This news is the key point.Those students who experienced the thorns on their heads and buttocks and prepared for sprinting all secretly praised themselves for their wise move, and then devoted themselves to sprinting harder!

Didn't you read the statement?Admission is based on merit, admission is on the basis of top candidates from all over the country, and even the world. The pressure of competition is high. There are also those favorable competitors from the School of Mathematics at Beijing University who are close to the water, first come first served. Who dares to relax?

As for this, ordinary students have no chance?For such an excellent tutor to be an ordinary student is a real waste of Wu Tong's precious time and a criminal act! !
The poor students said that they are very self-aware and tremble, and they dare not even dream of touching the scope of God!
Gouzi's IQ is 40, ordinary people's IQ is in the 80-100 range, Einstein's IQ is 165, prodigy Tao Zhexuan's previous IQ was 230, My God's visual IQ is not lower than Tao Shen, the gap between them and Gouzi Twice as big!
In other words, in my God’s eyes, aren’t they even worse than dogs?They'd better stop humiliating themselves!
Ugly Orange, Ugly Orange, those uneasy and well-intentioned bastards who want to lead my god without giving ordinary people a chance, fish in troubled waters and want to attack my god, are their common enemies. Don't try to drag them into the water. See if they don't curse those turtles to death. Egg!
As a result, some unscrupulous marketing accounts that had not had time to spark a big spark were quickly covered by the indignation of the ordinary army, and the comments section was flooded with indignation.Among them, there are many parents. Is it easy for their children to have a positive idol?To attack China's Glory is to attack them. It is their duty to concentrate their firepower!
Those bastards haven't learned enough lessons yet!
The hot discussion on the Internet and the school's reaction were not within the scope of Wu Tong's attention at this time. After entering September, her breakthrough in the NS-equation entered the final general attack. In August, she Still keep the habit of going home.Within two days of the beginning of September, Wu Tong opened the dormitory again and retreated wholeheartedly to strive for the final breakthrough.

[Introducing Theorem 1, Theorem 7, Theorem 8, Theorem 27... we can get, NS-equation: it∈...]

[Putting equation 33 into equation 1, we get...]

[Based on the above conditions, we can find the general solution of the NS-equation as P=pvt+puuvvt+uuxv...]

[Put this general solution into the equation and check... We can prove that the solution to this equation exists and is smooth! 】

With the last stroke of his hand flying, the depth of rationality in Wu Tong's eyes gradually faded away, and he returned to his usual clear spirit. In his mind, the mathematical storm stopped and became calm, waiting for the next storm to brew.

She breathed a sigh of relief, the corners of Wu Tong's lips raised, and her smile became thicker. She finally gave a perfect answer to this millennium problem.

"Finally it's done!" Wu Tong crossed his hands, moving his wrists that were sore and swollen after writing for a long time in a gentle and orderly manner.

For nearly two months, she has been conducting complex deductions and calculations every day. From creating the infinite topological manifold as a tool for conquering to officially entering the mountain-climbing style of conquering, Wu Tong basically never paused and worked on it every day. In the world of mathematics, mathematical symbols and formulas, and all kinds of intertwined mathematical knowledge, are basically her entire world.

Conquering the ns-equation was smoother than she expected, but also more difficult than she expected.Fortunately, her direction and ideas have always been quite clear, without any major stumbling.

The difficulty is that the massive calculations involved cannot be carried out by computers at all. She has a supercomputer port, but she thinks that such a complex calculation process would be difficult for today's supercomputers to handle.Therefore, Wu Tong finally relied on her own mental calculations. After a lot of calculations and deductions, she used her computing power to the maximum and finally succeeded in calculating it smoothly.

During the entire calculation, Wu Tong had almost no distracting thoughts. He only had calculations in his mind. His whole person transformed into an artificial computer, and his rationality was completely occupied. It can be said that Wu Tong had almost no human emotions in that state.That kind of state seems to be invincible, and it is easy for people to get lost and completely immersed in the world of numbers and rationality.

If Wu Tong hadn't been mentally strong enough and had family members who cared deeply about him, Wu Tong might have been able to immerse himself in such a rational world and be unable to extricate himself.However, Wu Tong still woke up in time. She had worries in her heart, worries that could not be forgotten. She liked herself who was full of emotions, not so rational, and who was attached to her family.

Therefore, Wu Tong maintained the clarity that led the way and insisted on completing the calculation without letting himself get lost in the world of rationality. It was indeed a bit risky.

However, this time she took the risk, the rewards were huge. She completed calculations that are now almost impossible to complete, and also completed impossible deductions, bringing the comprehensive explanation of NS- to the world.Finding the general solution, the Millennium Problem, and the existence and smoothness of the solution to the NS equation are just natural solutions.

Rippled boats create water waves, and high-speed jets create turbulence.

Mathematicians and physicists are convinced that both breezes and turbulent flows can be explained and predicted by understanding the solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations.

Yet the equation, written in the 19th century, baffled mathematicians and physicists who regarded it as a bible for nearly 200 years.

But finally, to this day, it has truly been settled once and for all.The Clay Institute only lists the existence and smoothness of the solution to the ns equation as a millennium problem, and does not expect the general solution to be completed within this century.

Many mathematicians regard finding a general solution as an impossible challenge.However, all these impossibilities ended with Wu Tong's pen, turning the impossible into possible, and imprinting the proof of the NS equation with the name of the Chinese.

Wu Tong is about to once again drop a shock to the world that is no less than the explosion effect of a hydrogen bomb. Wu Tong's name will once again shine on the top of the world.

Wu Tong once again made substantial progress in mathematical theory, thus uncovering the secrets hidden behind the Navier-Stokes equation, and once again added bricks and tiles to the mathematical building and laid a solid foundation.It simultaneously refreshed the history of mathematical theory. This is an insurmountable and great monument!
Wu Tong admired it quietly. She pursued diligently and finally found the line, which was a mathematically beautiful general solution. Finally, she stretched out her hand, folded the page of general explanation, and carefully put it into the password-locked book she used to record her goals. In the notebook.

Science has no national boundaries, but scientists have a motherland.

She loves her country and wants to protect this beautiful country so that it can be prosperous and strong and stand on the top of the world. Therefore, this interpretation will eventually become a top-secret collection of China and will not be made public to the world!

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