Chapter 104 Medication
In the entire flower country, there are too many poor people who have no money for medical treatment.

Even if the other party refuses.

But Dr. Liu believes that as long as he puts the word out, many people will come voluntarily.

as predicted.

The man didn't think about it for long, and after only three seconds passed, he said: "I am willing, anyway, I would rather die than live now."

He didn't want to be a burden anymore, and most importantly, those big hospitals couldn't cure him.

No matter what, he is destined to die now.

It’s better to take a gamble and get free treatment.

The most important thing is that it can save his mother's life. His mother's illness should be curable.

If he came here in the early days, he should be cured, but all this is a pity, and there is no chance to do it again.

The man's family did not refuse, and the man is now waiting to die.

It is also a hope to be able to receive free treatment.

Zhu Yan’s drug research Su Ran has developed a counterfeit.

There are too many of these drugs, and once used, they will produce very strong side effects. In the mild case, you will lose your mind; in the worst case, you will die!

The most important thing is that this is not exactly the same as the real Zhu Yan Zhi Poison.

Su Ran fed the white mice but saw no effect. Anyway, the white mice died after a few days of lively jumping.

This is the first time it is used on humans, and Su Ran is also very unconfident.

Su Ran didn't know what the effect would be.

Su Ran was very nervous, because today, someone wanted to use the imitation of Zhu Yan she had researched.

This is a strange poison. Su Ran has not removed the poison. She wants to create the same Zhu Yan poison now.

Zhu Yan, Dr. Liu, and the man's mother were all there.

Dr. Liu took off the man's clothes, and pushed the man into the medicine barrel. The man wanted to stand up all at once, but was held down by Dr. Liu with great strength.

There were many festering wounds on the man's body, so when he was stimulated by hot water, the pain was unbearable.

"Hold on, you have lost consciousness in many parts of your body, and the consciousness is still there, which means that the situation is not bad now."

Su Ran picked up a reagent and injected it into the man's body.

This is a nutrient, not a miracle medicine.

The man's body was in too much pain and he hadn't eaten for a long time.

No appetite either.

These nutritional injections are not cheap, they are all very expensive.

Five or six hundred sticks are the kind with better results.

After the injection, Su Ran began to tap the man's acupuncture points with internal force.

Because acupuncture is no longer useful, the man's body is already riddled with holes.

Su Ran now wants to activate the man's vitality with his inner strength.

Su Ran has long wanted to imitate the medicinal bath formula of the Wuguan Wuguan.

But to use medicine, there must be people who test the medicine.

Su Ran tried it himself, but the effect was not good.

This poison is to burn one's own body, returning to light.

What Su Ran thought was that even if he couldn't cure the man, he could at least let him live a happier life in his last days.

After Su Ran slapped for a while.

Dr. Liu gave a medicine bag to the nurse and said to her: "One bag at a time, boil three bowls of water into one bowl of water, drink it after each meal."

Then he said to the man's mother: "This is the house of dietary therapy. Remember, you can only drink one bowl of soup every day. It must be fresh. If you can't finish it, you can't keep it for drinking. If you want to eat meat, you can eat it." Some medicine.

Eat this formula for three days and I will let you change it then. "

The man's mother immediately agreed.

She has nothing to do when she is idle every day, so she comes to take care of her son every day.

The nurses here are not nurses either. Dr. Liu had agreed to let the man's mother take care of him.

After all, his wife has to go to work every day to make money.

Because the treatment is free, the man let his son continue to go to school, so don't worry about him.

The man's son had wanted to come visit him, but the man's daughter also needed someone to take care of him.

So I didn't come over.

The man secretly thought in his heart, maybe his family would become very relaxed after he died.

Mother's illness can also be cured.

Things improved quickly.

The man didn't think of anything.

He was actually able to stand up and walk the next day.

Doctor Liu was very happy, even happier than him, and even taught him Tai Chi.Let him practice when he has nothing to do.

The only thing that makes him unhappy is that the medicine is very bitter, but after taking the medicine, his body is getting better little by little. First of all, his body doesn't hurt anymore, he feels comfortable, and he can still do some chores like cleaning.

And then there were those horrible ulcers on his skin that were getting better.

He felt he was almost healed.

But Su Ran's expression didn't improve.

Dr. Liu actually knew that Zhu Yan's toxicity was wrong.

Therefore, he always advises men to go out more and have fun. A good mood will help the recovery of the disease.

The man’s wife is also very happy, and the man’s daughter and son also plan to come over on the weekend for a family reunion.

Dr. Liu also said that the man recovered from his illness and could stay here as a security guard. He allocated a small room for the man.

The man moved his own ward to that small room with poor conditions.

He felt that if he wanted to get well, he could not be idle and had to work.

Doctor Liu gave him a salary of [-].

This salary is higher than that of nurses here.

The nurse lady is only four thousand.

Dr. Liu's excuse is that men are not responsible for ordinary security, but also screen patients. For those who are not serious, it is recommended to go to other clinics or hospitals so that patients in need can have real face-to-face consultations.

Because Dr. Liu's energy is limited, if it is delayed, a living life will be lost.

Everyone is crying and selling miserably, and there is no way to choose who to treat first.

The man's mother also helps out.

Both of them find their work meaningful.

When people have hope, they will exude unprecedented vitality.

In fact, Su Ran felt very uncomfortable in her heart, and she had changed her medicine later.

I used the curator's medicine, and I didn't continue to use Zhu Yan, so the man's situation repeated.

Sometimes, I still feel uncomfortable, but it’s much better than before.

Especially when I saw that my face was glowing red, I had grown flesh, and I was able to eat normally.

As long as you can eat, you will feel that your body is not sick and is fine.

The same goes for men.

The man advertised Dr. Liu's excellent medical skills among the patients everywhere, and he was about to recover.

Even though Dr. Liu said to keep it secret, the money will not be revealed.

But men are really happy!Not only has he recovered from his illness, but he still has a job. Dr. Liu has counted his work expenses for him since last week, and asked him to clock in and out of get off work normally.

Dr. Liu also felt a little guilty, so he calculated the man's salary in advance.

He was happy that Su Ran had figured out Zhu Yan's formula so quickly.

It's still an improved version. Although the medicinal properties are a bit weaker, it's just right.

(End of this chapter)

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