My daily life of cooking food in Tokyo

Chapter 143 Chili Fried Pork

Chapter 143 Chili Fried Pork
Put twice as much oil in the wok as usual. When it is 8% hot, reduce the heat to low and pour in the egg liquid.

Be careful to use a low heat, don't let the eggs be fully cooked, and make them very tender.

Because the leek boxes still need to be fried, there is no need to worry about the eggs being undercooked.

It is recommended to use peanut oil here. Soybean oil has a beany smell, which will affect the taste of the leek box.

Finally, pour the leeks, dried shrimps, and eggs into a container.

Add an appropriate amount of refined salt to taste.

After the dough wakes up, roll the dough into a stick shape, divide it into medium-sized dough balls, and then use a rolling pin to roll the dough balls into round balls.

Take an appropriate amount of the mixed filling and put it on one side of the dough.

Fold in half, press the edges tightly, and then fold the lace on the edges with your hands.

Heat up a frying pan, put some oil, and fry the leek box in it.

Fry one side until golden brown, then flip over and continue frying the other side.

Wait until both sides are golden and ripe, then you can take it out of the pan.

After cooling down a bit, Liu Minghui picked up a box of chives and impatiently put it in his mouth.

The first thing you feel is the golden and slightly burnt dough and the full filling.

One mouthful, mouth full of oil.

Fresh and tender leeks, tender eggs, and fresh and fragrant dried shrimps are mixed in the mouth, which is extremely delicious.

The fragrance of flour, eggs and dried shrimp, combined with the special fragrance of chives, makes people want to stop.

Of course, this is for leek lovers.

People who don't like leeks may not like this taste.

People who like leeks, bite it down.

Chewing the plump leek filling, you will definitely feel a burst of happiness.

Looking at the three leek boxes left in the pot, Liu Minghui felt that there was not enough food.

Fortunately, he was well prepared.

Soon, another pot of leeks was put into the pot.

As for the last pot?
Of course, he and Rhubarb solved it all together.

After eating two pots of leek boxes, Liu Minghui burped in satisfaction.

Suddenly, a scent of leeks came out.

The smell of leeks was too strong, Liu Minghui felt that he still needed to brush his teeth properly.

Otherwise, it would be impolite to socialize.

After resting for a while, Liu Minghui began to practice stir-frying again.

As Liu Minghui continued to practice, his movements became more and more proficient.

Even with such a large pot of stones, he can still flip the pot.

With the force of his hands, the stones in the iron pot drew beautiful arcs in the air, repeatedly flying and falling.

Repeatedly, Liu Minghui's proficiency is also increasing.

After about two hours, he put the pot down.

It's not that he's being lazy, but it's time to prepare lunch.

Simply wash the rice, put it in the pot, and after plugging in the electricity, you only need to wait for the passage of time.

I have to say that the rice cooker is really an artifact.

At least for ordinary people, not too convenient.

Occasionally, it is very convenient to have a guest role in the stew pot.

Liu Minghui thought about it, and decided to make a simple fried pork with chili peppers and some vegetables for lunch.

There is only one person and one dog here. If it is too complicated, it will embarrass yourself.

He will not admit that he is lazy cancer.

Here, mark it, you must use green peppers from Huaguo.

Anyone who has watched Sakuraman knows that children in Sakura Country hate green peppers very much.

Of course, this is not any prejudice against green peppers, but simply because the green peppers in Sakura Country are not tasty.

Thanks to the excellent climate and soil of Sakura Country, the green peppers in Sakura Country are low in vitamin content and taste bitter.

It's not even just bitter, and it doesn't even have anything to do with spicy.

It has a strange taste, even a strange sour taste when chewed.

The taste of it can only be known by those who have eaten it.

Green peppers are rich in vitamin C, so many parents like to let their children eat more green peppers, which is also one of the main reasons for childhood nightmares.

Chili fried meat is very simple to make, just a combination of meat and chili.

But if you want to eat delicious, it is still very important to master the heat.

This is also a very homely dish.

In his previous life, Liu Minghui had cooked it countless times, and the stir-fried pork with chili peppers was one of the only dishes that could reach primary quality.

First prepare the ingredients.

There is no problem with the ingredients, just take it from the dragon carp izakaya.

The pork belly is washed and sliced ​​and then marinated with light soy sauce for a period of time for later use. The chili is cut into small pieces of appropriate size.

Heat the oil in a pan, stir-fry the meat slices until the oil comes out, and set aside.

Leave the base oil in the pan, sauté the garlic and add the chili slices.

Sprinkle some salt, and stir-fry until the peppers start to burst.

At this time, add sliced ​​meat, garlic, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, a little salt, stir well, and serve.

The key to chili fried pork is to allow the flavors of chili, cooking oil and pork belly to penetrate each other.

Therefore, the last process is the most important, and the heat must be strictly controlled.

For those who like spicy food, you can mix some millet peppers in the green peppers.

The chili fried pork made in this way is not only more beautiful in red and green, but also more spicy.

The whole dish, the taste of chili, the aroma of pork, and the oily feeling of the soup are perfectly integrated.

After the spicy stir-fried meat was taken out of the pot, Liu Minghui began to prepare the mashed garlic vegetables.

Process the ingredients first.

Cut the garlic cloves into foam, wash the green vegetables, and break them apart with your hands.

Do not cut with a knife here, breaking it by hand can reduce damage to the ingredients.

Spread the minced garlic on the bottom of the pot, and put the green vegetables.

Then drizzle salad oil over the greens and turn on high heat to heat.

When the bottom side of the green vegetables is slightly shriveled, turn them over, add some salt, stir fry until they are half-cooked, and take them out of the pan.

Although the green vegetables are only half-cooked at this time, they will become 10-percent cooked by themselves under the effect of the residual temperature after putting them in the bowl for a while.

The garlic greens produced in this way have basically no loss of chlorophyll because they are not overheated.

It will keep the green color, which is very beautiful.

Not long after, two dishes, one meat and one vegetarian, were prepared.

The strong meaty aroma of chili fried meat and the fragrance of green vegetables each have their own characteristics, which made Liu Minghui move his index finger.

The food is ready, it's time to enjoy it.

After giving some to Rhubarb, Liu Minghui picked up the chopsticks and began to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

First up is the green peppers.

The protagonist of chili fried pork is not just pork belly.

The peppers fried to just the right amount are also very tasty.

The aroma of chili is more than spicy, without the choking taste of raw chili.

It's soft in the mouth and a little crispy, absorbing the fat and flavor of the pork belly, making it very delicious.

The skin of the pork is slightly burnt, and the inside is soft and tender, exuding a strong meaty aroma.

One bite, the oil splatters, very delicious.

If it is eaten with chili mixed with pork, the texture and taste will be more layered, and it is a well-deserved magic weapon for dinner.

After eating all the dishes, there was still some oily soup left in the bowl.

These oil soups are the essence of chili fried pork, which contains the deliciousness of chili and pork.

Pour it directly on the rice, no vegetables are needed, the oil soup mixed with rice is so delicious that you can't stop eating it.

(End of this chapter)

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