gourmet food

Chapter 337 Take you to a “good place”

Chapter 337 Take you to a “good place”

Chu Yunfeng and President Hou drank very late that night. They both drank more than a dozen bottles of Jinfeng Yulu. In the end, President Hou fell down due to drinking, while Chu Yunfeng was just a little dizzy!

Chu Yunfeng was very angry. It would be unbearable if someone took away the national essence of his family.

After sending President Hou to the hotel, Chu Yunfeng returned home and carefully recalled the meaning of President Hou's words.

This "Fuji Plan" is now very certain to be implemented, but it is still unknown when it will fully erupt.

It is estimated that they will have to wait until they complete their nationwide catering layout, and then directly invite the domestic culinary industry to compete. If they are not prepared, they will definitely be caught off guard.

Chu Yunfeng also asked, why can't some masters be allowed to go?

With their experience and cooking skills, it shouldn't be difficult to win.

President Hou shook his head and told Chu Yunfeng that all the young chefs trained there are young chefs on your side, and it is your young people who are challenged by others.

Damn it, it was really a trick. If I hadn’t known about this plan in advance and been prepared, I would have definitely lost.

But I have a system in place, and I believe I will be able to give them a head-on blow.

As for the lost dishes they secretly learned, President Hou looked at him with glowing eyes and said sincerely: "It will be up to you then."

"Aren't you asleep yet?" Chu Yunfeng's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a text message. It turned out to be a greeting from Mu Qing.

"I'm thinking about something and getting ready to go to bed." Chu Yunfeng looked at the time and saw that it was almost 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

"Is there nothing going on today?" Mu Qing felt something was wrong when she saw the two people coming to the hotel, and President Hou was still talking nonsense when they left.

I heard a few words, everything depends on you, you just hope and so on.

What the hell are these two doing?

"Nothing, just chatting with President Hou about life and ideals." This plan is still kept secret, and I will tell Mu Qing when I have the opportunity in the future.

"Okay then, good night!" Since Chu Yunfeng didn't say anything, Mu Qing knew that this matter must be big, and he would tell her when he could, so he didn't hesitate.

"Good night!" After replying to Mu Qing's message, Chu Yunfeng had a good sleep. Tomorrow, Lao Wang made an appointment to go to a place. It was so mysterious that he didn't know where he was going.

However, the way he looked at Long Ma seemed that he was going to a good place, but the way he looked at Long Ma seemed a bit "obscene" at that time. Could it be that he wanted to take him to "that kind of" place, right?

If you really go, then do you go by yourself?
Still going?

Better go
Think too much, go to sleep!

The next day, Chu Yunfeng continued to have sex with his wife, and Mu Qing saw him off. Not only did he solve the transportation problem, but Mu Qing also solved the breakfast problem.

Is this the essence of the husband singing and the wife following?
Originally, Mu Qing didn't really eat breakfast. After trying Chaoshou, she had a bowl of clear soup every morning because she liked the light taste.

At noon, the two big bosses came again and brought their own drinks. It seemed that they went to the winery to raid the winery again.

What they drank today was Jin Jijing Brilliant. The two decided that this wine would be a long-term dinner wine. Whether it is at the company or having dinner with friends, this wine is enough.

As for Jinyu Mantang, he wouldn't drink it unless it was absolutely necessary, and Boss Chu still had a top-notch wine, and there was only one way to get it.

And the two of them came here today just for this matter.

Longma has already told Lao Wang that this is the first online lottery draw, don't compete with him, he will invite him to taste it after he wins it, and invite friends from the mall by the way, so that everyone can get together.

Lao Wang nodded and agreed to Long Ma. As for the top-quality wine, he would discuss it with Boss Chu after a while to see if he could share a few bottles for his own collection.

This is really a high-end wine that even money can't buy. If I hadn't gotten to know Boss Chu now, I probably would have had to learn about this wine from other people's mouths. If I wanted to buy it, I wouldn't even think about it.

After the two of them enjoyed the feast happily, they waited until Chu Yunfeng finished his work and closed the door.

"Brothers, where are you taking me? Can you tell me everything first?"

Chu Yunfeng decided to ask before going. Although he knew that they would not take him around, he still had to know first!
"It's a good place. You'll know it when you go there. I guarantee you'll be satisfied." Long Ma continued to give him a "you know" look, which made Chu Yunfeng roll his eyes.

If you don't want to say it, don't say it. It's okay to make it so mysterious. Why are you looking at me so obscenely?
"Brother Chu, let's go with me. It's not far away and we'll be there in a moment. Don't worry, I won't drag you away to sell you."

Long Ma and Lao Wang were in the same car, and Ma Fu, the full-time driver, was very competent. He had nothing to do in China recently, so he took on this role.

Moreover, Ma Fu revealed that he would give Chu Yunfeng a surprise later.

Another surprise!

When I asked what it was, he didn't say anything. He just said that he would know it when the time comes and he wouldn't be disappointed.

Well, it seems that I have almost become a curious baby now, but I am very patient, so I will just wait.

The journey was indeed not that far. After driving for more than 20 minutes, we arrived at our destination. Isn't this Happy Valley?
Chu Yunfeng was a little surprised, why did he bring himself here? Are the two eldest brothers going to take him to the paradise to play?

This is indeed a surprise!

After a few minutes, Chu Yunfeng realized that he had thought wrongly. The car leading the way just passed by here, and then entered a residential area in a zigzag manner.

At first glance, this community seems to be newly built. There are still many workers inside planting trees, but the houses have been repaired. There are many small high-rises and the appearance looks very good.

Continue to follow the car in front, and soon you come to a tree-lined road next to the river, with Fuhe River on the left.

Speaking of Fuhe River, it is very famous in history. It and Nanhe River were collectively called Jinjiang River in history. Li Bing opened Dujiangyan and divided it into two rivers, namely Pijiang River and Liujiang River, which are the predecessors of Fuhe River and Nanhe River today.

After the two rivers joined together, they formed the Funan River, which is the mother river of Rongcheng.

The scenery around here is pretty good, with shady paths and many pavilions along the way. It seems that the place we are coming to now should be a more high-end community.

After walking forward for a while, we entered the villa area. Yes, looking around, there are villas all along the river bank. The design of these villas is very unique. I believe the river view from the inside must be amazing. Very beautiful.

The car stopped in front of a very chic villa, and then the two big bosses got out of the car and looked at each other and laughed.

What's happening here?
Chu Yunfeng is a little confused now as to what these two people are up to!
(End of this chapter)

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