Beasts start from stone

Chapter 322 Follow me like a shadow

Although it is a little late, today is a rare good weather.

The sun poked half of its head out of the clouds, warming the earth diffusely, making this winter less cold.

For Xu Qingge, it should be a rare day when he can truly relax.

She can soothe the irritable emotions these days, take Xiao Linglong to bask in the sun, and talk about the stories of her own experiences.

Pet beasts evolve in various ways, and Xiao Linglong is a unique being, so he should try his luck.


"Can you please stop following me..."

Xu Qingge turned her head away, and Chad, the green-sleeved butterfly, followed her.

"Dear lady, there is only one way, not to mention this is my patrol route."

"I'm not following you, I'm just patrolling as usual."

"The member of the Flower Dance Team who was here just now left when he saw me. I must take over his job."

Chad's words were so accurate that Xu Qingge had no idea which of the C-level beasts on the street were ordinary people, which ones were from the daily team, and which ones were from the flower dance team.


Xu Qingge was so angry that he laughed, saying that he had no way to refute it.


"What, do you want me to eat him?"

Although she has committed a crime, Jennifer does not seem to be afraid of committing a crime.

He hurriedly moved to Xu Qingge's side, waiting for his next command, almost tripping her up.

Looking at Jennifer's actions, Chad flew up a little. It seemed that he would not be swallowed in one bite, but he was only half a meter taller than Jennifer.

At this distance, there is no way to avoid the petrification of the strange eyes.

"No, I want you to leave quickly. Do you want to have lunch?"

"It will take me time to choose the dishes, and it will take time to go back. Even if Brother Wanle can lend us the kitchen, I will be embarrassed to use it when there are more customers at noon."

Xu Qingge patted Jennifer on the back and motioned for him to leave quickly.

She was scared to see the height that Chad was flying, for fear that Jennifer would peck him as soon as she opened her eyes.

It stands to reason that the Flower Dance Team should know about Hannie being petrified.

Not even captain-level characters can resist petrification...

Maybe Chad was like this just because he didn't know.

"Oh~ You should really be anxious then."

"Then sit still, little lady."



Jennifer grabbed Xu Qingge with one paw and put her on her back.

Because Xu Qingge had to hold Xiao Linglong, he had only one free hand to grab Jennifer's feathers.

The moment she felt the force behind her, Jennifer took steps and started running.

Because things happened so fast, Arthur, Alger and Chad didn't react, and there was no way to stop Jennifer's actions.

But even if she reacted, it would be impossible to persuade Jennifer.


"I'll take the first step."

Relying on his attribute advantage, Alger turned into a black shadow, jumped hundreds of meters, and jumped into Jennifer's shadow.

This is an advanced way to use the move [Sneak into the Shadow], Long Hua's nickname is [Follow Like a Shadow].

This method looks like it turns into a ball of shadow, but in fact it throws a dark energy ball and sneaks into the shadow of the energy ball.

Manipulate the direction of the energy ball in the shadow to change your own direction.

Although it is a relatively common method of using moves, it requires very high quality of the pet beast itself. Being proficient in using [Sneak into Shadows] is just the beginning of [Following Shadows].

"Keli~"      "There's really nothing I can do against you."

Arthur glanced at Chad who was flying in the sky, waving his wings and flying high into the sky, chasing the high-speed moving red dot in front of him.

No matter how fast Jennifer runs, she can't fly as fast as the blue water swan.

"They're all gone. It's too fast."

Chad looked helplessly ahead. Jennifer had long since disappeared, and the white spots in the sky were getting smaller and smaller.

The flying speed of the green-striped sleeve butterfly is not very fast. If you try to catch it, you won't be able to catch it.

"If you want to get rid of us like this, you are looking down on the Flower Dance Team."

Even if Xu Qingge was here, she couldn't understand Butterfly's smile.

Chad flapped his wings and flew to the spider web on the tree nearby.

Spiders have poor vision, but their eight legs are extremely sensitive to vibrations in their webs.

When guests come to your door, the spider on the web will naturally have to treat them well.


"Jennifer, slow down, it's time to get rid of Chad now."

Because he was holding Xiao Linglong in one hand, Xu Qingge felt that he was about to be dumped by Jennifer at any time.

It feels strange to have someone who is not a partner following you.

However, it feels good to have a strong wind blowing in your face.

Although it will take some effort to comb your hair later, there is no comb here, so let it be.


"I know, but hasn't the food market arrived yet?"

Jennifer slowed down his pace slightly, and he also enjoyed this time.

Maybe Qingge must leave.

Fortunately, this is only the first city, there are four more to come.

It’s not bad to create a beautiful memory.

Jennifer tried to convince herself, but he couldn't.

Xu Qingge has two important partners, but one of them is like this?

Snake Tail inadvertently passed over Xu Qingge's head and observed Xiao Linglong's appearance.

Its red pupils shone brightly, and soon they drooped, fluttering with Jennifer's footsteps.

Maybe another one can satisfy him.

"Here we are, young lady."

After regaining her energy, Jennifer put Xu Qingge down.

Now, in front of them is the largest vegetable market in Miele City.

This is not a vegetable market, it is clearly a vegetable garden. A low wooden fence circles the shop area, and the air is filled with a slow earthy smell - the aroma of earth!

Xu Qingge looked at the surrounding shops. This was not a vegetable market. It was clearly a trap that used the scent of fruits to lure D-level beasts.

At first glance, Xu Qingge was attracted by the wisdom of the businessmen.

Even if the leaves of tuberous plants are riddled with bites, the underlying parts are still intact.

Potatoes, carrots, onions, and garlic were all buried deep in the soil.

The most eye-catching ones are the insect-eating grass-type pets.

They use all their strength to stimulate the energy of the grass, making the smell of the plants more attractive, thus attracting more insects.

This is not only a means of hunting, but also a way to exercise oneself.

After getting used to the smell of earth, the aroma of fruits and vegetables reached Xu Qingge's nose.

Looking at the colorful vegetables around him, Xu Qingge prayed silently in his heart.

"I hope there is what I am looking for here."

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