Chapter 138 Squad 13

[Don't save, there is no time]

[Fuck, don't be a virgin, can you!Let’s go to the finish line first and then ask the organizer to save people]

【Save people!If you leave and come back, you might be cold! 】

[How can I see death in front of my eyes!Some bullet screens are too cold-blooded! 】

The night is very late, but there is always a group of night owls who stay awake. They argue in the live broadcast room whether to save or not, but Jiang Wan doesn't hesitate for a second.

She lay on the edge of the trap and raised her voice to ask, "Are you okay? We'll pull you up!"

There was a faint voice coming from under the trap, and what was said could not be heard clearly.

The trap was not particularly deep. The person in the trap probably injured his foot, so he was unable to climb out. He didn't know how long he had been lying underneath.

Lin Lu jumped off the trap to lift him up, Jiang Wan and Lan Wei dragged him up, and worked together to get him up.

Then he pulled Lin Lu again, Lin Lu borrowed his strength to turn up, and it only took a few minutes to go back and forth.

The person who was rescued looked about the same age as Lan Wei. There was the school badge of Imperial Medical University on his clothes. Jiang Wan recognized it immediately. He was the first team to submit the paper during the exam, the No. 13 team next to her.

But they are a team of five, why is this person alone?
Jiang Wan didn't think much, grabbed the handsome boy's bracelet and pressed the emergency button for him.

The bracelet did not respond, and Jiang Wan realized that his bracelet had been broken.

Jiang Wan took his pulse and looked at his foot. Fortunately, it was just a sprain, not a broken bone.The cloth strips torn from the clothes are tied to the feet, and the temporary treatment is professional.

Jiang Wan breathed a sigh of relief and asked him: "Can you hold on here for a while? Let's find someone to rescue you."

The boy nodded and said yes in a low voice, but his eyes were wet and tears fell in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Wan is not a character of pity and pity, but when the other party cries, she gets dizzy.

"Don't cry." Jiang Wan felt helpless.

The boy quickly shook his head and explained in a low voice: "No, no, I, I love to cry naturally, thank you, Xiao Wan."

Jiang Wan and the three looked at each other and put him under the tree. After walking a few steps and looking back, the boy tried his best to open his eyes wide and hold back his tears, but the tears fell down, looking very pitiful.

"We're almost there anyway." Jiang Wan pinched her eyebrows, "Let's make a simple stretcher with a stick and drag him."

The sticks were ready-made. They picked up thick branches as trekking poles, tied Lan Wei's hot coat to the branches, and the simple stretcher was ready.

It couldn't be lifted, so Jiang Wan found three tree vines and tied it to the stretcher. The three of them dragged the stretcher up, and the speed was naturally as slow as a snail.

The last half-hour countdown reminder has passed, Jiang Wan looked at the gradually brightening sky above her head, estimated the time in her heart, and then turned around and said: "Brother Xiao Song, we will put you here first, and come back to save you when we reach the finish line." .”

"Yeah." Song Longwu nodded repeatedly with tears in his eyes, very embarrassed: "Go quickly, thank you, thank you..."

Jiang Wan was about to say it didn't matter, but her ears caught other sounds, and she and Lin Lu turned to look at the same time.

A man in a state of embarrassment came out of the woods, and when he saw their eyes widen and their eyes fell on the stretcher, he gasped suddenly: "Song Longwu——!"

He immediately turned his head and shouted: "I found it! I found Song Longwu!"

Jiang Wan recognized the school badge on his clothes, pondered for a second and then put down the vine, "Brother Xiao Song, your friend is here, let's go first."

Song Longwu grabbed her trousers and said in panic, "He, they, are not my friends..."

His voice was very soft and was covered by another person's yelling. Jiang Wan didn't hear clearly: "Huh? What did you say?"

Jiang Wan bent down.

The child's eyes were so clear, and there was no complicated cunning in them, Song Longwu was silent for a moment, and let go of Jiang Wan.

"I'm fine, you guys go now." Song Longwu said again: "Thank you."

His eyes were full of tears, and his eyes were full of panic, Jiang Wan's heart skipped a beat, thinking of a possibility.

Isn't it an accident that Song Longwu would fall into the trap?
Then she overturned this assumption in her mind, because every group was filmed by an aircraft, who would do such a harmful thing under the camera?
She didn't think for a moment, and three more people walked out of the woods, all young people in their thirties, wearing the same T-shirt as Song Longwu.

"Song Longwu, are you okay!?" A woman with short hair hurried forward, "Oh my god, your feet... let me see!"

As she spoke, she was about to squat down to check Song Longwu's feet, but Song Longwu flinched defensively, his face turned pale from the pain.

His act of resistance made the short-haired woman change her face.

"His feet are all right, I've checked them for him."

When the short-haired woman heard the sweet and childish voice of a girl, she immediately adjusted her expression and said gratefully to Jiang Wan: "Thank you Xiaowan, if it wasn't for you..."

Jiang Wan raised her hand to interrupt her, "There is no more nonsense, we are in a hurry. There must be a doctor from the organizer at the finish line, so hurry up and take Brother Xiao Song there."

The four members of the Imperial Medical University, including the short-haired woman, didn't agree immediately, with embarrassing expressions on their faces.

Finally one of the men said, "Xiao Song, wait here, let's call someone over."

Song Longwu didn't look at them, "...OK."

"Fifth Miss?" Lin Lu asked Jiang Wan in a low voice, asking if he needed to intervene.

Jiang Wan noticed that this group of people was not followed by a flying instrument. She pondered for a second, shook her head, and said decisively: "We are now accelerating at full speed and reaching the finish line first."

Lin Lu stood in a military posture subconsciously: "Yes!"

The four people from the Imperial Medical University still wanted to go with Jiang Wan, but seeing that they couldn't catch up, they stopped.

Without outsiders, the short-haired woman immediately changed her expression, lowered her head impatiently and asked Song Longwu, and even kicked his hand: "Tsk, what are you doing, why didn't you press emergency?"

Song Longwu remained silent.

"Speak up!" The short-haired woman became angry.

Another woman with a ponytail stopped her, "Okay, okay, don't lose your temper here, maybe someone else will show up, let's go!"

The short-haired woman shook off her companion's hand and rolled her eyes at Song Longwu. The four left Song Longwu alone and ran towards the top of the mountain.

The three of Jiang Wan arrived with 2 minutes left in the time, and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

With no time to rest, Jiang Wan immediately told the organizer about Song Longwu.

The organizer sent people to follow Jiang Wan and Lin Lu, and Lan Wei stayed at the finish line to guard their supplies boxes.

On the way, Jiang Wan learned that the real time to leave the island was in the morning, but the organizers found that the signal of Song Longwu's bracelet had disappeared, and worried about accidents, they moved the time to leave the island earlier.

Taking Song Longwu to the summit, Jiang Wan looked around to inform Song Longwu's companions, only to find that Lan Wei was arguing with the four with a very bad expression.

"Brother Lan Wei, what happened?" Jiang Wan asked, and then noticed that their supply box seemed to have been opened.

Especially Lanwei's box, there is a footprint on it.

They found two supply boxes in total, the large one was used by Jiang Wan and Lin Lu, and the small one belonged to Lan Wei, which contained the mission cards they found and the medicinal materials they collected.

Jiang Wan opened the supply box, and there were indeed fewer things in it.

At least half of the mission card she found so hard was lost!
(End of this chapter)

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