gourmet food

Chapter 284 Determine the relationship?

Chapter 284 Determine the relationship?

As soon as Chu Yunfeng moved, his whole demeanor changed immediately, his gestures were full of confidence and charm, which made Hu Yue feel as if Chef Wu was cooking in person.

Then Chu Yunfeng's series of actions blinded Hu Yue's eyes, and she couldn't believe what she saw...

After Chu Yunfeng came out of the system space, he found that all the materials for making four-gill bass were ready, which made Chu Yunfeng very satisfied.

Fortunately, Chef Wu was afraid of being exposed in advance, so he had prepared all the required ingredients before, otherwise it would definitely arouse Hu Yue's suspicion.

Ingredients such as scallops, fish maw, and sea cucumbers need to be soaked and processed in advance. If these things are not prepared, it will not work even if Chu Yunfeng is the God of Cooking tonight.

The ready-made ingredients save me the effort of my old nose.

Cook up!


Start making!
After Hu Yue finished frying the dish, she forgot to notify the waiter to hurry up and pass the dish on, and just stood there stupidly watching Chu Yunfeng's "unparalleled" performance.

Bazhen seabass!
Chu Yunfeng followed the steps step by step and completed the steps of sinking the four-cheeked bass in an understatement. Not only was he very fast, but his handling method seemed to be much better than Chef Wu.

Chu Yunfeng always had a calm expression on his face, as if everything was very casual, as simple and comfortable as eating and drinking.

Hu Yue's expression was a little distorted, and she felt a little confused. She cursed secretly: "Is this guy still a human? Why do I feel like a monster?"

There were 24 four-gill bass lying in the pool, quietly enjoying the water. Suddenly, a hand stretched out and gently lifted one...


Well, I didn’t feel any threat. The four-cheeked bass lay quietly in my hand, just like it was lying down to digest after eating and drinking.

Then a chopstick was quickly inserted from the mouth, and a few fingers firmly fixed it. Before it could fully react, it was sent under the running water for cleaning.

What happened in the past three seconds?
totally no idea!
But what happened in the next three seconds?
I don’t even know!

Because this four-cheeked bass had already been thrown into the pot, it jumped a little when it first entered the pot, and then quietly "lyed" in the pot.

Swish swish swish!

In a matter of seconds, all 12 four-gill bass were quickly thrown into the pot, cleanly!

Hu Yue, who was standing by, was dumbfounded and shouted involuntarily: "Damn it, are you serious!"

Just now, I was reminding myself how difficult this fish was to handle, and I didn't believe that Chu Yunfeng had this ability at all, but I was immediately slapped in the face, and it happened so quickly.

Hu Yue instantly showed a look of bitterness and hatred, and realized that luckily she didn't make a bet with him.

After these two painstaking on-site teachings, Hu Yue felt that he was just a guy pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. He looked calm on the surface, but in fact he had eaten people to death.

So insidious!

Soon, this Bazhen seabass dumpling was ready.

"Go and serve the food quickly. The next one should be ready when you come back."

Chu Yunfeng continued to speak calmly without even looking at Hu Yue.

Your sister, there are only two of us here, do you want me to pass on the food?
Think of me as a waiter?
"Don't be stunned. Go quickly. They are probably waiting there in a hurry. If something happens if you don't go for a while, it won't be good!"

Chu Yunfeng continued to make the four-gill seabass soup with water shield!
Calm down and take it easy!
Hu Yue was on the side like air, filtered out by Chu Yunfeng.

Just go, your sister, who told me that I can't cook, Hu Yue pinched her nose and admitted that if these two dishes can be made, it would be like turning the tide and overcoming the biggest crisis in front of her.

None of the waiters in the front room came. It was probably very noisy now. The food has not been served for so long. The waiters must be trying to appease the guests.

Hu Yue quickly put the two prepared dishes into the cart and hurriedly passed the dishes around to see how the situation was in the front hall.

The second dish was relatively simple. Chu Yunfeng made it quickly. He was about to tell Hu Yue to let him deliver the food, but when he looked around, he found that he was the only one in the kitchen.

haven't come back yet?

After finishing the two emergency dishes, Chu Yunfeng found that he had nothing to do.

However, the hotel's crisis has not passed yet. Now that the other party's plan has begun, there will be more than just such a vicious plan.

Of course, the biggest poisonous plot has been solved by himself. What he knows so far is that except that there are many customers in the front hall asking for food, the rest is not clear yet.

In addition to the usual guests at the hotel, I believe the other party must also have sent many people to cause trouble.

These troublemakers must be pretending to be diners and urging the hotel to serve food. With the lack of chefs in the kitchen, you can imagine what kind of dangerous situation the hotel will face.

No, we must seek help from the Jianghu.

See if Guo Kui has time now and ask him to help.

Guo Kui's skills in Bai's case are very good. Now the chef of the whole Bai's case is gone, but with himself and him, it should be able to relieve a little, and the rest is up to Mu Qing and the others.

After the call was connected, Chu Yunfeng immediately asked: "Where is it? Come to Jianghu for emergency help."

"Emergency, am I the one who needs first aid?
F*ck, Xiao Liu secretly told me just now that we will..."

What Guo Kui said later surprised Chu Yunfeng and gave him a rough analysis of the incident.

That's it!

"Just wait a moment. I'll call you in a few minutes. Don't act rashly until I call you back."

After Chu Yunfeng hung up the phone, he saw Hu Yue coming back. Hu Yue had a serious face, and his face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water.

Time was very urgent at this time, so Chu Yunfeng didn't ask him too much, but just told him to send the cooked dishes quickly.

Then he hurried out of the back kitchen to look for Mu Qing.

Mu Qing went out to make a phone call just now, and she didn't know where she was.

After leaving the kitchen, Chu Yunfeng looked around but saw no one.

So I had to keep walking forward, and after walking for a while, I heard sobbing in the room next to me.

It should be here!

Chu Yunfeng knocked on the door first, but there was no response from the door.

After waiting for a few seconds, Chu Yunfeng pressed the handle and the door opened.

Sure enough, Mu Qing was crying on the table in this empty box.

When Chu Yunfeng heard the cry, he felt sour in his heart. He stepped forward and said, "The two dishes of four-cheeked bass are ready and Hu Yue has sent them over. The biggest crisis has been temporarily relieved.

But for the problem of the chef in the back kitchen, you have to find a solution immediately. "

"Why are you helping me like this?" Mu Qing stood up from the table and turned around. The tears on her face were not yet dry, and she looked pitiful.

"Because you are the one who wants to be my girlfriend, who will help me if I don't help you?" Chu Yunfeng was particularly calm, and his face seemed to be getting thicker and thicker.

"Bah, who wants to be your girlfriend?" Mu Qing asked with a smile through her tears.

"If you don't become my girlfriend, then there will be one more bachelor in the world. Are you so cruel?

Will you be my girlfriend? "

(End of this chapter)

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