My daily life of cooking food in Tokyo

Chapter 190 Glutinous Rice Chicken

Chapter 190 Glutinous Rice Chicken

The chicken recipe remains the same.

What has changed is the way the glutinous rice is processed.

Glutinous rice needs to be soaked overnight in advance, then take out and drain the water for later use.

Prepare the chicken as described above and set aside.

After frying the chicken, fry the glutinous rice directly without washing the pot.

Add appropriate amount of cooking oil and oyster sauce and stir-fry evenly.

It is best to fry over medium and low heat to avoid sticking to the bottom.

At the same time, if the glutinous rice still has residual moisture, it must be fried dry.

Otherwise, it is easy for water to flow out when wrapping.

Stir-fried glutinous rice is more fragrant, and adding oyster sauce to stir-fry can increase the salty taste, which will not be bland.

After making preparations, take out an appropriate amount of fried glutinous rice.

Stir fried diced chicken in it.

You can also add egg yolks, pork belly and other ingredients here.

However, in order to highlight the deliciousness of the chicken, it is recommended not to add it.

After too many ingredients, the taste tends to become impure.

Then wrap the glutinous rice with lotus leaves and tie it with cotton thread to make the glutinous rice completely wrapped in the lotus leaves.

Steam the glutinous rice chicken with the mouth facing down, put it in a steamer and steam it.

After the water boils, start timing and steam for about an hour.

When steaming, keep the mouth facing down and steam directly on the steamer.

Do not put them on the plate and do not overlap them and steam them together.

Keep the water vapor even so the rice won't get cooked easily.

After steaming, the color of the lotus leaves becomes darker and the lotus fragrance can be smelled.

At this time, the taste of lotus leaf has completely penetrated into the glutinous rice, reaching the state of blending with each other.

If you can't finish the finished glutinous rice chicken, you can also put it in the refrigerator to freeze.

When you want to eat, take it out and steam for about 10 minutes.

The taste is not much worse than freshly baked lotus leaf chicken.
As the steaming time becomes longer, the water vapor becomes more fragrant and fragrant.

It blends the fragrance of lotus leaves and the deliciousness of chicken, making it appetizing.

I can’t wait to open the steamer and taste the delicious food hidden inside.

Liu Minghui thought for a while and decided to ask Moriyama Zhangyi:
"Moriyama, do you need rice?"

"Tonight's dish is glutinous rice chicken, a dish similar to soup dumplings."

"A delicious dish with sticky rice on the outside and chicken filling in the middle."

Although there were some differences between what Nuomiji and Liu Minghui described, he felt that his meaning should be expressed properly.

Here it comes, here it comes, the long-awaited question.

Moriyama Joichi said without hesitation: "No need for rice, we can just eat it the same way as Boss Liu."

"There is an idiom in China that goes as the Romans do, and we have no problem at all."

Liu Minghui was a little speechless. How is the idiom "do as the Romans do" so useful?
But it seems to be okay to use here.

But he still persuaded: "Are you sure you don't want it?"

"After all, the eating habits of Hua Country and Sakura Country are still very different."

"Just because I can bear it doesn't mean you can too."

Moriyama Joichi said with certainty: "I believe we will have absolutely no problem."

"Don't worry, Boss Liu, we definitely won't need rice."

"Delicious food, just eat it directly, the rice will only appear redundant."

This is the conclusion everyone came to when they ate soup dumplings last time.

And it was unanimously approved.

Liu Minghui nodded.

Since Moriyama Joichi said so, he stopped persuading him.

You have to respect everyone's choice.

But in this case, the glutinous rice chicken needs more weight.

However, Liu Minghui had already prepared it and prepared enough materials.

The excess can be frozen in the freezer.

It is also a very good choice as food when you are lazy.

It's not much worse than dumplings.
As the meal time came, Moriyama Joichi received two sticky rice chickens.

If it is not enough, go get it, Liu Minghui will definitely take care of it here.

It’s just that the glutinous rice chicken doesn’t look big, but because the main ingredient is glutinous rice, it’s very filling.

Therefore, it is recommended to take it after eating if you feel that it is not enough.

Even before he opened the lotus leaf, Moriyama Joichi was confused by the rich fragrance.

Gently cut the cotton thread and pull the lotus leaf package.

Immediately, the crystal clear glutinous rice wrapped in it was revealed.

The glutinous rice is sauce-colored, the grains are plump, and it doesn't feel very watery at all.

You can also see some ingredients in the gaps between the glutinous rice.

There are just the right pieces of chicken, diced shiitake mushrooms, and sausage slices, which look very tempting.

After cooling down for a while and reaching a suitable temperature for the entrance, Moriyama took a bite out of it one by one.


This was Joichi Moriyama's first feeling.

The glutinous rice absorbs the aroma of chicken, shiitake mushrooms, sausages, lotus leaves and other ingredients.

Rich taste.

This was Moriyama Joichi's second feeling.

The fried glutinous rice becomes softer and glutinous after being steamed.

Tender chicken.

Tender shiitake mushrooms.

Grainy sausage.

Various ingredients are intertwined in the mouth, forming a unique taste.

And finally delicious.

The flavors of all the ingredients are intertwined and fused in the mouth. The more you chew, the more fragrant and delicious it becomes.

It makes people feel like they can't stop.

By the time Moriyama came to his senses, a portion of the glutinous rice chicken had been completely eaten into his stomach.

Can't wait to open the second portion of sticky rice chicken, Moriyama Joichi quickly started to enjoy it.


Satisfied, he burped.

Although I still feel a little unfulfilled.

But another serving seemed too much.

Just at this time, Mochizuki Kanai and others also walked in.

Moriyama Joichi greeted warmly and said at the same time:

"Boss Liu has prepared another delicious dish today."

"It's a dish similar to soup dumpling, it tastes very delicious and attractive."

"I made my own decision and didn't ask for rice."

"I'm sure everyone will appreciate my decision."

This is not necessarily Moriyama Joichi's own decision.

After all, the last time we discussed it, we all came to the unanimous conclusion that we don’t need rice next time.

Indoor Photon's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise, "Could it be a big bun?"

"I have long heard that Huaguo's big buns are big and white, tender and juicy, and are a rare delicacy."

“I didn’t expect that I would have the opportunity to see it this time.”

Moriyama Joichi said with some embarrassment: "It's not a big bun."

"The dish prepared by Boss Liu is called glutinous rice chicken."

“Although I have never eaten big steamed buns, I don’t know how they taste.”

"But I can guarantee that this glutinous rice chicken will also be very delicious."

Indoor Photon said with some disappointment: "So it's not a big bun."

"But glutinous rice chicken will do, too."

“I like all boss Liu’s dishes.”

"Just by hearing the name, you can feel how delicious it is."

"Glutinous rice chicken? It must be a delicacy with rich taste and distinct layers."

After speaking, he walked into the kitchen full of anticipation, ready to receive today's dinner.

It's just that it's unintentional to say it, but it sounds intentional.

Liu Minghui was a little surprised, indoor photon actually likes to eat big buns?

Big buns are easy to make and delicious. They are very common and delicious delicacies.

Especially the big buns with the taste of fresh meat and green onions.

When you take a bite, the rich gravy and the aroma of green onions explode in your mouth, which makes you drool just thinking about it.

Liu Minghui decided.

Next time I will make big buns.

Simply because I like to eat, not because of any other reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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