This trainer's Pokémon is too jumpy

Chapter 560 8 Theories about the Origin of Orbs and the Legendary Perfect Apple

Chapter 560 Eight hundred theories about the origin of the orb and the legendary perfect apple

Zhou You thinks Fengyuan TV's plan is unreliable, in other words, it's too dreamy.

To invest in companies to control pollution, the money and results are taken away daily, so subsidizing new trainers to help, no matter how you look at it, it is a waste of money like being taken advantage of.

Faced with such an unreliable plan, he felt that it was necessary for him to put forward reasonable and feasible suggestions: "Director Wutong, I think that instead of trying to control pollution, it is better to expect nature's own repair ability. Only by expanding the ocean area, nature itself can slowly settle the pollution and purify the water body through water circulation.”

In the final analysis, human beings are just members living in this world, and their influence on nature may not be higher than that of elves.

Instead of looking forward to the role of humans, it is better to focus on elves.

"I think that as long as we train a large number of elves such as toucans that can use water energy to make rain, we can expand and purify the ocean."

Hearing the idea given by his own trainer, Nuomi Ci, who was nestled on the backpack with Eden, showed big question marks in his eyes. It can't quite understand the other party's approach. Isn't this deliberately making others make mistakes?

Eden: This is called fishing law enforcement, which is illegal in itself, but Qiao Qiao has no law enforcement power, so he can fish casually.

I don't know where the little fox saw the mysterious cold knowledge.

But Zhou You wanted to do more than just fish.

Upon hearing the other party's proposal, Director Wutong's eyes flashed with surprise, and he immediately wanted to win over the other party to join the environmental protection organization he founded.

Originally, he heard Ah Chao and Ah Quan's report and thought that the opponent and the Ocean team were not on good terms, but looking at it today, isn't this completely in line with their spiritual core?
They even thought of ways to expand ocean pollution control!

Thinking about it carefully, the reason why the other party clashed with the Ocean Team was because they wanted to protect a wild Howler Whale King and they didn't trust the Ocean Team. In fact, there was no need for the two sides to be hostile at all, right?

Although traveling around with two powerful fire-type elves is a bit of an eyesore, since both have been approved by the ice-type legendary elves, the future development must be biased towards ice and water attributes.

Otherwise, don't use the frozen bird, but use the fire-breathing dragon and the wind speed dog?

Despite the ecstasy in his heart, Director Wutong still showed embarrassment: "Qiao Qiao, nature does have the ability to purify itself, but expanding the ocean is not so easy."

The substances produced by the elves through the attribute energy dissociated in the atmosphere are often unstable. Generally speaking, a large part of them will disappear quickly with the passage of time.

Although the more powerful the elves, the more stable the substance produced, such as the level of the king, but it is simply unrealistic to train the rainy hands of the level of the king in batches.

Hearing this, Zhou You frowned: "That's true, then if you use the ability of the legendary elves... Suicune from the Kanto side may not be able to do it, but in the legend of Hoenen, Kaioka, who rescued the drought-stricken humans with heavy rain, may be able to do it." ?”

Director Wutong's eyes lit up, what is a bosom friend, this is a bosom friend!
"Hahaha, if the ultra-ancient elf Kioka really exists, it will definitely make the ocean cleaner."

Director Wutong nodded, but then counted the problems in detail.

According to the myth handed down by the guardian of the orbs sent to the mountain, Kioka was divided into two parts after the Great War thousands of years ago.

Its body sleeps in the deep sea, and its soul is sealed in the scarlet orb.

There is no point in getting only one of them, and the key to the latter - the vermilion orb is guarded by the Four Heavenly Kings, and it is impossible for ordinary people to get it.

"Not necessarily." "What?"

Seeing that the topic was finally on the right track, Zhou You's eyes inadvertently revealed three points of confidence, three points of complacency, and four points of hesitation like a fan-shaped statistical chart.

Immediately, he took out the scarlet orb from his backpack.

In an instant, the hot breath like lava filled the entire room!

Shui Wutong's eyes straightened immediately - why did the orb that he had been thinking about day and night be in the hands of a newcomer trainer from Kanto! ?

Zhou You shook his head slowly, and his tone was full of regret: "The myths and legends in the Fengyuan area are not complete, and some of them have been wrong in the millennium inheritance."

While talking, he just put the orb on the desk in the office.

"In addition to the meteorite people who believe in the dragon god, the glazed people who live near the ultra-ancient elf battlefield, and the watchmen who have lived in the sacred mountain for generations to guard the orbs, there is another group that left their hometowns because of land and sea wars 1000 years ago. the ancient Fengyuan people."

With the appearance of the orb, Zhou You's words suddenly became much more in-depth, involving families with missions and inheritance for thousands of years in the land of Fengyuan.

Even though he knew the details, as a TV station director, Shui Wutong could only pretend that he didn't understand at all.

"Jojo, what are you talking about? What does this have to do with Kioka?"

At the same time, from the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but glance at the red orb that exuded a fiery aura.

"Oh, it means that the legend of your Fengyuan people has gone wrong!" Eden finally couldn't help laughing and interjected, "Actually, the ancient Fengyuan people have prepared for future generations to summon ultra-ancient elves and let them leave Hoenn’s way to harm the Johto area!”

Director Wutong finally turned pale when he heard the words.

Summon Kyogre! ! !
Seeing this, Zhou You informed the other party about the buried tower.

As a Kanto native who settled in the Zhanlan Heights, the photos and documents he took out were extremely convincing. Coupled with the vermilion orb in front of him, Master Wutong almost completely believed in him!

"But why is the vermilion orb in your hand? Isn't it supposed to be sent to Shenshan?"

This is the only and biggest problem.

"It's very simple." Zhou You showed a confident smile that didn't match his age, "The ultra-ancient elves fought two battles, and there were two ceremonies to seal them, and naturally there are two pairs of red and blue orbs."

"Among the two pairs of orbs, only one pair truly sealed the power and soul of the ultra-ancient elves, and the other pair was pure natural energy crystallization from an earlier era that had lost its effectiveness. The sacred mountain has been guarded for thousands of years.

"And the scarlet orb in my hand from the buried tower is the orb that really seals the soul of Kyoka."

Eden: In fact, none of the orbs contain the souls of super ancient elves, they are just natural energy crystallization.

The loud words seemed to have special power, easily disintegrated and penetrated the defense line of Shui Wutong.

Facing a boy from the Kanto region who received a gift left in the buried tower by the ancient Fengyuan people, who shared the same goals with the marine team and wanted to expand the ocean, he decisively made a difficult decision!

(End of this chapter)

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