Life 1984

Chapter 228 You come over or I come over?

Chapter 228 You come over or I come over?

Li Yunhai did not open the other three boxes. He expected that these four copper boxes contained gold.

He silently calculated how much these four boxes of gold weighed.

The density of gold is 19.32g/cm, which is about three times that of iron.In other words, the volume of gold with the same weight is only about one-third that of iron.Through the density-volume formula, it is not difficult to calculate that the size of 1 kilogram of gold is equivalent to a cube with a side length of 3.73cm.

what is this concept?

The length of the mobile phone charger fast charging head used by Li Yunhai in later generations is about 4cm.If a solid charger fast-charging head is made of gold, its weight can reach one kilogram.

The gold in these four copper boxes, even at current prices, is worth tens of millions at least, and could be worth hundreds of millions in future generations.

It can be seen that the first owner of this house was really rich!
Li Yunhai has money now and does not need to use this gold.

He thought for a while, few people came to live in this house. Although the gold was safe underground, it was still not as safe as putting it at home in Xizhou.The gold nugget is engraved with "family heirloom", so keep it as a heirloom of the Li family!
I bought a house for 150 million, and ended up with several boxes of gold and earning tens of millions. This is really an unprecedented miracle, and I don’t even dare to write about it in novels!
Li Yunhai smiled slightly, put the box away, turned on the TV, and sat down to rest.

In the evening, Guo Wanhua's shout came from outside the door: "Sea of ​​clouds! Sea of ​​clouds!"

Li Yunhai knew that she was here to pick him up, so he turned off the TV, walked out, and said with a smile: "Sister Guo!"

Guo Wanhua sat in the car and waved to him: "Come here, we are going to eat."

Li Yunhai locked the door and walked over.

Guo Wanhua made way inside and asked Li Yunhai to get in the car.

"Shall we go to Panxi Restaurant for dinner?" Guo Wanhua asked with a smile.


They both like to eat at Panxi Restaurant.

In the 90s and [-]s, Panxi Restaurant was considered one of the best restaurants in Huacheng.

When the car arrived at Panxi Restaurant, Li Yunhai got out of the car first.

When Guo Wanhua got out of the car, she extended her hand to Li Yunhai.

Li Yunhai took her hand and helped her out of the car.

Guo Wanhua gave her a gentle smile.

The two of them did not find a private room, but sat at a small table in the hall near the atrium garden. They could hear the sound of gurgling water, which was very comfortable.

They came a little early and there weren't many people dining.

Guo Wanhua ordered three dishes and one soup, used boiling water to help Li Yunhai boil the dishes and chopsticks, and asked, "Where should we go first? Beijin Road?"

"Okay, let's go to Beijin Road first." Li Yunhai said, and saw a tall and beautiful woman wearing ancient clothes and a veil walking over.

When the woman saw Li Yunhai and Guo Wanhua, she obviously recognized them. She smiled at them, then walked to the bandstand, lifted her skirt, and sat down to play.

Guo Wanhua poured tea for Li Yunhai and said, "This little girl plays really well. Do you know any musical instruments?"

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "I can't. Lin Zhi can play the piano. Sister Guo, what about you?"

Guo Wanhua smiled regretfully and said: "Neither can I. A woman with many talents really makes people happy. I am sending Mei Lin to learn various musical instruments. I hope she is more talented than me."

Li Yunhai picked up the tea cup and took a sip. The tea in this hotel had a particularly refreshing fragrance, like black tea produced in Yingde.

"I think the most important thing for a woman is to learn a survival skill. Of course, playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are also one of the skills."

"Isn't that right? Look at this little girl, she is not very old, but she can make money by playing the kite."

"Sister Guo, how do you tell that she is not very old? She has always covered her face with a veil, and she is wearing ancient costumes, which is completely covered."

"When looking at a woman, just look at her eyes. Time is not forgiving, and eyes can best reflect a person's appearance and age. The eyes of children, girls, and women are different. There is a curious light in children's eyes. , There is pure light in the eyes of girls, and there is only life and desire in women’s eyes. Also, the lines at the corners of the eyes are different. The corners of the girls’ eyes are delicate and smooth, while the corners of the women’s eyes, no matter how well maintained, will always be stained. The scars of time.”

"Hey, Sister Guo, what you said makes sense."

"So I think this little girl is probably a teenager at most, maybe a student at school."

As the two were chatting, they suddenly heard a voice shouting: "Hahaha, Mrs. Chen, we meet again. This is like meeting each other everywhere in life, and we are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away."

The visitors were none other than Xu Baoxiang and his friends whom they met on the train.

Although Guo Wanhua hated this person, she still had to show off her skills and said calmly: "Mr. Xu Baoxiang."

Xu Baoxiang looked around and said, "Mrs. Chen, you have such a distinguished status, why are you dining in the hall? Come to the private room with us to eat?"

Guo Wanhua waved her hand gently: "No need. The air in the hall is better."

Seeing a big table next to him, Xu Baoxiang said to his friend: "Mrs. Chen is right, the air is better in the hall, should we sit here too?"

The others had nothing to do and sat down at the big table.

Xu Baoxiang deliberately sat on the chair close to Guo Wanhua, dragged the chair, faced Guo Wanhua and smiled: "Mrs. Chen, we are really destined! We didn't even need to date, we naturally bumped into each other!"

Guo Wanhua said: "There are hundreds of people eating in this restaurant, and I have a fate with everyone."

Xu Baoxiang laughed and said: "Mrs. Chen, you are truly unparalleled in your magnificence and will captivate the country! Not to mention more than 100 people, even men all over the world will fall under your pomegranate skirt."

Guo Wanhua felt that this man's words were particularly disgusting and he had ulterior motives in every word, so she stopped paying attention to him.

Xu Baoxiang touched his chin and kept glancing at Guo Wanhua: "Mrs. Chen, you have such a good talent, it would be a pity not to be a star. We have our own film company and theaters. As long as you are willing to act, I will guarantee you Become popular throughout Southeast Asia! Enter Hollywood!"

At this time, the food came. The food was put in a thermos bottle and set aside.

Guo Wanhua picked up Li Yunhai's bowl, filled him with a bowl of rice, and handed it to him with both hands.

Li Yunhai took it and said thank you.

Xu Baoxiang became jealous and sneered: "This gentleman is so lucky to be able to serve Mrs. Chen like this!"

Li Yunhai glared at him sharply.

Guo Wanhua said softly: "Ignore him, let's eat."

Xu Baoxiang's accomplice smiled maliciously and said, "I heard that Chen Wanzhao is in poor health. I don't know if it's true?"

They spoke in Cantonese, but Li Yunhai understood them.

Xu Baoxiang put one hand on the table and supported his leg with the other, tilted his body, looked at Guo Wanhua's profile, and said: "It's true, Chen Wanzhao has died a long time ago! No wonder Mrs. Chen wants to come to the mainland to raise a pretty boy."

Guo Wanhua's expression changed.

Before she could speak, Li Yunhai picked up the teacup, flicked his wrist, and poured a cup of scalding tea onto Xu Baoxiang's face.

This sudden change suddenly occurred. Xu Baoxiang never imagined that Li Yunhai would suddenly attack, unable to escape, and had tea poured on his head and face.

Li Yunhai said in a deep voice: "Keep your mouth clean!"

Xu Baoxiang backed away in shock, pushing the chair with a rattle. He wiped the tea from his face, stood up suddenly, and glared angrily: "Stand away from my mother! I will kill you!"

Li Yunhai was not afraid, he stood up, pulled his chair away, and took a stance to prevent the other party from sneak attack.

How could Xu Baoxiang swallow this breath?

He punched Li Yunhai.

Li Yunhai grabbed the opponent's wrist and pulled it back hard, causing the opponent to groan in pain.

Guo Wanhua frowned lightly and said calmly: "Mr. Xu Baoxiang, you said something rude, don't blame my friend for pouring tea on you! Listen to my advice, this is the mainland, it's not your turn to act wild!"

Xu Baoxiang's wrist was clamped by Li Yunhai, and the pain was so painful that his bones were about to crack. He knew that Li Yunhai was not easy to mess with, but he didn't want to let it go, and he couldn't get off the stage for a while.

Several of his accomplices stood up.

Several security guards from Panxi Restaurant ran over to try to persuade him.

Li Yunhai slowly let go of Xu Baoxiang's hand and said sternly: "Be careful, trouble comes from your mouth!"

Xu Baoxiang suppressed the anger in his heart and took out a tissue to wipe his face. He sat down with a heavy heart and snorted heavily.

The security guards saw that there was no more fighting and left on their own.

Li Yunhai dragged the chair over and sat down with a golden sword.

Xu Baoxiang finally became honest and stopped talking nonsense.

Guo Wanhua pursed her lips and smiled: "You are really powerful, you even dare to hit him."

Li Yunhai snorted coldly: "My principle as a human being is that I don't care about how to deal with the aftermath first. When fighting, I can't be cowardly or lose!"

Guo Wanhua showed admiration in her eyes, this is a man!
She took out her handkerchief, wiped off some dirty water on Li Yunhai's hands, and said, "Okay, let's eat."

Xu Baoxiang, who was next to him, was angry and asked the waiter to bring him some wine. He looked at his watch impatiently: "Why hasn't that person come yet? Do you want to interview for a role?"

His accomplice laughed and said, "Don't be anxious! Mr. Xu, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!"

After a while, a young girl with two braids came in, looked around, and was about to ask the waiter.

Xu Baoxiang waved to her: "This way!"

The girl was slender, with delicate and beautiful features. She was about 1.7 meters tall. Her bare face was full of original collagen, and she was extremely beautiful.

"Are you Mr. Xu from Yicheng Pictures?" The girl smiled, revealing her neat white teeth.

"I am Xu Baoxiang. Are you Fang Yun? From Huacheng Conservatory of Music? I have seen your photo."

"Yes, I am Fang Yun. Hello, Mr. Xu."

"Why did you come?"

"I rushed here after school. It's a bit far from school."

"Sit down!"

"Thank you, Mr. Xu." Fang Yun sat down.

Xu Baoxiang stretched out his hand to touch Fang Yun's hand, but Fang Yun retracted his hand.

When Li Yunhai saw this scene, he couldn't help but sneer and said to Guo Wanhua: "Are these liars? Are they trying to deceive the little girl?"

Guo Wanhua shook her head slightly: "Xu Baoxiang is indeed a minority shareholder of Yicheng Pictures. As for whether they have co-produced movies in the mainland, I don't know."

Li Yunhai said oh.

After eating, Li Yunhai called the waiter to come over and pay the bill.

Guo Wanhua took out her wallet and said with a smile: "Yunhai, I'll do it."

Li Yunhai held her hand and said, "Hey, Sister Guo, I am a man and the boss. I should buy this order. Just give me some face!"

Guo Wanhua smiled softly and put away her wallet.

Li Yunhai paid the bill and prepared to leave.

At this time, Xu Baoxiang over there suddenly had a conflict with Fang Yun.

Fang Yun picked up the teacup and threw it at Xu Baoxiang's face.

Xu Baoxiang was unable to dodge and was splashed with water in his face again.

Li Yunhai couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

Fang Yun picked up her bag and said, "I didn't expect you to be such a person. Go back and sleep with your mother!"

When she's done, she's leaving.

Xu Baoxiang couldn't beat Li Yunhai, but he couldn't deal with a little girl?

While he was eating, someone poured two glasses of water on him. He was already dizzy with anger. He immediately stretched out his hand, grabbed Fang Yun's arm, and raised his hand to hit her.

Li Yunhai happened to pass by, stretched out one leg and placed it at Xu Baoxiang's feet.

Fang Yun stepped back, and Xu Baoxiang chased her and hit her. As a result, she tripped on Li Yunhai's foot, lost her center of gravity, and fell to the ground with a thud.

The fall was quite severe, and Xu Baoxiang landed on his face with nosebleeds.

Xu Baoxiang's accomplices were shocked and stood up to help him.

Li Yunhai said to Fang Yun, who was stunned, "Let's go quickly."

Fang Yun followed Li Yunhai and Guo Wanhua out.

Li Yunhai opened the car door and asked Guo Wanhua to get in. Seeing Fang Yun Dong looking around, he said, "Get in the car!"

When Fang Yun saw someone chasing after her, she didn't have time to think about it. She got into the Rolls-Royce and said, "Thank you!"

Guo Wanhua said: "Little girl, don't go out alone to meet strangers. There are many bad people in this world."

The car drove to the busy road ahead and Fang Yun got out of the car.

Fang Yun watched the luxurious Rolls-Royce drive away, pursed her lips slightly, and went to catch the bus without mentioning it.

In the car, Guo Wanhua smiled sweetly and said, "Yunhai, you are quite righteous."

Li Yunhai said: "If the road is uneven, someone will plow it, and if things are not level, someone will take care of it."

Guo Wanhua drank a little wine, her face turned as red as a flower petal.

Li Yunhai looked into her eyes and smiled: "I think your eyes look like a girl's, and the corners of your eyes also look like a girl's."

Guo Wanhua held her cheek with her hands and smiled slightly.

The two came to Beijin Road, looking for a suitable storefront.

Sihai Store is the dealership for all the group's products, so Li Yunhai has very high requirements.

The two of them walked around and saw only two small storefronts for rent or transfer. The area was too small.

"Yunhai, is there any real estate agency here? It's not an option for us to search blindly." Guo Wanhua stood at the intersection, looking at the bustling streets, and said, "It would be much easier if we could find an agency to help us find it."

Li Yunhai didn't know if there were such intermediaries in Huacheng, and he hadn't seen any in Xizhou yet.

Real estate agencies also existed in ancient times. They were called home agencies and were one of the 360 ​​agencies.

However, since the founding of our country, we have always had a public housing system, and the liberalization of private property sales has only happened in recent years. I am afraid that the homesteading business has not yet recovered.

"Don't worry, look for it slowly, let's go over there and take a look."

Beijin Road, starting from Guangwei Road in the north and ending at Yanjiang Middle Road in the south, is more than 1450 meters long and is one of the most prosperous commercial blocks in Huacheng.There are commercial streets such as Zhongshan [-]th Road, Caitingqian, Daxin Road, and Gaodi Street in the surrounding area.

It brings together large municipal department stores such as City Department Store, Xinda New Company and a number of famous fashion shopping malls.

Li Yunhai looked at the high-rise buildings on both sides of the street and suddenly had an idea. He smiled and said, "Sister Guo, we don't necessarily have to look for a facade."

"Don't have a storefront? Can't you set up a street stall?" Guo Wanhua chuckled, her body trembling like a graceful lotus.

Li Yunhai burst into laughter, pointed at the rows of department stores, and said, "We will directly negotiate with the shopping malls and rent their first-floor storefronts!"

Guo Wanhua's eyes shone brightly: "Yunhai, this is a good idea. Why didn't I think of it?"

Li Yunhai looked at the time and said, "It's too late today, and the manager is off work. We'll come back tomorrow. If one doesn't work, let's talk to several more. As long as the price is right, I believe there will always be someone willing to rent to us."

Guo Wanhua nodded and said, "Do you know the prices of shops around here?"

Li Yunhai pondered: "I have read the newspaper here before. The sales price of buildings nearby is 850 yuan per square meter, which is more than twice the housing price in Xizhou."

Guo Wanhua said: "If we compare the rent in Xizhou, then the rent for a shop here is at least 5 yuan per square meter?"

Li Yunhai said: "Actually, this comparison is not possible. Large commercial buildings have their own passenger flow, and the shops on the first floor are relatively expensive. So I think it is acceptable for about 10 yuan per square meter."

The two of them calculated that they had to rent at least 300 square meters of space, which costs 10 yuan per square meter, which is 3000 yuan a month, or 3 yuan a year.

After all, this is Beijin Road in Huacheng. If you can get the first floor of a department store at this price, it's okay.

Once they had an idea, the two of them were no longer in a hurry to find a front.

Guo Wanhua smiled and said, "It's still early! Lin Zhi isn't waiting for you at home, so you can go shopping with me, right?"

"Okay! Sister Guo, do you want to go shopping for clothes?"

"Just take a look! You don't have to buy anything. Don't you know that women naturally love shopping?"

"I rarely see you shopping."

"Because you spend too little time with me."

"Haha, that makes sense!"

Beijin Road is the source of Guangfu and the commercial capital for thousands of years.The three-mile-long streets are like the soul paintbrush of the city, outlining the bustling appearance of the Flower City for more than 2000 years.

The footprints of Lao Guang's love for shopping are also engraved on every inch of this street with the average daily passenger flow of hundreds of thousands.

Guo Wanhua walked into a very fashionable clothing store.

The clothes inside all bear the name of Hong Kong version, and two young saleswomen are busy receiving customers.

Guo Wanhua glanced at the clothes on the shelves to see if there was anything she liked. If she didn't like anything, she turned around and left with Li Yunhai and walked into the next store.

In a clothing store, Guo Wanhua tried on a cashmere jacket, which matched her skin tone and temperament.

The salesperson was very discerning and knew that this was a rich man, so he praised her enthusiastically: "Sister, you look really good in this dress, you really show off your temperament."

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "You should say, sister, you put on this dress, which makes it upscale. Your temperament makes this dress look like it was tailor-made."

Guo Wanhua looked in the mirror and smiled when she heard this: "How about saying that you are better at business than others? Most people really don't know how to talk like you."

The salesman said: "This gentleman must be in big business, and he can train us better than our boss."

Guo Wanhua straightened her waist and said, "You are right. If you work with him, you will be successful in two or three years."

The salesman said: "Sister, you and your husband are really compatible. They are both talented and beautiful, and they speak very pleasantly. Your husband loves you very much and can see your beauty. You must have never had a quarrel when you were together. .”

Guo Wanhua was slightly stunned, wondering what kind of look you were looking at?I'm obviously older than him, okay?You actually think he is my husband?Do I just want to show off my face like this?
Li Yunhai smiled, knowing that the salesperson was just flattering, so he asked her how to sell this dress?
The salesperson said it was 1580 yuan, and also said that ours is a big brand in Xiangjiang, on the same level as Pierre Cardin.

Guo Wanhua looked at the tag and said, "Is this a brand from Xiangjiang? Why have I never seen it in Xiangjiang? I often visit the shopping malls and commercial streets in Xiangjiang."

"We are a new brand," the salesman said, "but the workmanship and materials are excellent, no worse than Pierre Cardin."

Ever since Pierre Cardin became popular in China, any good clothing brand will try to catch up with Pierre Cardin's traffic for comparison.

In French civilization, there are four names with the highest visibility and most prominent status: the Eiffel Tower, President Charles de Gaulle, Cardin Clothing and Maxim Restaurant. "

Among them, Pierre Cardin alone accounts for two categories: clothing and restaurants, and his status is evident.

In the 80s when the national average monthly salary was less than 600 yuan, a Pierre Cardin cashmere sweater cost 2000 yuan, and the price of a suit was as high as 90 yuan. Many people regarded it as the "Hermès of the [-]s and [-]s."

Guo Wanhua touched the material of the clothes, looked at the needlework and workmanship, and paid a price: "Can I sell it for 500 yuan?"

The salesperson groaned: "Sister, you are really good at bargaining, aren't you? We can't sell such good clothes for 500 yuan. If you really want it, can I give you a 8% discount?"

Guo Wanhua took off her clothes.

Li Yunhai took her coat and put it on for her.

Seeing the two of them about to leave, the salesperson stopped them: "Sister, you add a little more, and I'll give in a little more. How about 800 yuan? You really can't sell it for [-] yuan! Sister, [-] yuan! This is the lowest price."

Li Yunhai shook his head slightly, thinking that it was merchants like you who were the first to raise prices randomly, and the killings were outrageous.

Seeing that Guo Wanhua had no intention of looking back, the salesman gritted his teeth and said, "Five hundred is five hundred! Sold! Sister, come back!"

Guo Wanhua asked Li Yunhai: "Is my counteroffer too high?"

The two smiled at each other.

Li Yunhai took out the money, bought the coat, and said, "As long as you like it. I'll give it to you. This dress may be the cheapest one in your wardrobe, right?"

Guo Wanhua said: "Actually, I rarely buy high-end brands. I pay more attention to the texture of the clothes on my body. Thank you, Yunhai, this is the first piece of clothing I have received from a man."

Just this sentence surprised Li Yunhai.

He believed that Guo Wanhua would not lie and there was no need to lie.

It seems that the old man in her family really never gave her clothes, he only gave her money and asked her to buy it herself, right?

The assistant who was following behind stepped forward, took the bag of clothes from Li Yunhai's hand, and then fell more than two meters behind, not getting too close.

Li Yunhai asked: "Sister Guo, are you an assistant?"

Guo Wanhua knew what he meant and said, "It's okay, she is mine. Even if she sees us doing loving things together, she will keep it secret."

Li Yunhai said calmly, touching his chin and laughing humorously: "That must be the most beautiful thing in the world."

The two came to Huacheng Department Store again, which is also one of the largest department stores in Huacheng.

"Yunhai, I think this place is pretty good. Even if you only rent half of the first floor, it will be very eye-catching."

"Of course, come over tomorrow and ask if you can rent it."

The passenger flow here is quite large, and there are huge crowds of people in the evening.

The two of them didn't go home until ten o'clock in the evening.

When he was approaching Dongshan Pass, Guo Wanhua asked him: "No one is waiting for you at home. Do you want to go to my house for a cup of coffee?"

"No, I'll have insomnia if I drink coffee at night."

"That's great. Let's chat all night! Or play poker. I rarely played poker before, but suddenly I found it quite interesting."

"We still have to do things tomorrow. When we have some free time, I'll have a good time with you!"

Guo Wanhua stopped insisting and let Li Yunhai get out of the car before returning to her home.

She drove her car to the door of her house and found a taxi parked under the wall.

As soon as her car stopped, a person got out of the taxi, and it turned out to be Xu Baoxiang.

Guo Wanhua frowned.

The driver turned around and said, "Madam, can I get out of the car and drive him away?"

Guo Wanhua thought for a while and said, "No need."

She got out of the car.

Xu Baoxiang came over with a smile: "Mrs. Chen!"

Guo Wanhua asked solemnly: "How did you find this place?"

Xu Baoxiang said: "Mrs. Chen, I called your husband and found out that you have real estate here. I said that I met you in Huacheng and wanted to visit you, so he told me your address. I'll wait for you. It’s almost an hour. Why are you back so late?”

Guo Wanhua said coldly: "What does it have to do with you?"

The servant had already opened the door and was waiting at the door.

Guo Wanhua walked into the courtyard and saw Xu Baoxiang following him, and said, "It's late at night and it's not convenient to receive guests! Mr. Xu Baoxiang, please come back!"

But Xu Baoxiang held the iron door and said: "Mrs. Chen, your husband and I have a life-long friendship, and there are servants in your family. Are you still afraid of me? I just want to talk to Mrs. Chen about something. Is this good for you?" I have all the benefits. Why do you reject me thousands of miles away?"

Guo Wanhua thought for a while and said, "Then come in."

Her assistant followed into the living room.

The servant served tea and stood aside to wait.

Guo Wanhua was tired from shopping. As soon as she got home, she changed her shoes, sat down on the sofa, and asked, "Mr. Xu Baoxiang, what do you want? Please tell me. I want to rest."

Xu Baoxiang said with a smile: "Mrs. Chen, I heard that you will inherit the shares of Yicheng Pictures?

"So what?"

"Let's discuss a deal. I want to buy your shares. You set a price."

"But the shares are not in my hands yet."

"We can negotiate the price first. That way you don't have to sell it to someone else."

"How do you know I will definitely sell my shares?"

"You can't play in this circle. Just listen to my advice and sell your shares to me. You can do whatever you want with the money."

"Are you threatening me?"

"I dare not. But, Mrs. Chen, if Chen Wanzhao passes away, do you think you can still gain a foothold in Yicheng Pictures? I am not the only one who is eyeing the shares in your hands."

"In that case, no matter who I sell it to, I won't sell it to you."

A stern look flashed in Xu Baoxiang's eyes and he said: "Mrs. Chen, are you looking down on me? Isn't my money money? I am not the person with the most shares in Yicheng Pictures, but I am definitely the most ruthless person! This is the mainland , I can’t eat it. But when I get to Xiangjiang, hehe! Mrs. Chen, your daughter goes to school in Xiangjiang, right?"

Guo Wanhua's heart fluctuated because of her anger and excitement.

She sat upright and said in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

Xu Baoxiang flashed sinister eyes: "Mrs. Chen, as long as you cooperate, I won't do anything!"

Guo Wanhua was not afraid of the other party, but it was easy to dodge an open shot, but hard to guard against a hidden one.

Chen Meilin is still young and studying in Xiangjiang. If she is really targeted by Xu Baoxiang, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Xu Baoxiang, my old man is still alive! How dare you threaten his woman? Aren't you afraid that I will tell him?"

"Yes, I'm scared. But Chen Wanzhao doesn't live long, and I still have decades to live. I have plenty of time, so I can play with you slowly. Once Chen Wanzhao leaves, who can keep you mother and daughter safe?"

Guo Wanhua said solemnly: "Please get out! I don't want to see you."

Xu Baoxiang showed a greedy smile: "Mrs. Chen, how about you follow me from now on? I will protect you."

"Get out!" Guo Wanhua pointed at the door and said sternly, "Come here, beat him out!"

His driver, assistant and servant came forward.

Xu Baoxiang gritted his teeth and said, "Mrs. Chen, please think twice! I'm waiting for your reply!"

After saying that, he dropped his business card, turned around and walked out with his head held high.

Guo Wanhua was so angry!
She dismissed the servant, then grabbed the phone and called Chen Wanzhao.

The call was connected, but it was the first wife who answered.

When the other party heard that it was Guo Wanhua's voice, he said, "Wan Zhao has gone to sleep. Don't disturb him casually if you have nothing to do."

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone with a bang.

Guo Wanhua stroked her heart gently to calm her mood and made another call.

After the call was connected, Guo Wanhua said with a smile: "Sister, I have something very important to ask Wan Zhao. Please answer the phone."

"I repeat, he has already fallen asleep. Why are you so ignorant? Don't you know that he has just had surgery? You are not a little girl anymore, and you still can't live without a man? If you want a man, find one in the mainland Just one! No one knows anyway.”

"Sister, how can you say such a thing? I have never done anything to apologize to Wan Zhao!"

"Whether you have done it before, who knows? Anyway, we are not with you! Why can't you help yourself?"

"Sister, you are slandering me!"

"Ha! I heard someone say that you have been with a pretty boy in the mainland! Do you think we don't know anything?"

"I don't have one! I only have business partners with whom I cooperate!"

"Partners? Once the fire is burning, they will naturally become companions. Right?"

Guo Wanhua held her face with one hand and spoke into the microphone with the other: "I won't argue with you, I want to talk to Wan Zhao."

"He's asleep! If anything happens, please call me tomorrow!" The other party hung up Guo Wanhua's phone rudely again.

Guo Wanhua is like a lonely boat in the sea, drifting in the endless darkness without a trace of light.

She picked up the phone and called Li Yunhai.

Li Yunhai was about to take a rest when he heard the phone ringing and answered it.

There are no more than three people who know his phone number.

He thought it was Lin Zhi calling, but Guo Wanhua's voice came from the phone.

"Yunhai, you come over, or should I go over?"

 Second, ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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