Life 1984

Chapter 250 Encounter at the Airport [Please subscribe]

Li Yunhai gave a lecture on the ordering process.

In order to encourage dealers to buy more goods, Li Yunhai set up incentives.

In 1986, the sales champion was awarded a car, the runner-up was awarded a motorcycle, and the third runner-up was awarded a large color TV.

In the 80s, various lottery and prize-winning activities were very popular. For example, Foolish Guazi held an event where raffle tickets were put in the melon seed packaging. The highest reward was a car.

In this era, a car is worth a lot of money, and not everyone can buy it. Rewarding a car can be said to be an extremely high-end marketing method.

In 1986, my country's automobile production gradually increased. Jinmen Daihatsu and Shanghai Volkswagen successively produced domestic brand cars using SKD component assembly.The country began to relax restrictions on private car purchases, and the first truly private license plate, Shanghai AZ0001, was also born this year.

Li Yunhai's current cars are all purchased in the name of the company.

When he held the dealer meeting, this policy had not yet been introduced.

So he said that bonus cars are very attractive to these dealers.

A dealer has asked me if I can inspect the goods on site?

Li Yunhai had already prepared and asked people to bring prototypes of various machines and placed them on both sides of the auditorium for everyone to visit.

The company's employees explained what model and machine it was.

The dealers were interested in different machines, but the assembly machines and typewriters attracted the most people.

Everyone gathered around the Sihai computer typewriter and talked non-stop. Some people stepped forward to operate it and shouted while typing: "This machine is great and very convenient. All the functions are displayed on the screen and are clear at a glance. I want to order this machine." I want to order 1000 machines!"

People from the financial department led by Shen Xiulan are already ready under the podium. There is a row of desks here where people who need to place orders can register.

Sihai Group always pays first and then delivers the goods. After placing an order, a deposit of 2 yuan is required. If there is a breach of contract, the deposit will not be refunded.

The dealer asked, "When will the second generation typewriter be ready to ship?"

The staff had already undergone unified training and said: "The new model is for pre-sale. It will be shipped uniformly after the new year. It will not be shipped until the Spring Festival at the earliest, that is, after March 3th. This is a new product, and the production capacity of the touch screen limited."

"It will take more than a month to ship?"

"Yes, it's first-come, first-served, first-ordered, first-served. Whoever's payment goes to our company's account first will be given priority by us."

"Then what will we sell this month?"

"You can sell the first generation typewriter!"

"The first-generation typewriter costs seven thousand, right?"

"The unified price adjustment of the old models will not be implemented until the new models are fully distributed. That is, the price will be reduced after March 3. The current purchase price is still 10 yuan, and the retail price remains unchanged, still 13800 yuan."

"Ah? Then how do we get the goods?"

"You can take less first-generation products and reserve more second-generation products. During the Chinese New Year period, you can take as much as you think you can sell."

By doing this, Li Yunhai was clearing out first-generation products.

There are not many first-generation typewriters in his warehouse anymore, so clearance will definitely not be a problem.

After the second-generation products are launched, the sales volume will definitely cover the first-generation products.

Even if someone continues to order the first-generation product, he can still sell it and attract customers with low prices.

And with this one-month buffer period, the first-generation typewriters in the hands of various dealers will definitely be sold about the same.

Although Li Yunhai had promised that he could recycle the goods that the buyer had not sold out before.

But for buyers, if they can sell out the goods at a low price within this month, it is of course the best and saves the trouble of moving around.

Lianxiang typewriter sells for 12800 yuan, while Sihai's first-generation typewriter only costs 1 yuan. Even if it is dumped at the purchase price, it is better than taking it back to the company to exchange it.

In fact, the sales momentum of Sihai typewriters has been very strong, and it has not reached the level of dumping at low prices.

At most, as long as the price is reduced to the same as that of Lenovo typewriters, there will be no worries about sales.

This is also the approach adopted by Li Yunhai to retreat in order to advance.

The staff of Sihai Group created a tense pre-sale atmosphere, constantly emphasizing how good the second-generation typewriter was, how valuable the touch screen was, and how limited the output was, just to attract orders.

Everyone heard that the production volume of the second-generation typewriter was tight, so they rushed to place orders.

Someone shouted:
"I order 100 second-generation machines!"

Someone shouted:
"Get out of the way of the 100 units, I want to order 500 units!"

Someone else shouted:
"Give me the 500 units first. I'll order 1000 second-generation machines!"

Someone else asked: "Can I buy a prototype and put it in the store for customers to see? If there are many inquiries, I can also get more goods!"

The staff replied that of course, but the prototypes are limited, and only dealers who purchase more than 200 units can purchase additional prototypes.

This is another trap designed by Li Yunhai.

He only has 200 prototypes in hand. If every dealer takes them, there will definitely not be enough prototypes.

So he deliberately set a high threshold and allowed powerful dealers to buy prototypes.

As a result, dealers must increase order volume if they want to get prototypes.

200 second-generation typewriters, the purchase price is 240 million!
A dealer with a net worth of more than 200 million is definitely a high-quality partner.

In 1986, private enterprises had been developing for two years, and the individual economy had been developing for almost ten years. Those with courage and courage had already taken advantage of the reform and made their first pot of gold.

In this day and age, there are many people who make money from agricultural and sideline products.Many people used to sell pork, eggs, and fish. After making their first pot of gold, they wanted to switch to high-tech industries.

Li Yunhai heard a story about a lady who sold eggs in a certain place and made tens of millions in just a few years.With the reform of my country's price system, these egg sellers will also make a fortune because the price of eggs will rise exponentially.

This is truly an era full of opportunities.

No matter which industry you are in, you can become a multimillionaire accidentally.

With the gradual popularization of office equipment in our country, many smart-minded people have sensed business opportunities and begun to enter this industry.

The past few years have also been a golden decade for the rapid development of the domestic office equipment industry.

Many technology companies have made a fortune selling Hanky ​​cards, typewriters, computers, and photocopiers.

Ordinary people have limited costs, so it would be great to be able to run any of them well.

Li Yunhai has integrated into a group company!
At the dealer conference, there were many people placing orders on site.

No matter what project he is working on, he will order a batch of second-generation Sihai computer typewriters.

This product has been unanimously loved by everyone.

There were also dealers coming to the scene.

These people came from relatively remote places. After seeing the advertisement, they rushed to Xizhou, but unfortunately the journey was far away. It only took two or three days by car or boat.

By the time they arrived, the dealer meeting was coming to an end.

Personnel were arranged on site to receive the visitors and promote the products to these latecomers individually.

200 second-generation typewriters were sold out!
Li Yunhai has not yet made statistics on orders, but he can probably calculate it.

There are at least 200 dealers on site and 200 second-generation machines have been purchased.

That’s 4 units!

Worth 4 million!

Coupled with other orders, wouldn't today's dealer conference really reach 8 million as Lin Zhi said?

So brutal!

Li Yunhai couldn't help but sigh, he still underestimated the wallets of Chinese people!

Orders will continue to increase!
Lin Zhi ran to Li Yunhai and smiled sweetly: "What did I mean last night? Eight hundred million, eight hundred million!"

Li Yunhai laughed and said: "You are such a cutie! Maybe your words come true and we can really win [-] million?"

"If there are so many, you have to reward me?"

"Okay, whatever you want is fine."

"No, I don't need anything! With you, everything is enough!"

Li Yunhai looked at his fiancée with a happy smile on his face, and suddenly felt a burning gaze staring at him, so he turned his head to look, and met Shen Xiulan's eyes.

Shen Xiulan sat in the financial seat in the front row and waved to him.

Li Yunhai came over, bent down and asked, "What's wrong?"

Shen Xiulan held a large stack of information in her hand and said: "Yunhai has the most people purchasing assembly machines, second-hand copiers, and second-generation typewriters, and has the most orders. Have you ever thought about whether our production capacity can keep up? Don’t forget, we are going to attend the Canton Fair in April!”

Li Yunhai touched his chin and pondered, and asked: "Everything else is easy to talk about. Assembling machines and second-hand copiers are still in stock in our warehouse. I have sufficient stocks. How many orders are there for second-generation typewriters now?"

"Nearly [-] orders!"

"so much?"

"Yes! Fifty thousand units, which is more than the production capacity of Shanghai Typewriter Factory. It will take at least two months, right?"

"I'm not worried about assembly capabilities. If one factory has insufficient production capacity, I can find two more factories to cooperate. The most troublesome thing now is the touch screen." "Yes, how many screens did you purchase this time?"

"2 yuan."

"Too few! I estimate that I will receive orders for more than 6 units today. Add in the orders from the Canton Fair in April, and the number will probably exceed 10 units!"

"That's a problem."

“Can’t you place an order quickly?”

"It's not a question of whether to place an order now. I want to buy the invention patent for resistive touch screens, and the other party agreed to sell it to me for US$200 million."

"So what?"

"What I'm worried about now is that if we suddenly purchase a large number of touch screens, it will attract the attention of the patent owner. He may realize that the spring of touch screens is coming, and then increase the patent transfer price, or even No more selling to us.”

"It's possible, everyone is pursuing profit. So what should we do?"

"To avoid long nights and endless dreams, I want to fly to the United States quickly and get this patent right first."

"Are you leaving soon?"

"Well, I plan to go to the United States as soon as possible."

"Do you have a visa?"

"I had wanted to go to the United States before, so I had already applied for a passport. Because I was going to invest, and I was invited by an American company, their embassy quickly applied for a visa for me. I have already obtained a U.S. tourist business visa. .The validity period is calculated from the day the visa is obtained, and it lasts for one year. You can make multiple trips within a year.”

"Are you alone? Or with Lin Zhi?"

"Where does she have a visa? Of course I can only go there alone."

"Are you going to the United States alone? Isn't it too dangerous? I heard that the United States is very chaotic!"

"There are chaotic places and chaotic people everywhere. There is no need to worry about this. If there is chaos everywhere, how can the United States develop rapidly?"

"It makes sense. Then be careful along the way! Remember to give me a call when you get there."

Li Yunhai saw her eyes full of concern and smiled slightly: "Okay."

He returned to Linzhi and said he was going to the United States.

Lin Zhi exclaimed: "Going to the United States? Didn't we agree that we would go after the New Year?"

"Businessmen always put business first. If you can't celebrate the New Year, it happens every year anyway."

"But, the Chinese New Year is really only a few days away. Are you sure you want to go to the United States?"

"There's still a week, maybe I can make it back. Buying American touch screen technology is a top priority."

He told Lin Zhi his analysis and concerns.

Lin Zhi expressed her understanding and said, "But my visa has not been processed yet! Are you going out this time without me?"

"Ling Zhi, the company has a lot of things to do. As you can see, we have received so many orders today. Just stay here and work with Sister Guo and Auntie to process the orders and arrange production. I'm just going to sign them. After signing the agreement, I will come back. I will take you to travel abroad next year, okay?"

"Okay!" Lin Zhi was not an unreasonable person. Although she was extremely reluctant to give up, she could only obey Li Yunhai and said, "Are you going alone? How about taking Zhuang Yong with you?"

"No need, I went to sign a contract alone and came back. No one in the United States knows me, so nothing will happen. So many big stars and rich people have gone to the United States, and I haven't heard of anyone. He was killed over there.”

When Guo Wanhua heard that he was going to the United States soon, she also sighed quietly, because she had something to do without him, and she would definitely not be able to accompany him there.

Li Yunhai immediately contacted Professor Ni and said that I would go to the United States today and asked him to contact the American side and ask them to prepare all the materials so that the contract could be signed when Li Yunhai arrived.

Guo Wanhua and Shi Wentao both have friends and business partners in the United States. They told Li Yunhai their friends' contact information so that if anything happens there, they can approach them to solve the problem.

Li Yunhai wrote down the contact information of these people, maybe it can be used?
Chen Wanzhao had investments in the United States before and had a branch there, but now it is managed by his eldest son Chen Guangxin.

Guo Wanhua contacted Chen Guangxin, and she transferred 200 million from Xiangjiang's account to Chen Guangxin's account in the U.S. branch. Li Yunhai went to the United States to conduct transactions, and he could transfer or withdraw cash directly there, reducing the waiting time for transfers.

Chen Guangxin agreed immediately and said, Fifth Aunt, if you are in a hurry for money, you can make an advance from the American branch first, and we will settle the settlement slowly here.

Guo Wanhua said that the funds would be used in two days and asked Chen Guangxin to prepare them.

Lin Zhi asked Li Yunhai: "Are you going to take a flight to Shanghai?"

Li Yunhai nodded yes and said, "I'll leave the family affairs to you."

Lin Zhi asked: "You said you were going to hold a typing competition before, are you still going to hold it?"

Li Yunhai said: "Let's just do this. After the New Year, we will place an advertisement in the newspaper to recruit typists from all over the country to participate in the competition. We will set the competition rewards higher, and there will definitely be many people participating. The winner in the end will definitely be us. Sihai typewriter! At that time, it was even easier to become famous in one battle."

"Okay, let's wait until you come back. Yunhai, I'll take you to the station."

"No need, man, your ambitions are far away! There are so many dealers on site, you stay here to help."

Li Yunhai said goodbye to everyone, returned home, packed his things, and hurried to the train station.

When he decided to go to the United States, he arranged for someone to go to the station and buy an express sleeper ticket to Shanghai.

It takes more than ten hours to get from Xizhou to Shanghai.

Li Yunhai got in the car and read a book to sleep.

The journey was smooth and we arrived in Shanghai.

Li Yunhai took a taxi to the airport and purchased a ticket to the United States.

As the New Year approaches, not many people go abroad.

Li Yunhai successfully bought a ticket to fly to the United States.

January 1981 was an important moment in the history of my country’s civil aviation.At that time, the civil aviation Beijin-Shanghai-San Francisco-New York route was officially opened, with a total distance of more than 1 kilometers.

Li Yunhai will board the plane in Shanghai.

The man he wanted to meet, Mr. Samuel Hast, was in Kentucky, the United States.

This is a state in the eastern United States.

Li Yunhai learned that this state is 5000 kilometers away from San Francisco and 900 kilometers away from New York.

In other words, if Li Yunhai wanted to meet Hastert, it would be best to fly to New York and get off the plane.

This will be a very long journey, about the same time as taking the train from Xizhou to Shanghai, which will take more than ten hours.

Li Yunhai bought two newspapers at the airport and took them to the plane to read.

He was sitting in the waiting room waiting to board the plane.

Suddenly, he saw that the woman next to him seemed familiar.

Although she wears sunglasses, her outstanding temperament is still recognizable at a glance.

The beauty of this era does not have a uniform style such as awl face and thinness.

The beauties on the screen each have their own unique characteristics that make them unforgettable and you can recognize her at a glance.

For example, Li Yunhai watched the movie starring her not long ago.

"Are you Miss Gong?"

The woman turned her head slightly, glanced at Li Yunhai, and said nothing.

But Li Yunhai recognized her. She was indeed the clear-eyed, beautiful and popular female star.

"Are you going to the United States?" Li Yunhai asked, "I have heard about you."

The woman picked up the newspaper on her lap and held it up high, covering her face with a shunned expression.

Li Yunhai smiled helplessly.

Recently, there has been a lot of news about this beauty.

But Li Yunhai knew that she was wrongly accused.

Li Yunhai could only do nothing to help her.

The 80s was truly a highly polarized era.

Some people are extremely open-minded, even more open than they were 40 years ago.

But some people are extremely old-fashioned, even more old-fashioned than the old feudal people.

The collision of these two trends of thought caused many people to be injured, and then sadly left the country to develop abroad.

This is the beauty in front of me.

Li Yunhai coughed lightly and said, "I know you were wronged. You are just escaping by going abroad and it will not solve the problem."

The woman ignored him. It was obvious that she had just been extremely hurt and did not want to talk to anyone.

The reason why she chose to leave her motherland was because she wanted to fly far away from home and no longer have anything to do with everything she was familiar with at home.Find a pure land and live a life without fighting against the world.

When Li Yunhai saw that she was rejecting people thousands of miles away, he stopped talking to her and said, "I'm sorry, I think I got the wrong person." (End of Chapter)

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