Life 1984

Chapter 259 Complete victory! 【Please subscribe】

Chapter 259 Complete victory! 【Please subscribe】

The top ten in the first Sihai Cup typing competition were all summoned by Li Yunhai.

These ten people all have a typing speed of more than 200 words per minute.They will represent Sihai Group and compete in the pinnacle typewriter showdown with Lianxiang Company!

Sihai Group reimbursed everyone for their round-trip travel expenses, including food and accommodation, and gave everyone 200 yuan as work-loss pay.If you win, each person will be awarded a bonus of 1 yuan!

Most of these people are typists, and typing was originally just a skill they relied on to survive.Now they can make a lot of money relying on this skill. Of course, everyone is working hard to win the game.

The champion of the adult category of the typing competition is a 20-year-old girl, pretty and tall. She is from Hangzhou. Her name is Ji Shu. She is a typist for a local state-owned enterprise. She is a technical secondary school graduate and her mother She was a typist at the workplace and often took her to the workplace to play, and she also fell in love with the typewriter.

After the Sihai computer typewriter came on the market, her unit was equipped with it as soon as possible. She typed every day and developed excellent typing skills. Her speed was faster than that of ordinary people, and she temporarily ranked first in the country.

Li Yunhai had high hopes for Ji Shu and others.

If the last competition was a typing competition, then this peak showdown can be called a typewriter competition.

Although people are competing, the competition is between typewriters.

It's like a horse race. The equestrian is important, but in the end it's the horse that wins.

The typewriter competition between the two companies was widely reported by the media.

Ever since there were two types of typewriters on the market, the typewriter industry has been in turmoil, and the media and the audience have had their fill.

This time it attracted more people's attention.

When the two companies were discussing the venue for the match, Li Yunhai said magnanimously that it didn't matter. Beijin is your home court, so why not just settle in Beijin. If I play away from home, I can beat you at home. That's what I'm capable of. !

Lian Xiang Company was stunned by Li Yunhai's words!

Too embarrassing!

The other party was enraged and said there was no need to come to Beijin!Let’s go to Xizhou!We have to fight away from home and defeat you in Xizhou to show our ability even more!

Li Yunhai laughed loudly and said welcome to Xizhou.

Therefore, the competition venue was decided to be in Xizhou and held at the Changdao Hotel.

If Lianxiang Company can defeat Sihai Group at the Changdao Hotel, then Li Yunhai will really be completely defeated.

Therefore, in this battle, we can only win, not lose.

The spring cold in Xizhou has not yet ended, and there is a picture of grass growing and orioles flying everywhere, and spring is full of scenery.

March is like a song, and everything sings together.The south breeze warms the window, cherry trees are blooming, magnolias are blooming, and forsythia clusters are bustling, all in spring.

On this day, Xizhou Railway Station welcomed a special group of guests.

They are from Beijin Lianxiang Company.

These people are not here for sightseeing, but to damage Sihai Group!
As long as it is legitimate competition, Li Yunhai welcomes it.

Because he has never been afraid of anyone.

After they arrived in Xizhou, they stayed at the Changdao Hotel.

Following this, there were also reporters from various media.

The first peak showdown in my country's typewriter industry. Of course, the media will not miss such a grand event.

Someone told Li Yunhai that the ten players from the other side had spent a lot of money to hire them and had gone through a devilish training process. They were well prepared. You must not underestimate them.

Li Yunhai did not underestimate the other party.

The other party dares to openly shout and challenge, which shows that they must have done enough preparations.

But the brave have nothing to fear!
Li Yunhai is confident that he will win!

At ten o'clock the next morning, 20 tables were set up in the lobby on the first floor of the Changdao Hotel.

Ten of the tables were equipped with Sihai computer typewriters, and the other ten tables were equipped with Lianxiang typewriters.

Members of the Sihai Group team all wear blue clothes, blue trousers and blue hats, and are called the Blue Team.

Even the contestants from Xiang Company wear red clothes, red trousers and red hats, and are called red parties.

Five minutes before the start of the game, the players from the red and blue sides took their places.

The blue team players are led by Ji Shu. Although she is young, she is extremely calm and calm.

Before the game started, Ji Shu and her teammates cheered.

After negotiations between the executives of the two companies, this competition will not be decided in one game, but in three games.

Each game lasts 10 minutes, and there are three games in total.

Only in this way can we see the level better.

Li Yunhai thinks it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter how you compare.

Because he is full of confidence in Wubi typing method.

Although the Pinyin typing method is easy to learn, it slows down because of too many repeated code words.

The articles used in the competition are not jointly designated by both parties until 1 minute before the start of the game.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the game officially started.

Players from both sides were fully focused and raced against time to start typing.

The guests of the Changdao Hotel came over to watch the excitement.

Media reporters recorded this precious image.

The first typewriter competition in China officially kicked off in Xizhou.

Li Yunhai sat calmly and watched.

Lin Zhi, Shen Xiulan and others came downstairs.

No one spoke for fear of disturbing the players.

10 minutes passed quickly.

The first round is over.

There is no need to invite judges in the competition, because all the words typed are evidenced by black and white writing on paper. How many words were typed, and what is the error rate?It's clear at a glance.

After statistics, the results of the first round of competition came out.

The blue team, headed by Ji Shu, consisted of ten people and typed a total of 10 words in 24319 minutes!

The red team, on the other hand, only typed 18732 words in the same time!

After the results came out, the whole place was in an uproar!
The spotlights in the hands of the media reporters kept flashing, taking pictures of all the disappointment, surprise and other micro-expressions of the members of Team Lianxiang.

Some reporters even asked: "Is there still a competition?"

Yes, still want to compete?
If the difference is not big, then there is still meaning to continue the game.

Now that there is so much difference between the two teams, is it necessary to continue to compete?

Even the people in the company looked ashen in an instant.

They always thought that Sihai Group must have cheated in the last typing competition. Otherwise, how could it have typed so many words?

But now the facts are before their eyes, they have invited the players they think are the most powerful.

As a result, the facts slapped them in the face.

The ten members of the blue team are all so powerful, and their average hand speed is much higher than that of the red team!
Li Yunhai laughed and said: "Since we have decided on three matches, we must compete to the end!"

Winning is a sure win, but we can still win two more games!

Even people in the company thought it was impossible and asked for a rematch!
So the game continued.

In the second game, Ji Shu and others became more and more courageous as they fought, and their typing speed became faster and faster. Their fingers were seen flying and jumping on the typewriter keyboard, and even the afterimages of their fingers could be seen!
It's simply amazing!
Lin Zhi, Shen Xiulan and others also type often, but compared with Ji Shu and others, they are far behind.

This is a real skill, no luck.

At the end of the second game, Ji Shu’s team produced 25148 words!Even higher than the first game!

The team of Lianxiang Company only typed 19674 words and still failed to break the 2-word mark.

It has to be said that using the Pinyin input method to achieve this hand speed is already an honor despite defeat.

It’s so difficult for these participating members!

The flaws in the machines and software themselves cannot be made up for by hard work.

Two wins out of three!

And it is a complete victory!
There is really no need to compete in the third game.

The members of Lianxiang Company all looked ashen.

They came to Xizhou with full confidence to defeat the Sihai Group.

In the end, instead of defeating others, he came back defeated!

The most important thing is that the results are too ugly!

It’s okay if it’s a rare defeat or a narrow defeat!

But it was a huge defeat!

Li Yunhai stood up and laughed loudly, saying that the winner was already decided, so there was no need to compete anymore, right?Thank you all for your hard work today. I will treat you to lunch at Changdao Hotel!

Even the people who were thinking about the company finally didn't say anything else this time, and they didn't talk about eating. They packed up their things, left the room, and left in a hurry.

Looking at their retreating figures, Ji Shu and others jumped up with joy!
They won!

Everyone can win a prize of 1 yuan!

Li Yunhai did not break his promise and fulfilled his promise on the spot, giving each of the ten contestants a bonus of 1 yuan.

This peak showdown in the domestic typewriter industry ended with Sihai Typewriter's victory!

When the information spread across the country, the terminal retail sales of Sihai typewriters reached a higher level.However, this game also allowed Li Yunhai to see the benefits of Pinyin input method.

The Pinyin input method is easy to use, there is no need to memorize root tables, and the speed is not slow.

For most jobs, a typing speed of more than 120 words per minute is sufficient.

Unless there are special shorthand requirements or units with particularly high typing intensity, higher typing speed requirements are required.

Li Yunhai decided to develop a third-generation typewriter.

He will develop a more advanced pinyin typing input method, which is the intelligent pinyin input method!
Intelligent Pinyin corresponds to Lenovo Wubi, both of which are integrated into one typewriter.

The third generation typewriter will become even easier to use.

Li Yunhai has developed the typewriter into a microcomputer with many functions of a computer.

The tariff on this product is much lower than that of a complete computer.

This is the reason why Sihai typewriters are so popular.

After the peak showdown, orders for Sihai typewriters increased again.

Those dealers who switched to Lianxiang Company had to come back to Sihai Group to order typewriters.

Because Lianxiang typewriter can’t be sold at all!

There are already two types of Sihai typewriters. The high-end model is priced at 16800 yuan, while the low-end model has been adjusted in price to 9800 yuan.

Lianxiang's typewriters are not as good as they are good. Their performance and configuration are not as good as those of Sihai's second-generation machines, and their prices are not as good as those of Sihai's first-generation machines.

Coupled with this competition, Lianxiang Company humiliated itself and returned in defeat.This further strengthened consumers’ determination to purchase Sihai typewriters.

The sales of Sihai typewriters also boosted the sales of Sihai Company's other products.

At this moment, another piece of good news came!

Professor Ni called Li Yunhai and happily informed him: "Success! Our micro-piezoelectric inkjet printing technology has been successfully developed!"

Li Yunhai was overjoyed!
He rushed to the scientific research institute immediately.

Professor Ni excitedly showed him the micro-piezoelectric inkjet print head.

The core technology of inkjet printers is the nozzle, and the rest is the mechanical paper feeding part. It is more energy-saving and environmentally friendly than laser machines.

Whether it is thermal foaming or micro-piezoelectric vibration inkjet, the result is the same.It simply sprays tiny dots of ink onto the paper.The smaller the ink dots, the higher the resolution of the printed image and the better the color effect.

Compared with these two methods, the thermal foam print head is prone to chemical changes and instability due to the ink at high temperatures. The directionality and volume of the ink particles are difficult to control, and the edges of the printed lines are easily uneven, to a certain extent. Affects the print quality, which is its shortcoming.

Micro-piezoelectric printhead technology uses the discharge characteristics of crystals when pressurized to stably eject ink at room temperature.It has strong ability to control ink droplets and shrinks the color points a lot, making the printed image clearer.Micro-piezoelectric inkjet does not require heating, and the ink will not undergo chemical changes due to heat.

To put it bluntly, micro-piezoelectric nozzles have a longer life and are more durable!

Thermal foam nozzles have a short lifespan, and many thermal foam ink cartridges and nozzles are integrated. When the ink is used up, they must be replaced as a whole. The cost of use is higher. Although its nozzles are cheap, they cannot be used and thrown away one by one.

The micro-piezoelectric print head invented by Li Yunhai successfully improved this weakness.

The invention of micro-piezoelectric inkjet printer means that the cost of printers and consumables will be greatly reduced!
Cheap inkjet printers are about to fly into the homes of ordinary people.

Li Yunhai is confident that the price of inkjet printers will be reduced to a level acceptable to ordinary families.

The inkjet printers currently on the market are mainly HP. They produce a desktop inkjet printer, ThinkJet, which sells for US$495, but the consumables are expensive.

HP's desktop laser printer LaserJet from the same period costs $3500.

HP also introduced one-time replacement ink cartridges, instead of designing the ink cartridges into the interior of the printer in previous products, and created a new business model - selling ink cartridges.

They launch low-priced printers and then make money selling high-priced ink cartridges.

If Li Yunhai wants to compete with HP, he must lower the price of consumables, otherwise he will have no advantage.

The invention of micro-piezoelectric inkjet technology allowed Li Yunhai to break through the technical barriers of inkjet printers and make low-consumable printing possible.

However, there is no possibility of huge profits on this product.

Because HP printers themselves are already very cheap.

The inkjet printers produced by Sihai Group cannot be higher than those produced by HP.

On a $500 printer, HP still makes $200 in profit.

Of course, their machines will definitely be expensive after they are imported into our country.

The domestic price of printers produced by Sihai Group must be less than 1500 yuan to have a competitive advantage.

Inkjet printer components are very cheap, and the cost of assembling and producing such a machine domestically is about US$200.

Li Yunhai decided to open up sales with a small profit!
The Sihai brand's first micro-piezoelectric inkjet printer is priced at US$450 when exported abroad, slightly lower than HP's price. The domestic price is 1280 yuan.

For office equipment, the main source of income is from subsequent consumables.

As long as you sell enough machines, you can make more money from consumables.

Professor Ni is only responsible for project development. He doesn’t know much about business operations and pricing.

Therefore, Li Yunhai positioned him as the dean of a scientific research institute and gave him a high enough salary and rewards to allow him to focus on scientific research.

After conquering the micro-piezoelectric sneeze printing technology, Li Yunhai and Professor Ni entered another more important scientific research field, which is chips and memory!

This is a costly job, and it has always been the "core technology" that Professor Ni has been thinking about!
Before the formal development of chips and memory, Li Yunhai gave Professor Ni a month-long vacation, allowed him to travel to the United States, and gave him a grant of US$20.

Professor Ni did not just go out for fun, but went with a mission.

Li Yunhai asked Professor Ni to go out and look for talents!
With high-end talents, research and development work can be done with twice the result with half the effort.

After the success of micro-piezoelectric inkjet technology, Li Yunhai contacted the Shanghai Typewriter Factory and still handed over the production business of Sihai inkjet printers to them.

Li Yunhai is a very loyal person. He has identified a cooperative manufacturer and will continue to cooperate as long as the other party has no major faults.

The Shanghai Typewriter Factory lived up to his high expectations, paying close attention to production and strictly controlling quality. The failure rate and repair rate of the Sihai typewriters produced were lower than the industry average, which also brought an excellent reputation to the Sihai Group.

At the 1986 Spring Canton Fair, Li Yunhai will bring his new inkjet typewriter to the exhibition, looking forward to creating greater glory.

One evening at the end of March.

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi came to the Lin family together.

Lin Zhenbang and Tang Yuxia cooked a table of food and invited them back for dinner.

Li Yunhai repeatedly confirmed, whose birthday is not today?Or what holiday is it?
Because Lin Zhenbang and his wife rarely invite them home for dinner.

Knowing that no one had a birthday, Li Yunhai thought to himself that today's meal might not be that simple.

Especially when Lin Zhenbang took the initiative to toast Li Yunhai with wine, he was even more excited. He wondered what important tasks the leader had to answer this time.

Sure enough, after three glasses of wine, Lin Zhenbang started making requests.

"Yunhai, your business acumen is better than mine." Lin Zhenbang put down his wine glass and said with a slight smile, "Can you give me an idea on how to develop the province's economy?"

Li Yunhai was shocked!
"Uncle, this topic is too big! I can't take it! I can run a company and manage thousands of people, but you want me to make suggestions for the economy of a province? Then you think too highly of me!"

There are tens of millions of people in the province!
If the money Li Yunhai has now is divided evenly, each person will get less than a few dozen yuan!
This is not the way to fight the rich, right?

Lin Zhi rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Dad, Yunhai has no money now. He has used up all his money. He needs to invest more than one billion to acquire land and build a building! He bought another building in Xiangjiang, and It cost several hundred million. This order of 10 second-generation typewriters cost 5.5 million! In addition, we also need to order 10 inkjet printers, which is also tens of millions! On the company's books, there are only a few billion in liquidity."

She is truly a housekeeper. Although she is the HR manager, she knows the company's financial situation well!

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "Ling Zhi is right, our company only has a few hundred million in funds now."

Tang Yuxia smiled and said: "Several hundred million? More than that? Didn't we receive several hundred million in cash from the dealer conference years ago? The building has just started piling foundation, and not all of the billions have been invested. In your hands , 20 billion, there must be!"

Li Yunhai thought to himself, this mother-in-law is not a fuel-efficient lamp either!Calculate the company's accounts clearly!
Lin Zhenbang laughed and said: "You don't need to settle accounts, I don't want your money! This is not the past. I can't just beat you, a rich man, just to make the people of the province rich, right? No matter how much money you have, share it equally." , and it’s not enough for everyone to spend.”

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi looked at each other and smiled, and said, "As long as they don't hit me, everything is easy."

Lin Zhenbang said: "It is indeed difficult for you to write an article on the economy of a province. How about you write an article on your hometown? I want to set a model of economic development. You are from Meishan, so we will use Meishan area As a model, can you see if you can boost Meishan's economy?"

Lin Zhi said: "Dad, there are millions of people in a region! No matter how powerful the sea of ​​clouds is, it cannot drive the economic development of a region."

Lin Zhenbang patted his thigh and said: "Let's take Meishan County as a typical example! Meishan County has only one million people, so you can always find a way, right? Meishan County is a poor county in our province and is also your hometown. If you If there is really a way to help them, why not use your brain and show kindness?"

Lin Zhi smiled and said: "Dad, this is your business, but you blame it on Yun Hai! It makes him want to kill a lot of brain cells!"

Lin Zhenbang said: "Dad has racked his brains, but he just can't think of a way! Look at me, my hair has turned white, but I just can't think of a way! He who can do it should work harder!"

Tang Yuxia said: "Yunhai, you are a powerful person, please help me think about it! Now the whole country is fighting against poverty. Zhenbang has a heavy burden on his shoulders!"

Li Yunhai knew he couldn't escape. Who made him so successful now?
If Lin Zhenbang doesn't look for him, who will he look for?

Moreover, Li Yunhai was also willing to help Lin Zhenbang.

Lin Zhenbang can achieve great results and be appreciated by Beijin, which is good for the Lin family.

Li Yunhai thought for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he smiled: "I really have an idea that can help the people of Meishan get rich!"

Lin Zhenbang asked in a deep voice: "Tell me first, how many people can you help?"

Li Yunhai said: "It will not be a problem to help 10,000+ households!"

Lin Zhenbang looked happy and said: "10,000+ households? That's one million people! So, your project can really help Meishan County get rid of poverty and become rich?"

Tang Yuxia couldn't help but stop eating and looked at Li Yunhai in surprise.

What kind of project can help 10,000+ households get out of poverty?

Li Yunhai said calmly: "This project of mine can not only help others, but also help myself. However, it is difficult to fully implement this project of mine, and the difficulty is not small."

Lin Zhenbang waved his hand and said: "What can you do that is not difficult? You are afraid of choking when drinking water! Yunhai, if you have any ideas, just speak up boldly. As long as the project is feasible, then I will fully support you!"

Li Yunhai said: "My project can be done by every household. As long as you do it, you will definitely make money in the future, but it requires a huge amount of start-up capital! I'm afraid even the bank won't be able to borrow it!"

Lin Zhenbang exclaimed: "After all, do you still need money? If I had money, I wouldn't be in such a difficult situation!"

Tang Yuxia said: "Yunhai, tell me what project it is, and we will go over the details together."

 Third, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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