Life 1984

Chapter 249: Grab dealers and grab orders!

Chapter 249: Grab dealers and grab orders!
On Thursday, Li Yunhai received a call while working in the office.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Sihai Group, right? Is Mr. Li here?"

"I am, where are you?"

"Are you sick? There are so many days to choose from, why do you have to choose February 2nd? Do you like February so much? Food and accommodation are included, how do you make money? You are so fucking cheap!"

Li Yunhai was stunned by the sudden abuse, and said in a deep voice: "Are you born in the year of cucumber? I don't know what kind of bastard you are, what are you calling me here? What? Bastard!"

After scolding him, he hung up the phone.

Simply inexplicable!
However, Li Yunhai quickly realized that the call was probably not made by mistake!Because the other party mentioned February 2nd!Could the person who was so sensitive about this day and used it to scold Li Yunhai be a competitor?
Yang Shuyue walked in and said with a depressed look: "Mr. Li, I don't know what's going on today. There are always people calling us and scolding us."

Li Yunhai knew what was going on and asked, "Are you scolding us for not choosing February 2 when there are so many good days?"

Yang Shuyue hummed twice: "Yes, Mr. Li, how did you know? They also called you?"

Li Yunhai waved his hand helplessly: "Don't worry about it. When you get a call like this, don't waste a word and just hang up. It costs money to make a call, and we also need money to answer the phone! Don't waste the phone bill."

"Okay, Mr. Li. Who are these people? They have no quality at all! Are they really boring?" Yang Shuyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"How many dealers have been registered?" This is what Li Yunhai is most concerned about.

"560 people." Yang Shuyue remembered the data and said, "With today and three days left, will there be more than a thousand people coming? Then there are not enough beds in the Changdao Hotel. Do we need to book an extra hotel?"

This matter was due to Li Yunhai's prediction!
Since this was the first dealer conference, he didn't know how many people would come.

There are so many provinces, cities, and counties across the country, and it is possible for even three to four thousand people to come!

If so many people really come, the budget Shen Xiulan gave him will exceed the standard.

A dealer will stay for two days, including six meals, plus other expenses, which will always cost 300 yuan per month.

If a thousand people come, it will cost 30!
What if it’s overflowing and more than 3000 people come?That would cost a huge sum of 100 million!
This is the budget calculated by Shen Xiulan, and there won't be much difference.

As far as he knew, even if he thought about holding an investment fair there, there would be nothing.The dealer is responsible for all round trip fares, food and accommodation expenses.

I guess the dealers who had previously decided to go to Beijin for a meeting changed their minds and came here when they saw that Sihai Group provided food and accommodation, right?
And this is exactly the effect Li Yunhai wants.

The reason why he chose to hold the investment conference on the same day was because he wanted to compete in the ring?

But it's really heartbreaking to spend so much money.

Of course, if we can receive orders, no matter if 1000 people come or 3000 people come, we can make money back. The wool comes from the sheep!

Li Yunhai pondered for a moment and said, "How many people can the Changdao Hotel have?"

Yang Shuyue, who used to be the deputy manager here, said, "The total number of beds is 768."

She added: "Because we are a high-end hotel, we don't have ten-person or eight-person rooms. At most, we only have twin rooms that can sleep four people."

"Yeah, I know. Can you find a bunk bed?"

"High and low beds? That's easy to find. There are a lot of second-hand furniture stores, many of which are discarded from hotels and schools. Of course, there are also new beds. Do you want to buy a bed and add it to the room?"

"Rent the bed instead of buying it, and only rent it for two days. This is much more cost-effective than renting another hotel. And even if we want to rent a hotel now, I'm afraid it's too late."

"This is a good idea. There can be four bunk beds in the suite. Two more bunk beds can be placed in the double room, and one can be added to the twin room. In this case, it will be enough for thousands of people. living."

"It's impossible for thousands of people to come, at most 1500 people. I feel that it's enough. In this way, you immediately contact the furniture market to see who has this type of bunk bed. The more the better, and ask for the price of renting it for two days, the lower it is. The better. We have to control costs. Put one such bed in each room first, which can add up to more than 1000 beds. It should be enough. If not, we can add more."

"Then rent 500 bunk beds and add 1000 beds."

"Okay, let's do it!"

"Mr. Li, if so many people come, eating will be a problem."

"Food is easy to solve, so we might as well not include it. We can give each of them a meal subsidy of 5 yuan a day, and they can eat wherever they want. It's affordable for them, and we save money and effort."

"That's true. Even if there are ten people sitting at a table in our restaurant, it will still cost 50 to [-] yuan to eat. At the end of the day, each person's meal cost will be at least ten yuan. Go outside A bowl of noodles and one or two cents can solve the problem.”

"That's the truth, so I give them five yuan as a meal subsidy, and they will definitely be happy."

"Then I'll look for bunk beds first."


Bunk beds are easy to find. This kind of bed is the most popular in this era. It is used in schools, hotels, hostels, and dormitories. It is also used in many families to save space.

Yang Shuyue quickly contacted the furniture dealer and rented 500 bunk beds for [-] cents a day.

When the furniture dealer heard that the Changdao Hotel was renting, he was naturally happy. With 500 beds, he could earn 200 yuan in two days without losing a dime. Why not?
Sihai Company is responsible for the transportation of the bed. This is a manual job and requires a small labor fee.But it is much cheaper than renting a hotel.

As for bedding and the like, the hotel already has extra. If there is still less, you can borrow it from a brother hotel or rent it for two days.

With a clever trick, Li Yunhai not only saved a lot of budget, but also allowed all the guests to stay in the best hotel in Xizhou.

That afternoon, Li Yunhai sent a car to Datuopu Airport to haul back the 200 second-generation typewriters.

All 200 second-generation typewriters are temporarily stacked in Sihai Store.

Li Yunhai brought Lu Lu, Liu Xing and others to the store, unpacked the typewriters and inspected them one by one.

If the prototype cannot be turned on, or if problems of one kind or another occur, it will be a slap in the face of Sihai Group itself.

Liu Yan and others gathered around to watch.

"Mr. Li, is this the second generation typewriter?" Liu Yan asked with a smile.

Li Yunhai said: "Yes, it will be sold in stores in the future. It's good for you to come and learn."

The Army turned on a typewriter and powered it on.

Li Yunhai tried the touch screen, which was a single-touch screen.

Single-touch is a touch of one point, that is, only the click and touch of one finger can be recognized at a time.Even decades later, single-touch applications are still very widespread, such as AMT machines, digital cameras, old-fashioned mobile phone touch screens, multi-function all-in-one machines in hospitals, etc., are all single-touch devices.Its advantage is that it only supports touch input with one finger, not two or more, which prevents many accidental touches.

This was the first time for everyone to see a touch screen, and they all craned their necks to look at it.

There are buttons on all sides of the screen, and an area for text display in the middle.

The more menus there are, the more powerful the machine appears.

Li Yunhai tried all the buttons and there was no problem.

He adjusted all the parameters and then tried to print a piece of paper. The handwriting was clear and the layout was neat.

The touch screen is as big as 8 inches, and has many benefits. More than a dozen lines of text can be displayed on the screen at the same time.

The other functions of this typewriter are not much different from the first generation, but the capacity of the built-in disk has been upgraded, which is also one of the biggest selling points of the second generation machine.

The built-in disk can install and start the DOS system, and you can browse pictures, make drawings and other operations under the system.

To put it bluntly, this is a small computer, and it is a small notebook with a touch screen!

Li Yunhai made full use of current technology to assemble an advanced high-performance typewriter!
This typewriter is produced using the CKD method, which is the assembly of all loose parts.

The components are purchased from Xiangjiang Haihua Company. The print head and printer frame cost 150 US dollars. The chips are dozens of dollars more expensive and a few dollars cheaper. The large-screen touch screen costs more than 100 US dollars.

All the components together cost only 5 US dollars in Xiangjiang!
China imposes high tariffs on computers, but the tariffs on typewriter components are much lower.

It costs about 4000 yuan to enter the mainland, and the production cost of the Shanghai Typewriter Factory is 1500 yuan.

The total cost is 5500 yuan.

Li Yunhai temporarily priced the typewriter at 15800 yuan, and the profit reached more than 1 yuan.

Many accessories can also be produced domestically, such as typewriter accessories. If domestic products are used, the cost can be reduced.

Because this typewriter has not yet been mass-produced, for the time being, the production speed is slow and the production cost is relatively high.

When mass production occurs, the cost can be reduced.

Sihai Group is now a large group company and can obtain official foreign exchange quotas.

In addition, Sihai Group itself is engaged in foreign trade, and Li Yunhai has a large amount of US dollar reserves.

He uses the foreign exchange to purchase foreign components, which can maximize profits for the company.

These advantages of Sihai Group are not possessed by other companies.

Ordinary companies do not have foreign exchange quotas and cannot obtain official low exchange rates. They can only go to the black market and exchange for high amounts of foreign exchange.Or you can find cooperation with state-owned enterprises that have foreign exchange quotas but no import needs, and use other people's foreign exchange quotas for procurement, but you also have to pay other people intermediary fees.

Whether in terms of cost control or technology research and development, Sihai Computer Typewriter is superior in every aspect.

Li Yunhai was full of confidence in this typewriter.

He asked everyone to test 200 second-generation typewriters.

The pass rate is 100%!

Not one of them broke down.

Li Yunhai repackaged the machine and waited for it to shine at the sales meeting.

In the next two days, more and more dealers signed up.

By Friday night, total registrations topped 1500.

In the afternoon of that day, brother and sister Shi Wentao and Shi Wenyin came to Xizhou. When they saw the second generation of Sihai typewriter, they were amazed and said that it was definitely an epoch-making product!

It is hard to imagine that such a good product was actually produced by Li Yunhai.

Saturday is only one day away from the dealer meeting.

Li Yunhai sent a car to pick up people at the train station early in the morning.

There is a special Sihai Group reception point at the train station. Dealers from out of town can go to this reception point first and wait.

Li Yunhai came to the company to check the final welcome work.

The Changdao Hotel said it would only be reserved at two in the afternoon, but in fact, from eight in the morning, there were basically no guests staying.

The 20 etiquette ladies recruited from the art school wore uniform women's suits and corsages. There was a piece of cloth on the corsage with the six words "Sihai Group Welcomes" written on it, making people know them at a glance. identity of.

All of them are slim and delicate, and are all over 1.6 meters tall. Standing neatly at the door of the hotel, they are so beautiful and spectacular!
A long banner was hung above the door of the hotel, with yellow characters on a red background, which read: "Warmly celebrate the grand opening of the Sihai Group Dealer Conference in our store."

After nine o'clock in the morning, groups of foreign dealers arrived at the Changdao Hotel.

It's only one mile from the hotel to the train station, so it's very fast to drive there and back.

Every dealer who came here was shocked by the arrogance of Sihai Group!

Rolls-Royce is picking up passengers!
Put abroad, this is also the treatment of a state guest!
There is no such precedent in China!
Sihai Group has set a precedent!

The person I picked up was not a state guest, but a potential dealer!
This trip alone is worth going back and bragging about for the rest of their lives.

After the guests arrive at the Changdao Hotel, they will be led by the hostess. They will first go to the front desk to sign and report, then arrange for room check-in, and then be led to the room by the hostess.

Sihai Group's considerate arrangements made all guests feel the deep sincerity and warmth.

Winter in Xizhou is very cold, but Sihai Group is very warm.

Li Yunhai heard a piece of news: Beijin's Lianxiang Company dealer conference was postponed for two days and will be held again on the 4th!

According to people who came to attend the dealer conference, all the people who attended the Beijin dealer conference came to the south!
Lianxiang Company had to postpone it, otherwise, who would they hold this promotion meeting for?

Some people also say that Lianxiang Company is adjusting its dealer policy, and maybe it will follow Sihai Company’s example and offer free room and board!Otherwise, who will go?
Li Yunhai listened and laughed it off.

Sihai Company on the second floor is still working normally.

There are far fewer consultation calls, but people still call and ask.

By three o'clock in the afternoon, the number of dealers who came to report reached 1200.

Dealers are arriving one after another.

There were still people coming late at night.

At nine o'clock in the evening, when the company got off work, more than 1600 people came to report.

There are just enough beds in the hotel.

The only thing is that no foreign buyers came, and no foreign businessmen came to participate.

The so-called global dealer conference is all domestic dealers!
Li Yunhai made all arrangements and returned home.

Lin Zhi had changed her shoes and asked, "Isn't Sister Guo coming?"

Li Yunhai has been busy with dealer conferences these days and has no time to talk to Guo Wanhua on the phone.

"I don't know. She said she would come when she was free. Maybe she can't live without her!"

Shi Wentao and Shi Wenyin lived in Li Yunhai's house. Lin Zhi arranged for Shi Wentao to live on the first floor, while Shi Wenyin still stayed in the front room.

While everyone was chatting, a shout came from outside: "Yunhai! Xiaozhi! I'm coming!"

"It's Sister Guo!" Lin Zhi ran out with a smile and opened the courtyard door.

Next to Guo Wanhua stood a little girl, it was Chen Meilin.

"Sister Guo! I was talking about you to Yun Hai just now! By chance, you are here!" Lin Zhi hugged Guo Wanhua happily.

Guo Wanhua couldn't help feeling guilty when she saw Lin Zhi's innocent smile: "Hello, Xiaozhi."

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "I thought you weren't coming! Mei Lin, hello."

Chen Meilin smiled sweetly: "Brother Yunhai, I miss you so much!"

Li Yunhai laughed and said, "Please come in quickly and give me your luggage."

Guo Wanhua took Lin Zhi's hand and smiled: "We were delayed a little on the road, otherwise we should have arrived in the afternoon. Fortunately, we arrived and we were not late."

Li Yunhai came in with their luggage and asked them if they had eaten.

Guo Wanhua said that she had eaten it on the way.

The Shi brothers and sisters greeted Guo Wanhua.

Everyone sat down and chatted.

Guo Wanhua missed Li Yunhai and finally saw him, but she didn't dare to keep staring at him for fear that others would find out.

Lin Zhi arranged for them to rest in the guest bedroom.

Everyone took a break for a while.

Lin Zhi and Li Yunhai were lying on the bed and smiled: "Sister Guo seems to be young and beautiful again! Have you noticed?"

Li Yunhai replied casually: "Yes? I didn't pay attention. She has always been beautiful."

"It's really strange, why is she always so beautiful?"

"She is only in her 30s, and she is not old. Go to sleep, there is a dealer meeting tomorrow."

"Yes. Yunhai, how many orders can we get from our first dealer conference?"

"It's hard to say."

"Can I get [-] million?"

"One hundred million? You really dare to think!"

"Look, more than 600 dealers came, each with 50 typewriters. There are 8 in total. At 1 yuan each, isn't that 8 million? Even if only one-eighth of the people If we get the goods, we can sell [-] units, which is [-] million! So I say, at least [-] million! Are you right?"

Li Yunhai gently scratched her nose: "Ha! With your good words! If I can really win an order worth 8 million yuan, I will laugh out loud in my dreams!"

Lin Zhi smiled and hugged his hand to sleep.

Li Yunhai thought that Guo Wanhua was sleeping next door, and his mind was inevitably a little wandering.

Guo Wanhua and her daughter slept together, and Li Yunhai never dared to disturb her.

No matter how much I miss you, I can only hold it in.

The next day, Li Yunhai and others got up early.

After breakfast, everyone went to the Changdao Hotel together.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Yunhai saw that the lobby was full of people sitting and standing!
The hotel is open all night, and the front desk told Li Yunhai: "A lot of people came last night, and all the beds in the hotel were occupied. Some came in the middle of the night and early in the morning and waited in the lobby for several hours. There were also people Went to stay at a nearby hotel.”

Li Yunhai asked: "Have all these people signed in?" The front desk said that they had all signed in, and the total number of people had reached more than 1800!

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi looked at each other and were shocked by the number of people.

The number of people registered before was obviously only more than 1600, but more than 1800 people came!

Lin Zhi thought for a while and said, "Maybe some dealers didn't call for consultation and registration, and some people called our phone because the line was busy and didn't dial again. Yunhai, how should we arrange it for these people?"

Li Yunhai nodded and said: "No need to make arrangements. After the dealer meeting today, many people will leave. It's good to have half of them staying."

He checked the time and arranged a car to take the dealer to the provincial department auditorium for a meeting.

Li Yunhai knew that there were many people today, so he specially seconded several buses from the Commerce Bureau, Culture and Tourism Bureau and other departments to carry the passengers.

Today is Sunday and the provincial office is closed.

Even if we go to the auditorium for a meeting, it won't affect anything.

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the morning that all the guests arrived.

It was probably the first time for most of the guests to enter the Provincial Administration Courtyard, and they all felt extremely proud.

At the entrance of the Provincial Department Auditorium, a table was set up for guests to sign in.

20 etiquette ladies stood neatly outside the door to welcome guests.

In the auditorium, dealers gathered together and talked a lot:

"You didn't expect that we could also come to the Provincial Department Auditorium for a meeting!"

"That's right! I'm going to have a good chat with my mother-in-law when I get home. I wonder if she dares to look down on me for being such an idiot?"

"You used to be a farmer and now you are self-employed."

"I am self-employed and do not have an urban household registration, so I am still a farmer."

"Not to mention self-employed people, even township entrepreneurs still have agricultural registered permanent residence."

"So, as a farmer, I can go to the provincial department auditorium for a meeting. What an honor is this?"

"This Sihai Group is so grand! It's not an easy company to come here for a meeting!"

"Of course. Didn't you see that the cars they use for reception are all Rolls-Royces? In the UK, that's a car that only the Queen can ride in!"

"In what age does the queen still have a seat? You can buy it if you have money."

"You have money, would you like to buy one and try it?"

"Let me tell you, you really can't buy a Rolls-Royce if you have money! People have to check your information before they can sell it. This is the first one in our country."

"This car is not from China. Didn't you see that it has a Xiangjiang license plate?"

"So, the big boss of Sihai Group is a Hong Kong businessman?"

"No matter where the businessman is, this boss is very reliable, and he must be more reliable than Lianxiang Company. If we want to be a dealer, we should cooperate with Sihai Group. That's right."

"Then the day after tomorrow, Lianxiang Company's dealer meeting will be held, will you go?"

"If you go with board and lodging included, you should treat it as a trip to Beijin."

"Lianxiang is a small company, so I'm afraid it doesn't have such great courage!"

"I still have to take a look. If the products of both companies are good, I can buy them all and sell them. Anyway, there is no rule that only one company's products can be sold. Right?"

"Yeah! It's best to sell all the products."

Li Yunhai sat in the front row, listening to everyone's conversation, thinking that this is what most people think, right?The products of both companies are taken back and sold.After all, consumers have diverse choices.

Guo Wanhua sat next to him and said softly: "Yunhai, do you want to go to the dealer meeting at Beijin?"

Li Yunhai said: "I don't need to go. Do you want to go?"

Guo Wanhua said: "No, I want to take Meilin back to her hometown and come back to you in two days."

The two of them looked at each other passionately, and everything was unspoken.

Li Yunhai discovered that Guo Wanhua seemed to have really become more beautiful, her skin was supple and supple, white and rosy, her eyes were as tender as water, and her eyes seemed to contain a charming light.

Especially her breasts seemed to be fuller.It looks plump and colorful, making people unable to take their eyes away.

Lin Zhi sat on the other side of Li Yunhai, touched his arm and said, "Yunhai, it's almost done, we can start."

Li Yunhai raised his wrist to check the time and said with a smile: "Okay, then I'm on stage! You wrote the speech!"

Lin Zhi chuckled and said, "You'd better speak for yourself, I'm not good at writing."

Li Yunhai smiled, stood up, and calmly walked to the stage under the gaze of everyone.

There is a row of desks covered with red velvet on the stage.

Usually the people sitting here are leaders of Lin Zhenbang's level.

Facing the crowd of people in the audience, Li Yunhai's mood was extremely agitated.

Although Li Yunhai also appeared on the stage during the self-employed conference, he only spoke a few words at that time.

But today's situation is different, this conference was convened by him!
All people are gathered together because of him.

Li Yunhai tried the microphone, and then said in a clear voice:
"Dear guests, CEOs, and friends: Today, we meet in Xizhou to discuss development plans. On behalf of all the employees of Sihai Group, I would like to express my warmest welcome and most sincere regards to all the guests, CEOs, and friends present. greeting!"

The audience burst into warm applause.

"Today is a special day, the Little New Year in the South. We have come to Xizhou from all over the world, and we are celebrating a special Little New Year together. Although it is cold winter, the day after tomorrow is actually the beginning of spring. It is worth it. On the occasion of the New Year, we gather together to participate in this grand event. 1000 years ago, the poet Du Fu wrote a famous poem "The Year of Li Gui in the South of the Yangtze River" in Tanzhou, which is today's Xizhou area. Among them There are two sentences: It is the beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, and we meet you again when the flowers are falling. Today, we also meet in the land of Xizhou. How lucky am I?"

"Our Chinese characters can write such beautiful poems, but for a long time, they have not been able to use typewriters or computers."

Li Yunhai naturally changed the topic to today's topic.

"On July 1828, 7, the world's first typewriter was born in the United States. In 24, American journalist Sholes invented the QWERTY sequential keyboard that is still in use today. Since then, various languages ​​​​except Chinese characters have been conquered. , have launched typewriters in various languages. It should be pointed out that during the peak period when the development of Western typewriters was in full swing, not all our officials were dissatisfied. Li Gui, a customs official of the Qing Dynasty, visited the American scientific and technological inventions, especially the typewriter. I once lamented that those typewriters 'unfortunately cannot print Chinese'."

Li Yunhai used storytelling techniques to deliver his speech, attracting everyone's interest.

Guo Wanhua asked Lin Zhi in a low voice, "Did you write this?"

Lin Zhi rolled her eyes and snorted slightly: "That's not true! He didn't read a word of the speech I wrote! I won't write it for him next time!"

Guo Wanhua pursed her lips and smiled.

Li Yunhai said loudly: "In fact, researchers at home and abroad have never given up their efforts on the Chinese typewriter. It is a pity that there is no better invention. In 1973, The Times wrote: The Chinese typewriter is a long-standing invention in the West. It is a long-standing joke, which is almost equivalent to self-contradiction or impossibility. Such an evaluation is not out of discrimination, but a factual summary of the fact that researchers from various countries have made no obvious breakthroughs and achievements in the Chinese typewriter for a long time. .”

"The reason why Chinese typewriters have been so difficult to conquer is that many researchers still use the alphabetic typing mode, so they always try to include as many Chinese characters as possible. Under this line of thinking, we have to face another reality The problem is the huge size of the Chinese character library. The "Kangxi Dictionary" contains a total of 47000 Chinese characters. How can a small keyboard hold 5000 years of Chinese civilization?"

"Interestingly, in 1793, Emperor Qianlong scorned the industrial products brought by the British envoy Macartney. He accused Western inventions of being strange and cunning. It is precisely because of this inner resistance that we lag behind. An industrial civilization.”

"Fortunately, with the continuous efforts of Chinese and foreign researchers, Chinese typewriters have finally overcome various obstacles step by step. More and more input modes have provided customers with more convenient and diverse choices. In this way, in today's information age, It has built a convenient and fast information bridge for ordinary Chinese to communicate smoothly with the world. It is difficult to imagine how we would integrate into the world today without Chinese typewriters? And if Chinese characters were abandoned for various reasons, our long-standing historical umbilical cord with Chinese characters may have been shear."

Li Yunhai's words resonated strongly with the participants.

These dealers may have only graduated from elementary school or middle school, but they can still read and write Chinese characters. They know what typewriters are used for, but they know for the first time that Chinese typewriters are so awesome!

Li Yunhai took out a typewriter from under the table.

This typewriter has a flip-up cover and is only 5 centimeters thick when closed, like a thick book.

Li Yunhai turned the phone over and slowly opened the screen cover!

There was an uproar!

People behind stood up and watched.

Li Yunhai held the typewriter in his hands and showed it to everyone in all directions.

"This is the second generation computer typewriter that our Sihai Group is proud of! This is also the new product that I want to introduce to everyone!"

Everyone craned their necks and looked at this typewriter, which was completely different from the first generation.

An insightful person said: "Hey, isn't this a foldable computer?"

Li Yunhai said loudly: "The screen you see is the display screen of the typewriter. It is 8 inches large! This is the keyboard. We only need 26 keys to type almost all Chinese characters! This is a It’s a completely Chinese machine, even if you don’t understand English, you can operate this machine without any problems!”

He put the typewriter on the table, plugged the power supply that had been installed into the typewriter, and turned it on.

Li Yunhai explained while operating, from the structure of the typewriter to its functions.

He explains every menu on the screen in great detail.

Everyone listened attentively.

No matter how ignorant people are, they will be amazed when they see such a delicate and beautiful typewriter.

Most of those who can come here to attend dealer meetings have some knowledge of typewriters or office equipment.

What did the old typewriters look like in the past?As we all know, it is bulky, heavy, neither convenient nor fast.

When Li Yunhai demonstrated, he typed a page of text in just a few minutes by typing casually on the keyboard with both hands, which was simply amazing.

Who wouldn’t like a typewriter like this?

After Li Yunhai introduced the product, he began his wonderful speech:
"We are an investment promotion meeting. Since we are inviting investment, we must negotiate business. No matter how good a product is, if there is no market demand, you will not take it back and sell it. Right?"

"Yes!" The whole audience responded neatly.

Li Yunhai said: "Let's first take a look at my country's typewriter market. The price of a typewriter is 2 to 3 yuan, and more than 100 million old-fashioned typewriters have been sold over the years! Domestic typewriter factories are still producing, They are still on sale! And our Sihai computer typewriters are only selling for half the price! Think about how big a market this is! This is a big market worth tens of billions!"

"We are looking globally again! Our typewriters can not only type Chinese, but also English, Japanese, Russian and other languages. This also means that our products can be marketed in most countries and regions around the world. The global market has also How big is it? I don’t need to say it, everyone understands it, right? Our products are easy to understand and easy to use, and can replace old-fashioned typewriters! This is a huge market!"

"Now, I am willing to bring out our best products and use the lowest price to cooperate with you! Huge business opportunities are right in front of you. Do you want to seize it? Do you want to be our dealer? You yourself Decide!"

"Yes!" The whole audience cheered.

Everyone's emotions were aroused by Li Yunhai.

Li Yunhai is like a powerful successful speaker who successfully completed his brainwashing speech to everyone.

Everyone believes that Sihai Computer Typewriter is the most advanced and perfect typewriter in the world. This is a great and epoch-making product!It has the functions of a computer and the use of a typewriter!
Someone stood up and shouted: "Mr. Li, I bought the first-generation product from your company before. The price of that product was 1 yuan. We haven't sold out some of it. Now you have released a new product." , then can our old models still be sold?”

Li Yunhai was also aware of this problem.

His previous price for the new model was 15800 yuan.

But he now feels that this price is too low and does not widen the gap with the first generation.

So, Li immediately said: "The retail price of our new computer typewriter is 16800 yuan! The purchase price is 12000 yuan! The purchase price of the old model is 1 yuan. Therefore, these two products have different positioning and different prices. , there is no conflict. Both can be sold.”

As soon as this quotation came out, the whole audience started talking again.

If you sell one, you can make 4800 yuan!

This profit is considered acceptable.

Lin Zhi, who was sitting in the audience, was slightly surprised because she knew that the previous price was 15800 yuan, but when Li Yunhai officially announced it, he increased the price by 1000 yuan!

The person who asked the question before asked again: "Mr. Li, Lianxiang typewriter only sells for 12800 yuan. Our new product is more advanced than theirs, so there is no need to compare. However, our old product is 1000 yuan more expensive than theirs. Excuse me." How do we compete for the market?”

Li Yunhai said: "The products are different and there is no way to compare. Let me tell you this, our computer typewriter can type two hundred words per minute, while other brands of typewriters can only type one hundred words per minute." Our typing speed is twice as fast as others!”

Someone shouted: "You said it's twice as long as it's twice as much? Do you have any evidence?"

Guo Wanhua covered her mouth and said to Lin Zhi, "Is someone deliberately causing trouble?"

Lin Zhi looked back at the scene and said, "Even if someone makes trouble, there is nothing we can do. It depends on how Yun Hai answers."

Li Yunhai on the stage suddenly laughed and said: "This comrade asked a good question. In order to let everyone see the difference between the two computers, I decided to hold a typing contest the day after tomorrow! Everyone at the scene can participate .You can choose from the computer typewriters on the market! To the winner, I will award a bonus of 1000 yuan!"

This move was very confident and arrogant, and it immediately suppressed the arrogance of the questioner.

Li Yunhai changed the subject and said: "We have finished introducing the new typewriters, let's take a look at the first generation typewriters. Due to the launch of new models, our old models will be sold at a reduced price."

Someone asked: "How much will the old model be reduced?"

Li Yunhai said: "The selling price has been reduced to 9800 yuan! The purchase price has been reduced to 7000 yuan!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar again!

The typewriter under [-] yuan was born!
This is the first ever!
"Mr. Li, you suddenly lowered the price so much. What should we do with the unsold inventory? Our purchase price is already [-]!"

"If your unsold products are unopened, you can return them to our manufacturer. We can also give you 7000 yuan per unit to exchange for second-generation products."

At this global dealer conference, no foreign dealers came.

Because time is so tight, there is no way around this.

Moreover, foreign businessmen will soon come to participate in the 1986 Spring Canton Fair. There is really no need to make another trip now, as the round trip expenses are very uneconomical.

There are a lot of domestic buyers coming, but most of these people have only picked up goods from Sihai Company once. Even if some are not sold out, there should be very few left.

So Li Yunhai doesn't have to worry at all about how many units he can exchange or return.

As long as the other party brings over a brand new first-generation product, they can refund as much as they want and exchange as much as they want.

Li Yunhai said this, and no one had any unnecessary worries anymore.

It is very rare to find such a conscientious manufacturer.

Some manufacturers only need to wholesale their products. Who cares whether you can sell them or not?

The dealers were also impressed by Li Yunhai's courage.

In other words, when they cooperate with such a manufacturer, they have no worries. Even if a third-generation new model is released, their old models can be returned to the manufacturer or replaced with new products.

Li Yunhai's words gave everyone reassurance.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Li Yunhai continued to introduce other products of Sihai Group to everyone.

The computer typewriter is just one member of the Sihai Group family.

Other products are also major releases!

Especially the assembly machines, Guangcai brand CCA, and Guangcai brand toner. These products are all black technologies and they are also very profitable.

The tariff on the complete machine is extremely high, but Li Yunhai's assembled machine is half cheaper than the imported complete machine, making it extremely cost-effective.

Many of the people on site are in the office equipment business, and they also understand the prices of computers and consumables.

They were surprised when they saw how cheap it was to assemble computers from Sihai.

What's even cheaper are the Sihai Group's consumables, which are simply cabbage prices!

Li Yunhai introduced one product after another, interacted with everyone, and answered everyone's confusions, and his voice was smoking.

And he didn't prepare tea on stage.

Just when he was about to call someone to bring a bottle of water, he saw Shen Xiulan running up with her own water bottle.

"Mr. Li, please have a drink of water before we talk!" Shen Xiulan put the kettle on the table, then turned and walked off the stage.

Li Yunhai picked up the kettle and Gulu drank most of it.

Lin Zhi and Guo Wanhua looked at each other, both of them feeling a little ashamed.

In fact, they all thought about this section, but they didn't go on stage to deliver water because they were afraid of interrupting the meeting.

But Shen Xiulan gave the water to Li Yunhai.

Guo Wanhua smiled and said: "This Miss Shen cares about Yunhai very much!"

Lin Zhi pursed her lips and hummed softly.

Guo Wanhua looked at Lin Zhi's worried expression and couldn't help but smile: "Actually, it's okay, Miss Shen is just more delicate. You also thought of sending water to Yunhai, but you were just afraid of interrupting his speech, right?"

Lin Zhi said: "Yes, this shows that Shen Xiulan still understands Yunhai very well."

Lin Zhi had to admit this.

Shen Xiulan and Li Yunhai have been dating for two years, and there is indeed a tacit understanding between them.

Li Yunhai put down the kettle.

Next, we have to enter the most critical link, which is to get the order!

(End of this chapter)

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