Life 1984

Chapter 169 It’s time to castrate! 【Please subscribe】

Chapter 169 It’s time to castrate! 【Please subscribe】

It can be said that Li Yunhai was worried about enrolling students in Sihai Computer Training School.

Fortunately, these days, any kind of advertising is relatively cheap.

Provincial TV stations only cost 2 to [-] yuan to advertise a prime-time TV series. If a TV series is broadcast continuously for more than ten days, or even one or two months, it is very cost-effective.

Advertisements in newspapers are even cheaper. If there are no pictures and only text ads, a small advertisement only costs a few yuan.

In order to produce this advertisement, Li Yunhai asked the provincial TV station to cooperate and asked them to send a camera crew to Sihai Computer School to shoot a set of real scenes, including the majestic school building and the huge number of computers.

The creative idea of ​​the advertisement is roughly as follows:

A little girl with two braids ran to her mother and shouted: "Mom, Mom, I want to learn computers!"

At this time, the screen changed, and the big signboard of Sihai Computer Training School appeared, as well as the classrooms inside the school. At the same time, a voice-over sounded: "Learn computers, go to Sihai. The provincial association president unit, the largest in the country, with strong teaching staff. Learn technology well, If you’re looking for a good job, come to Sihai Computer Training School!”

The scene turned again, and the little girl was already sitting in the classroom of Sihai School, studying computer with a sweet and cute smile.

The little girl for the commercial is the hardest to find because she is the soul of the entire commercial. She must be lively, beautiful, and generous without stage fright.

Later, Lin Zhi recommended someone to Comrade Su Hong of the Provincial Huagu Drama Troupe. Her eldest sister had a seven-year-old daughter. She was pretty and had loved singing since she was a child. She was lively, generous and cute, which satisfied Li Yunhai's desire for this advertising girl. All the fantasies of the protagonist.

After seeing the little girl, Li Yunhai immediately decided to ask her to shoot the advertisement. He originally wanted to use the little girl's biological mother as the candidate for the mother, but Su Hong's eldest sister was not a professional actress and was afraid that she would not perform well. So I refused to appear.

Lin Zhi said, let Su Hong play the mother, and just make her look more mature.

Of course Su Hong said yes, she was an actress, so she acted like anything.There is no problem at all playing this mother.

The most important thing is that Su Hong only needed two days to shoot for starring in such an advertisement, but she was paid 1000 yuan.

For her who is short of money, it is really a dream.

After the advertisement was shot, Li Yunhai was very satisfied with the effect.

After being broadcast on the TV station, it also received widespread response.

Since the registration day, there has been an endless stream of people coming to Sihai School to register.

Li Yunhai was worried that he would not be able to recruit enough students, but in less than a week, a thousand people were recruited.

There is also a high school that came to the door and said that it would cooperate with Sihai Computer Training School and let all high school students in their school come here to learn computers.

And this school has more than 1000 students.

The computers at Sihai Computer School are idle for a long time, but they suffer from the lack of suitable teachers to teach during the day.

The popularity of registration made Li Yunhai realize the huge market for computer training.

Computers are too expensive for ordinary families to afford, and even many schools have no plans to purchase computers or build computer rooms for the time being.

Li Yunhai's Sihai School just satisfies the desire of parents to send their children to learn computers.

Although this winter vacation assault training camp only has a 20-day course, it allows students to have a comprehensive grasp of computer knowledge.

It is easy to see from the teaching materials developed by Li Yunhai that the 40-hour teaching content starts from understanding computers, explaining the origin of computers, hardware structure, software usage, Wubi typing, table making, DOS system, command symbols, and understanding C language programming. .

If you want to carry out more advanced learning, you need to sign up for follow-up training courses.

Li Yunhai divided the class into three levels: elementary, intermediate and advanced.It will be implemented after the start of school next year.

Because the computer school has just opened, and it recruits students with no computer basics, it is necessary to organize a surprise training camp to allow these students to quickly master basic knowledge and guide them to sign up for intermediate and advanced classes.

Some parents also reported that the tuition fee is too expensive and they can only stay away from it.

200 yuan, 40 class hours, five yuan per class.

Is it expensive?

The school provides venues, computers, teachers, and free after-school tutoring.

You must know that it costs two yuan an hour to board the plane alone, and this price is set by the Youth Palace, which is equivalent to the market price in Xizhou City.

It costs [-] yuan per hour for computer training and [-] yuan per hour for teaching. Calculated in this way, it is not expensive.

But more people reacted, and Li Yunhai had to face this problem squarely.

In the 80s, learning computers was an elite education. People without certain family conditions were unable to receive this kind of education.

But Li Yunhai wants to promote computer technology and single-handedly advance the popularization of computer education in our country by five to ten years!
Tuition fees cannot be lowered. As the saying goes, the Tao should not be preached lightly and the law should not be sold cheaply.

However, Li Yunhai pointed out that students from our school usually come to the school to use the computer, and the price is halved. It only costs one yuan an hour, while for ordinary people, it costs two yuan an hour to use the computer.

The drop in the price of boarding has won widespread support from parents.

For computer schools, just lowering the price of computers is also a win-win situation.It can attract more students to come and use the computer. Although it only costs one yuan an hour, it is still profitable.

The business of Sihai Store is unstable. It all relies on Li Yunhai to develop business outside. Sometimes he can earn hundreds of thousands by taking a big order, but more often he makes nothing.

As for Sihai School, as long as it is on the right track, it will continue to bring benefits to Li Yunhai every month.

His main investment in Sihai School was the thousand second-hand computers.

1984 is about to pass quietly.

This year has passed so fast, knowing that we will eventually grow old, but we stand at the end of youth and look at it quietly, looking forward to the smile of the wind, and looking forward to keeping this heart warm until we grow old.Watching the passing years slip by my fingertips, I still understand that youth and I have not just met.

The penultimate day of December is Sunday.

Li Yunhai took Lin Zhi to climb Xilu Mountain.

Xulu Mountain is not high, only 300 meters above sea level.

Young people can climb to the top of the mountain in less than half an hour.

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi stood on the top of Xilu Mountain, looking at Xizhou City below the mountain.

The broad Xijiang River flows mightily through the foot of the mountain.

"Only by standing on the top of the mountain can we understand the meaning of the Xiangjiang River going north." Lin Zhi pointed to the direction of the river flow and said loudly, "That is the north of the city, and the river does flow to the north!"

Nuwa's Luo skirt is a hundred feet long and is draped over the Xiangjiang River to create a beautiful scene of the mountains.

I only pity the people from Beijing who are running southward, unlike the water in the Xiangjiang River that flows northward.

Li Yunhai stretched his arms and let the cold wind blow up his clothes.

The ancients stood here and could recite magnificent poems.

But here we stand, but we only know how to recite the masterpieces of our predecessors.

Even for those famous poems, I can only remember a few famous quotes and cannot recite the whole poem at all.

The same landscape and city have different colors and poetic meanings in the eyes of different people.

The two found a deserted valley and sat on a stone.

Li Yunhai was afraid that the stone would be too cold and freeze Lin Zhi's buttocks, so he picked her up and sat on his lap.

But Lin Zhi misunderstood what he meant. Thinking of what he said before, she smiled tenderly, leaned in his arms, and whispered: "It's too cold. I'm wearing pants again. It's inconvenient!"

Li Yunhai laughed dumbly, lifted her chin, and kissed her sweet lips.

Lin Zhi slowly closed her eyes and allowed him to ask for it.

After kissing her, Li Yunhai leaned against her face and said, "I just said that. It's been so long, do you still remember?"

"There is no one here." Lin Zhi pursed her lips and smiled, looked around and said, "We will come here to play next summer, and I will follow you."

Li Yunhai couldn't help but feel moved when he thought about such beautiful scenery.

The mountain forest is empty, and the singing of birds can be vaguely heard.

The season when the mountains are red is over, and the land is covered with a thick layer of bleak fallen leaves. Occasionally, a wild animal will run over quickly.

"Is that a wild rabbit?" Lin Zhi pointed at the small animal running past, "I never thought there were game on this mountain!"

Li Yunhai didn't see clearly whether it was a wild rabbit just now, and said: "There are wild boars in the mountains over there! If you are brave, we can go into the mountains to hunt wild boars."

"Wild boar? I don't like it. I heard that the meat is very fishy and woody. It's not as delicious as domestic pork."

"That's true. But there are also people who like the taste of wild boar."

The two sat for a while, feeling it was too cool, so they got up and walked down towards Aiwan Pavilion.

There are views all along the way.

This mountain is famous for its beautiful forests and deep ravines.

From time to time you can see gurgling mountain streams.

They came to the ancient Lushan Temple.

This is a large ancient temple that was built during the Western Jin Dynasty more than 1700 years ago.

The main body of the ancient building was destroyed by the war in 1944, leaving only the mountain gate and the Sutra Pavilion. The halls were later restored.

During the eight-year war of resistance, the main battlefield for seven years was in this province.

During the entire Anti-Japanese War, this province was one of the main battlefields with the most fighting and the most brutal fighting.

The Japanese invaders mobilized 35% of their total force to attack the province.

Xizhou City has had four major tournaments and won the first three.

There are graves of heroes almost everywhere on Xilu Mountain.

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi visited the ancient temple, then went down the mountain road to Aiwan Pavilion.

Next to Aiwan Pavilion is Lushan Academy.

This academy is one of the four most famous academies in the history of our country. As one of the oldest institutions of learning in the world, its ancient and traditional academy buildings have been completely preserved to this day. Every courtyard, every stone tablet, every brick Every tile and wind lotus sparkles with the humanistic spirit tempered by time.

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi bought tickets to enter and feel the atmosphere of ancient people studying thousands of years ago.

"Ling Zhi, why don't you continue your studies?" Li Yunhai stroked the stone pillar and asked, "Many of the students who graduated from your art academy have entered Beijing Film Academy, Shanghai Theater Academy and other art schools to further their studies."

"I've thought about it, but I don't think it's necessary." Lin Zhi held her hand on the ancient pillar, stuck her head out, and looked sideways at Li Yunhai. Her long hair was hanging down, and she was so beautiful. Like Xianzi, "I like the arts of dancing and singing, but I have never thought of developing it as a lifelong career. Even if I want to further my studies, I will choose to study other courses. For example, literature or economics can also be studied. Yunhai , what about you? Don’t you want to continue your studies? "

Li Yunhai shook his head gently: "I don't want to! The knowledge I have now is enough for me. You don't have to go to campus to study. As long as you put your heart into it, there are universities everywhere."

Lin Zhi smiled sweetly: "I think so too!"

Walking out of the academy is Xijiang University.

Sogang University is a university without walls. They walked all the way to the bus stop and saw a court next to it, where many college students were playing basketball.Li Yunhai does not envy college life, he prefers his current life.

He could be with his beloved Lin Zhi, and they could go wherever they wanted, and do whatever they wanted to do freely.

The hustle and bustle and brightness of the world, the joy and happiness of the world, are like the clear stream on Xilu Mountain, gurgling in the wind, in front of his eyes, and warmth gushes out like spring water. He has no extravagant hopes, he just wants to be with Linzhi in this life. Companion, stay with me till we grow old.

They took a bus and passed the Xijiang Bridge from Hexi back to Hedong.

Tang Yuxia promised Li Yunhai that she would pay attention to the welfare housing allocation for him.

But 1984 was almost over, and Tang Yuxia still hadn't arranged a house for him.

Welfare housing in this era is really not so easy to get.

Li Yunhai even thought that if the policy allowed, he could buy a piece of land in the city and build a four-story small foreign-style building like the money bank tycoons before liberation.

However this is not possible.

Even those small western-style buildings are now basically owned by the public.

There are only one or two buildings, because the owners have made great contributions to the country and are owned by their descendants.

These descendants live a very prosperous life eating the shadow of their ancestors, and it is impossible to sell their ancestral property.

Li Yunhai wants to get a good house in the main city, but it seems he will have to wait.

Back home, Lin Zhi said she was tired and didn't want to move.

Li Yunhai said, you take a rest while I cook.

Lin Zhi hugged him from behind and said, "Don't do it, you are very tired too. How about we go out to eat? Take a look at Xiahe Street Market by the way."

The suggestion made by Li Yunhai last time was recognized by Xizhou City.

Xizhou canceled the renovation of Xichang Street Night Market and instead invested funds in the Xiahe Street area.

Since the reform and opening up, the educated youth who returned to the city have been unable to find jobs, and many have become self-employed. Xiahe Street is one of the earliest gathering places for vendors.

Now, Xizhou has begun to pay attention to this area from the policy level, providing financial support to establish a large-scale small commodity market that operates both wholesale and retail operations.

This market continued to be popular and still existed 30 years later. Unfortunately, due to poor management, a fire burned down all the merchants' warehouses and this small commodity market.

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi went to the state-owned restaurant and ordered two dishes for dinner.

"How is Zhang Jie?" Lin Zhi put some meat into Li Yunhai's bowl.

"She's fine and back to work normally."

"Where is the man? Have you found him?"

"No, I guess I knew I was responsible for someone's death, so I went to work in a coastal city. I will definitely not come back in a year and a half."

"Hmph! Such a person should be castrated!"


Li Yunhai felt his scalp numb as he listened to Lin Zhi's words of tiger and wolf, thinking that this must be too scary!
If one day, if I do something wrong to Lin Zhi, will she actually engage in a physical castration drama?
Li Yunhai didn't dare to think further.

After they had eaten, they went to Xiahe Street for a stroll.

Xiahe Street is more lively than Huangxing Road, and the items sold here are also more miscellaneous, with all the trendy gadgets available.

After all, Lin Zhi is still a little girl, very interested in novelty gadgets and girls' products.

She couldn't move when she saw stalls selling hair flowers and cosmetics.

"Brother Yunhai! Brother Yunhai!" A crisp shout came over.

Li Yunhai glanced around and saw Shen Xiuling waving to him.

Wherever Shen Xiuling is present, Shen Xiulan is definitely next to her.

Sure enough, Shen Xiulan was looking at the clothes nearby.

"Sister, it's really brother Yunhai!" Shen Xiuling happily pulled her sister's hand, "He even brought a beautiful girl with him!"

Shen Xiulan turned her head in shock and saw Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi shopping together. She couldn't help but blush and said, "They go shopping in theirs, and we go shopping in ours!"

Shen Xiuling, however, had a lively personality and said with a smile: "Sister, let's go! Talk to Brother Yunhai!"

"Go ahead! I won't go!" Shen Xiulan became very stubborn today.

She mainly didn't want her to see the embarrassment between herself and Li Yunhai in front of her sister.

"Sister, isn't it just that we broke up? It's normal to break up when you're in love. As it says in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the general trend of the world is that if we are separated for a long time, we will be together, and if we are together for a long time, we will be separated. The same is true for love! Your boyfriend was robbed by someone else. If you leave, you can just grab it back!"

"Ah? Xiaoling, what are you thinking? Do you think talking about friends is like fighting a war? Can a lost city be regained?"

"Yes, why not? Who said that this city will be yours forever if you occupy it? She and Brother Yunhai are not married, so everything is possible! Brother Yunhai can leave you and be with her. That's okay too Leave her and be with you.”

"Nonsense! You don't understand emotional matters! You are still a little kid!"

"Please, my sister, I'm not young anymore!"

"You've never even been in love! What do you know?"

"Although I have never been in love, I am a bystander!"


While they were chatting, Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi came over.

"Hey, Xiulan!" Lin Zhi took the initiative to say hello, then looked at Shen Xiuling and smiled, "You must be Xiulan's sister, you sisters look alike!"

Shen Xiuling curled her lips and said, "My sister and I look nothing alike! She doesn't dare to pursue her own happiness, but I do!"

Lin Zhi glanced at Li Yunhai and smiled: "Really? Are you in love at such a young age?"

Shen Xiuling's face is a little round, white and pink, as delicate as a doll. She has big eyes, black eyeballs that move around flexibly.

"I'm not in love yet! Are you brother Yunhai's new girlfriend?" Shen Xiuling stared at Lin Zhi. She had to say that this girl is so beautiful. Compared to her sister, she is not inferior at all. No wonder Li Yunhai will be She's fascinated!

"Yes! I am Li Yunhai's girlfriend."

"My sister too!"

"I know, I tell everyone this. I said that Xiulan and I are both Li Yunhai's girlfriends. But there is one sentence I haven't said yet: she is the ex and I am the current one."

Shen Xiuling also wanted to quarrel with Lin Zhi to save some face for her sister.

Unexpectedly, Lin Zhi was so powerful that everything she wanted to say was blocked.

Shen Xiulan was not as thick-skinned as her younger sister. She was always a little shy and embarrassed when facing Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi.

Because deep down in her heart, she still hides her love for Li Yunhai.

This fire of love has always been in her heart and has never been extinguished.

As Li Yunhai became better and better, Shen Xiulan's love for him not only did not decrease, but also increased day by day.

But she slowly learned to tolerate it and no longer shouted the words "I love you" loudly in front of him.

She wrapped her love for Li Yunhai in a thick bandage and buried it deeply.

Now, her sister has ruthlessly uncovered her scars.

Shen Xiulan felt a faint pain in her heart when she saw Lin Zhi's sweet look.

Li Yunhai touched Shen Xiuling's head: "Xiaoling, you are already a high school student! You are still so naughty!"

Shen Xiuling chuckled and said, "Brother Yunhai, you gave my family so much gift money last time. Are you planning to marry my sister as a guest?"

Li Yunhai choked on her words and coughed sharply.

No matter what happened, he would confess it to Lin Zhi.

Especially regarding matters related to Shen Xiulan, Li Yunhai would give special explanations to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

But Li Yunhai forgot to tell Lin Zhi about the 10 yuan.

Sure enough, Lin Zhi asked in confusion: "What money? What kind of gift money? What's going on?"

Shen Xiulan pulled her sister's hand and said, "Ling Zhi, don't think twice. My sister is talking nonsense. It's not what you think."

The more half-covered she was, the more suspicious Lin Zhi became. She said, "What kind of money is that? Tell me!"

Shen Xiuling was about to help her sister get Li Yunhai back, so she ignored her sister's obstruction and said, "Brother Yunhai gave my parents a large amount of money! As much as 10 yuan! Do you think this is not considered a gift money?" "

Both Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan's faces changed drastically!
Shen Xiuling's childish words are unbridled, but the listener has a heart!

Lin Zhi bit her lips lightly and said, "You're talking about that money! I know it! That's not the gift money! Xiaoling, you're overthinking it!"

Shen Xiuling sighed, obviously she didn't expect that Lin Zhi had such a broad mind, that she could even accept her boyfriend giving 10 yuan to her ex-girlfriend?
She originally wanted to use this kind of thing to provoke a quarrel between Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi. It would be best to break up the relationship so that her sister would have another chance to be with Li Yunhai.

Unexpectedly, Lin Zhi was not angry at all.

Even Shen Xiulan was slightly surprised and admired Lin Zhi's generosity.

Li Yunhai was stunned.

Lin Zhi quietly reached out her hand and gently squeezed his waist.

Li Yunhai gasped in pain!
It's over, Lin Zhi will definitely have to settle this debt.

But in front of Shen Xiulan, Lin Zhi didn't want to lose the battle, so she pretended to be generous!
After Shen Xiuling's plan failed, she tried another one and said: "I have read a foreign novel, which said that a man and a woman can only be in love for half a year to two years. Look, brother Yunhai and my sister are good friends. We were together for two years, and then we broke up. Sister Lin Zhi, maybe you and Brother Yunhai can get along better for two years!"

Shen Xiulan gave her sister a slap in the face: "What nonsense are you talking about? If you don't speak, no one will think you are mute!"

Shen Xiuling put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes: "Sister, I'm helping you, and you still hit me? You are like a dog biting Lu Dongbin, and you don't know a good heart!"

Shen Xiulan smiled at Lin Zhi and said, "My sister is young and careless, and her words are unreliable. Don't mind."

Lin Zhi smiled softly: "I think Xiaoling is quite sensible and what she said is very meaningful. To be honest, I am really worried about whether the love between Yunhai and I can last another two years. ! Yunhai, what do you think?"

As she spoke, she gently pinched Li Yunhai's waist again.

Li Yunhai is so happy!
He held back the pain and smiled: "Impossible, completely impossible! Love can only last three to six months at most. How can love last two years?"

As soon as he said this, the three women all widened their eyes and looked at him without blinking.

 The third update, an update of more than 2 words, please vote for me and subscribe.

(End of this chapter)

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