This trainer's Pokémon is too jumpy

Chapter 598 Xiaozhi: Now that we are in the Pokémon world, can Team Rocket turn into elves and chase

Chapter 598 Xiaozhi: Now that we are in the Pokémon world, can Team Rocket turn into elves and chase after us?
After half a year of cultivation, the pattern of the orchard on the south side of Azure Highlands has become mature.

Fruit trees, grains, herbs, flowers, seeds, honey and other crops have been properly planned and developed together with the local elves for mutual benefit.

Especially after last year's bumper harvest, Zhou You basically no longer uses his own ability to ripen crops, but instead adopts a model of cooperation with elves like most farms in this world.

The ground elves turn over the soil, the poison elves make fertilizers, the water elves monitor the water and soil, the grass elves grow with the crops, and the insect elves artificially pollinate them. Finally, in the season when the crops are mature, they enjoy the delicacies they have put their efforts into.

Humans seem to have done nothing during the entire process, but in fact there are no ordinary humans to mediate, and elves with different populations, attributes, ecology, and habits often cannot easily unite to pursue common interests.

As soon as he arrived at the farm, Zhou You saw the twelve katy dogs sent to the mountain with an Ice Vulpix running around the orchard.

It is said that in order to protect the safety of the farm, they have to run six or seven times around the orchards, ponds, fields, and gardens every day... which seems unnecessary.

The farms we visited were very close to Tevez’s breeding house that he and Ye Zi visited when they were on Route 5.

At first glance, the elves in the highlands seem to be fishing leisurely, but in fact they are the farm's spies. They will quickly send a warning if they see danger or strangers.

After crossing the cordon set up by trainee police dogs, I went to the apple orchard to say hello to the fruit-gnawing bugs.

The fruit-gnawing insects, which previously could only live in a few apple trees, now own a small forest.

But what is surprising is that their appetite is not large, and even though there are far more apples than the population, they do not grow wantonly.

Fruit-gnawing elves, such as fruit-gnawing worms, will burrow into nearby apples since they are born, feed on the flesh of the apples, grow slowly, and use this to avoid attacks from natural enemies.

The fruit-gnawing bugs at this stage are very weak. In theory, they can only master less than ten moves such as "Dragon Star Cluster", "Grass Slide", "Round", and "Rolling" at most.

But only in theory.

And as the pulp inside the apples is consumed, they will grow enough to evolve.

Depending on the variety of apples, there are generally three evolutions: the Apple-Wrapped Dragon, the Fengmi-Dragon, and the Honey-Wrapped Bug.

The apple seeds in Highland Farm come from travel boxes. They are a high-quality variety known as the "Perfect Apple" that can restore full satiety and increase the upper limit by 10 points after being consumed in Rescue Team DX.

What will the fruit-gnawing bugs that eat this apple evolve into?

Is it possible that a completely new type of evolution will emerge that is different from the three known evolutions?

There are now less than three months left before they mature, and it will probably be possible to confirm whether there will be a new evolutionary classification by then.

It's just that no matter what branch the fruit-gnawing worm evolves into, the worm will still be the same worm, and the apple will still be the same apple... This phenomenon is similar to that of a Slowpoke evolving when its tail is bitten, and then degenerating once the giant tongue shell falls off. Can you call it evolution?

Zhou You vaguely felt that something was not quite right.

After bidding farewell to the fruit-gnawing insects, it felt like we were in paradise and at the peak of insect life, and then we came to the cliff connected to Route 48 next to the high ground.

Since livestock farming had not been developed on the farm before, the goats that were brought back often gnawed on the plants on the cliffs as before.

The way he walked freely among the cliffs didn't look like an elf who could barely make it into the space team...

They like to eat the buds on the cliffs that have not been visited by other elves. They also like the petals among the grass, the fallen fruits, or the grass itself.During times when food is scarce, this strange creature with leaves growing on its back and tail can also obtain nutrients through photosynthesis.

However, in order to avoid accidents to the sheep or damage to local plants, Zhou You urgently ordered a batch of forage for them that had acceptable reviews and was used by many pastures in the Chengdu area, and designated a new planting area.

The mounted goats soon discovered the humans approaching them.

Since leaving the hunting area, I haven't seen a human being for almost a month, and I have almost forgotten the appearance of the humans who left the hunting area with their species.

Fortunately, the memory of working and living together with humans since ancient times makes the sheep feel particularly close to them, and they do not reject the forage in the hands of humans at all.

Or maybe it's just because the grass is so fragrant.

When he reacted again, Zhou You was stunned to find that he was surrounded by a large number of goats.

Being gregarious, they will always stay together closely no matter what they do, regardless of whether the creatures they are with are of the same species or not.

The most incredible thing is that even though I am surrounded by sheep, I can't smell the slightest bit of odor. Instead, I can smell the deep fragrance of vegetation.

"Does it taste good to your appetite?" Zhou You, who was pushed back and forth, had no choice but to ask his thoughts to the flock of sheep surrounding him.

What followed was a burst of shouts.

Seems quite satisfactory?

But in order to keep improving, Zhou You thought that perhaps some crops such as medicinal herbs and tree fruits should be mixed in to supplement nutrition.

And just when he started to think about what should be mixed into the feed as a seasoning, the goats who remembered who the humans were in front of them became more and more affectionate, and the leader of them, the mount goat, even pushed him on his back.

The azure highlands where the elves coexist harmoniously are far more suitable for their survival than the hunting zone. They are far away from disputes, have constant food, and are rarely disturbed by humans. They have always been grateful to the humans who brought them here.

Zhou You knew what he was doing, and he turned over and sat on the goat.

The soft leaves and wool bring an extremely comfortable feel, and the long horns extending backwards are like a perfect grip.

Sensing the joyful mood of the human holding his horn, the mount goat led the herd without saying a word, and carried him to somewhere quickly along the cliff on the seaside side of Route 47.

While he was curious about where the goats were taking him, Zhou Yu, who was riding the goats, had many thoughts in his mind.

According to the average data recorded in the illustrated book:
Mount goat: 1.7m, 91.0kg
Kentero: 1.4m, 88.4kg
It is simply a miracle that this kind of elf, which is taller and heavier than Kentero, can jump lightly between the cliffs and walk as fast as flying!
Fortunately, the mount goat, which can sense the rider's mood through its horns, did not understand the complaints in the other person's heart.

After a while, they carried Zhou Yu to a lowland area.

Zhou You recognized this place. Not far away was the buried tower built by the ancient Fengyuan people.

However, outside this buried tower with the gate sealed, there are actually two groups of people, red and blue, facing each other nervously...

 I was in a trance for a while, and suddenly I remembered that I had to update more. No, Gu Ge Ge Ge, I can't continue to be lazy like this.

(End of this chapter)

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