The black technology empire started with a debt of one billion

Chapter 292 308: Are you planning to let users quit the Internet?

Chapter 292 308: Are you planning to let users quit the Internet?

Penguin Microvision Division.

It has been more than a month since the Weishi department was revived, and the entire department is as busy as a dog every day.

But the results were very poor.

Since its launch, there are less than 8000 million registered users.


From the perspective of registered users, this result is indeed very good, but the number of Weishi users online and the online time are not enough.

Weishi has less than 200 million online users on average, and the retention time of users is less than 10 minutes.

What does this data show?
It shows that the content of Weishi is so embarrassing that it can make people quit the Internet.

If the content of Weishi is interesting, why is the retention time of users so short?

Doesn't this mean that the content of Weishi is empty and boring?

Room 5.

Sheng Zhaoyun pointed at a greasy, bald man with four eyes sitting in the corner of the conference room and cursed: "Qing Qingyi, what on earth did your technical department do? You can't solve such a simple thing.

Does your technical department like aunts and old women?

I opened Weishi to see beautiful women. Do you know what Weishi pushed to me?
Weishi will either send me some aunts and aunts, or send me weird videos.

Do you think such content can be read by users?

Are you planning to make users quit the Internet? "


Gao Xiuqing, who was sitting in the front row, couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing when she heard Sheng Zhaoyun's words.

If users encounter this situation, it is indeed possible to quit the Internet.

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny? I asked your artist department to recruit people from Douyin. How many anchors have you hired now?" Sheng Zhaoyun asked angrily.

He doesn't even know how to write a report to Brother Xiao Ma with this result.

"Director, it's not that we don't want to poach people from Douyin, it's that Douyin's liquidated damages are too high. The most common anchor's liquidated damages are 50, and the better anchors' liquidated damages are tens of millions. The liquidated damages of top anchors are Liquidated damages are as high as hundreds of millions.

With the little budget the company gave us, we couldn't recruit people at all. Gao Xiuqing said very aggrievedly.

It's useless for them to dig ordinary contracted anchors, and they can't afford to dig better anchors, let alone top anchors.

With the little budget Sheng Zhaoyun gave him, let alone Douyin's head anchor, they couldn't dig out even a better anchor.

"The liquidated damages for an anchor are tens of millions?" Sheng Zhaoyun said with a look of disbelief.

Hearing this price, Sheng Zhaoyun felt like his head was spinning. When did an anchor become so valuable? You must know that even celebrities' liquidated damages are not that much.

"Yes, the liquidated damages in the contract signed between Douyin and the anchor are very high." Gao Xiuqing said helplessly.

"Even second- and third-tier stars are not that expensive, right?" Sheng Zhaoyun said with a frown.

"Director, the second and third tier stars don't earn as much as them. The anchors who are better at Douyin earn over [-] million per year, and the top anchors basically earn over [-] million per year.

Take Li Lipstick, who has been very popular recently, for example, his income from a live broadcast is over [-] million.

Unless we can guarantee to bring him the same benefits, it is impossible for the other party to come to Weishi to host. "Gao Xiuqing explained.

Because of the early appearance of Douyin, Li Lipstick also joined the ranks of the live broadcast in advance.

Maybe he is just a person who is born to eat dinner. Within a month of his live broadcast, it became popular.

Unless your Weishi can guarantee that people’s annual income exceeds [-] million, why would others come to your Weishi to broadcast live.

"What? An income of tens of millions for a live broadcast?" Sheng Zhaoyun was stunned by Gao Xiuqing's words.

Jay Chou may not be able to earn that much even if he holds a concert.

Douyin has very strict regulations on the income of anchors. They must keep their income confidential. Gao Xiuqing also spent a lot of money to learn this information.

She was also confused after learning this information.

When did the anchor's income become so high, this income is not scientific at all.

"Yes, director, we had some doubts about this number at first, but after making some estimates, we confirmed that this number is real.

Just like Li Lipstick's live broadcast last week.

During that live broadcast, he sold [-] L'Oreal lipsticks, [-] L'Oreal foundations, and [-] sets of skin care products.
If we calculate based on 10% profit, he will make a net profit of 3000 million from one live broadcast.

Calculated based on his 1000-point contract with Douyin, he can personally get [-] million. Gao Xiuqing replied.

"Hiss~" Sheng Zhaoyun took a breath of air.

He knew that Douyin's anchors made money, but he didn't expect the anchors to make so much money. The speed of making money was comparable to that of first-line stars.

"Then what do your artist department plan to do next?" Sheng Zhaoyun asked.

"It is impossible to poach anchors from Douyin. We plan to set up an MCN to train anchors like Douyin did, but this will take a certain amount of time.

Our artist department is already making plans, and we expect to give you the report the day after tomorrow. Gao Xiuqing replied.

Hearing Gao Xiuqing's answer, Sheng Zhaoyun nodded in satisfaction.

"When will your technical department solve the algorithm problem?" Sheng Zhaoyun looked at the greasy uncle Wei Shirong and asked.

"Director, it's not that we don't want to update the algorithm. There is too little content for us to refer to. Unless our users and content increase, we will not be able to design a corresponding algorithm." Wei Shirong replied.

The average number of online users is less than 200 million, and the average user retention time is less than 10 minutes.

Based on the current user data, they have no way to design corresponding algorithms according to user preferences.

I don't even know what users like, how do you ask me to design an algorithm for you.

At the very least let me know which videos users have kept for a long time, so that we can know what kind of videos users like, so that we can know what to push to users.

But now every user swipes twice and turns off Weishi if they don’t find something they like.

Who knows how to design this algorithm.

If it weren't for the very mature algorithms adopted by Douyin, Douyin wouldn't have been able to develop to this point in a short period of time, let alone a department that was only established for more than a month.

Sheng Zhaoyun was also very helpless for Wei Shirong's answer. After all, they couldn't blame them completely for this matter, and they couldn't make a corresponding analysis without data.

At this point he is still very rational.

If it had been any other idiot, he would have pointed at the other person's nose and scolded him until dark.

Sheng Zhaoyun finally looked at the planning department and said, "The company has spent [-] million yuan on activities for you, why hasn't there been any effect so far?"

The first two departments still have excuses to say, but when it comes to their operations department, they really have no excuses.

Weishi has already given money if they want money, and also gave them traffic if they want traffic, but Weishi still has the operation department.

Zhuang Heng was also very helpless about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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