt down in front of him and looked up at him: "What's wrong with you? What happened to you?"

Li Yunhai pulled her up and asked her to sit down on the sofa: "Ling Zhi, sit down. I have something to ask you."

Lin Zhi hummed, "What's the matter? Tell me, I'm listening!"

Li Yunhai calmed down and asked with a serious face: "If there is something that requires me to invest all my money in doing it, but it is likely to cost me nothing, do you think I should do it or not?"

"Ah?" Lin Zhi held his hand and said, "It depends on what it is. If it is something you must do, then you have done it! How can you have nothing? At least you still have me!"

Now that Li Yunhai's business has grown and his life has become better, he is a little afraid of losing it all.

He knows what happens to a person after he fails. When the wall falls and everyone pushes him down, you step on him and he kicks you, so that you will never be able to stand up again!

If it really comes to that point, what will he do?What about Lin Zhi, Guo Wanhua, and the unborn child?
Precisely because he had so many worries, Li Yunhai did not dare to risk his wealth and life!

Looking at Lin Zhi's sweet smile, Li Yunhai said calmly: "There is a project that requires an investment of US$8 million! This is only the first phase of investment!"

"8 million U.S. dollars? That's 28 billion yuan?" Lin Zhi covered her mouth and her eyes were as big as eggs, "Yunhai, what project requires such a large investment? We have built so many high-rise buildings in Xizhou, and only ten With a budget of several hundred million! 28 billion, how many high-rise buildings can be built?"

Li Yunhai took a deep breath and expressed his thoughts.

He was afraid that Lin Zhi would not understand the meaning and significance of this huge investment, so he reiterated the importance of this industry.

Lin Zhi expressed his understanding: "The computers, typewriters, and copiers we sell all need chips and memories, right?"

Li Yunhai nodded seriously: "Yes, the application range of these products will become more and more extensive!"

Lin Zhi smiled sweetly and said: "In that case, then just invest! Even if you lose money, we will have to start all over again! I will accompany you to make a comeback! We are both so smart, so young, and have nothing to worry about. Are you afraid of failure?"

Li Yunhai smiled bitterly: "If it fails, then my loss may be 50 billion or 100 billion, plus 5 or 10 years of my time."

"Such a big bet?" Lin Zhi thought for a while and said, "Yunhai, I listen to you. If you say invest, then invest! Isn't it just ten years? Isn't it just 100 billion? Maybe the money we will earn in the future , is it far more than 100 billion? Even in another 10 years, we will only be 30 years old, which is still young!"

Li Yunhai held Lin Zhi's pretty face and said with a smile, "You just believe in me? What if I have nothing?"

"We won't have nothing! At worst, we can go work and the two of us can make money to support the family, right?" Lin Zhi smiled, "And you have always had good luck. You will win every time you place a bet, right?" ?”

Li Yunhai slowly closed his eyes and said, "Then I will invest 28 billion! After investing this money, I really have no money. Even the money to build the Sihai Center will have to be earned in the next step."

Lin Zhi chuckled and said, "Then work hard to make money! Can I go out and buy you a meal?"

Her optimism and confidence put Li Yunhai in a good mood. He patted the back of Lin Zhi's hand and said, "Okay, you go buy it and I'll have a call with Professor Ni."

Lin Zhi smiled and said: "Okay, don't worry about it! Since you have to do it, then move forward bravely!"

Li Yunhai nodded calmly: "I understand! Buy me some beef and some shredded potatoes!"

Lin Zhi agreed with a smile and went out to buy food.

Li Yunhai picked up the phone and called Professor Ni again.

Professor Ni was also sitting in a daze, thinking a lot, but seemed to be thinking nothing.

After receiving another call from Li Yunhai, Professor Ni said: "Mr. Li, I have another idea. We also have related factories and supporting production lines in China, but they are just a few years behind, which is two generations of products. We can Buy the existing factories in the country and then develop it yourself! The cost will be much lower!"

Li Yunhai said in a deep voice: "Professor Ni, what you said is also a way. But we will always catch up with others. Moreover, the products produced by these domestic factories can no longer meet the demand for high-end products. Even if we only spend 5 5 million, this [-] million is also a loss. It is better to just buy the most advanced foreign production lines!"

Professor Ni sighed: "But it's too expensive! US$8 million! Alas! Even the country will not spend so much money to invest."

"I'll invest! I'll get $8 million!"

Li Yunhai's words were extremely heroic and resounding.

Professor Ni felt incredible as if he had heard a fantasy, and asked: "Mr. Li, what did you say?"

"Professor Ni, you heard it right, I invested US$8 million!"

"This? This, this?" Professor Ni's lips trembled slightly, "Do you have so much money?"

"Spend all my wealth, it should be enough!"

"Oh my God! Mr. Li!"

Professor Ni felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. He had never felt it before.Like a warm spring breeze blowing by, he wanted to laugh but couldn't.My nose was a little sore, and tears flowed out of my eyes uncontrollably.

He choked suddenly, and something suddenly fell from his eyes, and wetness streaked across his cheeks, leaving a zigzag line on the dry skin.

Growing up, he had encountered many difficulties in his life, but he had never cried.

When he heard Li Yunhai's words today, Professor Ni could no longer hold back and shed tears of excitement and emotion!

At first, he didn't expect that Li Yunhai had so much money!
28 billion yuan!

Secondly, he didn't expect that Li Yunhai would be so supportive of his idea!
Just because of a dream?
Invest 28 billion!
Professor Ni knows better than anyone that if this money is invested, it is very likely to be lost.

Obviously, Li Yunhai also understood this truth, so he hesitated for so long!
But in the end, Li Yunhai made the decision to invest.

So rare!This shows that Li Yunhai has great trust in him!
Professor Ni was really moved.

Li Yunhai heard the crying from the other side of the phone and said, "Professor Ni, what's wrong with you?"

"Mr. Li, I'm so excited! As the ancients said, a good bird will choose a tree to roost in, and a scholar will die for his bosom friend. I'm very lucky that I followed the right person!" Professor Ni said impassionedly, "I don't have Gong Jin's talents. , and has no wisdom. We can only imitate Zhou Yu's solitary loyalty, and learn from Zhuge's exhaustion. A wise man should die for his confidant!"

Li Yunhai was also moved by his loyalty and said: "Professor Ni, we are really betting this time! This is all my wealth and life! All of it is invested in this investment!"

"I know, I'm very touched! Mr. Li, you are the wisest man in the world! I really hope that our investment can succeed! I will definitely work hard to repay Mr. Li for his kindness."

"Okay, Professor Ni, let's not talk about this for now. You can negotiate with the United States first and try to keep the price down. It would be good if you can reduce it by 1000 million."

"Don't worry, I'll negotiate with them tomorrow. I'll contact you when I have a clue."

"See you."

"Take care, Mr. Li!"

Li Yunhai slowly put down the phone, a look of determination flashed in his eyes!

This is the largest investment in his life, and it is an investment with an uncertain future!
He just told Lin Zhi that once he failed, he might have nothing, which was not scary.

If his investment of billions fails and he cannot make money from other places, then life will be really difficult!
Lin Zhi bought food outside for Li Yunhai to eat.

Li Yunhai was eating and asked Lin Zhi how the business was going.
Lin Zhi shook her head slightly: "It's just so so, there are a lot of people watching, but few placing orders. Still no one buys the printer!"

"The profit margin of printers is low. Even if someone buys it, it won't quench their current thirst."

"Oh, that's true. Your investment of 28 billion is indeed a bit much. If you want to make it back by selling printers, it's impossible. It would be great if you get a few more CCA authorizations!"

"Haha! How can there be so many people who need authorization! The global demand for CCA and toner is certain now."

Li Yunhai thought to himself that the money that can be earned from a Canton Fair is limited after all.

His current money is mainly from selling the CCA license for US$[-] million. Otherwise, how could he have so much money?

It seems that we have to find other ways to make a quick buck!
What else can bring in money faster than the Canton Fair?

Li Yunhai suddenly thought of something, and slowly began to care about it.

After dinner, Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi came to the Canton Fair exhibition hall.

Li Yunhai, who used to have a net worth of several billion, suddenly felt that he was completely broke!

His desire for money is greater now than ever before!
One set of equipment costs 28 billion. What if I buy two more sets?Doesn’t it cost tens of billions?
However, investment in this field will basically result in losses in the early stage. The loss is not just a small loss, but it is likely to be a loss of more than ten years and tens of billions!

For example, South Korea has invested hundreds of billions in developing this industry!

Once you enter this field, you must continue to invest in research and development, as well as design software development and processor architecture research!It's all money in the early stage, and there's not much output in sight.

In this industry, you will definitely not succeed if you don’t persist, but you may not succeed if you persist!
Moreover, if Li Yunhai wants to maintain his leading position in the next five years, he will have to purchase one from abroad before developing his own production line. The price will definitely increase by then, and the price is estimated to be at least 50 billion or more.

In five years, can he earn another 50 billion?

Li Yunhai suddenly felt that he had changed from a billionaire to a loser worth tens of billions!
(End of this chapter)

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