"Wu Tong, isn't he in school? He has been in school during the summer vacation and has not left much. He couldn't be more dedicated!" Pan Wenhua couldn't answer the specific time when Wu Tong can officially appear in the outside world.

He went to ask, and the reply given to him by Xiao An, assistant to Wu Tong, was very clear. Wu Tong was conquering scientific research projects and key topics. Starting from August, he entered Wu's state and began to retreat. He could not be disturbed and waited for Wu Tong to work on his own. Exit.

As Wu Tong's teachers, they are no strangers to the famous Wu state and seclusion research.Every time Wu Tong enters this unique state of concentrated research and isolation from the outside world, it represents the birth of major achievements.

Zhou's conjecture was proved, the twin prime conjecture was proved,... Goldbach's conjecture was proved, and the great achievements that shocked the world were all made in a state like Wu Tong's in seclusion.

Thinking of what Wu Tong had said before, they all had hopes that Wu Tong could make further progress in the NS-equation on the topic she was researching.

They didn't insist on extravagant expectations. Wu Tong immediately made solving results in this field, just like last year's flow field and nonlinear equation limit solution. They were all excited about the staged results.

Therefore, any action that disturbs Wu Tong's research status is not allowed in their place at this time.

Pan Wenhua and Sun Rong were having a laugh, and Zhou Wenping cooperated tacitly and kept Sun Rong around. But obviously, if they didn't talk, Sun Rong couldn't find out the truth at all.

"My Pan Yuan and Zhou Yuan, we are not outsiders. My heart is for you, for our Professor Wu. Now it is a task assigned to me by the school, and I have to give an accurate reply to the outside world. You Don't play with me. It's urgent to put out the fire and emergency. Can you give me a specific answer?" Sun Rong cried, and hit the ball straight. He knew that if he kept going around, he would never get the result.

Pan Yuan and the others are not in a hurry. With Wu Tong, a great artifact, the results they can release at will are enough for the academy to be proud of for a year, but he is in a hurry.

"I'm not sure of the specific time. It depends on Wu Tong's research results. It probably won't be too long. Let's do this. We will send out a statement saying that Wu Tong is researching the topic and it is temporarily inconvenient to communicate with the outside world. We will give it before the graduate examination. Directed reply!
Please give me more support, give more guidance, and don’t let too many eyes focus on Wu Tong.Wu Tong is not a traffic star, so he doesn’t need this traffic attention! "Come straight to the straight line, Pan Wenhua pondered for a moment and gave a temporary solution to prevent the school from going to Wu Tong to come forward due to external pressure and affecting Wu Tong's research.

Although, this is tantamount to a sinner's behavior, the school is not so irresponsible and cannot understand the key points.However, this does not affect them, so take precautions before it happens.

Wu Tong has been in seclusion for more than a month. According to the speed at which she has always produced results, it shouldn't be too far to come out of seclusion.

However, research is an uncontrollable matter, so they will delay it first.When Wu Tong came out of seclusion, those problems were easily solved.It doesn't matter if Wu Tong continues to retreat, they can just think of reasons.

Anyway, the purpose of everything is not to disturb Wu Tong's research. "Okay, I'll wait for you to make an announcement and provide guidance!" Sun Rong received a temporary solution from the Institute of Science and Technology and left without further delay.

His original intention is to solve the problem, not to offend others just to spend money.He is able to sit firmly in this position, has tactful methods and considerate things, which are his well-known principles of conduct.

After sending Sun Rong away and leaving only their own people, Pan Wenhua and Zhou Wenping considered and drafted a statement while discussing.

"Wu Tong will be in seclusion for a long time this time. This is the time to release a big satellite!" Zhou Wenping smiled and looked forward to it. No matter how many amazing achievements Wu Tong made in materials science within the confines of Wu Tong's confidentiality, Wu Tong was all about it. Belonging to the School of Mathematics at Peking University, her mathematical achievements are the pride and glory of the School of Mathematics and the Mathematics Research Center.As the leader of these two places, how could Zhou Wenping not look forward to it!
"Judging from Wu Tong's final results, we can't put too much pressure on her. The development of the Mathematical Institute still depends on the efforts of all teachers and students, and Wu Tong cannot be left alone." Pan Wenhua's position determines that he thinks more rationally .Wu Tong's achievements can only complement each other as the icing on the cake. The pressure cannot be put entirely on Wu Tong and let her shoulder the burden!
If this is the case, why do we need people like them?A vegetarian meal for corpses?

"The Goldbach conjecture that Wu Tong completed in the first half of the year is enough for our Mathematical Institute to digest!" Greed is the biggest source of bad things. As the person in charge, he cannot let the culture of sitting back and enjoying the success spread in the Mathematical Institute.

Although, nowadays, Beijing University of Science and Technology is indeed sitting on Wu Tong's credit book and enjoying the glory.The more this happens, the more they must stand upright and achieve better and better development under the leadership of Wu Tong.Instead, after leaving Wu Tong, he immediately returned to his original position, and even regressed sadly.

"We have to leave a loophole for admissions and pay attention to top-notch students. If Wu Tong finishes his research early, he can still catch up with the interview and have the resources to select a few promising students to lead!" At the end of the statement, Zhou Wenping said suggested.

"You have to be prepared for this. I asked Wu Tong before and she didn't mind taking students. Moreover, for an institute as big as Wu Tong, the mathematics research department must be filled with talents. If you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait for another year. , What a pity!" Pan Wenhua nodded in agreement. People at home and abroad are now looking forward to applying for Wu Tong's graduate school.

"We are temporarily preparing at least six places for Wu Tong, two or three doctoral students, and three or four master's students!" If the doctoral students are taken care of for two years, they can be put to use immediately, and Wu Tong does not need to worry about the master's students. , first learn from the doctoral students, and it is their opportunity to be guided by Wu Tong.

With Wu Tong's level, asking her to teach ordinary undergraduates would be a real waste of Wu Tong's time and energy.Wu Tong is still in the golden research period when results are produced at peak speed. Her time is precious and cannot be wasted like this.

After discussion, the two teachers drafted a statement and published it on the official account of Beijing University.

[Thank you for your attention. Professor Wu Tong of our school is currently conducting in-depth research on the subject at school. Waiting for..., Professor Wu will recruit graduate students on a selective basis this year. We ask outstanding students to actively prepare and improve themselves...]

This statement immediately detonated the entire Internet and once again triggered heated discussions across the Internet.Although Peking University did not explain in detail when Wu Tong would end his research, he succeeded in making a successful move in the east and in the west. Many outstanding students are paying attention to Wu Tong. What is more concerning is that behind the statement, Wu Tong intends to recruit graduate students this year...

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