gourmet food

Chapter 685 2 soup dishes

Chapter 685 Two soup dishes

Chu Yunfeng carefully examined the bones and discovered that they were chicken bones and duck bones with shaved flesh.

"Master Lin, what are these bones used for?"

If you want the pig's head to be flavorful or even rich in flavor, this dish definitely needs broth.

Master Lin prepared the special clear soup early in the morning, which is obviously used to cook pig heads. But since we have the special clear soup, why do we need these chicken and duck bones?

"Haha~! You'll find out later."

Master Lin smiled, and after a while, he threw the chicken and duck bones into the water, and then put the pig head in.

Then they lit the fire and started heating it. It looked like it had to be boiled first.

There is a lot of blood in the chicken and duck bones, and the fishy smell of the pig's head is also a bit strong, so this step is definitely indispensable.

Chu Yunfeng was confused, but he still observed patiently. Shen Wengang on the side wanted to give a reminder, but looked at his senior brother and swallowed his words.

Fang Decai saw this scene and couldn't help but laugh secretly. It seemed that his second senior brother was shocked by Chu Yunfeng.

At first, I looked down on him a little, thinking that with Chu Yunfeng’s cooking skills, how could he command others in front of his fellow apprentices?
But after all this excitement, I realized that this person was a real person without showing his face. Just think about his cooking skills that can enter the state banquet. How could he be beyond his reach?
It took about 5 minutes to blanch. Master Lin picked up the pig heads and chicken and duck bones and washed them carefully.

In the next scene, Chu Yunfeng understood what these bones were used for.

It turns out that there are two wonderful things, but unfortunately I only guessed one. It seems that my cooking skills still need to continue to improve.

Master Lin neatly stacked all these bones on the bottom of the pot, and then spread the pig head meat on top. Only then did Chu Yunfeng understand the purpose of doing this.

“This is to prevent the pork head from sticking to the pot during cooking, causing the bottom of the pot to become mushy, and it also has the function of adding flavor to the pork head.

The bones can continue to emit fragrance when cooked, which will allow the pork head meat to continue to absorb the essence of the soup, which will make the taste better. "

Chu Yunfeng was able to understand the profound meaning so quickly, and was immediately praised by Master Lin: "That's true, but there is actually another way to make this dish.

That is to fry the bean dregs first, wait for the final soup to be cooked, stir-fry again, and finally put it under the pork head, so that the color of the bean dregs will not be so bright when it is cooked.

If you just fry the bean dregs and don't blend it with the final soup, putting it on top will make the dish look more eye-catching.

However, both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. I personally prefer this method because it looks more beautiful when it is cooked. "

Chu Yunfeng understood as soon as Master Lin explained it, and then saw him adding special clear soup, soy sauce, cooking wine, rock sugar, fermented glutinous rice and salt.

Tie the pepper, star anise, strawberry, cardamom, Sichuan peppercorns, ginger and scallion with a gauze and throw them into the pot.

The next step felt very novel to Chu Yunfeng. Master Lin sealed the mouth of the pot with straw paper, apparently to completely lock in the aroma.

"The rest is to simmer over low heat for about four hours. When it's almost done, we'll start frying the bean dregs.

This pork head with bean dregs was also a banquet dish in the past, and it was considered a big dish in the past. It is a pity that there are fewer people who can cook it now, and there are fewer people who like to eat it. "

Master Lin's words were recognized by the two junior brothers, and Shen Wengang immediately answered: "That's true. In the past, when we were short of food and clothing, such dishes were naturally very popular.

But now we pay attention to a nutritional combination. Pork head meat has high cholesterol, so fewer people eat it. "

"Yes, so the loss of many of our dishes is not only related to the inheritance of skills, but also often inseparable from the development of the times and changes in people's tastes."

Fang Decai is also very impressed. His private restaurant is more targeted and he can clearly understand the changes in people's tastes.

"It makes sense, so today's dishes cannot blindly pursue tradition. They still need to innovate on the basis of tradition."

Chu Yunfeng also understood the reason, but this path required great courage and superb cooking skills.

As for myself, I am still figuring it out.

"Haha~! Brother Chu is a sensible person. I am more optimistic about you in this matter. You are young and have good cooking skills. Now you have joined the state banquet team.

After entering, you can learn a lot. The essence of all major cuisines is in it. I believe you will make your own style.

No more talk, no more talk, let’s make butterfly sea cucumbers! "

Master Lin patted Chu Yunfeng on the shoulder and said with emotion. At the same time, he was also very envious that Chu Yunfeng could attend the state banquet at such a young age.

"Thank you. There are still too few dishes that I know how to cook now. I still need to learn more if I want to eliminate the bad and keep the good."

Chu Yunfeng naturally answered humbly. Master Lin understood his character, smiled and said nothing, and then took out the soaked sea cucumber.

After cleaning, Master Lin puts the sea cucumber directly into the pot, adds cooking wine and other ingredients to remove the fishy smell, and cooks for about 15 minutes before serving.

At the beginning, Master Lin had already made an agreement with Chu Yunfeng when he made these four dishes. During the production process, he only made them and would not explain the whole process.

It's up to him how much he can watch and learn, so that he won't be violating his teacher's orders. Besides, he has his two junior brothers beside him, so he won't "cross the line".

However, this is not limited to discussing the techniques related to the dishes with Chu Yunfeng, etc. It is just a matter of not telling the specific ingredients of the dish.

In this way, it can be regarded as abiding by the rules of the school, so Master Lin only talked about some off-topic topics, but it also gained a lot for Chu Yunfeng.

“This dish is actually derived from Shandong cuisine, and the cooking method has its own characteristics.

This dish is also found in Huaiyang cuisine, Shandong cuisine and Anhui cuisine, but there are some differences in the preparation. The biggest difference is the body of the butterfly.

The materials used by each family are different, but the finished dishes are all very beautiful.

Commonly used ingredients include chicken stock, which is the chicken grits in Sichuan cuisine, used to make the body of the butterfly.

Shandong cuisine also uses chicken cake to make butterfly wings, half sea cucumber and half chicken cake. The style also looks very beautiful. "

When cooking sea cucumber, Master Lin gave a general introduction to the characteristics of this dish, especially since there are many cuisines with different styles of this dish.

After taking out the sea cucumber, let it cool down, then cut it diagonally with a knife, and then repaired it with the tip of the knife to make it look like butterfly wings.

However, this piece is just one piece of a wing. A complete "butterfly" requires two wings.

Then some salt, cooking wine and green onions were added to the sea cucumber. It seemed to be to remove excess water from the sea cucumber and also to marinate it to add flavor.

After marinating for a while, turn the sea cucumber over and cut vertical stripes on the inside with a knife, so that the sea cucumber can spread out flat, more like an open wing.

Chu Yunfeng observed it carefully and found that the main point of this dish is the knife skills, because the texture of sea cucumber is relatively glutinous and soft, and it also has a certain elasticity.

Therefore, if it is too heavy when cutting and reshaping, it is easy to make mistakes, and the requirements for knife skills are still very high.

The next step was to deal with the butterfly's body. Master Lin took out a piece of chicken breast and began to beat it with the back of a knife.

This step is the same as making chickpea curds. During the beating process, the fascia is removed and it needs to be beaten into a puree.

Chu Yunfeng is already very familiar with this, but he still concentrates on watching quietly from the side.

After the chicken mince was processed, Master Lin took out another piece of pork meat, beat it with the back of a knife into minced meat, and then merged the two minced meats together.

After continuing to beat until combined, add a little salt, egg white and soy flour, and then beat vigorously in one direction with your hands.

The next step is even more interesting. Place two pieces of sea cucumber on a large plate, make the chicken grits into a long and plump shape, and place it in the middle of the two wings.

This not only becomes the body of the butterfly, but also acts as a glue.

After the chicken grits are whipped vigorously, the stickiness is very high, and Chu Yunfeng also knows that whether it is steamed or boiled, the chicken grits are very delicate.

The body of the butterfly is there, but it is just a shape. Of course, the white body is relatively monotonous and does not look so beautiful.

So Master Lin began to cut ham, cucumber peels and winter bamboo shoots, cut these three ingredients into thin strips, and then covered them on the body of the butterfly.

With circles of embellishments of different colors, the butterfly's body instantly "comes to life".

Finally, use sesame seeds to add two eyes to the butterfly. When making the beard, Master Lin said: "Beards used to be replaced by shark fins, but now it's the same with coriander sticks."

After putting coriander sticks on all the butterflies on the plate, Chu Yunfeng nodded thoughtfully. If it was a high-end banquet, shark fins could be used for this beard.

At this point, the most difficult part of the butterfly sea cucumber is done. Master Lin puts the large plate into the steamer and starts steaming.

It took about 5 minutes to take it out.

Arrange the plate with fruits and vegetables, then put these small butterflies on the plate, pour on the special clear soup, and the butterfly sea cucumber dish is completed.

"How does it taste?"

After Master Lin was done, he handed the chopsticks to Chu Yunfeng. Before Chu Yunfeng could do anything, Chu Yue had already rushed out and picked up a pair of chopsticks.

However, she did not take action directly. Instead, she used her chopsticks to order a few times on this extremely beautiful dish, which meant that Chu Yunfeng should take action quickly.

As long as you move, then I can move!

Chu Yunfeng smiled, picked up one with chopsticks and looked at it carefully. The wings of the butterfly, which had been glued with chicken grits, were still very stable.

Not only is the shape beautiful, but the meaning is also very good. This dish is very suitable for the style of a boutique.

After seeing Chu Yunfeng take action, Chu Yue could no longer hold back. While Chu Yunfeng was still observing, she had already begun to taste it carefully.

“It’s delicious, the fragrance is pleasant, and the texture is delicate and soft. It’s so delicious. I want to eat more!”

Chu Yue would not be polite when encountering delicious food. Master Lin and the other three also laughed when they saw that Chu Yue liked this dish very much. They didn't know how to use chopsticks.

"Then eat more and eat slowly, no one will compete with you."

Because Master Lin often makes this dish in his shop, and not to mention Shen Wengang and Fang Decai, they also often make it in private restaurants.

After hearing this, Chu Yue narrowed her eyes with joy, nodded to the three masters, and shook her head when she saw Chu Yunfeng.
"I'll try it too!"

Mu Qing also joined in, and after taking a bite, she liked it very much. She likes light dishes, so she naturally has no resistance to this dish.

"It's really good. This dish is excellent in terms of color, fragrance and shape. It's very suitable as a banquet dish."

Chu Yunfeng sighed after tasting it. It seemed that he had learned another exquisite banquet dish.

"This dish was often used as the "second soup dish" for rice glutinous rice feasts in the past. The so-called second soup dish is the soup dish served after the second hot dish at the banquet. It is called the second soup dish."

Shen Wengang saw that Chu Yunfeng was very interested in the banquet dishes, so he added something.

As soon as Fang Decai heard about the second-soup dish, he immediately continued: "Actually, there is another most classic second-soup dish, but it's just that you can't see it now.

I have only seen it once before. It is truly exquisite. It is definitely the best soup dish, no less than boiled cabbage.

This dish is Dictyophora and Liver Paste Soup. Unfortunately, the recipe has been lost. I don’t know who else knows how to make this dish now. "

Fang Decai's tone was very regretful. His first glimpse of this dish was still fresh in his memory. It seemed that this dish was really not simple.

Chu Yunfeng nodded without leaving any trace, and his heart began to stir. He wanted to go back to Chengdu right away and learn how to make this dish from Mr. Li.

Bamboo fungus liver paste soup?
The elegant name is pushing the window to look at the moon!
Is it really that exquisite?
Soon the dish was finished by Chu Yue and Mu Qing. Everyone continued chatting for a while. Master Lin looked at the time and started frying the bean dregs.

The frying of bean dregs is also very simple. First, fry it directly in the pot, wait until the water dries and it will become golden, then add a little lard and continue frying.

After waiting for the pork head to be placed on the plate, first pour the remaining soup in the pot into it, simmer the bean dregs for a while, and finally put it directly on top of the pork head.

"Try it!"

Three hours have passed since we tasted the butterfly sea cucumber. Now everyone is a little hungry. Master Lin’s family also came out and everyone started tasting it together.

"Hmm~! It's delicious, so soft, glutinous and fragrant!"

Chu Yue praised it after taking a bite. The pork head meat was already simmered so soft and glutinous that it could be removed with a single tap of chopsticks.

The juicy pork head meat is coated with a little fragrant bean dregs. The taste is simply amazing.

"It's so delicious. I'll make another one when I have time when I get back to Chengdu, okay?"

Mu Qing seemed to like this dish very much. After taking two bites, she pushed Chu Yunfeng with her elbow. It was rare to see Mu Qing take the initiative to ask Chu Yunfeng to cook.

"No problem, you can eat as much as you want. I guarantee that this pig like you will eat enough."

Mu Qing immediately recognized the "flavor" of Chu Yunfeng's words, and was about to use a special move, but Chu Yunfeng was already prepared and dodged away.

I originally wanted to tease Mu Qing, but Master Lin said: "The Niu Tou Fang is almost done, let's move on to the last step!"

(End of this chapter)

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