Chapter 103 Cooperating with Research
Zhu Yan’s incident caused a sensation in the medical community, but not many ordinary people actually knew about it.

People from all sides are looking for the person who stole the drug.

On the contrary, not many people care about Dr. Liu and Su Ran.

Dr. Liu also became busy.

Because Su Ran treated people with acupuncture during the live broadcast, it shocked a lot of people.

Many patients found out about Su Ran's clinic and came all the way to see a doctor.

Dr. Liu is Su Ran's master on the surface.

These people think that Su Ran is already so powerful, Dr. Liu must be even more powerful.

So many people came to see Dr. Liu.

This time the patients are not those Internet celebrities, not some minor illnesses.

Many of them were diagnosed with difficult and complicated diseases after going to various hospitals over and over again before coming here.

There are also many people who have no money for treatment and think Chinese medicine is cheap, so they want to come here for treatment.

The money in this world is in the hands of [-]% of the people.

The remaining 90.00% of people will also get sick.

And there are some diseases that cannot be cured even if all the money is spent.

There is so much helpless despair.

Doctor Liu looked at the longing eyes of those people and felt very uncomfortable.

Dr. Liu wants to treat everyone, but his medical skills and strength are limited.

Every patient who comes to the clinic is not in particularly good condition.

The disease on the body is also strange.

Some are strokes, some are lung infections, some are vertebral fractures
In short, every patient here is not easy to treat.

This made Dr. Liu very anxious.

Su Ran was as busy as a spinning top all day long.

I discuss the treatment plan with Dr. Liu every day.

If Su Ran doesn't take care of himself, Dr. Liu will not have confidence in himself.

Moreover, some patients need surgery. At this time, Su Ran will persuade the other party to go to the hospital for treatment.

Traditional Chinese medicine cannot cure all diseases. Western medicine has its advantages, especially surgery.

Some serious diseases cannot be cured by taking medicine.

There are certain reasons why Western medicine can become popular.

It is not because capitalists promote Western medicine in order to make more money.

Traditional Chinese medicine can also perform surgery, and Hua Tuo developed Ma Fei Powder.

But Western medicine is also upgrading. Those non-invasive micro-surgeries cause very little harm to patients.

Dr. Liu is an experienced and wise old doctor.

He also knew very well that his current situation was that he was just a half-baked doctor.

In this case, he didn't dare to operate at all, and Su Ran was unwilling to do it because the surgical conditions here were not good.

The hospital has professional instruments and the sterile environment is relatively good. .

Su Ran admires Dr. Liu very much. He is still working overtime every day at such a young age and works harder than Su Ran. He is still reading medical books to improve himself.

Normally, Dr. Liu would definitely not be able to fight like this.

But now, Dr. Liu has real patients in his hands.

No one wants to die, and no one wants to watch their loved ones die tragically.

One of the patients Dr. Liu is taking care of now is the son of the pillar of the family who has left school to work to earn money.

My daughter is also still young. It is said that she wants to work after graduating from junior high school, and the family is even more destitute.

His mother was also ill. Under such circumstances, his daughter-in-law still brought him here to see a doctor. She found a cleaning job here and rented a house nearby.

The point is that the man's condition is very bad, very bad, and may explode at any time.

The situation is really worse now.

So Dr. Liu wanted to cure him urgently.

Even if it can't be cured, it can relieve the pain.

Su Ran has also treated this man's patient.

Acupuncture was done for him, but Su Ran's acupuncture could not eliminate the cancer cells, and the cancer was at an advanced stage.

There was nothing Su Ran could do, he could only help him relieve the pain.

This patient was actually diagnosed in the early stages, but at that time, he was always reluctant to undergo surgery.

Then the condition becomes more and more serious.

Su Ran gave the man acupuncture and moxibustion several times, but the effect was not satisfactory, the man still rolled on the ground in pain.

This situation, in the later stages, was really miserable.

If you go for chemotherapy, you can only live a few more days.

The key is that there is simply not enough money for treatment.

At this point, his wife did not give up hope and brought him here.

His mother is now here too.

His mother's condition is also very serious but a little milder than his, so the symptoms relieved faster.

Now I can help push him to the clinic for acupuncture.

The medicines currently prescribed by Dr. Liu are not expensive, only about 3000 yuan in total.

Compared with the hospital, the price is definitely very low.

But for this family, it is still a great pressure.

Su Ran suddenly thought of a treatment plan in his mind, but there was no guarantee that it would be effective. Now he could only treat it as a living horse.

"Doctor Liu, I remember that the ancient miracle doctor studied the efficacy of Zhu Yan before. Although Zhu Yan's poison is gone, the ancient miracle doctor's books are still there. We can study it on this patient. He has not long to live.

They are also unwilling to go to big hospitals for treatment, and we don't have better treatment methods now.

I suggest working out a contract and talking to him then. "

Doctor Liu's eyes lit up.

"Why don't I have one? There is another way. It just so happens that my father's house is still vacant. We can modify it and turn it into a ward. Then we can let him live in it."

Dr. Liu's spirit suddenly improved.

If it can be treated, this is an opportunity to make a name for yourself.

For this purpose, Dr. Liu used his savings over the years, sold many antiques from the ancient temple, and bought many instruments.

Dr. Liu's mood improved instantly and he called several nurses.

There are now a total of five nurses in the clinic, working three shifts to ensure that someone is available at all times.

They also recruited an aunt who is responsible for the night shift, but the female nurse is too young to be safe.

After Dr. Liu finished all this, he specially found the man's family to start a conversation.

"To tell you the truth, your condition is very pessimistic, and I have no way to cure it at the moment.

I have now spent all my money to renovate a research laboratory, and I want to use a very dangerous method to treat you.

If I cure you, I will become famous, and I can definitely make a sensation in the entire medical world, but this method is very dangerous.

If you are willing to accept this treatment plan, I will treat you and your mother for free.

But this is really dangerous. If you die, I will still treat your mother for free until it is cured.

Are you willing to accept this very dangerous proposal now? "

Dr. Liu is not worried about rejection.

(End of this chapter)

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