This trainer's Pokémon is too jumpy

Chapter 599 The Maze of the Tower

Chapter 599 The Maze of the Tower

The two parties involved in the dispute were obviously members of Team Lava and Team Ocean from the Hoenn region. They discovered the Buried Tower faster than Zhou Yu expected, but to no avail - it had long been sealed by Reshiram.

The strength of the seal is even higher than that of the ancient Hoenn people thousands of years ago.

Therefore, after they came here to inquire about the information about the buried tower, they soon clashed with the hostile organization that also came here because they were unable to enter the gate.

In this regard, Zhou Yu, who was hiding among the goats on the mountain cliff and watching, felt a little worried.

The main concern is that the other party is a "real adventurer" like myself and chooses to destroy the wall or foundation when the door cannot be opened...

However, as ordinary members, they obviously did not have this ability. After arguing and fighting with two large wolf dogs, they left angrily. From the beginning to the end, Zhou You who was hiding among the sheep was never discovered.

"This is too strange."


"I mean why do people from Team Lava and Team Ocean cultivate coyote dogs and giant wolfdogs? What kind of organizations are they?"

The mount goats don't quite understand human words, but they instinctively stay away from the big black dogs.

This kind of elf is also a social creature. It usually only obeys the orders of the leader and does not care about the instructions of ordinary trainers. However, if it is an excellent trainer, it can indirectly command a large group of coyote dogs through a large wolf dog.

Like Leftovers and Cutty Dog?
Zhou You can probably understand why these two organizations favor big wolfdogs so much. They are indeed very suitable for group operations.

After observing the ruins unexpectedly discovered by the mounted goats, he returned to the farm in the highlands and began to arrange the farm's eyes near the buried tower.

During this period, Shui Wutong and Huo Yan sent text messages asking about the buried tower. He said that the door there was closed by a special power. Only he who holds the orb can temporarily open it for a period of time, and revealed his plans to go there in the near future. …


While the trainers specializing in fraud were simultaneously PUAing the two organizations, Eden and the others had arrived at the original tree of the world.

The base of Mewtwo and the rescue team is here. Through the information sent in advance by Giratina and Mewtwo's superpowers, they can monitor and dispatch the distortion of time and space throughout Kanto, so as to reach the wild before humans and hunters. distortion of time and space.

But late last night, Chaomeng got a surprising piece of information from the violent elf in the shadow.

A huge, unprecedented, dangerous, twisted time and space distortion that will suppress the power of the elves within is gradually taking shape.

Once the distortion appears, the entire Enju City, centered on the Scorched Tower, may be severely affected.

"Leave it to us!" Eden volunteered, "Qiaoqiao and we have made proper and comprehensive preparations for the adventure."

Including but not limited to holy ash, tree fruits, cubes, badges, etc., the materials hidden in Eden's backpack are enough for them to explore in the distortion for a whole month.

"You have never entered the space-time distortion before, and you do not understand the situation inside." Chaomeng did not recommend that newcomers rush into the maze that has become increasingly dangerous recently.

The scale of the distortion this time is so large that it plans to go there itself.

Seeing this, Meng Meng immediately suggested: "Why don't we all go together?"

However, it was immediately rejected by Chaomeng. Once the dream that coexists with the earth line had an accident, the area near the initial tree would be completely destroyed.

It doesn't even need to be an accident. It is very likely that the moment it leaves this world and enters the dimensional rift, it may cause some kind of catastrophic consequences.

So after pondering for a moment, Eden called Chaomeng aside.

Arthur, who was looking at the map on the table, fell into deep thought. The location of Yuanzhu City was on the north side of Manjin City. The handsome guy who had called Qiaoqiao before seemed to be nearby. Could he happen to catch up with the time and space distortion of the Burnt Tower? …………

In fact, while Eden was persuading Chaomeng, the Johto team who took a special car to Kaji Town were unable to move due to an abnormal phenomenon that suddenly descended on Enju City.

"Oh, it's so boring. Can't we just walk to Kaji Town?"

Anyway, Ah Jin has a skateboard, which will not be affected by abnormal phenomena.

But instead of heading to Kaji Town immediately, he actually had other plans.

Looking at the purple-red ominous dark clouds and storms gradually gathering over Yuanzhu City, he thought after staying here for a long time because his vehicle was scrapped: "Maybe we can just rush in and solve the distortion of time and space."

He had previously told the handsome guy the key to Gotaro's evolution. Considering the combat power required for the next action, the latter had contacted Junsha and other alliance workers in various ways to gather the gold coins dropped by others in the maze into one place - —In the hands of Ah Jin.

Currently, he holds a total of 905 coins, which is only 94 coins short of what Gotaro needs to evolve. Even someone who likes to be lazy can't help but feel a little anxious.

I wonder what an elf like Suo Cailing will look like after evolving?
After collecting so many gold coins to evolve smoothly, it must be particularly shiny, right?

"Our current mission is to be on standby."

The handsome guy shook his head and explained: "This time and space distortion is more special than the previous one at the maglev train station. It has been brewing for several hours since the morning and is different from all the previous distortions."

It is foreseeable that this distortion centered on the Burnt Tower will be huge and dangerous, and may even take a very long time to resolve.

In such a difficult situation, people must be evacuated in advance and reliable manpower must be summoned.

However, due to the recent dispersion of distorted manpower in various places in the Kanto and Tokyo areas, it is difficult to gather a large number of manpower in a short period of time.

In addition to professionals such as the police, alliance staff, and gym leaders, the only people who have met the entry requirements until now are the four illustrated holders led by the handsome guy, and the two gym leaders from the Kanto region who unexpectedly traveled here.

"Two museum owners from Guandong?" Chris vaguely guessed the identity of the other party.

After Xiaozhi disappeared, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia also continued traveling to find each other, and they probably found Yuanzhu City.

Suddenly, Xiao Huang seemed to notice something: "Look at the Burnt Tower!"

After hearing the words, everyone hurriedly followed the sound.

A jet of black thunder descended from the swirling clouds in the sky and struck directly at the top of the scorched tower.

From this beginning, the huge abnormal space-time zone gradually spread to the entire Enzhu City!

Before anyone could react, they fell into the largest distortion of time and space to date.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had entered a huge maze with a tower-like structure.

And the strangest thing is——

"I turned into an elf!?"

Xiao Yin let out an unprecedented scream.

(End of this chapter)

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