Beasts start from stone

Chapter 321 Green-sleeved Butterfly Chad

Chapter 321 Green-sleeved Butterfly Chad

Wanjia Bird's Nest is located at the southern end of Meno City and is considered the core of the southern downtown area.

Logically speaking, it is not surprising that in such a place, all kinds of scenes can be seen.

But it is indeed an interesting phenomenon to see two pet beasts confronting each other early in the morning.

Xu Qingge picked up Xiao Linglong and pushed the door open with her elbow. The sight in front of her really shocked her.

A flower-crowned hummingbird is holding on to the railing with both feet, staring nervously at a green-sleeved butterfly.

【Green Striped Sleeve Butterfly】

[C level, insect, poison type]

[One of the most common sleeve butterflies is the evolved form of the Chinese pattern insect. 】

[Because they contain toxins in their bodies, they are not very friendly to pet birds, so even B-level birds will not eat them. 】

[The green-striped sleeve butterflies will concentrate their actions. Once one of them is in danger, it will entangle the intruder and inject all its toxins to give other partners a chance to survive. 】

[Of course, as long as they don't show hostility, they are still quite friendly pets. 】

It is not difficult to explain why the Corolla is such an enemy.

Regular pet beasts are afraid of the poison system.

Although poison energy can also be metabolized, the poison usually enters the victim's energy cycle, which feels quite painful.

"May I ask you are?"

It is indeed rare for a Green Sleeve Butterfly to appear alone.

"Chad, who belongs to the Flower Dance Team, is reporting to you."

The sound of the green-sleeved butterfly is small but clear.

"All members of the Flower Dance Team are small flying monsters that feed on flowers."

"They're just small flying insects, don't worry about them."

Jennifer quietly spread the word to Xu Qingge.

"That's so rude, Jennifer."

Xu Qingge knew that this was Jennifer's way of caring for him, but the other party should have come to find him. It was too rude to describe him as a "little flying insect".


Jennifer bent down and bowed gracefully.

Although there was no apology on his face, you couldn't blame him.

After all, in his recipe, the C-level green-striped sleeve butterfly has more poison energy than the D-level poisonous agouti.

If it weren't for the laws of Boyi and Xu Qingge being nearby, he would have eaten it in one bite.

Xu Qingge didn't bother to spend any time with Jennifer. She could probably guess the reason why Jennifer looked down on him, so she turned to Zha De and asked.

"Did you come to see me for something?"

These are not ordinary times, Ada's military resources should be very tight.

This green-sleeved butterfly was blowing in the cold wind early in the morning. It must not have come to play with him.

Hearing Jennifer's contemptuous name, Cha looked cheerful.

He first introduced his origin:

"After you passed out yesterday, the city lord was very worried, but because he had to discuss detailed strategies with those two people, he couldn't come to comfort you in person."

"So the Lord of the City, after discussing with the captains, decided to send someone to care for your health day and night."

"I am the person on duty today, and I should be the person on duty throughout the day."

"If you're not satisfied, you can always switch to someone else."

"Then, there is no news about the person you are looking for yet, but don't worry, the city lord has already informed the other three cities except the royal capital."

"Although it may still take some time, please believe me, Lord City Lord, she has tried her best to do it."

"Thirdly, you no longer need to worry about matters related to Vortigern."       "Finally, please don't be angry with Ms. Jennifer. The rules of our Flower Dance Team are to disguise themselves as civilians for the purpose of concealment. sexual protection.”

"It is precisely because potential criminals have this kind of mentality that our Flower Dance Team comes into play."

Xu Qingge patiently listened to Chad's speech, and the news couldn't help but make her heart beat faster.

Although he didn't say anything on the surface, no matter how you think about it, the "potential criminal" was probably talking about Jennifer.

Xu Qingge does not need to worry about matters related to Vortigern. This is a kind of protection for her.

After all, just catching a guy with little strength like Hameln made him so embarrassed.

Since Vortigern has the ambition to get Boi, it is impossible not to have an A-level pet beast at his disposal.

With his current strength, he would be doomed if he encountered an A-level pet beast.

What's more, Vortigern may be an S-class pet beast that has never been seen in textbooks.

As one of the five major beast-controlling countries, Longhua also has the largest number of S-class beastmasters, the same as the Boyi Kingdom, with eight.

They are named after Qian, Kun, Kan, Li, Zhen, Dui, Gen and Xun, and are also called the Eight Immortals.

However, the Eight Immortals don't seem to like the limelight, and their pet beasts have never appeared in front of the public.

Regarding the Eight Immortals, Xu Qingge only knew that each generation of Kan and Gen came from "mountains and seas".

The Eight Immortals in the Qian position seems to be in a vacant position. It seems that Qian's ace pet beast was injured in an S-level commission and its strength has declined slightly.

So he voluntarily resigned from his "gan" position and became the president of the Longhua Beast Taming Alliance.

Of course, this is all hearsay and should not be relied upon.

As for the news about Xiao Ruoruo, there is nothing we can do about it.

Ada is sure that Xiao Ruoruo is probably not here anymore if he is not in Meno City.

You can't be hidden like Xiao Linglong.

Xiao Linglong is a precious jade, which may be regarded as ordinary jade and has collection value.

In addition, she was unable to use any moves, which gave Hameln an opportunity.

As for Xiao Ruoruo, this really can only be done with the help of others.

Not to mention the country of Boi, Meno City alone is big enough. It is like finding a needle in a haystack by itself.

But it’s so unnecessary to send someone to take care of you.

"I'm completely recovered. I just fainted from hunger last night."

Xu Qingge moved his arms and legs, trying to look strong and strong.

"Look, I'm very healthy. So please tell Sister Ada that I don't need anyone to take care of me."

"Not now, not ever."

It is beyond the reach of ordinary people to have the city defense force serve just one person.

What's more, the duties of the Flower Dance Team sound too much like plainclothes police.

Xu Qingge felt like he would go crazy if he was stared at by the police day and night.

What's more, she could even hear the saliva in Jennifer's throat. Does this green-striped sleeve butterfly have self-awareness?

"Then I won't disturb you for now. I hope you have a wonderful experience."

With that said, Chad politely moved out of the way.

"Arthur, Jennifer, do you know where the vegetable market is?"

Xu Qingge didn't find what she wanted at the market, so she could only try her luck at the vegetable market.

"Oh~ I'm most familiar with this kind of thing."

As a businessman, Jennifer knows all the shops in Miele City well, and this is when her delivery comes into play.

(End of this chapter)

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