white star stealing star

Chapter 106 Forbidden to enter

A total of three people, two large and one small, got out of this flatbed truck that trespassed into the outer forest area.

Of the three, only two humans looked local.

In the Kuso Woodland, the forest ranger leader Yagenit, who was responsible for the night patrol in the forest, and six of his companions were pointing guns at the group of people. Everyone was looking up and down at the strange trio in the light with research eyes. .

"Intruders, please state your intention!" Yagnite thought. They were just some stowaways who wanted to take advantage. Perhaps the two adults and one child were such a family. The bed of the flatbed truck must be full of their belongings. luggage.

Or maybe it was a passing traveler looking for a place to stay for the night.

The worst-case scenario is thugs planning to commit murder and robbery. This kind of thing has happened many times before.

No matter what, they have to be sent away. Kuso Woodland is not a kind place that accepts outsiders endlessly.

"We are here to ask for help!" Neither Bai Xing nor Xu Min spoke. Instead, at Bai Xing's instruction, Elfa, who stood between them with her hands raised, spoke first.

Alpha, who has always wanted to show off, got this task, so naturally he shouted loud and clear, his childish voice echoing in the dark forest, and many people lowered their guard against them.

It's only half a day's journey between Kuso Woodland and Dead Rock Town. There may be accent differences in the local dialects between the two parties, but they can still be shared. As expected, Yagnit and the others heard it from Elfa's accent. His origin.

"From Dead Rock Town?" Yagnit had no intention of relaxing his defense just because the other party was a child and a local. "You should know that Kuso Woodland is not the place you should come to. We have never had any interaction with Dead Rock Town. Leave here, otherwise we will take necessary measures."

"Please...someone in our car was seriously injured..." Elfa obviously did not expect that the other party would refuse other people's help so directly. After all, his mother told him that if he encountered someone outside, Don't be stingy when others are in trouble and can lend a helping hand.

He saw that Ms. Bai Xing and Ms. Xu Min did this. They helped their mother and also helped two ladies who were chased by bugs.

Alpha didn't expect that he would be rejected at all. On the one hand, he felt a little anxious and embarrassed. On the other hand, he thought that he had not fulfilled Ms. Shirahoshi's instructions, so although he wanted to work harder for everyone, what he said was... Stumbling.

"That's enough." Bai Xing lowered his hand and put it on Alpha's head, indicating that he had done a good job.

This move did not cause those people to subconsciously fire shots or take any action. Bai Xing knew it well.

"Everyone, we don't have any ill intentions, and we don't want to offend or interrupt. We only took the risk to come to Kuso Woodland for help because there were injured people in the car who were in critical condition and needed emergency treatment."

"If possible, we can spend money to invite doctors from the forest to come and make medical visits. We will stay where we are and will never go any further. As long as our people are out of danger, we will do it right away, right away, and never stop. of leaving."

Bai Xing made their purpose clear in one sentence without any hesitation.

If Kuso Woodland does not accept outsiders, then there is no problem in asking doctors to come out and treat them.

Bai Xing thought that if the other party refused, then she would settle for the next best thing and spend money to buy some disinfection and first aid medicines.

But it was best to have a full-time doctor. After all, she assessed Hu Youwei's condition and suggested that he needed a blood transfusion.

"Are you an alien?" But Yagnite did not rush to answer Bai Xing's question. Instead, he was surprised about her identity.Isn't this strange? Among the three people getting off the bus, only one child was a local.

Both adults are aliens.

Could it be that the person injured in the car was the child's parent?
"We are all aliens, and he is the only one from Dead Rock Town." Rather than being exposed as a lie, it would be better to state his identity straightforwardly.

"Hmph." Although Yagnit wanted to know why this child was in the car of this group of aliens, it had nothing to do with him. He was not leisurely to get involved in this suspicious act that seemed to be a kidnapping. "Then you outsiders don't know the rules of Kuso Woodland. Kuso Woodland will not accept anyone and will not help anyone, including you group of unruly travelers. Get out."

Bai Xing was scolded by the other party, but there was no anger or resentment in her tone. She just looked quietly in the direction of the light, and didn't seem to find it dazzling.

"We're not here to travel."

"We, including the injured in the car, came here from Feiqi specifically to do Zerg archaeological research. The young man injured in the car is the most promising scholar in the Archeology Academy."

Agnet frowned when he heard her introduce herself like a recommendation.

"So what, it's none of our business."

I saw Bai Xing looking at Xu Min. Xu Min was stunned for a moment, understood immediately, and continued, "These scholars risk their lives and go to dangerous fields to do historical research, just to find a way to completely solve the pest crisis. This trouble It is a catastrophe for the entire galaxy, and it is also a scourge that has harmed the planet Popler for many years.”

After Xu Min finished speaking, he was quiet for a moment.

The other party didn't make a sound.

"As people from Popler who are suffering from insect infestations, you know that your planet is sick, and we also know that your planet is sick. In this case, you can really see yourself in danger in order to cure the galaxy infestation. Did a scholar lose such a young life because he could not get timely treatment?"

After saying this, they quietly waited for each other's response.

There were a total of seven people on the other side, and at this time, there were finally sounds of other people starting to talk.

Before, Yagnite had always been the voice, but now other people have joined the discussion, and many different opinions from men and women have been heard.

Most of them agreed to help Shirahoshi and the others with a somewhat relaxed attitude and provide medical treatment. Of course, some people were worried that Shirahoshi and the others were making up lies, but actually had another purpose.

During this period, Yagnit remained silent. Bai Xing felt that the other party was always staring at them, as if he had not yet made up his mind to make a decision.

At this moment, Shui Qingyi's slightly tired and crying voice came from behind the carriage.

She threw out the medal she had taped on her notebook. The metal medal landed in front of Yagnite's leather boots. The car lights hit the medal. The triangular scale, which symbolized wisdom/balance/hope, reflected the incomparable sacred light. light.

"Please save her, Hu Youwei... Hu Youwei can't hold on anymore..."

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