gourmet food

Chapter 372 Military Order

Chapter 372 Military Order

Little broken station!
Ever since Director Wu signed an exclusive contract with Chu Yunfeng, Chu Yunfeng's side has not been very active during this period.

The live streaming business has not shown much improvement in recent times. It’s almost the middle of the year, and all kinds of performance and assessments must be counted. What should I do if there are no bright spots in the business?
"Director, Boss Chu has decided to hold a live broadcast in three days. Hao Minming just called me to confirm."

Xiao Zheng rushed into the office excitedly and told Director Wu the good news.

"Live broadcast? What type is it?" Director Wu was only slightly excited. This live broadcast also depends on the type, and the number of viewers of different types is different.

"It's not a live broadcast of ordinary cooking, but a live broadcast of a top-notch banquet. It is said that the guests are all famous people, and the dishes are very exquisite.

Oh, by the way, the venue for the banquet is also unique, and there are rare and famous paintings to admire. "

Xiao Zheng saw Director Wu's doubts, so he quickly revealed the information he learned.

This is no small matter, it is really a big deal.

As for the celebrities who came to the banquet, just this little gimmick made a lot of people want to watch the live broadcast.

Not to mention top-notch dishes and rare paintings, this gimmick is enough to hype up the popularity.

A rare and famous painting?
Xiao Zheng didn't believe it at first, but the photo Hao Mingming sent clearly showed the famous painting hanging behind the glass wall.

What’s even more awesome is that there is also an on-site photo that was authenticated by Teacher Jin himself.

I'll go, is it okay?
This is going to be popular, oh, no, this is definitely going to explode.

Boss Chu is definitely amplifying his moves, and the first move he makes is a unique move, a top move that doesn't even have the power to fight back.

Director Wu felt excited, and Xiao Zheng duly handed the two photos on his phone to Director Wu.

"Pa~!" Director Wu suddenly slapped the table hard, with such speed, force and loud voice that it startled Xiao Zheng.

"Let's go to the boss's office with me immediately."

Director Wu suppressed his enthusiasm, waved his hand, and walked forward excitedly.

Xiao Zheng saw Director Wu's red and trembling hands from behind and couldn't help but be curious. Doesn't his hand hurt?

How is he here?
Director Wu and Xiao Zheng came to the boss's office and saw the person who occupied his previous position. Although it was said to be a normal personnel adjustment, only he knew the inside story.

This guy came to power relying on his background as an investor. He has no ability and only knows how to find trouble all day long.

"Mr. Zhao, I have an important report to report to you. We will have a huge live broadcast feast here in three days, led by a very potential up owner.

In view of the fact that there are too few servers in the live broadcast business department, I am afraid that phenomena such as lag will occur during the peak period. Let us add a few more servers. "

Director Wu had such experience before. During the omelette rice competition, Chu Yunfeng made a wise decision to add a few servers, otherwise the machine would definitely be down that day.

"Hey, I'm sorry, Lao Wu, I just applied for a few servers with Mr. Zhao, but the budget for this month is gone."

Sun Bin, who had his hair parted in the middle, lifted his long hair and said with some contempt.

"Yes, Lao Wu, there is no budget for this month. Director Sun's report on adding servers was handed in last week. Doesn't your temporary addition not comply with the regulations?"

Mr. Zhao touched his beard and said helplessly.

"Mr. Zhao, the meaning of this live broadcast is different. It will definitely bring a lot of traffic and attention to our website, and I think this time will be the first battle for our live broadcast to rise."

Director Wu had a vague hunch that this live broadcast would be a milestone victory and would bring an unparalleled aura to the live broadcast department of the website.

"Is it such an exaggeration, Lao Wu? It's as if your live broadcast department is the mainstay of our website." When Sun Bin heard Director Wu's "alarmist" words, he immediately responded.

The live broadcast department is now only a second-level department, and it talks like a first-level business department, which makes Sun Bin very unhappy.

"Humph, we'll know in three days. Mr. Zhao, based on my years of experience, this opportunity is really rare. If there is a problem on the server, other websites will laugh at us. .

Another point is that I signed an exclusive agreement with this up owner, one of which is resource tilt. If there is a problem with the server this time, the reputation of our website will be lost even if the up owner changes jobs. "

Director Wu rolled his eyes at Sun Bin and told him about his previous agreement.

"What? When did you sign this kind of agreement? Why didn't I know about it?" Mr. Zhao immediately got angry when he heard about it. This was obviously against the rules. Such terms should only be signed by those big up owners. .

And this up owner is obviously not famous, and the risk this brings is too great.

"How could you not know? I told you personally last time. How could this contract be signed if you didn't sign?"

The last time director Wu took advantage of Mr. Zhao's business trip, he signed the contract after a sloppy eye.

"Did you say that? Why don't I have any impression at all?" Mr. Zhao thought about it for a long time and didn't remember it. Logically speaking, this was a very risky thing. How could he agree to it at the time?
"That's because you, Mr. Zhao, are too forgetful. However, this up owner is definitely a potential stock. You will know in three days. Otherwise, let's use a special budget for this matter. What do you think?"

Director Wu gave the flattery first. In short, this matter must be settled today, otherwise it will probably become a scandal if it is delayed, and there is also Sun Bin, a troublemaker, beside him.

"Special budget? Is this legal? It's just a small up owner. If there isn't the sensation you mentioned by then, how will you explain it during the verification?"

Mr. Zhao felt that there was still a risk in this matter. If he fought such a big battle for a small up owner, he would be successful. But if something went wrong, wouldn't he have to take the blame?
"Old Wu, since you are so confident, then you can issue a military order. If this matter does not have the expected results, you can take the blame and resign. This way everyone will have a chance to step down. What do you think?"

Sun Bin had already disliked Director Wu. He had just squeezed him away. Many people in the department were not convinced by him, but after all the trouble he had made, how could he not seize the opportunity presented to him?

"It's a bit of a big deal, isn't it necessary to link such a small matter with resignation?"

Mr. Zhao is a sensible person, but Sun Bin's little tricks are really disgusting, and he uses himself as a gun.

"Pa~!" Director Wu slapped Mr. Zhao's desk hard.

"Immediately. If the effect is not good, I, Mr. Wu, will immediately take the blame and resign. Mr. Zhao, can you approve it for me now?"

Director Wu was furious. This time, he must give this villain a good look. No matter where I go, I, Old Wu, cannot be suppressed by you.

"Well, okay, I've approved this. Go ahead and make arrangements." When things got to this point, Mr. Zhao had no choice but to agree.

"Hmph, let's see." Director Wu rolled his eyes at Sun Bin and led Xiao Zhao out of the office.

(End of this chapter)

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