This trainer's Pokémon is too jumpy

Chapter 561 Unbreakable Alliance

Chapter 561 Unbreakable Alliance

So far, the orbs that Zhou You told everyone were somewhat different from the legend of Fengyuan. This time it was obviously even more outrageous, and he directly multiplied the number of orbs by 2.

However, according to historical records, there were indeed more than one sea and land battles, and theoretically the possibility of two sets of orbs is not zero.

It's no wonder that Shui Wutong almost believed Zhou You's nonsense, and it was true that the vermilion orb that the other party took out was too "real".

As a native of Fengyuan, he had seen pictures of giving away Shenshan orbs in the materials, and he even went to the local area to ask for one of them not long ago.

The orb that Shui Wutong had seen before was just a spherical red object, and he didn't feel the hot energy in it.

The one held by Zhou You is a gem-like crystal with corners and corners, and the yellow lines of "Ω" are faintly visible on it, even if you just face it up close, you can feel its lava-like fluctuations !
Although the former has the shape of a orb, it can't see the reality of the orb, and the energy of the latter shows that it is at least an extremely powerful item!

Shui Wutong has no doubt that even if it is not used to awaken the super ancient elves, giving the orb to any fire-breathing camel to wear it can strengthen it to a level that is enough to shake the king of heaven!
Seeing the other party's ecstatic expression, Zhou You couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Look, no matter who is trying to tell the difference, they can only conclude that mine is the genuine article and the orb given to the sacred mountain is a fake.

"Qiao Qiao, this thing is too expensive, why did you suddenly take it out?"

While talking, Director Wutong hurried to lock the door of the office, lest someone suddenly break into such an important matter.

Zhou You took back the orb unhurriedly, and secretly complained that he seemed to be getting more and more proficient at playing this game.

"Because although I have explored the rituals that the ancient Fengyuan people left in the buried tower, I don't have enough strength to subdue Kyoka."

The so-called orbs sealing the souls of super-ancient elves are just legends sent to the guardians of the sacred mountain. The ability of orbs of the opposite color to control them may also be human beings' wishful thinking, and the traveling grass flying fire brigade is basically restrained by water and ice attributes.

In other words, he technically has a 0% win rate against Rampage Kyoka.

"So when I travel in different regions, I am also looking for like-minded companions with strong capabilities."

Immediately, Zhou You stared at Director Wutong, who was like a monkey and crowned like a monkey: "I have always heard that the director of Fengyuan TV Station is a person with dreams, revenge, and hard work since the cheering cup last year. What I saw and heard during the trip It also deepened my recognition of Mr. Wutong’s dream.

"Although you don't seem to be a trainer yourself, those potential new stars who have been independently selected by Hoenn TV will definitely be recognized by Kyogre and make the seas of Azure Island, Kanto, and Hoenn purer!"

After all, the little fox involuntarily applauded in the voice of the team, wanting to turn around for Jojo.

Arthur: Then when we go to see Chi Yansong later, shall we say the words in reverse?
Charmander, who was still shy a year ago, has learned to answer quickly in deceiving people...

Hearing Zhou You's words, Master Wutong clenched his hands excitedly!
The strategy of operating the TV station for a long time is really effective, and the treasures that I have been worrying about for so long, someone has come to the door with the real thing!
"Qiao Qiao, thank you for your recognition of me! Although I can't help you in battle, I will definitely help you call a large number of trainers to work together to protect the environment and control pollution!"

Zhou You nodded happily, that's right. How can I carry out my work if everyone is as cunning as Sakaki?

Since the other party was talking about this, it was obvious that he wanted to capture Kyogre at the cost of exposing his identity.

As an ordinary passer-by in Kanto who also loves the ocean, he naturally talked about cooperation and plans with Director Wutong.

Having said that, in fact, Zhou You handed over all other affairs to the other party except that the orb was kept in his own hands, which fully provided Shui Wutong with the opportunity to exert his subjective initiative.

Whether it's taking off his vest and summoning members of the Marine Team, or asking his subordinates to pretend to be sponsored trainers.

As soon as Director Wutong prepares everything, he will contact Zhou Yu as soon as possible, and together they will go to the buried tower in the Johto area to summon Kyogre to expand the ocean!

The plan of complete decentralization was quickly negotiated. Zhou You and director Wutong exchanged mobile phone numbers, and then followed Mary and Xiao Dai to visit the daily work of the TV station, and agreed to have a good time playing Violet City together tomorrow.

And just after the young man who appeared like a gust of wind with the object of his dreams left, Shui Wutong, who had worked hard on his character design, finally took off his disguise.

There was no trace of ecstasy in his heart, and his ambition to control Kyogre to create a primitive ocean was genuine.

However, as a not-so-glorious organization in the Hoenn region, the Ocean Team has certain difficulties in going to the Kanto region in full force. It is difficult to maintain their disguise in front of their helpers.

So is it possible to directly recruit the opponent to the Ocean Team?
Or simply hold the scarlet orb in your own hands...


After leaving the TV station, Zhou You and the elves returned to the Gota Coffee Shop, thinking about a key question throughout the lunch.

Where should I go to find Chi Yansong and Lava team next?
If Team Ocean's base is near Shuijing City, Team Lava's base will probably be inside Bump Mountain?
Anyway, I'm going to travel to Fuyan Town in the future, so let's try to find clues then.

Thinking of this, Zhou You decisively put all his troubles behind for the time being.

And Eden suddenly responded with a question: "Wait a minute, Jojo, what the Marine team wants to summon is Gaioka, but isn't the only one that can be summoned by the vermilion orb?"

If the Ocean Team really only prepared a strategy to deal with Kyogre, wouldn't they be beaten to death?

"That's right, I just want to test the super ancient elves before the illustrated book holders act, so as not to be killed suddenly."

Eden was stunned, and didn't think about the tragedy that the two extreme environmental protection organizations would encounter in the future.

Zhou You smiled and said nothing.

If people from these two organizations are not allowed to witness the terror and uncontrollability of super-ancient elves, how can conflicts and accidents be nipped in the cradle?

After lunch, Zhou You took Arthur to the entrance of the new Corydalis in the southeast of Corydalis City according to the original plan.

Viewed from the surface, the appearance of New Violet resembles an underground parking garage and an underground city.

In fact, it is indeed a huge underground labyrinth.

Tie Xuan likes to be creative, and he is close friends with the Machine King. How could they not make magic changes to the new Zi Jin?

Almost intuitively, Zhou You recalled the annoying maze he had encountered in the Rockets base in Yuhong City.

"If I disassembled the new Viola, Tie Xuan wouldn't blame me, would he?"

Anyway, it is doomed to be discarded.

 The appearance of the gemstone and the replica red and blue orb are indeed very different.

(End of this chapter)

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