Life 1984

Chapter 217 The strong hold the power of speech

Chapter 217 The strong have the right to speak
Li Yunhai took advantage of the information gap and once again firmly blocked Toyo's ability to produce high-end CCA.

And all this has long been in his calculations.

Seeing the expressions of Kimura and Ono who wanted to eat people but had no choice but to do anything about it, Li Yunhai felt so happy!
And his backhand goes far beyond that!
Now, the initiative has returned to Li Yunhai.

The international selling price of CCA per ton is US$11. If you want to buy a lot of goods, we can negotiate the price and you can sell it for US$10.

As for the two most important raw materials, Japanese people can only get them from Li Yunhai.

The price Li Yunhai gave them was US$5 per ton.

In other words, for every ton of CCA sold by Toyo people, half of the money will be given to Li Yunhai.

In other words, Li Yunhai can continue to control the global CCA voice through these two chemical raw materials.

If anyone disobeys you, I can no longer provide you with raw materials, or I can increase the selling price and reduce your profits infinitely.

This is a really beautiful move!
Even the old foxes Kimura and Ono were calculated and manipulated by Li Yunhai.

Kimura and Ono looked at each other sadly. The only thing they could argue about now was the price of the goods.

Ono said helplessly: "Mr. Li, our two companies have already paid US$[-] million in patent fees. Should you give us some discounts? US$[-] per ton is a bit expensive."

Li Yunhai shook his head: "Our production costs are so high. Our early R&D investment is more. At US$5, we only make a small profit."

Kimura proposed another solution: "Mr. Li, we are now in a cooperative relationship. Only a few of us can produce CCA in the world. For everyone's benefit, we should unite and raise prices! Raise the sales price."

This suggestion was immediately approved by Ono: "The global raw materials are rising, and the price of labor is rising, so we must also raise sales prices! Of course, the price can be slowly raised little by little. We can increase it by 10% every year. Global carbon Powder production companies can only purchase CCA from a few of us, but as long as we work together, we can all make a lot of money!"

Seeing that Li Yunhai was unmoved, Kimura said with a grimace: "Mr. Li, labor and raw materials are cheap in your country. Of course you can make money, but you have to think about us. When we hire a worker from Dongyang, the salary is at least It costs several thousand dollars, which is dozens of times that of your workers. If the raw material procurement is too high, our profits will be too low."

What he said is true. Labor costs in Japan are indeed much higher than in China.

Li Yunhai only needs 25 yuan a month to hire a worker, and with various benefits, a worker only needs about 40 yuan a month.

The salary in Dongyang is at least 1 yuan.

Appropriately increasing the selling price of CCA will benefit everyone.

Global raw material and labor prices are constantly rising.

Especially in our country, workers' wages will rise from tens of yuan to hundreds of yuan in the next few years.

Li Yunhai pondered for a moment and said: "I agree with your suggestion. The global selling price of CCA can be reasonably adjusted according to the market. It is acceptable to increase by about 10% every year."

"Yo Xi!" Kimura and Ono exclaimed in affirmation at the same time.

Seeing that CCA was choked by Li Yunhai again, the attitude of these two guys towards Li Yunhai became extremely respectful again.

The winner is king, and the strong is respected.

What they are fighting is a smokeless business war.

The winner now is obviously Li Yunhai.

This is what Japanese people are like. When they have an advantage, they will get carried away. Once they are hurt, they will naturally treat you with respect.

Kimura and Ono bought 50 tons of raw materials for making CCA from Li Yunhai at US$5 per ton, for a total of US$250 million.

Everything was settled, and both parties seemed to have reached a rare state of harmony.

Li Yunhai shook hands with them for the first time and said he would invite them to dinner together in the evening.

Kimura and Ono agreed to have dinner together in the evening.

After talking about the matter, the two stood up and said goodbye. They stayed at the Furong Hotel, not far from the Changdao Hotel.

Seeing the bosses coming out, Akino, Ishida and others who were waiting outside stepped forward one after another.

Kimura waved his hand calmly and said, "No need to say any more! Let's go!"

Akino and Ishida were obviously unconvinced. They thought they could show off their power right away and ignore that guy Li Yunhai, but they didn't expect that they would be choked by Li Yunhai again!
Along the way, they both spoke ill of Li Yunhai and said that such cooperation was unfair.

Kimura said in a deep voice: "There is no fairness in front of the strong. When the Plaza Accord was signed, did you think it was fair? Why didn't you fly to the United States to argue with them? What we want is win-win cooperation, not vindictiveness. . Li Yunhai is a very powerful character, and we were all deceived by his young appearance. He looks young, but he is actually more powerful than us!"

Ono let out a long sigh: "China is a vast land with abundant resources, outstanding people, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and many strange people and strangers. We must be extremely cautious when dealing with them in the future. Fortunately, we finally negotiated the CCA authorization this time. Our The losses can be recovered from sales later.”

Akino and Ishida, seeing the two bosses talking like this, did not dare to slander Li Yunhai anymore.

After all, they were just wage earners, and they belittled Li Yunhai just to please the two big bosses.

Li Yunhai sat on the chair in the office, touching his chin with his hand, his face calm.

He was not complacent about defeating the Japanese.

CCA is just a small flower on the tree of all technologies.

No matter how big and beautiful this little flower is, placed on the whole tree, it is just like this and inconspicuous.

Although what Akino said was harsh, it was also true.

Besides CCA, what else do we have?

None of these high-tech products of modern industry are available to us.

We only have one neck stuck.

Others have stuck a lot of our necks.

Li Yunhai's ambition was once again aroused by Qiuye's sarcastic words.

Yan Mengyu looked at Li Yunhai with a serious face and asked softly: "Boss, what are you thinking about? Are you frowning so tightly?"

Li Yunhai glanced at her and said slowly: "We can't beat the Japanese in too many areas! We have too many weaknesses, and we have to catch up and surpass them one by one!"

This topic is too big, beyond the scope of Yan Mengyu’s knowledge and understanding.

She blinked her beautiful and clear eyes and said: "Boss, you are so powerful, you can definitely defeat them!"

Li Yunhai laughed dumbly: "This cannot be achieved by me alone."

He rubbed his hands to warm them, then rubbed his face vigorously, and said, "I don't want to think about this anymore. Go and do your work!"

Yan Mengyu pursed her lips and said: "Boss, I received a letter from home. My dad told me that thanks to you for helping us, I will pay back the 500 yuan you lent to my family."

Li Yunhai had almost forgotten about it. He then remembered it and said, "Oh, you said that! Don't worry. Let's talk about it when you have more money! Has your mother given birth?"

"After giving birth, she is still a sister."

"Hello, daughter! You will understand later."

"I also think my daughter is good. She doesn't make noises or make noises, and she also cares about others!"

"That's right to think about it. When you sisters grow up and get married, your parents will definitely have a happy life."

That night, Li Yunhai hosted a banquet for Kimura, Ono and his entourage at the Changdao Hotel.

Yang Shuyue knew that Li Yunhai was here to treat guests, so she came over specially to propose a toast.

Seeing Yang Shuyue's beautiful face and proud figure, Qiuye couldn't help but wipe his face, picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "Girl, you can't just toast Mr. Li, you also want to toast us a glass of wine?"

Yang Shuyue picked up the wine bottle, filled her own glass, and said, "I'd like to toast everyone."

Qiuye laughed loudly, came out with a cup, clinked the cups with Yang Shuyue, and his eyes shone brightly: "Girl, let's have another drink alone!"

Li Yunhai said to Yang Shuyue: "Mr. Yang, go and do your work! Don't worry about us."

Yang Shuyue smiled sweetly at him, and then Shi Shiran left.

Qiuye looked at her exquisite and graceful back, showing infinite longing.

Li Yunhai only treated them to a meal out of cooperation.

After the meal, Akino proposed to play in the nearby song and dance hall.

Li Yunhai was the host. When the other party made a request, he said yes.

He took everyone to the dance hall and bought tickets.

Li Yunhai didn't have much interest in this kind of place and said: "Mr. Kimura, Mr. Ono, you can have fun here. I have something to do at home, so excuse me."

Kimura and Ono expressed their gratitude to Li Yunhai for his warm hospitality.

Li Yunhai turned and left.

When passing by the lobby, I happened to see Yang Shuyue.

Yang Shuyue smiled at Li Yunhai and said, "Thank you for the rescue just now."

Li Yunhai nodded: "They are just my customers, you don't need to be too enthusiastic about them."

Yang Shuyue smiled and said: "They are from Japan, right? It's obvious at first glance. Boss Li, your business is very big."

Li Yunhai said that he was so-so and just making a living.

Yang Shuyue said you are still making a living?Then we are all begging for rice.

She followed Li Yunhai out of the hotel.

In Xizhou in November, the weather suddenly turned cold, and those who were afraid of the cold had already taken out their cotton-padded jackets and put them on.

Li Yunhai glanced at her and asked, "Are you off work?"

Yang Shuyue said yes, I have already got off work and I will go home now. Goodbye, Boss Li.

Li Yunhai said hello and got in the car. Seeing that she was still standing in the cold wind, he asked again: "Aren't you leaving yet? Are you waiting for your boyfriend to pick her up?"

Yang Shuyue pointed to the bus stop not far ahead: "I'm waiting for the bus. I can see the bus from here. It's warmer here."

Li Yunhai opened the car door and said, "Get in the car, I'll see you off."

Yang Shuyue smiled brightly, and without being reserved, sat in the back row and said, "Thank you, Boss Li."

Li Yunhai asked where her home was and asked Zhuang Yong to drive her home first.

"Has Yang always graduated from college?"

"I studied in a junior college and a teacher's college. You can't believe it, right? After graduation, I originally wanted to be a teacher, but I was assigned to a middle school in my hometown county, but I found that I was not suitable for teaching."


"I like to communicate with people face to face, or do some real and concrete things, rather than talking to myself in front of a group of kids. My second uncle happened to be recruiting workers here, so I asked him to recruit me. "

"Your second uncle? Is he Manager Yang Guangyang?"

"Yes, it's him."

"What about the job here? Does it meet your ideals?"

"It's just so-so. I'm doing service and hospitality work, and I don't feel like it's suitable for me."

"It is said that men are afraid of getting into the wrong profession. Why do you women also have this difficulty in making choices? My fiancée also had the same problem. She majored in dance, but she was not interested in dancing. When she got a job at the Cultural Affairs Bureau, she found it boring. I have to change jobs again.”

"She has a capable man like you to take care of her, so why should she work? Wouldn't it be better to just become a wife? Managing a man well is also a woman's lifelong career!"

The two chatted and sent her to the door of her house.

Li Yunhai helped her open the car door.

Yang Shuyue got out of the car, smoothed her hair, and waved to Li Yunhai: "Thank you, Boss Li. Goodbye."

Li Yunhai nodded.

Zhuang Yong drove away.

Back home, Li Yunhai saw Amy and Shen Xiulan coming over, sitting and talking with Lin Zhi.

The three of them are learning foreign languages!

Amy can speak English and Italian, and her spoken language is very pure. It is perfect to be Shen Xiulan and Lin Zhi's teacher.

Lin Zhi saw him coming in and smiled: "Have you finished eating? Didn't those Japanese people drink you wine?"

As soon as she mentioned wine, Li Yunhai immediately burped and said with a smile: "It's just a few drinks. They all went to the dance hall to play, and I bought the tickets for them and came back."

Amy smiled at him.

She is a little different from the foreign girl Li Yunhai imagined.

Li Yunhai thought that foreign girls were lively and active, and even played a little crazy.

But Amy is very quiet, even a little introverted.

But her emotional intelligence is not low and she is very good at talking and doing things.

Li Yunhai came over and sat down and asked, "Have you had dinner?"

Lin Zhi said: "I have already eaten. Xiulan helped cook today's dinner. The food she cooked is delicious. It's a pity that you don't have a good taste."

Li Yunhai laughed dumbly, thinking that her cooking skills are still unfamiliar to me?
Shen Xiulan pursed her lips and smiled slightly: "Ling Zhi, my food is not as delicious as yours. Look at Yun Hai, you have made him fat and white. He used to be thin and dark."

Li Yunhai has really put on weight recently, mainly because he exercises less, eats better, uses a car to travel, and even spends less time walking and cycling.

Lin Zhi said: "I filed a report and the bureau contacted the library. They are very happy that you can donate 100 million books. They said that when you donate books, a special donation ceremony will be held. They will also give it to you in the library. It’s a monument to commemorate!”

Li Yunhai laughed and said: "Then my 200 million is not in vain."

Shen Xiulan said: "Don't disturb us, we are learning Italian from Amy."

Li Yunhai said: "Okay, okay, I won't disturb you. I'll go to the study to work."

Lin Zhi said: "You can drive Xiulan off later!"

"What should I give her as a gift? Just let her live in my house. There are plenty of rooms anyway." Li Yunhai stood up and prepared to go upstairs.

Shen Xiulan said: "If I stay tonight, you have to see me off tomorrow morning because I have to go to work. I came here by bus."

"Where is your bicycle?" "I live in the dormitory now and don't ride the bicycle very much, so I gave it to my sister."

"You are so generous. You gave me a bicycle as soon as you said it was a gift. Call me when you leave and I will come down to see you off."

After Li Yunhai finished speaking, he went upstairs to the study.

Sihai Group's recruitment information will be published in newspapers starting next Monday.

The academic qualifications he requires are relatively high, and more advanced positions require a college degree or above.

Will anyone come for the interview then?Li Yunhai had no idea at all.

College students in this era are all assigned jobs after graduation. Although it is now popular to go overseas, going overseas is to start a business on your own rather than to work for others.

The people Li Yunhai can use now are Lin Xiaofeng and Professor Ni who is coming soon.

Fortunately, both of them are from Kochi.

Sihai Company's current trading business is all managed by Lin Xiaofeng.

Li Yunhai will definitely hire Lin Xiaofeng as the vice president of Sihai Group and become the core supervisor.

After Professor Ni comes over, he will serve as the dean of the Sihai Group Scientific Research Institute. This position is most in line with his scientific research personality.

Li Yunhai still lacks a capable secretary, a vice president of finance, a vice president in charge of production, and a vice president in charge of sales.We must recruit people for these positions, and we must recruit strong people.

Shen Xiulan understands finance, is smart, and most importantly, trustworthy.

But Shen Xiulan couldn't resign and come to help Li Yunhai.

Li Yunhai arranged for her to take a temporary job in the company, just to give her an apartment.

He suddenly thought of something.

Can Professor Ni bring a few more people here?
Those are all senior talents from the Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Scientific research institutes are also enterprises.

If Professor Ni can come, then maybe his men can come too!
Li Yunhai saw that it was still early, so he went downstairs and called Professor Ni.

The call was connected, but Professor Ni was not at home.

Li Yunhai had no choice but to put down the phone and think about making another call tomorrow.

Shen Xiulan finished learning Italian and asked Li Yunhai to send him back.

Li Yunhai drove her off.

The dormitory area of ​​Tianhua Building is not far from the dormitory area of ​​the Bureau of Commerce. It is just a few miles north of the train station from Chaoyang.

Shen Xiulan was sitting in the passenger seat, muttering something in her mouth as she reviewed the Italian she had just learned.

This girl is obsessed with learning foreign languages. She really thinks when she sits and when she walks.

Li Yunhai smiled and asked: "Xiulan, how do you say I love you in Italian?"

"Ah? I don't know. Amy hasn't taught me this yet. I mainly want to learn how to talk to foreign businessmen. What's the purpose of learning I love you? I'm not looking for an Italian boyfriend."

"Haha! Let me teach you! Ti A mo!"

"Ti A mo? Really or fake? How can you speak Italian?"

"Aunt Linzhi and I learned it. Do you think you're the only one who can learn foreign languages? I'm learning it too."

"That's strange. You don't want to learn anything else, but you want to learn the words "I love you"? You don't want to find an Italian beauty, do you?"

"No need, there aren't many good girls. I am content with you and Lin Zhi."

"What did you say?"

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Hmph! I'm not your girlfriend anymore! Didn't you say we broke up?"

Only then did Li Yunhai realize that he had said the wrong thing, and he accidentally said what was deep in his heart, and said: "You are my ex! You can be considered as having it. No matter how it ends in the future, as long as we have it. "

"But - forget it, I don't want to talk to you."

"Are you starting to ignore me now? What did you say before? Breaking up is not a one-sided matter?"

"Hmph! Scoundrel!"

"Ha ha!"

The car arrived soon. Li Yunhai got out of the car with her and said: "On December 12st, you can move into your new house. If you feel that it is too lonely to be alone, take Xiaoling over to live with her. She goes to and from school. If you have a bicycle, it's not too far. In fact, I have an unkind request, but I'm afraid you won't agree."

"What's the matter? If you don't tell me, how do you know I won't agree?"

"I'm planning to set up Sihai Group, and I'd like you to be my financial manager."

"Ah? How am I qualified?"

"Xiulan, I admire you very much. You are down-to-earth, hard-working, and eager to learn. You are the person I trust most."

"Really? Sorry, I don't agree!"


Shen Xiulan raised her chin proudly and walked upstairs.

Li Yunhai leaned against the car door, took out the lovebirds and lit one.

The wind was so strong that I couldn't even take a few puffs of a cigarette because I was fed by the cold wind.

Shen Xiulan came to the second floor, stood in the corridor, and looked down.

"Hey, you're not leaving yet? Why don't you come up and sit for a while?"

"Forget it! No more going up!"

Li Yunhai threw the cigarette butt blown out by the wind into the trash can near the flower bed, got in the car and left.

Shen Xiulan held the railing with both hands and watched the Santana car drive out of the yard.

Her thoughts were as messy as the north wind.

Li Yunhai's words just now kept echoing in her ears.

Ti A mo!

Why did he say that word alone?
Did he do it on purpose?

Just want to convey some secret feelings through Italian language?
Shen Xiulan pursed her lips, and the corners of her eyes suddenly sore.

At this time, the door of the dormitory at the back opened, and Han Huizhen walked out and exclaimed: "Let me just say, I heard someone talking outside, but no one came in. On such a cold day, why are you standing outside blowing the north wind? No Are you worried about the cold?"

"Let me calm down." Shen Xiulan smiled, walked in the door, covered her cold cheeks with her hands, and said, "Are you still asleep?"

Han Huizhen smiled and said: "Liu Jie and I went to the dance hall of the Changdao Hotel and just came back. We saw a lot of Japanese people there today."

It's no secret that she and Liu Jie are in love.

Liu Jie has a good character and family background. When chasing girls, it is called chasing every girl, except of course Shen Xiulan and Lin Zhi.

Han Huizhen talked about what she saw there, and said eloquently: "It's a joke. There was an Oriental man who wanted to dance with a girl in the dance hall. When she didn't agree, he took out a stack of thick money. , hit that girl."

"Is there such a thing? Isn't this insulting? You can call the police!"

"Call the police? He's a businessman from Japan, but he's so arrogant! You didn't see how he was throwing money at people, and he said ten thousand is not enough, I'll give you twenty thousand!"

"Hmph! These Japanese people! They really need to be dealt with! If I were there, I would throw money back at them!"

"Where did you get so much money?"

"The money he threw over! Just throw it back! What did you do with it later?"

"The hotel staff tried to persuade her, but of course she couldn't start a fight."


"Isn't it just boring? Xiulan, have you noticed that Ma Jianwen from our unit likes you very much?"

"I didn't find it, I'm not interested."

"Let me tell you, Ma Jianwen's family is pretty good."

"What kind of family he has has nothing to do with me. Stop gossiping and go to sleep! You have to go to work tomorrow."

Shen Xiulan was lying on the bed, thinking about the word Ti A mo, and couldn't help but whisper it in her mouth.

She thought of Li Yunhai's compliments to her again, feeling sad and sweet at the same time.

Even though she knew that Li Yunhai still liked her, the relationship between the three of them had reached this point. How could she put down her body and face and be good to Li Yunhai again?

The education she received since childhood did not support her doing this.

The social atmosphere of the 80s was at two extremes.

On the one hand, it is traditional and old-fashioned, on the other hand, it is extremely trendy.

Just like Cheng Lin, who was only 18 years old. She knew that Hou Yijian had a family, but she still followed him without hesitation and bravely ventured into the world, even if she ended up with a lifetime of sadness.

This kind of thing, even 40 years later, is shocking news to the world.

In fact, no matter what era, gods cannot stop people from missing others, nor can they stop the passionate love between young men and women.

Shen Xiulan had insomnia.

She was wondering whether to resign and help Li Yunhai.

Shen Xiulan knew how many people around Li Yunhai could be used.

She is now studying foreign languages ​​vigorously, partly to improve herself, partly to compete with Lin Zhi, and mostly because she wants to solve Li Yunhai's problems.

Li Yunhai needs talents who understand foreign languages ​​from various countries to participate in the Canton Fair.

Shen Xiulan knew that he needed her, so she worked hard to become the person he needed.

Now Li Yunhai needs her to be the financial manager. Should she go?

That means that she will resign from the business bureau job that the whole family is most proud of!
Shen Xiulan couldn't take this step.

That's why she was entangled and in pain, unable to sleep.

Li Yunhai didn't expect that his casual words would cause Shen Xiulan so much trouble.

He returned home and fell asleep holding Lin Zhi in his arms.

The next day, Li Yunhai also heard about what happened in the dance hall of the Changdao Hotel. He knew that the person who caused the trouble must be Qianri Qiye without asking.

On this day, two more customers from afar came to Sihai Store.

At the Canton Fair, Li Yunhai's Sihai Group had not yet found an office space, and all the business cards left behind were printed with the addresses of Sihai stores.

Brown and Logan followed the address on the business card and found the Sihai store.

Li Yunhai knew that they would definitely come over in the next two days, so he waited for them in the store.

"Hello! Mr. Brown, Mr. Logan!" Li Yunhai laughed and stepped forward to shake hands with the two foreign customers.

The staff at Sihai Store often see foreigners, so they are not surprised.

Li Yunhai also taught Liu Yan and Wang Lili some simple English conversations so that they could chat with foreigners when they saw them.

Brown and Logan also came to Li Yunhai to ask for authorization.

Logan asked: "Mr. Li, have you received our money?"

Li Yunhai said that I have received it and I am waiting for you to come over. Let’s go to my company!

Logan and Brown walked around the store and then followed Li Yunhai to the Long Island Hotel.

Li Yunhai invited them to the office on the second floor, took out the patent authorization letter, and handed one to each of Logan and Brown.

Logan and Brown brought professional lawyers over. For such a major transaction, of course, a lawyer must be present.

They looked at it carefully twice and confirmed that there was no problem.

After completing the procedures, Li Yunhai revealed that the raw materials needed to be purchased separately.

The reactions of Logan and Brown were exactly the same as those of Kimura and Ono yesterday.

Li Yunhai explained to them.

Logan and Brown didn't speak for a long time.

Who can blame it?
We can only blame them for oversimplifying things and underestimating Li Yunhai.

Seeing their hesitation, Li Yunhai took out the agreement he signed with the Dongyang people and asked them to take a look.

At the same time, Li Yunhai told them that our CCA prices will be adjusted globally and will increase by about 10% every year.

Although Logan and Brown had just met, they had common interests at the moment and started talking in a low voice.

Li Yunhai was not in a hurry and watched their discussion calmly.

Granting authorization or not does not make much difference to Li Yunhai.

He can rely on CCA to sweep the global consumables market.

A market with annual sales of US$500 billion is waiting for him in the future!
Even if he can only occupy half of the market in the future, it will be enough for him to be proud of the world.

 Third update, please vote and subscribe.

(End of this chapter)

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