white star stealing star

Chapter 105 Asking for help and rushing to Kuso Woodland

After leaving Urbato County and making sure they were away from danger, the car stopped.

After receiving the purified water and food from Xu Min, Shui Qingyi blushed with gratitude. She couldn't say anything. She was more worried about the condition of her classmate Hu Youwei.

The injuries on Shui Qingyi's body were relatively minor, and they were all flesh wounds. The most serious injuries were on Hu Youwei. There was an obvious scratch up to an elbow long on her lower back. It was said that it was caused by an iron tool exposed in the ruins. , the wound was about two centimeters deep, and the slow bleeding had penetrated the outermost layer of clothing. The excessive blood loss caused her condition to continue to weaken. She lay in Shui Qingyi's arms, feeling groggy.

Bai Xing and Xu Min both took off their cloaks one after another and used them to cushion Hu Youwei and cover her body to prevent excessive bleeding and the instantaneous loss of her body temperature.

Although some water and food were successfully replenished, the current crisis could not be solved. Hu Youwei had to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and their plan had to change.

If we return to Dead Rock Town, even if we go at full speed without sleep, it will take about five and a half hours.

So Bai Xing and Xu Min immediately took out the map and searched for it, and soon changed their destination to a location called Kuso Woodland.

This Kuso Woodland seems to be the closest to their location in a straight line. If you go to the Kuso Woodland without stopping halfway and go at full speed, you can find help in about two hours.

Although it was a very dangerous choice for a wounded person who was losing blood, they had no other choice.

After obtaining Shui Qingyi's consent, Bai Xing also cautiously asked Alpha to send a message to Lei, asking her whether Kuso Woodland was a safe area.

At first, Lei thought that one of them was injured and was frightened. Later, she got Shirahoshi's denial and felt relieved. At the same time, she gave a clear answer that the Kuso Woodland is indeed a safe area. .

After confirming the target, everyone set off on the road urgently. At the same time, Lei told Bai Xing several key points about Kuso Woodland on the other end of the communication.

"The residents of Kuso Glades are very xenophobic. They have their own small political power. They believe that pests are brought in by people who do not conform to their creeds. Therefore, they hate interacting with compatriots from other planets and are the only ones who refuse to accept travel. The one who is the best." Lei was worried, thinking that their trip would not be successful.

"There is no way." Seeing such a young girl dying, Bai Xing and Xu Min were both in deep depression.

"I wish you a long way to go, I will pray for her." Lei was also very sad. After she finished speaking, she hung up the communication.

Along the way, Xu Min did not relax his foot on the accelerator. Bai Xing also persisted with his tired nerves and body, keeping an eye on the map to prevent it from getting too dark and veering off course. Of all the people, he was the only one who accepted it in one day. Alpha, who had experienced too many changes, was able to get a chance to fall asleep. Not long after he started on the road, he fell asleep without knowing when. He was curled up in the seat, surrounded by the two Shiraixings. As the car moved, he His head also moved from side to side.

Even though they were worried about the two people behind the car, they never slowed down. Before setting off on the road, Bai Xing had already told Shui Qingyi that if necessary, he could knock on the baffle of the car at any time and they would pay attention.

With nervousness, the car drove fast. About an hour and a half later, they saw a huge pasture on the road.

The pasture is surrounded by high and dense fences. No one can see what is being cultivated in the fenced area, but from the fact that the fences are often reinforced, it seems that there are indeed residents living in the Kuso Woodland.

The car drove for a short distance, and here, the car drove along a straight road into a green forest.

Green plants spread out from the pasture. The drought-tolerant salix, sagebrush, and ironwood trees look young. Their neat arrangement shows that everything here was planted by dedicated workers. , the denser the green plants.

"Pay attention." Bai Xing reminded.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he said this sentence, someone fired two shots from an unknown direction. The shots accurately hit the two front tires of the car and deflated the tires instantly.The tires were out of balance, the steering wheel rebounded, and the car body skidded violently. Bai Xing tightly pulled Elfa beside him, holding on to the handle with one hand, but he could still feel that his whole body was almost thrown out of the window by the spinning car.

Fortunately, in such a rich forest, there was not much space for the car to lose control. Soon, the out-of-control car slid and hit a young ironwood tree. The entire front of the car was dented by the ironwood tree, and the car was knocked out of control. The lamp went out in an instant, and the ironwood tree broke in half, crushing a small patch of wormwood.

Fortunately, both of them were wearing seat belts, and Elfa was being held tightly by Bai Xing. All three of them were fine. However, Shui Qingyi and the two behind the car did not have such safety protection. At the moment, they still didn’t know what was going on. .

Xu Mincai cursed secretly, opened the door and got out of the car regardless of the danger, wanting to see the two people behind the car.

But as soon as she stepped out of the car, she was shot several times, hitting the ground in front of her, as if to warn her not to take any further steps.

Under the violent shaking and gunshots, Elfa finally rubbed his eyes and woke up. He first looked around sleepily, wanting to ask something, but he did not dare to interrupt the discussion between Bai Xing and Xu Min.

"What should I do?" Xu Min asked her, standing frozen in front of the car door.

"If I don't let you get off the bus, the other party will definitely contact you." Bai Xing said, "Come back."

Xu Min nodded, but did not come back in a hurry. Instead, he called Shui Qingyi's name twice to the carriage.

"We're fine." Shui Qingyi's response reassured Xu Min, and then she slowly retreated into the front seat and began to wait anxiously.

Lei was right, the aboriginal people in Kuso Forest Farm were indeed not very friendly.

Bai Xing touched the gun in his arms, and there was only one bullet...

After thinking about it, she took out the gun, bent down and hid it deep under the car seat, and got it stuck in the gap between the backrest and the backrest.

"What are you..." Xu Min was a little confused at first, but soon understood Bai Xing's thoughts.

Not long after, the roar of motorcycles came from far to near.

The flashing car lights surrounded Bai Xing and the people in the car from all directions. Facing the lights shining on his face, Bai Xing could not see the faces of those people clearly.

Until someone led a group of people from the car lights into the light range in a circular shape. Although the lower body appeared, Bai Xing could still see clearly that these people were all wearing the same homemade leather jackets.

Perhaps the aboriginal people of Kuso Woodland are not just ordinary residents, but a group that exists as an organization.

"Intruder! Put your hands up and get out of the car!"

Thanks to sweet girl Xiaomian for the reward and recommendation ticket, and thanks to Golden Legend for the recommendation ticket~~~

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