gourmet food

Chapter 649: Gratitude for those years

Chapter 649: Gratitude for those years
Lao Wang's cousin is called Wang Dazhu. Judging from his appearance, he is a very honest and honest person.

After Lao Wang finished speaking, his face turned red, but he remained silent.

"Your cousin knows how you feel, and he also wants to make some changes, otherwise he wouldn't have brought his children over with you."

My cousin's name is Zhang Chunfang, and she seems to be an honest person. Years of hard work has left her with calluses on her hands, and she has a lot of wrinkles for someone in her early 30s.

Cousin, have you figured it out?

Then don't go back. Tomorrow I will take you to see a few good houses, and we will live in whichever one you like.

I will get the house in your name, and then find a good school for Dadan and Erya so that they can adapt to life in the city as soon as possible.

Don’t worry, I have all these.”

Lao Wang excitedly arranged things for tomorrow. It seemed that his cousin's nod made Lao Wang reveal the plan he had hidden in his heart for a long time.

"No, your sister-in-law and I have to go back, leaving the two children in your hands."

Wang Dazhu interrupted Lao Wang before he could finish speaking, but his answer made Lao Wang frown.

"Brother, can I call you brother?
Can't you come out of that mountain?

How many years have I been telling you about this matter, why are you so stubborn? "

Lao Wang seemed a little angry, and his voice couldn't help but become a little louder.

The three children had just returned from washing their hands and were about to get food. When they heard the noise, they all stopped and looked here eagerly.

"Look at you, you frightened the child, can't you speak in a lower voice?"

Lao Wang's wife, Lu Yuzhen, rolled her eyes at him, then walked up to Dadan and Erya, touched their heads and said, "It's okay, you can eat by yourselves and don't mind the adults' business."

After hearing this, the three children turned away and focused on the delicious food. The temptation of the cake was still very strong.

"The pigs and chickens at home have to be fed, so I don't feel comfortable asking others to help."

Wang Dazhu's words made Lao Wang furious. He spent a long time talking to chickens and ducks here, and the things he talked about were not as important as the chickens and two pigs at home?
"Brother, if you stay, I will renovate the villa in the suburbs and build a pigsty specifically for you, so you can raise 10 pigs.

If you don’t think it’s enough, then I’ll build you another chicken farm and you can raise as many chickens as you want, okay?

As long as you agree to live in the city, these won't be a problem. What do you think? "

Lao Wang is going to be "cruel" and even plans to convert the villa into a pigsty. If this doesn't work, Lao Wang will probably go crazy.

"Don't, that's the main house and the ancestral hall, so we can't leave it easily."

Wang Dazhu didn't seem to be attracted by the pie painted by Lao Wang at all, and still insisted on his original intention.


Lao Wang felt like he was about to spit out blood. His cousin was good at everything, but he was quite stubborn.

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now, let's go try some snacks first."

When the old man saw that he couldn't continue talking, he came out to smooth things over and asked everyone to turn their attention to snacks.

"Yes, yes, sister-in-law, come and try the snacks here. Look how happy the three of them are eating. The big eggs can be eaten in one bite."

Lu Yuzhen pulled Zhang Chunfang forward and separated her from Wang Dazhu.

Lu Yuzhen glanced at her husband and seemed a little reluctant to leave, but Wang Dazhu didn't show any expression and had to be passively pulled away.

Zhang Chunfang, who originally looked back after taking two steps, took a sip of Persian candy and immediately became immersed in it and never looked back at Wang Dazhu again.

And when she finished eating the Persian candy on her hand, she realized that she had been stunned just now. She looked back and found that her husband and Lao Wang were already sitting aside to drink tea.

The table here was filled with small cakes of different shapes, which were colorful and really cute. Seeing that the children liked them very much, I took some and gave them to them to eat.

In the end, I didn't forget to take some with Lu Yuzhen and put them where they were drinking tea.

"The hot snacks are here, come and try them."

Chu Yunfeng walked in, followed by Liu Xiaoxiao and the others, carrying plates. The snacks inside were still steaming, and they looked freshly baked.

"These are the freshly made steamed cakes, sesame balls, pig cakes, and mushroom buns."

Chu Yunfeng pointed to the snacks that had just been placed and introduced them. The reason why he chose these hot snacks was largely to suit the tastes of the guests.

I believe they will like it, because these snacks are very common in rural towns, but the taste is definitely very different.

But the mushroom buns inside are different. When you see it, you may think it is just an ordinary steamed bun. In fact, the mushrooms today are wild. Keep them safe and they will like it and be surprised when they eat it.

"Cousin, do you still have an impression of this steamed cake?

When we were children, we went to town to play. I was extremely poor and didn't have a penny on me. You were the only one who had money on you.

But this money is what my cousin wants you to buy soy sauce, but look at me standing there and not leaving, looking longingly at the steaming steamed cake.

Without saying a word, you just bought one for me. I gave you half of it but you didn’t eat it and let me eat all of it.

Of course, you didn't buy the soy sauce later, so you got beaten up when you got home. I'll remember all this.

And I still remember the taste of steamed cake that I tasted at that time, and I have never forgotten it for a moment.

You try this steamed cake first, then we two will eat it together. "

Lao Wang recalled the past years, his eyes were red, and so was Wang Dazhu. He took the steamed cake from Lao Wang, and the two of them ate it one bite at a time.

"Delicious, really delicious!"

Wang Dazhu praised it after taking one bite, and praised it again when he was about to take a second bite. He seemed very satisfied.

"If it's delicious, eat two more pieces. This is sweet-scented osmanthus flavor. It was the same flavor back then. I asked Boss Chu to prepare it specially for you."

Lao Wang glanced at Chu Yunfeng, his eyes conveying a sense of gratitude.

Then Lao Wang walked up to his uncle and aunt with pig cakes in his hands, took out two and put them in their hands.

"This pig cake is stuffed with peanuts and sesame seeds. It was the most delicious thing I ever had when I was 7 years old. I will never forget it in my life.

I was laughed at by my classmates on the way home from school. They laughed at me for being poor and for wearing old clothes and worn shoes. I endured all these.

But some people later laughed at me because I had never seen or eaten pig cake. Then they called me pig cake, saying that I was just like a pig and was only suitable to stay in a pig pen.

Then I couldn't help it anymore, so I went up and started fighting with them.

But there were many of them, and I was beaten badly. Now uncle and aunt, you guys came and drove those people away.

You heard from a distance why I was laughed at by them. The next day, my uncle went to the town and bought a pig cake for me to eat.

It takes 40 kilometers to get to and from the town. You set off early in the morning and come back at noon to give it to me.

You know, I was planning to take revenge on them at noon that day, but your actions made me give up that idea. I keep these things in mind. "

Lao Wang described what happened that year in an emotional voice, which made people deeply moved.

Especially Chu Yunfeng was deeply touched and understood why Lao Wang wanted to hold this family dinner and didn't want to broadcast it live.

"It's all in the past. The old calendar has it, why do you still mention it?"

The uncle waved his hands to show that he didn't care, shook his head, and had a look of emotion on his face.

“Although things have passed, this is something that I will always remember.

But this is also the most depressing place for me. You know what I mean, right?

You were the best to me when I was a child. Other relatives either disliked our poverty and ignored me, or even made matters worse.

Or whenever our family wanted to borrow some money, they wouldn't even let us in. What impressed me most was their condescending expression.

Not only did he abuse me casually, but he also let the family dog ​​out. If my cousin hadn't rushed over with a stick that time, I might have died of rabies.

So after these shameless relatives saw that I had become prosperous, their faces changed one by one.

It makes me look like I want to vomit, and you want me to take care of them?
Don’t even think about it in this life. If you hadn’t stopped me, I would have let them know my methods.

But what about you?
Those who have really given me kindness, I want to repay you but don't let you. How can I feel at ease? "

Lao Wang had a vicious expression at first, with veins popping out on his face, and the light of hatred in his eyes made Chu Yunfeng scared.

But what he said made Chu Yunfeng fully understand the reason for Lao Wang's family banquet. He really didn't expect that Lao Wang's past was so dark.

"You are successful because of your ability. You are really not used to us living in the city. The last time your sister-in-law fell ill after only three days here, the doctor couldn't find anything wrong with her.

Then I did a full-body examination, and the results were all fine, but I just couldn't eat or sleep.

What happened in the end?

Just listen to me. You will feel better as soon as you get home. You can eat two bowls of rice and you can still snore at night. "

Wang Dazhu laughed as he spoke. When he mentioned snoring later, Zhang Chunfang glared at him fiercely.

"Besides, you put so much money into our card, how can we use it all? You have replaced all the electrical appliances in the house over and over again.

Moreover, you have built pig pens and cattle pens into small bungalows. You don’t know how others scold us outside.

You say our pigs and cows live better than people. How do you expect us to get along well with our neighbors?
Not to mention those relatives you neglected, one by one, they spoke ill of us outside, your sister-in-law accidentally heard it last time, and almost got into a fight with them. "

Wang Dazhu opened the conversation as he spoke. Originally, Lao Wang didn't know about these things. Zhang Chunfang had told Wang Dazhu not to say anything before he came.

Good thing now. When Lao Wang heard this, he really got angry: "Damn it, you guys, just wait for me and see how I deal with you later."

"Forget it, it's better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. You are now a person of social status. These are your relatives. If they fall out, it will not have a good impact on you."

Although Wang Dazhu looked honest, he was a sensible person, so he persuaded Lao Wang.

"Don't worry about it. I know how to deal with it, but I still say the same thing. It's really boring to stay in my hometown. You still have to think more about Dadan and Erya.

Although you have thought of leaving them in the city, won't they miss you if you don't come?
This is also bad for the growth of children, right? "

Lao Wang is someone who has been here before. He misses his daughter so much if he can't see her for a day, let alone his cousin.

"Let me think about it again."

After Wang Dazhu heard what Lao Wang said, his tone seemed to be a little relaxed. Lao Wang was also happy after hearing it. It seemed that he should work hard on his nephew and niece.

"It's okay, we are here to taste the delicious food today, we will talk about these things later.

Oh, by the way, Mom and Dad, this is Mayuan, your favorite snack.

You said that the star-rated hotel cooked delicious food last time, but actually you have never tasted truly delicious food. Try what Boss Chu cooks, you will definitely like it. "

Lao Wang was very excited just now. After talking about the past, he forgot to recommend food. He only remembered it after seeing Mayuan.

"Okay, let's try it and see if it's really as delicious as you said?"

Lao Wang's parents each picked up one and began to eat it. The moment he entered the mouth, the old man's eyes lit up, and then he sped up the movements of his hands.

Soon, after taking two small bites, the old man put the remaining half of the mayan directly into his mouth, then reached out and gave a thumbs up.

"It's delicious. It's really different. The outside is crispy and the sesame aroma is fragrant. What's even more rare is that there's not too much glutinous rice settled inside. It's soft and sweet, and it doesn't stick to your teeth at all.

The craftsmanship is indeed different. This restaurant is good. Let’s eat there again tomorrow. "

After the old man tasted it, he grabbed the plate directly from Old Wang's hand, divided another one for his wife, and handed it to Wang Dazhu and the others to taste.

None of these are important. The key thing is that the last sentence made Lao Wang afraid to answer.

Come to eat again tomorrow?
If it were another star hotel, Lao Wang would agree immediately without any ambiguity.

But here, Lao Wang not only did not dare to respond, but he was also prepared to cover up and just brush the matter over.

"Um, these mushroom dumplings are also very delicious. Dadan, Erya, Yatou, come over and try them."

Although Lao Wang was changing the subject, the old man was not an idiot, and he felt a little offended by Lao Wang's failure to respond.

My uncle and cousin are all here. I finally managed to bring them over. Shouldn't we get together more and have fun?

Since this restaurant tastes so good, what's the point of eating for an extra day?
I have told them this in front of them, how will others see your noncommittal attitude?
A stingy person would think you are reluctant to part with it.

"I'm asking you, we will still eat here tomorrow, don't you hear?"

The old man had a straight face and his voice was two points higher than before. It was obvious that he was dissatisfied.

"Old man, our store needs to be booked in advance, and it only opens for one day a month. Please forgive me."

Chu Yunfeng stepped forward to help Lao Wang out of the siege. This was not suitable for Lao Wang to explain. It was better for him to say it himself.

"Well, that means your store is quite high-end. The young man cooks good food. It's very, very good."

After hearing the explanation, the old man regained his face and praised Chu Yunfeng. However, he glared at Lao Wang fiercely.

"Boss Chu, there are many antiques and ancient paintings here that are very good. I will take you to see them."

It was still some time before leaving the banquet, and Lao Wang happened to take everyone around for a look.

Chu Yunfeng signaled to everyone and returned to the kitchen, and Long Ma also followed him out.

Lao Wang took everyone all the way to explain. When they came to Shi Tao's landscape painting, Wang Dazhu suddenly asked: "How much does this painting cost? It looks pretty good."

Lao Wang answered casually: "This one costs more than 1500 million."

"Oh, it's only over 1500 yuan. It's more valuable than the painting hanging in that restaurant in town. The painting hung by the owner in town is only over 500 yuan."

Wang Dazhu laughed when he heard it and compared it with the paintings hanging in restaurants in the town.

Lao Wang didn't react for a while, but his girl started laughing.
 The New Year is here. I wish all book friends a happy New Year, academic progress, smooth work, and good health to their families.

  Eat well, drink well, and have fun during the Chinese New Year!
  All safe!
(End of this chapter)

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