gourmet food

Chapter 326 1st Generation Legend

Chapter 326 A Legend

Teach a dish, do you want to learn it?
Is not this nonsensical?

The biggest purpose of coming here is to learn how to cook. Mr. Li learned all the dishes from the master chefs back then.

However, Mr. Li has quite a "coquettish" personality. When he was a waiter, he would always stay in the kitchen and chat with the master chefs.

Chatting can not only watch the master chefs cooking, but also enhance the relationship between the two parties.

The old rules were strict in the past. Generally speaking, non-cooks were not allowed to enter the kitchen, and women were even less allowed to enter.

Mr. Li took advantage of the waiter's opportunity to flatter the master chefs and said how much the customers loved the dishes. He really praised the master chefs.

Then slowly tell the master chefs that the guests really like the dishes you cook, so let me stay here and urge you to serve the dishes quickly.

At first, the masters strictly abided by the rules and did not let him in, so they asked him to wait outside the door curtain.

Mr. Li is also a patient person. He knows that he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he advances bit by bit and slowly "goes deep behind enemy lines."

After a long time, everyone gradually relaxed their "vigilance" towards him.

So Mr. Li successfully broke into the "enemy behind" and was able to watch the master chefs cooking from the door curtain.

The master chefs at that time were all masters of Sichuan cuisine, and two of them could cook Manchu and Han banquets.

Although he can't make everything, he still knows a few things, and the other chefs are almost all masters in making pastries and snacks.

In such an environment, Mr. Li observed and studied carefully every day, coupled with his extremely high talent, he quickly learned the skills of the masters.

The rules at that time were quite strict. Mr. Li's behavior was regarded as stealing from his master. According to some rules of the old trade, if you are caught stealing from your master, you must take back the skills you learned.

Although the chef world is not so strict, if you really want to punish him, it will be enough for Mr. Li to drink a pot.

Therefore, Mr. Li kept silent and continued to be a waiter until the restaurant closed down and everyone went their separate ways. Mr. Li did not reveal the extraordinary skills he had learned.

It wasn't until the country started looking for successors to Sichuan cuisine and was planning to open a Sichuan cuisine restaurant in the capital that Mr. Li lamented the decline of Sichuan cuisine, so he responded to the call.

When Mr. Li signed up, no one had ever heard of such a person. What we were looking for was a master, so we shouldn’t use people with no names or numbers to make up the numbers.

So Mr. Li cooked two dishes on the spot, which immediately made everyone stunned and looked at him with admiration.

This was a big deal, and it immediately alarmed the leaders above. How could a person with such extraordinary cooking skills have never even heard of his name?
After being asked by the leader, Li Laocai told the story of how he stole his skills from his master.

However, times have changed, and modern society has long abandoned those outdated and outdated rules of the past.

He even praised Mr. Li for maintaining a progressive spirit despite adversity.

Thanks to this, otherwise many of these old traditional Sichuan dishes would be lost.

Although he responded to the call, Mr. Li still has some "old traditional" concepts in his heart.

He believed that it was a very disgraceful thing for him to learn how to cook by stealing from his master, which was a violation of the rules of the industry.

Although I don't pursue it now, I can't get over this hurdle in my heart, so I made a request.

That is, I can't directly teach the cooking skills I learned secretly, which means I won't accept apprentices.

If you want to learn your own cooking skills, you can only watch it yourself, you can't ask. If you can learn how much, it's your own ability. If you can't learn it, it means you don't have enough talent.

The leaders kept trying to persuade Mr. Li, saying that many inheritances are about to disappear, and the culinary world is still a little better.

However, it is also faced with the dilemma of lack of inheritance. It is precisely the need for masters like Mr. Li to cultivate subsequent talents in order to carry forward traditional cooking skills.

But no matter how everyone tried to persuade him, Mr. Li still insisted on his principles, saying that his cooking skills were learned secretly.

If it's passed down like this, what's the point?
Will people who learn cooking be able to raise their heads and meet people in the future?You learned this secretly, do you have the nerve to pass it on openly and openly?
If you teach a large number of disciples, and these disciples pass it on one by one, in the future, when people ask you, who did you learn your cooking skills from?
When Mr. Li's name is mentioned in the newspaper, some people may sneer and say some unpleasant things, but Mr. Li can't stand such anger.

So no matter how the leaders tried to persuade him, Mr. Li just didn't agree. In the end, Mr. Li got a little annoyed and said directly that if he didn't agree, he would stop working and go home to rest.

Seeing Mr. Li's firm attitude, the leaders finally agreed to his request, and then sent more than [-] people to follow him to "fight".

On the surface, it is said to be a starting point, but in fact, it is to learn cooking from Mr. Li. But is this learning method too difficult?

No matter which profession it is, if a master wants to teach his disciples, he must teach by words and deeds, which will be relatively easy for the disciples to learn.

But now this kind of teaching by words and deeds is only "teaching by example", and there is no "teaching by words". Can many things be learned by just watching?
How can this be?

Not everyone is a genius like Mr. Li and can learn cooking skills just by watching.

The process of learning cooking skills is not that simple. There are many ingredients handling skills that are useless just by looking at them.

Not only the processing of ingredients, but also the control of the fire, the skill of carving, the matching of spices and so on.

You may not understand the trick even if you watch it ten times or hundreds of times. Sometimes the master may gently point you and you will understand.

But now I can only watch and cannot ask, can I learn this?
So after a month, there were only a dozen or so people left among the twenty-odd people.
Those who left complained the most. In the past month, no matter how you look at it, you can only learn a little bit.

Either the taste of the dishes is a little off, or the knife skills are much lacking, and the dish types simply cannot meet the requirements.

But no matter how they complained, Mr. Li still went his own way as always and just kept immersed in cooking.

If you want to watch, you can watch. If you want to learn, you can just stand aside and watch. But what if you want to ask a question?
Sorry, no matter how nice your tone is or how kind your attitude is, it's of no use!
Anyway, I won’t answer you even half a word.

three months have passed
This group of people left in pieces, and only eight people were still holding on.

Half a year has passed.
There are five people left!

A year has passed
In the end, there were only three people left!

These three people are considered to be relatively talented. If you take your time and think about it slowly, you will really learn a lot.

Finally, after Mr. Li retired, he opened a private restaurant of his own, and two of them came to help. Now that Mr. Li has improved, they have become chefs in the private restaurant.

So when I learn to cook from Mr. Li, I can only watch, but not ask!

Is this difficult for Chu Yunfeng?

(End of this chapter)

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